Chapter 99
The river breeze was coming, Feng Qingyang looked at the river with his hands behind his back, if it wasn't for his sloppy appearance, which would have lowered his image, he would have become more immortal and refined.

Tong Tong Yingying bowed down, but said nothing.

Feng Qingyang smiled gently, and looked at Tong Tong with those eyes that seemed to be able to see through the world, "I like your qualifications very much, but I also know that it is impossible for you to leave with me. Today I send you a word I wish you all wishes come true, and you will get married in the end. 'Mountains and rivers are full of doubts, and there is no way out, and the willows are dark and the flowers are bright. Another village.' When you are in a situation where all thoughts are lost and life has nothing to love, you must think about this sentence and don't act recklessly. Remember, remember." After finishing speaking, he waved his hand and said, "Go down, tell Qi Fan to come over and be obedient."

When he heard "All wishes come true, we will finally get married", Tong Tong couldn't help but smile on his pretty face and brows with joy.Although I don't know what it means, I keep it in my heart.

After waiting for a while, before hearing Feng Qingyang's explanation, Tong Tong thanked her and left Yingying.

Qi Fan came striding forward, clasped his fists and saluted, "I've seen Master!"

Feng Qingyang smiled and said, "How come I became your master?"

Qi Fan said: "When you taught Brother Yang, you never shy away from the boy, and you also favored me along the way, so no matter whether you consider me a disciple or not, I will regard you as my master."

Feng Qingyang laughed, and whispered softly: "You have good understanding and aptitude, and you are a good seed in any sect, but you are entangled in the past, and you can't help yourself, you can't enter the Taoist sect, you might enter a nunnery It's possible."

Qi Fan's heart trembled, and he thought: "How does he know that I am a daughter?" But he quibbled: "The boy doesn't know what the master is talking about."

Feng Qingyang said seriously: "If he dies, you will know what I'm talking about." Feng Qingyang didn't say who "he" was, but he knew that Qi Fan guessed who he was talking about.

Qi Fan's face changed slightly, and he murmured: "I will die before him."

Feng Qingyang smiled and said: "As long as you are not here, he will not die."

Qi Fan stared blankly at Feng Qingyang, as if struck by lightning.

Feng Qingyang chuckled, and said: "When I say absent, I don't necessarily mean 'absent'. If you leave, you are also absent. If you are not present, you are just absent. Do you understand? Feelings are like water, happiness is like wind, the more you want to catch them, the better you will be." Lost. Let it go, but you can really get it. I will send you a divination saying, "If the two loves last for a long time, how can they be in the same day and night?" I know that you are someone else's pawn, and I also know your purpose is In order to monitor and guide Yang Fan, but I also know that you want to guard Yang Fan, am I right? However, your protection will only make the person you love become a pawn at the mercy of others, and your departure is the real protection .”

Qi Fan whispered: "Then what should I do?"

Feng Qingyang smiled and said: "With smart people, but commit crimes for smart people, why don't you let smart people teach you how to break the situation? Go down, just call my apprentice-in-law."

Qi Fan took orders and left.

Soon, Cheng Qing came to the river.

Feng Qingyang asked with a smile: "How many months?"

Cheng Qing: "Two months."

Feng Qingyang: "That's great."

Cheng Qing complained: "Master, this is the first time chatting with me. Normally, your eyes always fall on Tong Tong, and you seldom focus on me."

Feng Qingyang laughed loudly and said, "Is there?"

Cheng Qing said coquettishly, "Why not?"

Feng Qingyang touched Cheng Qing's head and said with a smile, "Do you know what Yang Fan wants to do most in his life?"

Cheng Qing asked curiously, "What?"

Feng Qingyang said: "He wants to cry, he wants to hold you and cry."

Cheng Qing said with a smile: "Master really knows how to joke, he is a big man, how could he want to cry."

Feng Qingyang said: "Let me tell you a secret. I have a natural skill, which is to see through the villains in people's hearts. Later, after a long time of enlightenment, I gradually learned to look at other people's past and speculate on the future of the world."

"The reason why I pay more attention to Tong Tong is because she is similar to me. I can see the good and evil villains in other people's hearts. She can see the good and evil spirit pillars on other people's heads. She will be Yang Fan's help. I won't be your rival in love, because Yang Fan's villain is very clean."

Cheng Qing felt relieved and smiled.

Feng Qingyang continued: "Do you know why I wanted to accept Yang Fan as a disciple the first day I saw him? Do you know why I dare to teach you all without knowing much about Yang Fan?"

Cheng Qing: "It must be because you see that my husband is an unusual person."

Feng Qingyang nodded with a smile and said, "That's needless to say, otherwise it would appear that my vision is mediocre? I told you that I have realized the ability to see the past and predict the future, but I can't see Yang Fan's past clearly. Yang Fan's future cannot be deduced. He is a variable. It seems that he is doomed everywhere, and he seems to be able to survive everywhere. My former teacher once said that such a person is a person who defies the sky. There are all kinds of life, and I have suffered many, many hardships. And I am the same person as Yang Fan in the words of the teacher. The teacher once said that such people cannot stay together for too long, otherwise they will backfire on each other. It’s just that I’m in trouble. That’s why I took in apprentices, but I won’t get along with them day and night for a long time, and Yang Fan is no exception.”

Cheng Qing sighed endlessly, as if listening to a myth.

Feng Qingyang said mysteriously: "I'll tell you another secret, don't tell others."

Cheng Qing wondered, "What secret?"

Feng Qingyang whispered softly: "I often see that villain Yang Fan crying, when you are in a daze, his villain is crying, when you are making trouble for no reason, his villain is crying, when you say you call your brother in your dream His little man is crying. He has been feeling sorry for your heartache, but he seems to have lost the ability to shed tears and cannot express his sadness. It is precisely because he cannot express his sadness that he uses the words "accommodate your willfulness, pet Spoil your childishness, guard your innocence' to express my love for you."

Cheng Qing murmured to himself: "No wonder his eyes were bleeding on the day my brother died. It turned out that he was not hurt, but sad. No wonder he let me everywhere afterwards." Cheng Qing couldn't help but shed tears as he spoke.

Feng Qingyang didn't comfort her either, and said with a smile: "You are smiling in your heart."

Cheng Qing burst out laughing, crying and laughing at the same time, and said, "I hate it! I am naturally happy to meet such a husband."

Feng Qingyang nodded and said: "It's time for me to leave, you can say hello to them for me." After speaking, he walked swiftly across the river.

The foot shadow is like a wheel, and the body is as light as a swallow.

A shoe whirled and flew to the shore, and landed in front of Cheng Qing. Cheng Qing shouted: "Husband! Come quickly, the master flew away."

Yang Fan ran over quickly, looking lonely in the direction Feng Qingyang left.

"Floating on the water with lightness skill, so it's really possible?"

Cheng Qing put the shoe in front of Yang Fan, angrily and funnyly said: "Master's shoe fell off."

Yang Fan took the shoes, looked them over carefully, sat down on the boulder by the river, and said, "Wait, the master will definitely come back for the shoes."

Cheng Qing obediently sat beside her, holding Yang Fan's hand.

In just a moment, a person flew over from the other side of the river.

Yang Fan got up to greet him.

Feng Qingyang: "Oh! You ran so fast that your shoes all ran away."

Yang Fan: "It's a good drop, otherwise I wouldn't even have a parting message."

Feng Qingyang sat on the boulder, reaching out for shoes.

Yang Fan shook his head, walked to Feng Qingyang, knelt down, kowtowed, earnestly and piously.Pick up Feng Qingyang's feet and serve him to put them on.

Feng Qingyang sighed lightly, and said, "Sure enough, I didn't see the wrong person."

Yang Fan smiled and said, "Since it's true, why don't you teach me the lightness kung fu of floating on water."

Feng Qingyang: "Your iron shoes are the best qinggong. When you reach the peak of martial arts one day, you will know what qinggong is like."

Yang Fan said earnestly, "Why didn't you just turn back to get your shoes, instead of flying to the other side and back?"

Feng Qingyang slapped Yang Fan on the back of the head, and said with a smile: "You are stupid, no matter how powerful you are, you can't break free from the shackles of the laws of heaven and earth, won't I sink if I choose to go back in the water?"

Yang Fan had a look of sudden realization on his face, but he was thinking in his heart: "If the speed of the feet remains the same, the upper body turns, and the footwork changes, can it be possible to change the direction without staying or slowing down? If you practice Come out, it should be an excellent lightness kung fu, and the name of "Lingbo Weibu" for lightness kung fu is just right."

Yang Fan told Feng Qingyang this idea, and immediately got Feng Qingyang's silence and thinking.

"It's a good idea, and it's very likely to work."

Yang Fan smiled and said: "Since the master has inspired me, why not tell me some quick secrets of lightness kung fu?"

Feng Qingyang shook his head: "There is no instant martial arts in this world, and lightness skills need to be accumulated over time, and even a moment of slack will be compromised."

Yang Fan couldn't help but sighed.His nature is afraid of death, so he desperately wants to practice peerless lightness kung fu.If you can't become a master of martial arts, you should first be a master of escape.

Feng Qingyang smiled and said: "If you can't escape, why don't you think about long-distance shooting? At least hidden weapons and speed of fire can be achieved quickly?"

Yang Fan hurriedly said, "Then how can it be done quickly?"

Feng Qingyang said seriously: "Practice more."

Yang Fan...

Feng Qingyang stroked Yang Fan's long hair, and said something inexplicable: "Actually, I still think black looks better." He helped Yang Fan up, and once again dusted off the unnecessary dust on his knees, he said solemnly: "For the teacher's parting, I will send you a sentence. You should remember it well, 'The ones who can hurt you are the people closest to you, and the ones who can kill you are the people you know the most'."

Yang Fan clouded the fog, feeling like he drank a bowl of poisonous chicken soup.

Yang Fan: "Master, can you really tell fortunes?"

Feng Qingyang nodded.

Yang Fan: "Then can you calculate whether my wife gave birth to a son or a daughter this time?"

Feng Qingyang pinched his fingers and said, "There are sons and daughters."

Hearing the twins, Yang Fan started dancing with an "oh yeah".

Feng Qingyang smiled and said: "It's almost there, take care of yourself." Said, he rode the wind and waves, and walked away on the river.

Yang Fan watched him go away, waiting to stand for a long time.

Cheng Qing: "Husband! The master has already left, and we should go too."

Yang Fan smiled and said, "I just saw a lot of crabs in the crevices of the rocks on the riverside, shall we eat crabs today?"

Cheng Qing: "Huh?" You have been in a daze for so long just now, are you wanting to eat?

(End of this chapter)

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