Infinite Brilliant Scroll

Chapter 117 Qin Wang Zhaodan, the blood of Shenwu

Chapter 117 Qin Wang Zhaodan, the blood of Shenwu

After Lang Shiqi ran out of two corners in the passage, he slowed down, his posture and pace changed to softness, and he landed silently. While moving forward, he carefully felt all the strange things that might happen around him.

There are endless organ formations in this underground palace. Even a three-star fighter, if he encounters some troublesome organs, he may be caught for a while and make a lot of noise. At that time, he will attract those people. , it is not easy to handle.

But even though he needed to be careful, he still did not hesitate to pay attention, raised the sword with his right hand, and stroked the spine with his left hand, listening to the friction between his skin and the texture on the spine, feeling the coolness texture.

The sword cast during Qin Xiaogong Ying Quliang's reign passed through several generations and was passed down to King Qin Zhaoxiang.

There are several records about this sword in Lang Shiqi's family. It is said that when King Qin Zhaoxiang held this sword, the sword was as bright as green, and when he used this sword to illuminate people, his bones were exposed, and his heart and soul were all visible at a glance.

So this sword is also called Qin Wang Zhaodan sword.

Later, King Zhaoxiang of Qin proclaimed himself emperor, and he called himself the Emperor of the West, and regarded the monarch of Qi as the Emperor of the East. However, he encountered setbacks and his military situation was disadvantaged. He gave this sword to Bai Qi, a famous general who refused to go out. The sword was taken back, but the whereabouts of the sword is unknown, and it has been passed down to this day.

The sword intent of Na Luo's true color Tianwai Feixian is actually quite compatible with Qin Wang Zhaodan sword, but unfortunately he doesn't understand the mystery of this sword at all, and only uses this sword as a sharp weapon for cutting iron like mud.

After Lang Shiqi brushed across the spine of the sword, he waved the sword forward in a vain manner, and green light like spring water shone from the sword body.

In the dark passage, under this unique light, the surrounding stone walls seem to be more transparent, hazy, mysterious and subtle.

"Sure enough, it's the King of Qin Zhaodan sword. Just taking this sword back is enough to give me a little more weight in the hearts of those elders, but the more important thing is the immortal fruit of Yuhua Guxu."

Lang Shiqi turned these thoughts in his mind for a while, and he didn't dare to continue to be distracted.

He held the gleaming sword obliquely in his hand, and the light of the sword seemed to be able to vaguely illuminate the layout of some organs hidden behind the stone wall.

Whenever those traps were about to be activated, the sword in his hand pierced through the stone wall like cutting into soft tofu, destroying a link in the trap.

Although, considering that those who seek revenge on Luo Bense may still have a white jade token that can emit aura and sword shadows in their hands, after Lang Shiqi seized the sword, he didn't even care about his treasure hunting mouse, so he hurriedly leave.

But now that he has this sword in his hand, the efficiency of advancing is actually higher than when he had the Treasure Hunting Mouse before.

He could also vaguely sense that he was going deep into a more dangerous area of ​​the underground palace, and since the Feathering Guxu Longevity Fruit was not in the most auspicious place, it must be in a dangerous place.

It is necessary to take this risk.

After zigzagging for a few hundred meters, the passage in front of him gradually became slightly different from the place he walked before.

There was only a little dust in those square passages before, and although it could be ventilated, there was no trace of dampness. Generally, under the light, it even looked a little clean and deserted.

And in these passages in front of you, you can gradually see mottled mosses on the corners of the walls and on the floor tiles, and the humidity in the air has also increased significantly.

The light of Qin Wang Zhaodan sword in Lang Shiqi's hand was urged to become a little brighter, and all the sensitive nerves in his heart were tense.

But after taking advantage of these emerald green lights and quietly walking forward for a certain distance, he faintly sensed that something was wrong, as if someone was following him behind him.

Lang Shiqi's eyes flicked left and right, and under the light of the sword, there were no suspicious shadows on either side of the passage except his own shadow.

There was no sound of footsteps behind, it seemed that there was only a very light, swaying feeling of the breeze.

As he stopped, the little breeze had dissipated, and everything returned to calm.

He took a few steps forward, and the swaying breeze followed behind him.

The tights, which were as rough as snakeskin, covered all the skin except the head, face and hands. This clothing even had a sharper perception than his own skin, which could make him feel omens.

The green sword light in the passage flickered suddenly.

Lang Shiqi completed a spinning chop at an extremely fast speed.

There was nothing behind.

Breeze was also disturbed by the sword energy and broke apart.

A shallow arc of sword light flew to the corner behind and submerged into the stone wall.

Lang Shiqi wrinkled his nose and even used his sense of smell, but he couldn't catch any abnormalities.

He was convinced that this disturbing feeling was not due to his delusions and suspicions, but was definitely a deliberate arrangement in the underground palace.

Moreover, there must be a truly sinister offensive to cooperate with this disturbing disturbing effect.

After Lang Shiqi thought for a moment, the light from the sword in his hand disappeared, and the surroundings fell into darkness.

The eyesight of a three-star fighter can completely see things in this darkness without hindrance.

After the sword light disappeared, it really made him aware of where the strangeness was - it was the light.

Although ordinary people seem to be in complete darkness in this environment, in fact, without the interference of the sword light, Lang Shiqi can detect it instead.

In this passage, the darkness in different areas is also thick and light, as if "darkness" has become a measurable thing that occupies all the space, but is divided into lumps and flocs, squeezing each other. Pressing and floating, forming countless different outlines.

When someone walks by, the thick and faint darkness around him will be slightly disturbed, and the countless grotesque silhouettes will also be stretched and deformed accordingly.

That kind of feeling is not just that there is one person following me, but a group of people... Even just by looking at them, countless associations can be emanated from those outlines, a large group that looks like people but not like people Things, tightly wrapped, spying on themselves.

Every step, every movement is linked with these things.

Lang Shiqi stood quietly in this thick and thin darkness, his face twitched.

He seems to have touched the source of the strange feeling, but it's just some kind of array effect that affects light and darkness.

Now that he has seen the truth, let alone a martial artist with a three-star evaluation, even an ordinary person with a firm will should be able to suppress his fear and walk through it calmly.

But the fact is that when Lang Shiqi saw these things clearly, the feeling of strangeness in his heart became more intense, and every nerve was being teased, as if there were many absurd ghosts in his mind, heart On the ground, fluff grows out.

'This is a formation aimed at the Seven Souls! '

Lang Shiqi found the answer for himself and started to move forward again.

There are also three types of ancient formation theory. One is to cooperate with organs and use material changes to cause various kinds of damage.

The second is to mobilize the natural vitality to form special effects such as water, fire, golden wind, and shackled breathing to harm life.

The third category is illusion.

The most common illusion is to deceive the sense of sight and hearing, and even the sense of touch and taste is deceived at the next level, but there is a more subtle level, which is aimed at the seven souls.

The three souls and seven souls may even be known to children in the Asia-Pacific region who love to read online articles, but if the three souls and seven souls are to be subdivided, it is actually a very complicated whole system.

To put it simply, the seven souls correspond to various functions of the human body, and they are the embodiment of various physiological phenomena such as the human body's detoxification function, hunger instinct, sleep regulation, body temperature regulation, excretion control, pain fainting, time and space senses, etc.

Illusions that can affect the seven souls will directly disrupt the functions of the human body and induce various changes in instinct.

If it is among fighters, those with superpowers whose spirit is much stronger than their physical body, who are born with special genes, and are descendants of a few Taoism schools, then it is okay to say that they can directly suppress their instincts with their spirits.

For example, Lang Shiqi, an ancient martial arts fighter who pays attention to both internal and external training, has a strong physical body, and the seven souls are relatively not so easy to be affected, but once affected, after the instinct is induced, it is not so easy to be suppressed up.

He knew that he could not be afraid of these things, and he should focus on the crisis hidden behind these things, but he couldn't get rid of those distracting thoughts of fear.

He could only force himself forward, trying to break through this area.

"The bearded man, the most knowledgeable master in the Central Plains of the East China Sea in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, has always been known for his majestic momentum, and his whole body is as magnificent as Hai Li. This kind of formation is really not like his style..."

Lang Shiqi moved forward with hidden fear in his agitation, and he unknowingly accelerated.

The silhouette changes in the darkness also became more complicated and exaggerated because of his acceleration.

There is almost a huge skull-shaped grimace, which is close to the tip of his nose, suddenly takes shape, and then pulls away from him, elongates the face with a sharp smile, and is finally thrown away like noodles.

The more horrifying silhouette occupied Lang Shiqi's senses dizzyingly.

He surpassed, bumped into, and even swung his sword away these restless outlines time and time again. His original cautiousness was exhausted by himself.

So much so that when the real danger lurking arrived, he barely reacted.

It was also an extremely funny and frightening silhouette, hands and feet seemed to have just been pulled out of wet dough, swaying in waves, the outline of the skull seemed to be shaped into a square shape, with wrinkles all over the face, but the nose was sharp and round long.

Lang Shiqi rushed here, mechanically swung his sword, and when he wanted to break up the outline, the lines in the waves suddenly circled his hands and feet, avoiding the edge of the sword, and slapped him on the waist.

In the darkness of thick and light black and gray, Lang Shiqi was hit horizontally and smashed against the wall. The cold and tricky force penetrated his tight combat uniform, causing pain in his waist and almost cracking his bones.


Qin Wang shines on the sword with courage, the emerald green brilliance soars, and the sword sweeps across.

In the passage that was printed as a piece of green, there are countless strange silhouettes, which are either hidden or visible, and the sense of horror remains undiminished.

The silhouette that hit Lang Shiqi just now clearly dodged.

A spirit body hidden in the terrifying outline, as if wearing an ancient toga, with a few beards faintly under the chin, hastily dodged the Zhaodan Sword of the King of Qin, which can kill ghosts and tear souls.

Lang Shiqi chased forward, and a force from the side and rear hit his wrist.

Another spirit body dressed as a scholar from the Song Dynasty, hidden in those grotesque silhouettes, shot out with an extremely treacherous temperament.

Lang Shiqi was full of confusion and distracting thoughts, but after all, he was not strong enough. Once he went into battle, his consciousness and habit of fighting temporarily took over.

When his wrist was hit by the power of the spirit body, it seemed to be really broken. It was crooked and shriveled. A section of ten centimeters above and below the wrist was shriveled like crumpled paper. After folding, the erosion was resolved. The dark spiritual power coming over.

With the wrist in this state, there is no restriction on the normal rotation of the wrist joint. The sword clenched in Lang Shiqi's hand, twisted against the joint, and cut towards the back.

The soul that looked like a person from the Song Dynasty was still somewhat transparent, but the index finger and middle finger of the right hand suddenly popped out, solidified like jade.

The two fingers were forked, like ram's horns, poking at the spine of the sword at the same time, the fingers were hot and cold, and the two diametrically opposite spiritual forces, both with a dark aura, immediately weakened the sword light a bit.

"This is the Juan Ran finger of the nine ministers' achievements?!"

When Lang Shiqi was surprised, there were several mysterious spirit bodies attacking among the real and illusory silhouettes beside him.

In front of his chest with a horizontal sword, his body shrank and became flat, like a flattened paper shell, which resisted the attacks of those spirit bodies, and floated against the wall.

The movement of the Song Dynasty spirit body suddenly slowed down.

"Nine... One of the nine parts, body longevity power?"

It struck again, and the seal in its hand changed, hitting Lang Shiqi's body, like a flat paper shell Lang Shiqi, swelled up and was beaten back to its original shape.

But after returning to its original shape, Lang Shiqi, who couldn't dodge, spread upward between his brows like vertical branches, twisted and unified.

There was a flash of golden light.

The surrounding spirits all screamed and receded, and even those absurd outlines seemed to slow down for a while.

The distracting thoughts in Lang Shiqi's mind were suppressed at once, and his whole body seemed to have just crawled out of a swamp, and his whole body felt much more relaxed.

The spirit pattern between the eyebrows quickly faded away.

The spirit body dressed in the Song Dynasty didn't seem to be hurt like other spirit bodies, but became a little more sober under the golden light of the spirit pattern.

"Sure enough, the blood of the Shenwu family, who are you?"

"Shenwu Seventeen."

"Did you also inquire about the whereabouts of the seeds and entered this underground palace?"

The spiritual body with the appearance of an old man sighed bitterly, "The ancestors were ordered by the first emperor to go out to sea to search for immortal medicines. They found a tree of feathered seeds and lonely longevity fruits. Unfortunately, it is difficult to cultivate them, so we have to plan for future generations."

"It's a shame that our Shenwu family is hidden in the island country. From the Qin and Han Dynasties to the Tang and Song Dynasties, we searched diligently, and only found a few."

"This bearded man destroyed the arrangement of our ancestors in the East China Sea and robbed our Shenwu family. Hundreds of years later, he actually turned around and entrapped us."

Lang Shiqi opened his mouth slightly when he heard this, and thought to himself: It's not a few hundred years later, it's a thousand years later.

He calmed down and said, "This... old ancestor, although the family has changed several times, the feathered seeds have been paid more attention to. I don't know how much you know about this place. If we can get the feathered seeds back, maybe the family members will be more important. Allows you to reshape your body and live another life!"

The spirit body was not so happy: "Are those semi-finished immortal bloodlines again, or are they defective superfluous monsters? The spirit body is dark, even if I am a divine martial arts bloodline, how many days can I live if I throw it in?"

"No, after the family absorbed the cloning technology, this aspect has already advanced by leaps and bounds. Although the complete Shenwu bloodline cannot be reproduced, it is not difficult to create a body suitable for the parasitism of the ancient spirit spirit body."

Lang Shiqi's mind turned quickly, he clarified the status quo, and persuaded confidently and eagerly, "In fact, there are several such examples in the family now. Even if you don't believe it for now, if I take you back to support, at least it will be better than you." It’s better to live here underground.”

The spirit body thought for a moment, and the light and shadow contours in the distance changed again, and many Yin Qi were approaching, his face changed, and he said: "Okay, I will try it with you."

"The source of this area is the soul-suppressing lamp array of Hongfu Girl. We died in the lamp array, and we were all banned and could not retaliate. But you may be able to, I will take you there..."

(End of this chapter)

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