Wang Zheng originally prepared a few tricks to pave the way, but he didn't expect Yuan Shu to immediately think of Liu Biao. He was secretly happy in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face, and said with a faint smile:

"Why did Yuan Gong say that? Zheng never contacted Liu Jingzhou on this matter."

That's good.
Just as Yuan Shu was relieved, Wang Zheng continued calmly, "I don't know how Liu Jingzhou found out that Zheng is now in Shouchun. A few days ago, he sent an envoy to mention that Cao Cao had ulterior motives, and wanted to coerce the emperor to kill him." Let the princes, who are also national thieves, want to join forces with Xuzhou in the Northern Expedition and hunt down the Cao thieves!"

As soon as the words fell, Yuan Shu's expression changed immediately.

Liu Biao took the initiative to approach Wang Zheng, wanting to join the Northern Expedition against Cao Cao?
It was unexpected when I first heard these words. After all, Liu Biao was a clan member of the Han family, but what about Wang Zheng?His name is Hanchen, but he is actually a traitor.

But after Yuan Shu thought about it carefully, he felt that it made sense.

At the beginning when Liu Biao rode into Jingzhou, people in Jingzhou were very disturbed, there were many thieves, and there was turmoil everywhere. Even if he feasted and killed 55 clan thieves, he could barely control the two southern counties of Jiangxia.Therefore, in the early days of the separatist regime before Jian'an, Liu Biao and even the forces in Jingzhou behaved very peacefully.

But today it is different.

Yuan Shu knew that Liu Biao had been able to lure well in recent years, and he had combined his prestige and arrogance with him, which made the thieves in the territory either defeated or killed, or used for it. It can be said that he had basically calmed down the resistance forces in the territory and controlled the seven county.

In the past, he was unable to attack from outside, but now his rear is stable. How could Liu Biao not have the ambition to expand his territory?His eyes at this time will naturally be on Yuzhou, Yangzhou, Yizhou and the battles around Jingzhou.

From a strategic point of view, the first choice is naturally Yangzhou, because Yangzhou faces the sea and shares the natural danger of the Yangtze River with Jingzhou. When the rebellion started, Liu Biao was greatly moved.

But on the other hand, who is Liu Biao most afraid of?If given the chance, the one he would most want to deal with would be Cao Cao who now controls Yingchuan County.

Without him, Yingchuan County is too close to Jingzhou Nanyang
As far as Liu Biao looked, Nanyang County absolutely could not afford to lose, and it could not even allow any threatening forces to exist beside it!
Because this is the largest county in the world with three out of seventy leading counties and a population of over 200 million!

Moreover, Jingzhou has become more and more prosperous in recent years. There is a big reason for this. It was because of the chaos in Guanzhong that caused a large number of nobles to flee to Jingzhou. Liu Biao was overjoyed.

It's just that the good times didn't last long, and after Cao Cao moved the capital to Xu County with Emperor Xian, there was a brain drain even further away in Xuzhou, and Jingzhou and Nanyang were naturally the first to bear the brunt.

Not only did the Guanzhong elites who took root in Jingzhou not long ago have a tendency to return, but they even attracted many local noble families and gentry, which made Liu Biao feel more and more pressure and a sense of urgency.

When people are under pressure, they naturally want to relieve it, and when faced with threats, they naturally want to solve it.

Regarding this great enemy who took Nanyang from him, Yuan Shu asked himself that he still had some understanding. Based on Cao Cao's achievements in the past few years, if Liu Biao was allowed to take the initiative to provoke a frontier provocation, he would probably be hesitant and hesitant. Adding the words of Wang Zheng and Xuzhou Army, they will probably be moved.


In the original history, since Cao Cao took Emperor Xian to move the capital, Liu Biao and Cao Cao did have constant conflicts. For example, in the second year of Jian'an, Zhang Xiu betrayed Cao Cao.

In the third year of Jian'an (198), Cao Cao attacked Zhangxiu again. Liu Biao sent troops to rescue and block Cao Jun's food road, and wanted to counterattack on a large scale. As a result, Zhang Xian, the prefect of Changsha, led his troops to rebel. Liu Biao hesitated completely and couldn't look away.

When he finally quelled the rebellion in the three southern counties of Jingnan, Cao Cao had already won the most important battle in his life, the Battle of Guandu. Sheng, it can be said that there is no second, Liu Biao naturally can no longer fight against it.

So sometimes it is true that "the world is the same in time and time", Cao Cao's early stage of coercing the emperor is certainly beautiful, but soon it became a loss for all, because the other princes were also jealous and wanted to grab the trump card of Xiandi Come to your own hands and enjoy the taste of ordering the world. Therefore, before the Battle of Guandu, Cao Cao was really trapped at home and abroad, besieged on all sides, and only a thin line away from being defeated and killed.

But he was really lucky, Liu Biao wanted to beat him, the three counties of Jingzhou rebelled, Sun Ce wanted to steal his house, but was assassinated, and in the end only Yuan Shao was left in the middle. Xu You, the rebellious guy, came out
The more Yuan Shu thought about it, the more he felt that this matter was very possible. He felt terrified in his heart, but he said with a smile on his face, "So that's the case. But how does Yu Kou plan to join forces with Liu Biao?"

Wang Zheng said indifferently: "Since we are attacking together, we must advance in two ways. If we succeed, we will each get what we need."

"I would like to hear the details." Yuan Shu made a listening statement: "How can the two sides attack together, and how can each get what it needs?"

"The meaning of Liu Jingzhou is to ask Xuzhou to send troops from Mount Tai first, and launch a war to the west of Yanzhou first, so as to attract Cao Cao's attention. Now Cao Cao has sent a large number of generals to station in the south of Yingchuan. It is already difficult, but Zhengben deliberately changed direction, attacking from east to west, so if he wanted to attack Xudu, he would go to Yanzhou first, so this is naturally not a problem, and we have already agreed."

"Liu Jingzhou's messenger has already promised that once the main force of Cao's army is really attracted to the west, then the south of Yingchuan will naturally be empty, and he will immediately gather up the army and attack Kunyang and other places by surprise. Wuyang, Dingling and other places were captured, and Cao's army was confronted by enemies on both sides. With distraction, at least our army was a little more sure of breaking through the western defense line."

"In this way, Zheng first raised troops in the west, responding to Liu Jingzhou, and then Liu Jingzhou also invaded in the south, which in turn echoed my Xuzhou. This is two ways going hand in hand, echoing each other."

"As for everyone getting what they need, the government can't reach it. Even if Cao Cao is defeated, he won't stay in Xudu."

Wang Zheng smiled and said, "For Liu Jingzhou, this alone is enough."

Yuan Shu was silent for a moment, then nodded. The biggest reason why Liu Biao wanted to attack Cao Cao was because of Yingchuan's geographical location. If a powerful force occupies this place, it will naturally pose a threat to Nanyang, so Liu Biao's biggest interest is to Yingchuan County.


And this does not conflict with the interests of Wang Zheng. Xuzhou, which is currently occupied, is far away from Yingchuan. Yuan Shu couldn't figure it out, and guessed that Emperor Xian must be one of them.

Playing with the wine cup in his hand for a while, Yuan Shu suddenly said, "So, Yu Kou hasn't had a personal interview with Liu Biao yet?"

Wang Zheng said with a smile: "Zheng is now in Shouchun, even if he wants to see Liu Jingzhou's face, he can't hear him."

"Then have you met Liu Biao before?"

"I've never seen it before." Wang Zheng said, "Although I haven't seen it in person, Liu Jingzhou is a member of the Han family and has been known as the Eight Horses in the World for a long time. The world says that he is eight feet long, has a majestic appearance, and looks like a gentleman. "

"Haha, Liu Jingsheng is tall and tall. At first glance, he is indeed quite manly. His appearance is justified." Yuan Shu smiled and said: "It's just that the white jade is slightly flawed. Although his face is correct, there is only one thing wrong. it is good."

"Oh?" Wang Zheng looked sideways at Yuan Shu, and asked cooperatively, "But I don't know what it is?"

"This person has high and sunken cheekbones!"

A frightening cold light flashed in Yuan Shu's eyes, and he snorted coldly: "The cheekbones are also the bones of power. It's a good thing to be tall, but it's not good to be sunken. According to physiognomy, this is an untrustworthy appearance. Those who have this appearance , Ambitious but cunning and suspicious, without faith." As he said, he patted Wang Zheng's arm, and reminded him solemnly: "Yu Kou, you and I are both allies and friends who have forgotten the years, so I have to say a few words If you form an alliance with Liu Biao, you must be more careful."

"This person is completely different from this Marquis. He looks like a gentleman and a sage, but he is not a kind and trustworthy person."

Does that mean you are the kind and trustworthy person?
Wang Zheng complained secretly, but pretended to be surprised on his face, and asked with a broken smile: "Unexpectedly, Mr. Yuan is also proficient in physiognomy. Sure enough, those who are capable can do anything."

"Then I don't know how Yuan Gong sees me?"


Yuan Shu was at a loss for words at the time, in his opinion, Wang Zheng's appearance could be described in eight words, it was good and beyond reproach.

Because there is no comment on this kind of appearance in the photo book. After all, the appearance that can be recorded in the photo book, no matter whether it is praise or derogation, is at least extraordinary and outstanding.

For example, Wang Zheng's ordinary public face is not even qualified to be published in a photo book, so how does Yuan Shu know how to describe it and how to evaluate it?
Of course, no matter how stupid Yuan Shu was, he would never directly tell Wang Zheng the truth. After hesitating for a moment, he coughed dryly and thought of a well-regulated reply:

"Yu Kou is young and promising, facing nature, he is rich and powerful, and he looks blessed and long-lived."


Naturally, Wang Zheng knew that this was a polite way of dealing with it, so he stopped talking, just smiled and said: "Come on, Mr. Yuan, Zheng Zheng will toast you again." Then he changed the topic and turned to the singing and dancing in the hall.

[The book recommended to me by an old book friend who has known me for ten years, Ye Guo Reading!It’s really easy to use. I use it to read and listen to books to pass the time while driving and before going to bed. You can download yeguoyuedu here.]

The less he responds positively, the more uneasy Yuan Shu feels. Liu Biao is also his archenemy. The two have both old and new enmities. Coupled with the competitive relationship between borders, especially when Sun Ce rebelled, the Jingzhou Army There is also a ready to move, Yuan Shu is naturally aware of it, so of course he does not want Wang Zheng to really cooperate with the Liu Biao Alliance!


Today the two can join forces to deal with Cao Cao, so will he deal with other princes again?

Such as Yangzhou
Yuan Shu didn't dare to think about it anymore, but he had to think about it. The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became. Liu Jingsheng is used to putting on airs and buying people's hearts, and Wang Zheng is a young man, so he might be lured over by his clever words. What can I do?

Just as he was deep in thought, there was a sudden noise from the hall, followed by roars of laughter, and the vocal music stopped.

Everyone hurriedly turned to look, but it was Zhou Tai under Wang Zheng's command who drank too much, couldn't sit still, fell to the ground, and Liang Gang, Gan Ning and others laughed in unison.

When Zhou Tai staggered to his feet with the help of the table, his face was flushed, he didn't know whether he was drunk or annoyed, squinting across his face, he suddenly shouted: "You bastard, what are you laughing at!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in Yangzhou changed color, and Liang Gang even stared at Zhou Tai with a very embarrassed expression: "Who are you scolding?"

"Whoever was laughing just now, Naigong scolded whoever!"

Liang Gang was about to scold him, but he saw another person at the table jumping up and shouting: "Fart your mother! Who is the idiot?"

Everyone followed the reputation and found that it was Gan Ning, who was already furious and raised his eyebrows, obviously furious.

"Hey, you are so majestic and domineering at the banquet, showing you a hero?" Zhou Tai sneered again and again: "When it comes to fighting on the battlefield and eliminating violence for the country, everyone shrinks their heads and shrinks their heads, and no one steps forward to respond."

"Don't be too presumptuous!"

Gan Ning took a deep look at Zhou Tai, flashed a strong murderous intent, and then suppressed it: "Don't dare to talk nonsense, do you really think that Xuzhou's official will be defeated?"

Sensing Gan Ning's killing intent, Zhou Tai also felt a chill in his heart, but at this stage, there is no reason to give up halfway. Instead, he laughed wildly, squinted at Gan Ning, and said every word:
"Did I say something wrong?"

Gan Ning wanted to argue, but he couldn't say a word, because what Zhou Tai said was true.

Between Wang Zheng and Cao Cao, until now, it was Cao Cao who hated Wang Zheng more, because he was the one who suffered the most. Raising troops and preparing horses, wanting to make a northern expedition to Xudu, regardless of the outcome, at least it is a posture of pursuing the victory, showing the courage to fight.

On the contrary, Yuan Shu and Cao Cao are the opposite, because every time they fight, Yuan Shu is the one who loses a lot, and now Xiahou Dun is eyeing Runan, and Wang Zheng just finished beating Sun Ce and going to fight Cao Cao. However, Yuan Shu refused to join forces. Regardless of the reason, in the eyes of the world, he was afraid of fighting, and even interpreted that he was afraid of being beaten by Cao Mengde, and he was convinced!

The lord was defeated, and naturally the backs of these courtiers couldn't straighten up, and they couldn't refute or argue at all.

Up to now, Wang Zheng and Yuan Shu have been talking, but they didn't drink much. The generals of Shouchun, under the deliberate persuasion of everyone in Xuzhou, have almost drunk. Gan Ning is a brave and proud person. , becoming more and more unable to restrain himself, he immediately slapped him hard, shaking all the wine cups and dishes in front of him!
Amidst the exclamations of the crowd, Gan Ning attended the meeting proudly, walked over quickly, and stood in front of Yuan Shu and Wang Zheng.


First, he stared at Wang Zheng with a very persuasive look, and then he cupped his hands and said to Yuan Shu: "Zhou Mu, Zhou Tai's words in Xuzhou just now are really words of condemnation. If they are ignored and spread, what will the prestige of Zhou Mu be in the future? Where is it, where is the morale?"

He said sternly: "Although Gan Ning is not talented, he has never been underestimated and scorned. Please be the vanguard and go north today to regain the lost land for the Lord!"

Although Gan Ning was drunk, he didn't completely lose his mind. He only said to regain the lost ground, instead of attacking Xudu.

As soon as the words fell, Zhou Tai behind him swayed and fell to the ground, snoring loudly within a short while.

Now that the general has succeeded, his task is considered complete. In order to avoid how to pay for the remarks just now, the best way is naturally to get drunk and pass out.

At this time, Wang Zheng also frowned immediately and said: "Nonsense, it's ridiculous!" He waved his hand to signal the guards to carry him out of the banquet.

He looked at Yuan Shu with an apologetic face again: "Mr. Yuan, please forgive me. Zhou Taixin has not been attached to him for a long time. He has not lost his wildness, arrogant and lying, and offended him. Please Haihan."

Being humiliated by others, it is impossible to have a fit, and no matter how well-bred he is, it is difficult to be completely unharmed. Yuan Shu's face was already gloomy at this time, but facing Wang Zheng's bad temper, he had to force a smile and said:
"This is the true color of a warrior, so it's okay."

When he turned to look at Gan Ning, his smile suddenly subsided, and he waved his hands impatiently: "Don't talk too much, don't back down!"

"State Shepherd!"

Gan Ning was greatly disappointed, and cried out again in grief.

Yuan Shu was about to be reprimanded, when another person stood up to attend, but it was Gu Yong: "Report to Zhou Mu, in my opinion, General Gan's words may not be all worthless."

Riding and cutting the imperial pirates of the Three Kingdoms

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