Daming Taoist Medicine

Chapter 92 The Bride of the River God

Chapter 92 The Bride of the River God

Chen Busan grabbed the golden boy's ear and asked eagerly, "Where's my pipe?"

Jintong stood on tiptoe slightly, looked in the direction of the coal stove, shook his head, and said stiffly, "I don't know!"

Chen Busan laughed angrily, "If you don't obediently confess, I will serve you with 'squid whiskers'." Then he walked towards the coal stove.

Jintong broke away from the old man's cruel hand, and immediately hid behind Wu Qian, muttering: "It seems that you can avoid being beaten if you explain it to me."

"Oh, oh, oh... my bong, my bong." Chen Busan pulled out the bong from the vent of the coal stove, the bamboo body of the gun had been roasted to pieces, he felt sorry for him, The sparse short beard couldn't stop trembling, and he said cursingly: "Little bastard! If you don't hit your butt to bloom today, I will write my name upside down. It pissed me off, really pissed me off."

Jintong is also experienced in fighting the enemy, knowing that he can't outrun others, so he wins with his smallness and agility-hitting his hips.

Under the intensive protection of so many Cheng Jinmen brothers, Chen Busan really couldn't catch a "little bastard".

But the old man who smokes will be aggressive, and the more he can't catch it, the more he will catch it. After all, the golden boy did not escape the palm of fate, and was pressed by Chen Busan on his thigh to massage his buttocks.

"You are very courageous. You even dare to steal my pipe."

"Yang Fan can only escape if he sees me, you kid can do it."

"Today I will let you have a long memory."

Jin Tong held his buttocks and said forcefully, "It's not a man to be afraid of death!" This sentence was learned from Shiyu, and Jin Tong felt that since this sentence can save his life, then it should be no problem to save his own buttocks.

But things backfired, it's okay if you don't say this, and you will get a few big slaps if you say it.

Chen Busan said: "Tell me honestly, did your sister encourage you to do this?"

In fact, Jin Tong didn't understand what instigation meant, but how could he betray his sister?He only heard him say: "I'm a man, I'm responsible for the bed wetting myself, this matter has nothing to do with my sister."

Chen Busan's hand was a little lighter, but his mouth was still vicious, "You give me a reason to steal a smoking gun, or I will beat you so hard that you won't be able to get out of bed tomorrow."

Jintong waved his hands and feet, and said angrily: "I just don't want you to smoke, what's wrong?"

With a "snap", Jintong's buttocks protested violently.

With tears in his eyes, the golden boy cried, "Oh...it hurts! You smelly old man, bad old man, I shouldn't have taken your bong, I should have made you smoke every day and cough every day, coughing to death, you smelly old man, bad old man. "

Many words have to be listened to in reverse, especially children.You never know what they are thinking, you don't know what the world they see, and you can't understand their expressions. Sometimes they are immature, sometimes romantic, sometimes naive, sometimes mischievous, and sometimes vexatious.

I like you, and I will spit out the sugar in my mouth for you to eat.

I like you and say I want to marry you when I grow up.

Like you, will draw butterflies on your clothes.

When I see you sweating, I will splash you with water.

I feel sad and cry with you.

See you bleeding, will blow for you.

Children are close to birth and old people are close to death, so they are said to be closest to "Tao".

Chen Busan understood Jintong's intentions.

The slap was raised high and lightly, but the mouth was still stubborn and said: "It's wrong for children to steal, remember?" He slapped a few more times, but it didn't have the slightest power. Chen Busan put down his little apprentice and borrowed Po The one who got off the donkey said, "Say a kind word to me, and I'll let you go."

Jin Tong wiped away the tears on his face and said aggrievedly, "Why?"

"what why?"

The golden boy cried and said, "Why do you have to say good things?"

Chen Busan smiled and said, "I'm out of cigarettes, and I'm in a bad mood."

Jintong thought for a moment, then said in a childish voice, "I wish you a long life!"

Chen Busan grabbed Bian Dan, and said angrily: "Don't stop me, his ass will bloom if I don't spank him." Hearing this, Jin Tong turned around and ran away. He couldn't figure out why this poor old man listened. If you say something nice, you still want to beat someone up.

The crowd was amazed.

Bian Dan thought: "I didn't stop you, okay, obviously you grabbed my hand, your duplicity is really good at playing. But people obviously said good things, why are you angry?" Mouth Shang Ziran asked: "Grandpa Chen! Isn't that a good word, why do you want to beat someone?"

Chang Le accepted dumbfoundedly: "He is 96 years old this year."

The crowd suddenly realized.

Chen Busan said angrily: "Fart, I don't have 96, I'm 94."

Chang Le: "One is one year old and the other is false year old. Do you think I don't know? You are not ashamed of being old. You have the nerve to pretend to be young at such an age."

Chen Busan's cheeky one gave Chang Le a sideways look, and even stuck out his tongue at him.


On Shuilan Road, beside the Nu River.

A strange carriage rests on the bank.

On the other side of the river, a group of ragged civilians formed a circle, holding hands and dancing a weird dance. A girl in a red cloth wedding dress was tied to a wooden frame. She burst into tears, but her mouth was blocked; she was powerless to resist, All I can do is "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh".

Red cloth flutters everywhere, revealing the weirdness in the festivities. A long wooden plank stretches into the river.

It is not difficult to see that they are offering sacrifices to the river god.

The sun is setting, and the good time has come.

The girl's hands and feet were bound, and her mouth was gagged. Four women carried her, walking on the board step by step, towards the middle of the river step by step.

For ordinary people, this is step by step towards a vibrant tomorrow, and for girls, this is approaching a cold hell step by step.

The girl lost her mother when she was born, and lost her father when she was three years old. She was regarded as unknown by others because of her own double pupils. The villagers jokingly called her a "ghost-eyed girl". When I was young, I would work in the fields with my grandmother. It was not easy to live, and life was hard. Fortunately, there is warmth in having a grandmother to depend on each other.

Twenty-eight years should have been beautiful, but I never thought that my grandmother would catch a cold and pass away from then on, leaving her alone and helpless in the world.

The house leak happens to rain all night, and it is best to be bullied without father and mother. It coincides with the five-year sacrifice to the God of the River. It was supposed to draw lots to choose a girl, but who told her to have no father, no mother, and no one to rely on?Naturally, she was drawn without any surprise.

Feeling that Jiang Chao was close at hand, the girl closed her eyes as if resigned to her fate, thinking: "It would be nice if I could see grandma."

The water splashes are tumbling and fleeting.

The girl in the wedding gown with the iron weight tied is a woman reserved for the river god, no one looks at it much, and no one cares.

Everyone is talking about what to eat tomorrow, and they are concerned about whether the girl's life can change the weather for the next year and whether there will be more food next year.

A white shadow streaked across the water, without sound, and got into the bottom of the river.

The girl opened her eyes in the water, looked up at the light on the water, and suddenly a handsome and handsome man appeared above her head, she thought to herself: "So there really is a river god in this world." The "river god" swam up to her. A few days ago, the girl saw the face that was hard to see in the water. Although it was not very clear, it was still good-looking. She thought to herself, "It turns out that the river god is so beautiful, no wonder the river is so clear."

The girl slowly closed her eyes.

The river god took off the cloth from the girl's mouth, kissed the girl's lips, and then untied the weight and rope from her feet.

The girl's mind went blank, and she thought again: "I am the woman of the river god, so naturally I will be kissed by the river god." She closed her eyes and stopped thinking.

The river god led her to swim up slowly until she surfaced.

A woman was anxiously standing on the shore and wandering, seeing someone floating out of the water, she hurriedly shouted: "Here, here." A person who jumped out of the carriage also ran over eagerly, asking: "Have you been rescued?" ?”

The river god is Yang Fan.

The anxious woman is Cheng Qing.

The person who got off the carriage was Qi Fan.

Yang Fan flicked the hair sticking to his face, and said with a smile: "As soon as the elder brother goes out, the younger sister will be sure."

Cheng Qing grabbed his ear and said with a smile, "What did you say? I didn't hear it. Say it again if you have the ability."

Yang Fan changed his tune and said, "As soon as my daughter-in-law makes a move, Yang Fan becomes a worm."

Qi Fan muttered, "It's really an embarrassment to a man."

Cheng Qing smiled and said, "I don't want you to be an adult, I want my husband to be a dragon."

Yang Fan said cheaply: "In the daytime it's a bug, at night it's a dragon, at night it's a dragon." Cheng Qing pinched Yang Fan with a red face.

Qi Fan has long been used to their dog food, so he changed the subject in a timely manner, "Why is this girl unconscious?"

Yang Fan said with a smile: "A weak woman who has never practiced martial arts, after a day in the sun, without a drop of water or rice, was frightened, and then she was thrown into the water for so long, do you think it is normal for her not to pass out?"

Qi Fan: "That's true, hey, why don't you untie her hands?"

Yang Fan: "I'm afraid that if she grabs and hugs randomly, it will make it difficult for me to save people."

Qi Fan laughed and said, "When you save people underwater, you have to save them, right? Is it for the convenience of relatives not to untie them?" After speaking, he turned around and left, let the storm be more violent.

Sure enough, Yang Fan's heart-piercing howl came from behind Qi Fan immediately.

"Daughter-in-law! That's not the case. Listen to me..."

"Qi Fan! You wait for me."

"Ah, ah, it hurts, take it easy, don't move until the tire is gas, it doesn't matter if you hit me, the key is not to hurt yourself..."

Next to the campfire in front of the carriage, a tent stands alone.

As for the carriage, it was designed and manufactured by Yang Fan himself.

There are iron sheets around the carriage, beware of flying arrows, and there is an iron stove embedded in the driving place, so you can drive while making charcoal, barbecue while traveling.

The seat in the carriage can be turned up and down, used as a chair during the day and a bed at night, and the compartment on the top can store bedding.

The wheels have braking devices, and the springs under the carriage are anti-vibration.

In Yang Fan's words: You can travel around the world by car; if Yang Fan makes a move, it must be a fine product.

Because there was an unconscious girl in the carriage, Yang Fan couldn't sleep in it today.

Yang Fan looked at Qi Fan with a smile and said, "We have to squeeze again."

Qi Fan: "Why do you have to squeeze?"

Yang Fan: "Because squeezing is healthier."

What kind of logic is this, what the hell?

(End of this chapter)

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