Just as he was seated, he suddenly heard a burst of laughter coming from the steps below. Wang Zheng raised his eyes and saw Yang Hong standing up again. He raised his glass and said, "Wang Zhoumu, I also offer you a toast."

Wang Zheng nodded and toasted, and just after drinking, he saw Yang Hong bowed his hands to him, and said again: "By the way, when will Wangzhou Mu want to leave and return to Xuzhou?"

Wang Zheng didn't understand what he meant, and he didn't want to answer hastily. He pointed his eyes to the left, and the one sitting there was Wang Xiong, who immediately interjected in a low voice, "My general came to Shouchun today, in response to Yuan Gong's intention, to celebrate his achievements. Come here, now that the wine is not full and the mood is not in the mood, Junshi Yang said this, what is his intention?"

As he said that, he squinted at Yuan Shu, who was seated above, and said with a cold snort, "Could it be that you want to chase away guests?"

"Lieutenant Wang misunderstood."

Yang Hong straightened up and stood up. Compared with the little-known Wan Qiao, his attitude towards the leader of Wang Zheng's personal army was obviously much more polite: "Wang Zhoumu and Xuzhou soldiers sent troops to the south and made great contributions in eliminating thieves. If you want to stay in Yangzhou, no matter how long it takes, we will treat you as a guest of honor, it’s just that.”

Yang Hong paused, but the topic changed abruptly: "It's just that a small country cannot be without a king for a day, let alone Wangzhou Mu? Wang Zhoumu now rules over thousands of miles, with more than a million soldiers and civilians. If he doesn't return home for a long time, who will take care of his great foundation? ?”

Speaking of this, Yang Hong's expression became extremely solemn, and he said generously: "So Hong's remarks are not for his own sake, but for the state's pastoral care."

That's beautiful to say
Wang Xiong opened his mouth, he didn't know how to answer, he had to look back at Wang Zheng, Wang Zheng sighed secretly, and had to go out himself.

"Thank you, Junshi Yang, for your concern. If there are no accidents, we will go soon."

Yang Hong nodded, and asked again: "From Shouchun to Xuzhou, there are two ways to go, either by water or by land, but I don't know which way Wang Zhoumu plans to choose?"

"Most of our troops are from the north, and they are not good at water. This time the return trip should be by land."

"Wang Zhoumu chose the land route?"

Yang Hong frowned when he heard the words: "Shouchun needs to go through Runan to reach Xuzhou, but now there are Yanzhou army horses and Cao Cao's general Xia Houdun on the side of Runan, if so, I am afraid it will be difficult to pass."

Hearing this, Wang Zheng glanced at Yang Hong, and said with a slight smile: "Back then, the general had no more than ten men, and he was still young and unstoppable. Now there are tens of thousands of troops, not to mention a mere Xiahoudun. What is the difference between the mountain of swords and the sea of ​​fire, the tiger's den and the dragon's pool, and the smooth road in my eyes?"

These words were so aggressive that not only Wu Sheng applauded loudly, but also Qiao Wan and other officers beside him applauded enthusiastically.

And Yang Hong didn't expect Wang Zheng to look like a modest gentleman one moment, but suddenly show majesty in the next moment, frightened by his courage for a moment, his face couldn't help revealing an unnatural expression.

There was a moment of silence before he forced a smile and said: "Okay, Zhou Mu is worthy of being a hero in the world, and his courage is really extraordinary, but Zhou Mu is now a member of thousands of people, and he is a rich man, how can he go to danger easily, if something happens, it will be too late to regret. It is better to be cautious in the choice of this path.”

Wang Zheng smiled: "Then what good words does Mr. Yang teach me?"

Yang Hongdao: "Then first ask Wang Zhoumu, which land route do you plan to choose to go to Xuzhou?"...

"Now Huang Zhong and Wu Sheng under my general's command are guarding Lu'an and Anfeng respectively, and continue to wipe out the remnants of Sun Ce."

Speaking of this, Wang Zheng clasped his hands to Yuan Shu, who was in charge, and explained: "When the war is completely settled, Zheng just returned to Lujiang to join them. Then he chose to start from the north of Lujiang, transfer to Peiguo, return to Pengcheng, and arrive at Xuzhou."

Yuan Shu was already drunk at this time, as if he was completely drunk, but he just nodded when he heard the words, but he looked like he didn't hear what Wang Zheng said at all.

Yang Hong on the side said: "This way seems to be feasible, but Sun Ce has already died. His generals Huang Gai and Han Dang either died or were captured. The two generals, Huang and Huang, stayed behind on the Lujiang River to calm them down?"

"Although Han Dang died and Huang Gai was defeated, Cheng Pu never captured him."

Wang Zheng said with a smile: "This man followed General Sun Jian to conquer the world back then. He is a first-class veteran on the battlefield. He is both wise and brave. Even Dong Zhuo's Xiliang Army in the past had to avoid him. Master Yang should not underestimate this man. .”

Yang Hongdao: "According to Wangzhou Mu's prediction, when will the remnants of the traitor Sun be wiped out?"

"Haha, Master Yang, this general is not Zhang Zifang, and now he is thousands of miles away, so he can't plan a strategy. When the Lujiang River will be calmed down, I dare not make a false assertion."

Wang Zheng shook his head, and said lightly: "If Junshi Yang hopes that I will return to Xuzhou as soon as possible, I can also order Wu and Huang to come to Shouchun together, and join me, then take another road and leave today. There is nothing impossible."

Yang Hong was at a loss for words at the time, and now Yuan Shu has transferred most of his elite troops to Runan to guard against Xiahou Dun. There are not many troops left behind, and what is more important is that there is no suitable general. It's not too big, but if Yang Hong really wants to make a decision, he really doesn't have the confidence.

After all, one general was incompetent and exhausted the three armies. According to front-line intelligence, Cheng Pu has indeed not been captured yet.

The key is
Yang Hong didn't have the right to make a decision either.

At this moment, a few coughs came from the main seat. Everyone turned their eyes and saw Mrs. Feng who was serving Yuan Shu and said softly: "Wang Zhoumu has just arrived, and the horses and cars are exhausted. It's hard work from afar. Let's rest first." For a few days, there is no need to rush. Master Yang, don't say too much."


Yang Hong immediately kept silent and bowed his hands to retreat. He naturally guessed that although Mrs. Feng said this, it was self-evident who meant it.

finally shut up
Just now Wang Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, but at this moment another person asked: "May I ask Wang Zhoumu, how many people are there in Lujiang's territory today?"

Wang Zheng followed the prestige, but he saw a handsome young scribe, he didn't know him, he couldn't help looking at Yuan Shu in the hall, seeing that Yuan Shu was unconscious, he had to look at Madam Feng.

I don't know why, but when she saw Wang Zheng's pair of lacquer spots as bright as the stars in the night sky, Madam Feng blushed, tilted her head slightly, and slightly avoided it, and then she introduced softly: "Wang Zhoumu, I am from Xiquyang, Yangzhou. County Lord, Gu Yong is also."

After thinking about it, he added another sentence: "He is also a disciple of the great sage Cai Yong, and a famous scholar in Wu County."

Hearing this, Yang Hong in the hall was slightly startled, and immediately looked over. …

And Wang Zheng, after these years of experience, was no longer an otaku who didn't understand the world in his previous life, so he immediately realized that this last sentence was probably Madam Feng's intentional reminder that this Gu Yong's identity is very unusual.
What's unusual?

Cai Yong has been dead for many years, his discipleship is of course nothing at the moment, but being able to worship under Cai Yong's sect in the early years is by no means an ordinary family background.

Reminiscing that the other party is from Wu County, and his surname is Gu, Wang Zheng already has a guess in his mind. I am afraid that Gu Yong is likely to be from one of the four high-ranking surnames in Wu County.

Although Sun Jian and his son were also born in Wu County, the Sun family is not the real top family in Wu County. From the middle of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the top families in Wu County only had the surnames Gu, Lu, Zhu, and Zhang. They even became the top families in Jiangdong during the Three Kingdoms period. door valve.

With such an identity, even if the opponent's official position is not as high as the county lord, and he is young and young, Wang Zheng will not neglect, and immediately smiled slightly: "There are about 5000 or [-] remnants of the sun thief."

"Then how many people did Wang Zhoumu stay in Lu'an and Anfeng?"

"Six An four thousand, An Feng three thousand."

"To deal with a mere four or five thousand defeated generals, do you need seven thousand tigers from Xuzhou?"

Gu Yong asked: "Wang Zhoumu, as far as I know, Sun Ceshang, who was in full swing, was defeated by the same number of noble troops in the battle of Shu County that day, so with this number, it should be very easy to wipe out the remnants, right? "

Wang Zhengdao: "Mr. Gu's words are wrong. How can there be a general who is victorious in all battles in the world? This general can only guarantee that the generals under his command will go all out."

"Wangzhou Mutai is also modest." Gu Yong nodded, and suddenly said: "Within ten days, can you succeed?"

"Do your best."

Gu Yong continued to ask: "Why do you do your best?" It was actually a posture, and it seemed that Wang Zheng would give an accurate answer on the time, otherwise he would not give up.

Seeing Yang Hong first, and then Gu Yong, one question after another, from question to interrogation, and almost to question, Wang Zheng's expression remained unchanged, with a smile on his face, and a gentle voice, as if he was not annoyed. The master should maintain a graceful demeanor, but his subordinates don't have to.

Just as Gu Yong finished his last question, there was a loud shout, as if Jiao Lei had rolled by!

"You are so rude!"

Everyone was engrossed in listening to the conversation between Wang Zheng and Gu Yong, but they were caught off guard by the sound, and they turned their eyes to look around, only to see a sturdy general standing upright with his sword drawn, his eyes like a mausoleum, his face like a tiger, The end was majestic and murderous, and several timid civil servants were so scared that their faces were ashen, their hands were weak, and their chopsticks and wine glasses fell to the ground one after another.

Gu Yong was actually taken aback, but after all, he came from a famous family and had extraordinary knowledge. On the surface, he still had the demeanor of a celebrity, but he shouted in a deep voice: "Who are you? It's extremely rude to interrupt yourself!"

Wang Zheng on the side said indifferently: "This is the warrior Zhou Tai under the general's command."

In the first battle on the ship, Zhou Tai was defeated and captured, but he still refused to surrender. Naturally, he had the idea that a soldier should die for his confidant.

But later even Sun Ce was defeated and died, Zhou Tai's insistence became meaningless, and Wang Zheng asked Guo Jia to strike while the iron was hot, tried to persuade him several times, and finally said that this person changed his mind and joined Wang Zheng's command. …

Now that he has voted for the new owner, Zhou Tai naturally wants to show off, not to mention that he is of ordinary background and a martial artist, so he has never been used to such nobles as Gu Yong.

Seeing Gu Yong being aggressive, he stood up angrily, drew out his waist knife, pointed at Gu Yong and scolded: "You are a Confucian!"

"If you hadn't reported the emergency in Yangzhou and sent envoys to ask for help, why would my state pastor have traveled thousands of miles to raise the armed forces and come to Yangzhou?"

"For such an act of kindness and righteousness, you don't know how to be grateful, and instead become entangled. This villain is also reading the books of sages and sages in vain. Even the shaggy boy in my hometown knows what righteousness is better than you!"


Gu Yong didn't expect that Zhou Tai's appearance would be rude, but he would be able to say this paragraph of reasonable and polite words. He even put on the label of ungrateful, and completely occupied the commanding heights of morality. .

Before Zhou Tai could finish his sentence, a person stood up in front of him, eight feet tall, with black panther eyes, and said angrily: "Where did you come out of the country, how dare you be so rude! In front of my lord, yelling!" , do you think there is no one in my Jiangdong?" With a clang, he also drew out his sword.

Zhou Tai squinted at him, and shouted coldly: "Who are you?"

"It's Liang Gang, Lieutenant of Fenwu School."

Zhou Tai stopped talking nonsense, this situation was his opportunity to show his bravery, he immediately jumped out of the room, drew his sword and shouted: "Let's fight."

How could Liang Gang show weakness? He also drew his sword out of its sheath, kicked the case, and rushed to the front in two or three steps.

Under such circumstances, how could Qiao Wan, Wang Xiong and other generals from Xuzhou sit and watch?

Seeing that a scuffle was about to start, Mrs. Feng and Mrs. Zhu, all the maids turned pale, Yuan Shu finally couldn't pretend to be drunk, so he got up and yelled: "Don't disturb the distinguished guests."

At the same time, Wang Zheng also said in a deep voice, "Hugh, be presumptuous!"

With his order, Zhou Tai immediately retreated and turned back to the table. Qiao Wan, Wang Xiong and others also sat down one after another. On the contrary, the Yangzhou generals on Liang Gang's side were resentful and unwilling to let go. appearance.

Seeing this scene, Yang Hong and Gu Yong looked at each other and sighed secretly at the same time.

From these details alone, it can be seen that Yangzhou's military discipline is inferior to Xuzhou's, and Yuan Shu's prestige in the army is not as good as Wang Zheng's.

Yuan Shu didn't notice this, instead he looked at Zhou Tai again and again, and immediately praised: "This loyal and brave man, who is he?"

Hearing this, Zhou Tai was dumbfounded, and he was not stupid, if he said that he was born in Jiujiang, wouldn't he slap Yuan Shu in the face in public, so he had to look to Wang Zheng for help.

Wang Zheng laughed, and directly changed the topic: "Duke Yuan is too famous, a brave man, what is he worth in front of a general like Captain Liang?"

Yuan Shu nodded, and clapped his hands to order the servants to clean up the ground, set up the banquet, tune the strings of the female music, sing and dance together, and told everyone to continue drinking. Can you wipe out the remnants of the grandson thief within ten days?I don't know if I heard wrong? "

Wang Zheng didn't expect Yuan Shu to use such a stupid trick, and he didn't know how to answer for a while. He has just entered Shouchun now, so he naturally refuses to say this time to death, otherwise if he can't find a suitable reason and opportunity within ten days, What should I do?

Could it be that he really returned to Xuzhou obediently?

Or is it directly tearing off the mask of hypocrisy?

After pondering for a while, he finally said: "To be honest with Mr. Yuan, it will not be a problem to wipe out the remnants of Sun's thieves within ten days, but the government still has a big plan."

"Oh?" Yuan Shu asked sideways, "I don't know what happened? I would like to hear the details."

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