Just like Longshu in Lujiang County, Jianchang is a county surrounded by mountains, next to Yunju Mountain.

Yunju Mountain is one of the branches of Tianzhu Mountain Range. If you look down from the clouds from the perspective of a god, you will find that Yunju Mountain has a very characteristic shape, just like a wine jar.

The mouth of the urn is wide, the neck of the urn is thin, and the belly of the urn is the widest. Xiajun, the easternmost point in Changsha County, is located at the mouth of the urn of Yunju Mountain. As the mountain range shrinks from east to west, a narrow neck area is formed. Ai County is in this position.

After passing the neck area, further to the southwest is the widest urn belly, where Jianchang is located.

In terms of distance, Ai County is actually closer to Changsha, but because it is located at the neck of Yunju Mountain, the road is difficult to move, and it is not conducive to the transportation of luggage, which makes it difficult to support a large-scale battle. Immediately after discussing with the officials, Wang Zheng decided to adjust his strategy and use Jianchang as the new starting point for the attack.

Jianchang has several advantages. The first one is that from Nanchang to here, you only need to go through one county to build the city, and the terrain between Jiancheng and the two cities is extremely flat, which is conducive to large-scale marching, camping, and even logistics. transportation.

The second is that if Jianchang can be occupied, Wang Zheng can direct his troops to Linxiang, the prefecture of Changsha. The criss-crossing Xiangshui River.

In other words, once the Xuzhou army conquered Jianchang, it would be considered as having mastered an important throat and opened up the center of gravity of Changsha County.

According to the Bafu's established battle plan, the first step is to use the vanguard to capture Jianchang with lightning speed on the day of the battle, and then the army will go straight to Linxiang, concentrating on the advantages to fight for the enemy within a few days.
Linxiang was also captured, the capital fell, and the forces in Changsha County were panicked, and they could continue to attack Yiyang under the prestige of a great victory.

Once Yiyang is also captured, it is basically equivalent to mastering the core hinterland of Changsha County. The Xuzhou Army can not only gallop at will, take down the remaining cities one by one, but also directly threaten Nanjun where Xiangyang is located!

Of course, although there is no barrier to the east of Linxiang, as a capital, it is impossible not to be surrounded by other cities. ) Mausoleum, these two cities are stationed with thousands of troops and horses respectively. Once they receive the news that the Xuzhou army has entered Changsha, the prefect of Linxiang will definitely let them rush to help immediately.

Therefore, in order not to affect the main force's siege due to them, on the night Wang Zheng arrived in Nanchang, before Jianchang was captured, he prepared to send corresponding troops as flanks to contain it. The commander along the way was Xu Fang.

While Gan Ning and Tai Shici were marching towards Jianchang, Xu Fang also led an army of nearly [-] days from Nanchang to Yichun by night. Marching quickly, they arrived outside the target city.

Since Xu Fang's road is a flank, the main task is not to capture Shouchun, but to go around Shouchun and go straight to the outside of Liling City, dragging in this area and the Jingzhou army in southern Hunan. Right now, the main offensive is Gan Ning's troops.

Although Jianchang is only a county, but because it is on the border of the two prefectures, and because Yuzhang was originally a place in Yangzhou where mountains and mountains were seriously affected, it has been repaired many times since Yuan Shu's time, and now the city wall is very tall. sturdy.

There are four city gates, which are divided into southeast, north and west.The four city gates face each other two by two, forming a cross street in the city, which is the main traffic road in the county.

And because Jianchang is located in an important point, not only is it densely populated, but also has a lot of business exchanges. The small city established outside the main city is connected with the city.

Generally speaking, the area of ​​each pass city is a quarter of the size of the main city.Residents and common people can build houses here and thrive.People often say: "Dongguan, Xiguan, Nanguan, Beiguan", this "pass" actually refers to Guancheng.Except that it is smaller than the main city, other facilities of Guancheng, such as city walls, gates, etc., are completely the same as the main city.

That is to say, it is even more difficult to attack any city that is built on the city, why?
Because in this way, its defense is actually higher than that of ordinary county capitals. For example, Shouchun is only divided into two checkpoints, the inner city and the outer city, but Jianchang needs to take down the two checkpoints first, and then go to the city. Deal with the gates of the main city.

This is actually not the most difficult thing. Some real important towns not only have Guancheng, but also build urns inside the gates of the main city, and even inside the gates of Guancheng. Not only that, but the most exaggerated thing is that there is a moat.
Such a city is actually regarded as "absolute defense" in the era of cold weapons, that is, there is almost no possibility of being breached from the outside except for hard consumption or internal response.

Of course, there are not many such cities in the entire Han Dynasty. At least Wang Zheng has broken countless cities since the uprising, but he has never encountered them. Although Linzi Pengcheng is difficult to chew, it is not perfect in the true sense after all.

Fortunately, Jianchang has only two pass cities, and there are no pass cities on the west and south sides.

When a strange soldier suddenly appeared outside the city, the defenders in the city immediately set off a commotion, but Gan Ning didn't care how the defenders reacted, and just shadowed in an orderly manner, and dispatched troops.

According to the established deployment, Tai Shici was ordered to lead thousands of people to the east and north to surround the two pass cities without attacking.Then personally lead 3000 people, drive to the south gate of Jianchang, and choose the direction of the main attack here.The west gate was vacated and neither besieged nor fought.This is a very orthodox way of attacking the city for "encircling three and missing one".

It was just after noon, and the sun was shining brightly. Gan Ning's troops marched for a hundred miles, and the soldiers were exhausted. After setting up the camps and laying out the siege, he sent an order to the three armies: "Built the pots in each camp and have dinner at night. After dinner Rest for three hours, and start attacking the city around midnight."

In order to prevent Changsha from sending troops to help, he sent fast horses back to Nanchang and asked Wang Zheng to send the second army as soon as possible. , while inquiring for news, while doing surveillance.

For the defenders, the enemy's attack this time was completely unexpected. Although the territory was already full of wars and smoke, it can be seen that the Xuzhou army's siege route was to conquer the northern part of Yuzhang one by one. Hun and Aixian and other places, shouldn't they continue to attack places like Chaisang and Liling?
Why did you suddenly come to beat us Jianchang?

Without getting a single point, now that they suddenly saw soldiers approaching the city, one can imagine the panic of the defenders. They were in a mess, but Hua Xin was a quick-response person. At that time, he sent two teams of messengers to take advantage of Gan Ning The formation has not yet been set up, and they hurried out of the city all the way west, hoping to invite reinforcements from Jingzhou.

The two teams of messengers had just left the city, but they were actually discovered by Gan Ning's scouts. It was just because Gan Ning had another purpose, so he ignored them and let them leave quickly.

At dusk, when the military report was sent from the south, Xu Fang's troops moved very quickly. At this time, they had bypassed Yichun and formally entered Changsha County. At present, Liling had not yet officially attacked Liling, but Gan Ning knew it immediately. Waiting for the result of his fight against Jiankang.

Even so, it was rare for him not to be in a hurry, and he still followed the military order, waited for the three armies to have dinner and rest for a long time, seeing that the night was approaching midnight, and then gave the order:
"Prepare to attack the city!"

At midnight, the moon is dark and there is no wind.

Gan Ning wanted to show off his military power, so he moved the main attacking army horses out of the camp, lined up, and walked forward slowly.All the three armies lit up torches, illuminating the area around ten miles outside the city as bright as day.And there are dozens of small cavalry teams divided into several groups, and they all hold torches high, galloping back and forth around the left and right sides of the army.A series of general orders were sent to each battalion and army through them, and immediately led Tai Shici and other generals to a high ground outside the camp to watch the formation of troops by each battalion.

In the deep night, Gan Ning was full of pride, and said to everyone: "Everyone, the Lord is watching the battle from the rear now, waiting for the good news from the front line. This time the attack on Jianchang is a rare opportunity to show his face. I won the vanguard position in my hands, and this time I will not only win the first battle, but also win beautifully!"

One of the others jokingly said: "General, how can you be considered a beautiful winner?"

"Naturally, the city will be captured quickly, and the enemy will be captured alive." Gan Ning laughed loudly, pointing to Jianchang City from a distance, "The Lord's military order said to capture Jianchang and capture Hua Xin alive. This time, we must never let this happen again." Shuru ran away!"

"With our army's sharpness and momentum, it is not a problem to conquer Jianchang."

Tai Shici pondered for a moment, then said solemnly: "However, the sentinel reported that Hua Xin has not been sitting still these days, not only has been in contact with Jingzhou, but also recruited a lot of Shanyue to help him defend the city. Yuzhang Mountain has always been fierce and far superior to other places, I am afraid it is difficult to decide in one battle, not only that, Jianchang is not far from Changsha, at the latest tomorrow night, or as early as tomorrow noon, there may be reinforcements arriving."

"A mere savage, what's the point?" Gan Ning glanced at Tai Shici, smiled and said, "Could it be that Ziyi is also afraid of this generation? You know, since entering Yangzhou, our army has fought against Shanyue countless times. Which time is not a big victory?"

"It's nothing to be afraid of." Tai Shici said: "The last general is just worried that he won't be able to win the battle. When the reinforcements from Jingzhou arrive, he is afraid that the brothers will run out of strength."

They just arrived in Jianchang today, and to attack the city at night, in Tai Shici's opinion, they were a little too eager, so when Gan Ning sent the order to attack the city at midnight, Tai Shici expressed his objection.

"Soldiers are precious and fast. If we stay overnight, wouldn't it give the enemy more time to react?"

Gan Ning didn't think so, just smiled and said: "What are we doing here in Jianchang? Of course it is to attack the city. How can there be no reason why we don't attack the city when the army has arrived? Besides, the lord ordered us to attack Jianchang. There is also the purpose of luring the Jingzhou army to rush to help, this is to encircle the spot to fight for help, since this is the case, the more violent the offensive, the more real it will be!"

"What the general said is extremely true."

Seeing that Tai Shici stopped arguing, Gan Ning laughed and looked down vigorously. At this time, the army formation had been formed.

At the forefront are obstacles such as repelling horses. Siege is not only about attacking, but also preventing the enemy from going out of the city to counterattack. Therefore, the first line of positions needs to deploy simple defensive measures.

After rejecting the horse, there are shield players and archers, and next, dozens of catapults, ballistas, etc. are arranged according to the distance of the shooting. The positions of these equipment are independent. On both sides of this position, then It was the main force for the siege. Gan Ning mobilized more than a thousand men, most of them were swordsmen and some spearmen.

On the two wings of the main position, flanks of a hundred people were placed respectively.The role of the flanks is to restrain the main force and supervise the main force to attack the city; second, if the enemy counterattacks, it can also respond to the main force and cooperate with each other.

The main position plus the flank positions can be collectively referred to as siege positions.Behind the siege position, there are hundreds of people.The task of these hundreds of people is not to attack the city, but similar to the flanks. On the one hand, they can supervise the main force, and on the other hand, they can act as a reserve team to pull up at critical moments.For example, if the enemy counterattacks and the front line is in chaos, it is time to go to them.This position can be called the reserve position.

And behind the reserve position is the camp.The camp is not empty, there are also some soldiers and horses.If the enemy encountered is too strong, or the enemy's plan fails to attack the city, and even the siege position and the reserve position are occupied by its counterattack, at least there will be a camp to guard.

The positions where Gan Ning and others are located are not very far ahead, just between the main position and the reserve position.2000 people, it doesn't sound like much, but they are all draped in full frame, especially in the middle of the night, but there are torches everywhere, guns and spears like a forest, and the uninterrupted passwords one after another, forming an army formation, the momentum is still very big.

Gan Ning watched for a long time, then went to look at the opposite city, and after a while, he suddenly let out a soft "Huh", and said in surprise, "Ziyi, the guard in this city seems to be quite capable. When we first came here during the day, the soldiers were obviously It was a big surprise, and it was even more flustered, but now it's only been a few hours, but it's orderly, not chaotic at all."

"Do you know who this person is?"

"I don't know." Tai Shici said in a low voice, "But the general thinks that the ability to organize the army may come from Hua Xin."

"Hua Xin?" Gan Ning shook his head again and again: "If this Confucianist has this ability, how could we have taken Nanchang so easily?"

"Don't you know your shame and then be brave?"

However, Tai Shici still insisted on his own judgment: "Hua Xin is a famous scholar. He didn't practice martial arts before, and only then did he experience the disastrous defeat in Nanchang. After learning from the pain, it is only reasonable to make changes and improve."

As he spoke, he stared at Jianchang City in the night, and said solemnly: "General Gan, it seems that there will be a tough battle tonight!"

Sorry, there is still a meeting tonight, and there is no time to revise the chapter yesterday.

Next month, an extra chapter of [-] words will be released for free, which is regarded as a supplementary chapter.

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