When Wang Zheng and Guo Jia were discussing, the front line at this moment, the offensive and defensive battle under Jianchang City, had also come to an end.

Feathered arrows and strong crossbows were flying in the air, and enemies fell to the ground almost every moment, but the Yangzhou army seemed to have no scruples at all, as if they would rather annihilate the entire army than retreat half a step. If one fell, the other would die. Charged up, the light of the torch was constantly beating, and seemed to be dimmed by the soaring murderous aura.

Hua Xin drew his sword and looked around. At this time, the city wall was crowded with people like ants, and the city was covered with dead bodies, not only from the Yangzhou army, but also from the defenders. The last one sent today Almost half of the batch of pro-army had been killed, and the remaining half was exhausted.He gritted his teeth and yelled at the soldiers who were fighting bloody battles on the top of the city: "The enemy's offensive has lasted for two hours, and they can't last much longer either!"

"Hold on, who dares to back off at this time, cut!"

Hua Xin's roar lifted the defenders' spirits, and they fought back. The Yangzhou army that had already rushed to the top of the wall was forced down again, but just after one group was forced away, another group emerged immediately after.

At this time, the county magistrate who was releasing arrows on the archery tower uttered another exclamation: "Prefect, we are out of arrows!"

what? !

When Hua Xin was startled, the Yangzhou army had already charged up frantically, regardless of the casualties, not to mention bows and arrows, there were no more stones to throw down.

But the sky darkened at this moment.

It has been the tenth day since the Ganning Department appeared, and it happened to be the third day after Zhou Tai left.

"Promise!" Wu Long said loudly: "Brothers, listen, the whole army is going to the east gate, go out!"

The enemy general stood on the horse and nodded slightly, he didn't talk nonsense immediately, and suddenly slashed out with a knife.

The next moment, there was a loud "boom" from below the city. It was so powerful that it seemed that even the ground was shaken. Hua Xin was excited, and subconsciously looked at the city gate, just in time to see the heavy city gate being crushed by two people. The car was completely smashed into pieces!
While the sawdust was flying all over the sky, there were almost simultaneous calls from inside and outside the city.

That means the Guancang has been captured by the Yangzhou army, so the county government offices not far away are probably all enemies.
Wu Long frowned and asked: "Prefect, what should we do?"

As soon as the words fell, Hua Xin was startled when she heard an earth-shattering scream coming from the front. Hua Xin looked around and saw a armor knife had been chopped on Wu Long's back. Wu Long was still waving the long knife in his hand. But the blood spilled out like rain, and the sky was full of blood.

"The city is broken! Kill! Charge!"

The east gate is also lost?
Although he had expected it, Hua Xin's heart still sank. He didn't expect that the west gate, the north gate was breached not long ago, and the east gate was breached so quickly. Now it seems that only the south gate is the only way to escape.

Wu Long said in a deep voice: "If you want to go to the south gate, you can only go around from the east first!"

"The city is broken! The Yangzhou Army is attacking! It is attacking!"

Hua Xin was startled for a moment, then suddenly realized: "You are that Gan Ning, Gan Xingba?"

Wu Long stomped his feet angrily, not caring about his superiority or inferiority, he directly grabbed Hua Xin and rushed out, at the same time shouting loudly: "Hurry up and escort the eunuch with me!"

A group of defenders immediately rushed up, trying to block the enemy's single-handed charge, but this Yangzhou general is really powerful, with armor swords in his hands and down, like lightning strikes in the dark night, he is almost invincible. In the blink of an eye, he broke through the defenders' camp and ran straight in front of Hua Xin!

Hua Xin's grip on the sword hilt was released immediately, and there was only an indescribable emptiness in his heart. He looked up and down the city wall. At this time, the county captain Wu Long rushed in front of him and shouted anxiously: "Prefect, the city gate has fallen, Those mountains can't stand up anymore, and they have already started to flee!"

"Prefect, the Yangzhou army is in full swing. With the current morale and morale of the sons and daughters, they will definitely not be able to fight head-on."

"The prefect doesn't need to worry." Wu Long glanced at him, and said with a firm expression: "The last general will escort you out of the city!"

At this time, Wu Long had brought his relatives and collided with those Yangzhou troops. The result of the collision was blood spattering. The Yangzhou army who took the lead was really brave, but after several rounds, Wu Long had been repulsed several times. It was covered in injuries!
The strength and weakness are so distinct, and the disparity is so great that Wu Longwu has never retreated since he fought to the death, and he does not know how he has such strength. Although there are hundreds of defenders and the Yangzhou army has only a dozen or so cavalry, the one who has the upper hand is instead It was the side with fewer people. The dozen or so Yangzhou cavalry troops continued to crisscross. Jun screamed and fell to the ground.

Hua Xin, who had just gotten up, looked more and more anxious, ignoring the pain in his feet, so he kept shouting: "Hurry up and help!"

It was the enemy general who not only dodged the deadly sword, but also kicked back immediately to fight back!
When Hua Xin climbed up in a panic, he saw that the enemy general had withdrawn his armor knife and was staring at him with sharp eyes: "You are quite clever, you can escape This general's sword."

"Stop him!"

Taking advantage of the enemy general's excessive force and the moment the door opened wide, Hua Xin drew out his long sword with his strength, and immediately stabbed at it.

"Well, how about letting you go if I can take another knife?"

completely over
Seeing Hua Xin's distraught face, Wu Long still wanted to speak, but when he turned around, his expression changed, but Hua Xin's temporary camp was above the city gate, and the first batch of Yangzhou troops rushing into the city had already begun. rushed towards them.

The last scream resounded through the sky, Hua Xin and Wu Long looked at each other, it was the voice of the county magistrate, it seemed that they must have been attacked by the Yangzhou army and had already died in battle.

Hearing this, Gan Ning glanced at Hua Xin, the corner of his mouth twitched, and his smile was very secretive, "Do you really think that the last time you escaped in Nanchang, it was because of your own ability?"

"That's right." Gan Ning nodded, got off his horse, walked towards Hua Xin with a knife in his hand, and said calmly, "Don't say that I will deceive you with horsepower."

These more than ten Yangzhou soldiers all used long-handled armor knives. As soon as the defenders surrounded them to stop them, a particularly tall general in the lead swung the armor knives in his hand, and with a flick of a flower, seven or eight of them were killed. The soldiers cut it off with a single knife!

"Where did it come from again?"

Seeing that the sword was about to pierce the enemy general's chest, Hua Xin felt ecstasy, but unexpectedly the enemy general twisted his wolf waist, and his whole body suddenly fell sideways, and he dodged the sword without time!
This can't kill him?
As soon as this thought flashed through Hua Xin's mind, he felt a sharp pain in his chest, and at the same time, an irresistible force came, kicking him into the air, causing countless screams: "Prefect!"

Wu Long is not incompetent to be a county lieutenant in an important border town like Jianchang. The military discipline he has rectified is really extraordinary. , and retreated in an orderly manner, still in the formation of a solid wall. In contrast, Shanyue, who performed well in the battle of the city, was disorderly at this time, and only cared about running out of the city in a swarm. The Yangzhou army beheaded them one by one.

"It's fine if it's the Lord."

It has to be said that the Confucian scholars in the Han Dynasty were indeed not comparable to the later generations. Hua Xin made a sudden move, but it was beyond the expectation of the Yangzhou general. A body of a hundred catties was hung on the handle of the knife. It was a lot heavier, and only a "bang" was heard, and the blade slashed to the ground.

Although he had the will to die, Hua Xin was not prepared to be slaughtered. Although the opponent's sword came quickly, his posture was very casual. It must be because he did not take him seriously as a scholar. Hua Xin lowered his eyes. With a shout, he stared at the falling knife handle, stretched out his left hand, grabbed it suddenly, slipped his foot, and hung his body on the opponent's knife.

This is not only clear to Wu Long, but also to the soldiers. Hua Xin looked at the defenders around him, and everyone had a look of sadness on their faces. , It seems that today is the day of my death."

Seeing Gan Ning's proud face, Hua Xin couldn't help feeling angry, holding his sword intently, and couldn't help but mockingly said: "Wang Zheng didn't hesitate to use so much labor to catch me, if I really let me escape again, Are you not afraid of military punishment?"

What else can we do? Hua Xin felt as if his heart was being twisted by a knife. After a while, he said with difficulty: "I won't go to the county government, let's go to the east gate immediately, maybe there is still a chance!"

Captain Zhang murmured with a pale face: "What should I do? What should I do?"

"This general?"

Wu Long shouted angrily and rushed forward.He also used a long sword, and a few of his own soldiers also shouted and rushed forward after him. Hua Xin gritted his teeth, drew out his long sword and rushed forward.

"Ah?" Hua Xin was startled when he heard the words, "What do you mean?"


Hua Xin was moved for a moment. Just as he was about to say something, he heard the sound of horseshoes in front of him. The next moment, dozens of Yangzhou troops rushed towards the defenders!

"The enemy is coming!" Wu Long drew his knife and shouted, "Brothers, follow me!"

"Lieutenant Wu!"

There were not many Yangzhou troops on this side. Under the flow of people, a hole had been opened, but the defenders left hundreds of corpses behind. When Hua Xin arrived, he almost walked over the corpses.

Oh shit!

But he is a Confucianist after all, although he has also learned sword skills, he can only use a few moves in one-on-one at most. This kind of melee fighting is really not his specialty, he has not rushed a few steps, but he staggered, but already fell to the ground.

At this moment, there was another burst of killing shouts from all around, like a tide, and everyone's complexion changed at the same time. It was clear that the Yangzhou army had sensed that they wanted to flee the city, and they had already swarmed and chased them.

If the enemy breaks through the formation, it is basically like chopping melons and cutting vegetables. Of course, even if the defenders can maintain their formation, it is actually difficult to save the defeat. It is just the difference between dying a moment earlier or dying a moment later.

After retreating from the garrison for a long time, Hua Xin finally came to his senses and asked, "Except for Ximen, what about the other gates?"

Hua Xin gritted his teeth when he heard the words. Jianchang is no better than Nanchang. The narrow terrain is an advantage for defense, but it is a big trouble when escaping. At the county office, go pick her up first, and then we will go"

Hua Xin had been watching clearly the battle between Wu Long and the opponent before, knowing that this man was so powerful that he would definitely not be able to fight head-on. His bones would break immediately, and the armor knife would still split him in half!

Hua Xin was also at a loss. Only Wu Long knew that something was wrong, so he immediately said, "Quickly, build a strong wall, and we can't let them break up our formation!"

"Why are you still in a daze here!"

But the problem is that to go to the south gate, you have to forcefully pass through the main street in the city, and the Guancang and the county government have lost their hands. Presumably this road has been occupied by the Yangzhou army. If you attack by force, it will be the same as death. Hua Xin couldn't help asking: "Lieutenant Wu, what should I do?"

It's not just Shanyue. After the city gate was breached, the right army guarding the city gate was the first to bear the brunt, and they were already scattered and fled. The Yangzhou army poured into the city like a black torrent, and everywhere they went, blood and flesh flew everywhere.And the already exhausted defenders no longer had the will to fight, and were unable to launch even the slightest counterattack.

It turned out that the leader was Zhang Duwei, the city guard at the east gate. He ran and shouted: "Prefect, Wu Xianwei, the east gate has also missed, let's retreat to the south gate!"

"The north gate has also been breached, Captain Hu sent someone to ask for help just now." Wu Long said: "I don't know the east gate and the south gate, prefect, which side should we go to?"

Hua Xin yelled in grief, but unexpectedly, this yell provoked the god of killing. The Yangzhou general who had just beheaded Wu Long immediately looked over. When he saw Hua Xin, his eyes lit up immediately, and he suddenly reined in. As soon as he mentioned it, he rode his horse and rushed towards him.

Hearing this, the enemy general looked down at Hua Xin condescendingly, and after a while, he suddenly asked, "Are you Hua Xin, the prefect of Yuzhang?"

"Dare you thief!"

At this time, many rout soldiers also followed, and there were always about a thousand people. At this moment, with a shout, the flow of people immediately headed east. of.

"You are just a small lieutenant under Wang Zheng's command, and you dare to release the enemy general privately?"

As soon as the voice fell, it seemed like a response, and suddenly there was another shout in the distance: "The enemy is attacking the official warehouse, and the whole army is rushing to help. Ah!"

"That's right." The other party was both riding a horse and so brave. Hua Xin knew that this time would be unreasonable, so he simply put aside his scruples: "I am Hua Xin, who are you?"

Not to mention that the rest of the defenders were all shocked by the heroic bravery of the enemy generals, and they all bound their feet and dared not go forward. Even Hua Xin couldn't help blurting out in surprise: "A real tiger general!"

"Wuxian Weishi is a loyal and brave man"

He had just walked one or two hundred steps eastward, but he heard a commotion in front of him. Hearing the sound, it was also a rout of soldiers, but it was too dark to see clearly. When the two groups of troops got closer, Wu Long stretched his neck to look, Seeing the person coming by the light of the fire, he couldn't help being surprised, "Old Zhang?"

Before he finished speaking, he saw Gan Ning snorting coldly, and suddenly rushed forward, Hua Xin's heart trembled, just as he clenched the long sword in his hand, he saw Gan Ning had already rushed in front of him, with a violent shake of his arms, the armor knife was in his hand Turn up, and it will come out with a "hoo"!

This knife was as fast as lightning and thunder, Hua Xin didn't even have time to swing out the long sword, and he felt a chill on his neck.

"I will if I am serious."

When Hua Xin fell down, hot blood spattered out, and a drop of it splashed onto the corner of Gan Ning's mouth. He licked it, glanced at the flying head, and said disdainfully, "How can you take another knife?"

On April [-]th of the second year of Jian'an, Jianchang fell, and Hua Xin, the prefect of Yuzhang, was beheaded by Gan Ning in front of the battle.

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