Daming Taoist Medicine

Chapter 95 Will You Eat It?

Chapter 95 Will You Eat It?
All the wicked people were furious and filled with righteous indignation.Chirping, croaking, after some exchange of birdsong, they all rolled up their sleeves and drew their knives, ready to go.

Qi Fan recognized that it was Mu Chen's words, but he didn't know what they were talking about.

Yang Fan smiled, opened his mouth and spoke fluent Muchen dialect.

Qi Fan was dumbfounded listening to their conversation, at this moment the door of the thatched cottage next to him was opened, and a man with a strong aura came out from inside.

He is not tall, but well-proportioned, with a scar from the corner of his eyebrows, across the bridge of his nose.

The man pinned his belt, looked at Yang Fan and Qi Fan, waved to everyone and only said "Allah".

In reality, the villain would not speak so many lines. The villain is not a fool. It is the safest way to kill people directly. The more you talk, the more you know, the more dangerous you are.Only decent protagonists want to use words to set out the truth.

The boss waved his hand, and the younger brother started.For a moment, swords, swords and swords were flying, and the dust was flying, and the fight was in full swing.

Qi Fan is good at wielding soft swords, and is known for his elegance; Yang Fan likes to use knives, and respects his treachery.The two of them are people with high aptitude, high-level skills, and diligent martial arts. It can't be said that they will definitely be able to leapfrog and kill the enemy, but they are not afraid of those who come.

Dealing with a group of subordinates who have not entered the special class is naturally very sure, no problem.

The hateful person is not a fool, there is no bloody plot of letting the enemy kill all my men and then kill you.

The corner of the "man with oblique scar" raised his mouth, and pulled out the straight knife with a thud, and the woman who collapsed on the ground disappeared without a trace of hesitation in a flash of the knife's light.

He jumped in front of Qi Fan, and cut him back a few steps with just one blow.

Qi Fan evaded wisely, and said loudly: "Super-level realm, Yang Fan, you go up."

Yang Fan did his part, and the two hit the "man with oblique scars" in front of each other, jingling, ten or so rounds regardless of high or low;

Behind the grass mound in the distance, the two women watched nervously.

Tong Tong whispered: "Sister! Why don't you go up and help?"

Cheng Qing said helplessly: "My husband has spoken first, and I am not allowed to do anything. If I get pregnant because of this, he will not let me travel around the rivers and lakes."

Tong Tong let out an "oh", slightly sad, and said, "It would be great if I knew martial arts, then I don't have to worry about it."

Cheng Qing reassured: "Then you will practice martial arts with Yang Fan from now on."

While they were talking, Qi Fan seized another opportunity and killed two low-strength villains, but Yang Fan was slashed three times in the chest by the villain, revealing his soft armor.But the "man with oblique scar" was also stabbed in the left arm.

Seeing Yang Fan's soft armor, the "man with oblique scar" mumbled something, and Yang Fan raised his hand to stop the knife and chatted with him.

Everyone stopped their swords, and there was only bird chirping and nervousness in the field.

The "man with oblique scar" and Yang Fan had a good chat, and they came together unknowingly, smiling and bowing their hands in courtesy.

At this moment, Yang Fan suddenly flew out with a dagger, and then quickly rushed forward. The "man with oblique scar" was accidentally stabbed in the right arm by the dagger that was close at hand. He was about to raise his hand to fight back, but felt his neck go cold , there is no chance of a comeback.

It was too late by the time the villains in black reacted, and Yang Qi, who had no mastery to restrain them, naturally cut melons and vegetables with ease, and the battle ended in a short time.


I checked the village, but no one survived, not even a woman... There were still arms rolling in the soup in the iron pot.Angry Yang Fan carefully checked the villain in black to make sure that they would never survive.

Qi Fan asked: "Do you know Muchen Mandarin?"

Yang Fan was still angry with that man's meat soup, although Quan Sheng didn't look happy at all, he said lightly: "Grandpa taught it!"

Qi Fan: "What did you tell him? Why did you suddenly turn things around?"

Yang Fan: "They are the spies of the Muchen Kingdom. They were broken into pieces because of Hua Xiong's beheading case. Not long ago, they gathered together to investigate the inside story of the upper echelons of the Zhu Dynasty. After confirming that General Hua Xiong was beheaded, they saw the country's turmoil and Uneasy, they want to fish in troubled waters to disturb the rivers and lakes, create greater civil strife, and want to lay a good foundation and conditions for the national war."

Qi Fan: "What does this have to do with our comeback?"

Yang Fan: "What are you in a hurry for? I didn't finish. They were discovered by a master after a certain event, and they chased them all the way until they had no money and no food, so they killed the villagers to collect food. The leader saw me Wearing soft armor, he thought I was a disciple of Poison Valley, so his attitude towards me changed drastically, and he seemed to respect me very much. I only found out the inside story after talking with him. I didn't dare to ask more questions because I revealed my secrets. So, I used tricks to draw into the relationship, suddenly made trouble, and then you turned the tables."

Qi Fan looked at Yang Fan, dumbfounded and gave a thumbs up.

Yang Fan made a rare excuse for his hooliganism, and said: "I just think that if you can use your brain to win, don't do it. If you do it, you have to think of a way. In fact, sometimes I feel shameful. It's okay. It's all justice."

Qi Fan smiled and said: "I don't think your method is inappropriate. Really, there is no chivalry in the struggle between countries, only the interests of the people. So don't pay attention to the details, and don't feel that you are not open."

The two were talking, but they didn't notice that the two girls were slowly approaching.

Yang Fan sighed and said: "There are some things that are not open, but it's not because I have played a hooligan again, but because I practice hard every day, feel good about myself, and feel that I can leapfrog the level to kill the enemy. Only indiscriminate means can win, and this is why I feel blocked."

Qi Fan reassured: "Super class is a gap. If you can exchange three swords for one, you are already very successful. If you skip the super class level, it is a certainty that you will leapfrog."

Yang Fan just smiled, but he was not so optimistic.

Three knives for one knife is true.But if he didn't have the soft hedgehog armor, he would be killed with a knife; and his knife only hurt an insignificant place.

Moreover, to be promoted to the special class, it can be said that it is a long march of [-] miles, and the threshold alone can be said to have crossed the Yalu River three times.

Qi Fan said: "I have a question, I can't express it quickly."

Yang Fan: "If you spit anywhere, you will be fined [-]."

Qi Fan was not moved by Yang Fan's joke, in fact he really didn't understand the joke, and asked, "What did Tong Tong whisper in your ear? It can make you run to the village without even thinking about it."

Yang Fan said: "She said that wiping the buttocks with banana leaves will itch." As he spoke, Yang Fan subconsciously scratched his buttocks.

Qi Fan didn't realize it for a while, how did this become... Wait, go to the bathroom, have good eyesight, banana leaves, itchy buttocks.

Tong Tong, who followed along with Cheng Qing, heard his words, covered his face with an "Aiya", and knelt down in shame.

Cheng Qing looked at Yang Fan, then at Tong Tong, and shook his head helplessly.If you fall in love with your appearance, you have to accept that you attract bees and butterflies.

A big fire burned the small village.

The villagers lying in the raging fire would think that it was the girls who they worked together to sacrifice, and they ran back to save their lives, and they worked hard to gather firewood and hold logs to prevent them from being killed in the wilderness.

Yang Fan was curious, why do people react normally when they see human broth?Why is it only you who feel uncomfortable?

After all, Yang Fan couldn't help asking: "Why did you react so normally when you saw this man?"

Qi Fan replied: "It's commonplace, so naturally I don't care about it."

Yang Fan said loudly: "This is a human being, how can you not be bitter, how can you react so flatly?"

Qi Fan said: "There are at least 20 million people living in precarious conditions in the Zhu Dynasty, and tens of thousands of people are starved to death every day. In fact, in the wars between countries, the people of Muchen Kingdom often Treat people as food to satisfy their hunger, even in many wars, Zhu Chao also had this kind of example, but they will at least leave a skeleton for people. This is not only a world of the weak and the strong, but also a world of eating people without vomiting The world of bones."

Cheng Qing took Yang Fan's arm and comforted him, "Don't hold back your body."

Tong Tong's words are even more shocking, "When I was a child, my grandmother warned me that women should not always show their faces, saying that they are easy to be targeted by villains. She said that villains like to hijack women, one for reproduction and two for food."

Yang Fan asked a question: "If we are driven to a desperate situation and there is no hope of survival, and I die before you, will you eat me to survive?"

Qi Fan thought for a while and said: "I will eat you, then I will avenge you, and then..." The words came to an abrupt end here.

Tong Tong said firmly: "I will choose to die with you."

Yang Fan looked at Cheng Qing, expecting an answer.

Cheng Qing asked without answering, "I will die with you if I don't have a child, but what if your meat can be the child's life-saving straw at that time? Will you blame me for eating you?"

Soul torture, torture soul.

Yang Fan took a deep breath, his heart fell into a demon, and thought: "Martial arts and martial arts, it seems that martial arts is not necessarily a world of chivalry. The more you focus on power and ignore knowledge, the more wrong thoughts and ideas will linger. .”

The land is in the hands of a few people and cannot be used rationally. There are few channels for knowledge dissemination, low productivity, low crop yields, constant natural disasters, and endless wars. This is the real background of every feudal history and every martial arts.The good and the good will always exist, but there will always be more evil than good.It is because there are many bad people, so kindness is more beautiful.

Cannibalism may not be a heinous sin, but if the whole era is numb to this behavior, then this era is wrong.

Yang Fan looked at the raging fire, just like looking at the people living in dire straits, and he felt boundless ambition in his heart: "I may not be able to change the world, but I must influence the world."

At this moment, a nice earthy folk song came from nowhere.The voice is light and bright, and the tone is cheerful and cheerful.

"There are many beggars, Shaolin Guang, Tianji God can't credit; Shuangxiu Sword, Thunder Gate Fire, Tangmen in the Western Regions love each other; Five Poisons, Shennong Ding, Shura Martial God is in Muchen."

Everyone looked around for him, but they couldn't see his face.

"Are you looking for a veteran?"

Everyone looked up, but there was an old Taoist in ragged clothes with ancient coins hanging on the tree fork.

He is thin but hale and hearty, his hair is disheveled but his eyes are piercing, his face is not clean, but his smile is amiable. He seems to have a different kind of immortal demeanor.

(End of this chapter)

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