Chapter 185
Maybe he overestimated the power of that organization, Guan Luoyang was not in the base, waiting for immediate revenge.

It wasn't until the doctors called by the sheriffs confirmed that the clones could live without the culture fluid, and then rescued them from the culture cabin, wrapped them in clothes and sent them to the ambulance.

Harry left some people at the base, asked Guan Luoyang to go to the ground, and got into the sheriff's car. The sheriff's black car opened the way ahead. The convoy left from the beach, passed through the park, and drove onto the main road.

Every morning between eight o'clock and twelve o'clock in the Violet State is the busiest time for the fighting arenas all over the territory. People gather inside and outside the fighting arenas of different grades, waiting for the results of the competition.

There is not much traffic on the street.

The sheriff's convoy quickly drove onto the bridge leaving Goldfinch Island, and the first corner less than 200 meters after crossing the bridge was Harry's security post.

However, when the convoy was crossing the bridge, Guan Luoyang moved his ears, and suddenly jumped up and crashed through the roof of the car.

"Be careful!!"

At the same time as he sounded the warning, more than [-] figures in black tights and helmets turned up from under the deck on both sides of the bridge.

Although these people are physically strong and have excellent ability to hide their aura, they are not yet at the level of three stars, but each of them carries an individual bazooka on their shoulders.

This kind of weapon is often used when the army is dispatched or in special operations. It can be used by infantry to fight against tanks.

At this moment, these people of unknown origin are actually handed over to each other!
The rockets with tail fins roared and landed on each convoy.

Guan Luoyang stepped back and landed on the medical vehicle, his strong internal strength gushing out, like a blue wave of anger that swept across the sky, repelling all the rockets attacking here.

The rockets exploded one after another, creating circles of smaller ripples in the blue air waves.

However, even after some of the detonated steel ball fragments penetrated through the viscous blue vitality, they no longer had the power to kill the human body. When they hit the car doors and windows, there was only a jingling sound.

The sheriffs in front had also reacted and raised their guns to shoot at the thugs.

But those people threw the bazooka on their shoulders casually, and in the black pocket on the back was another bazooka ready to go, and carried it on their shoulders.

The sheriffs in black uniforms were so frightened that their faces turned pale. They smashed the car doors one after another, abandoned the car and fled.

The next moment, several rockets pierced through the outermost cyan vitality, blowing up the two cars in the front into the air and shattering them on the spot.

Guan Luoyang was a little surprised, and couldn't help but wonder if the organization behind the cloning base was really powerful enough, or was Violet State already free to this extent?
Following the legalization of gun possession and street fighting, the Violet State may legalize bazookas in the near future.

Harry led the sheriff's fighters and rushed towards the thugs on both sides of the bridge.

Guan Luoyang just raised his head and looked up, and struck out a palm force from the air.

A curly-haired man in a tuxedo took half a step forward and fell down on the steel cables that were pulled obliquely at the height of the bridge.

He turned half a circle during the fall, and the sword in his hand pierced the blue palm print on his head and feet, and when he was about to approach the top of Guan Luoyang's head, he suddenly opened his arms, like a gliding swallow, Float to the side.

The thin sword pierced Guan Luoyang's right rib from an incredible angle.

According to the classification of modern fencing, this sword should be considered a foil sword, with a total length of 110 centimeters, a blade length of [-] centimeters, and a weight of no more than [-] grams.

The history of fencing is very ancient. It is said that there were fencing classes in ancient Greece in the eleventh century BC.

In medieval Europe, fencing was listed as the seven noble sports of knights together with horse riding, swimming, hunting, playing chess, reciting poems, and throwing spears.

Later, due to the popularity of fencing, in order to satisfy those gentlemen and aristocrats who love fencing without harming their lives, foil, a thin and light sword made of elastic steel sheets, gradually emerged.

However, if those palace fencing masters who pursued safety and promoted foil back then saw the foil in the hands of this curly-haired man, they would immediately associate the words "foil" and "safety" in their minds. far apart.

His stabbing with the sword made Guan Luoyang's majestic god clothes feel a little irritated and restless.

If it can hit, even the hardest bones and teeth in the human body will be pierced by the sword point like air.

Ding! ! !
Guan Luoyang's right fingertips were condensed with a sharp cyan luster, like the beak of a bird of prey. When he pecked down, his thumb, index finger and middle finger grabbed the middle of the thin sword.

At this moment, there was a hole in the blue vitality in front of Guan Luoyang.

His head seemed to have been hit by a sudden force, and he suddenly fell back.

On the roof of an apartment building at the other end of the bridge, the dark and slender gun barrel does not reflect light under the sun. Han hands.

The maximum firing range of this gun reaches 500 meters, and the speed of bullet ejection is more than three times the speed of sound.

As a sniper, this man has undergone the most severe covert training, which can make the rattlesnake ignore its existence. An auxiliary chip is also installed in his brain to avoid being detected by fighters with keen senses in advance. .

Such a shot once killed a four-star fighter in the actual test.

The target who destroyed the No. [-] base obviously couldn't dodge such a shot.

At the same time that Guan Luoyang was shot, the curly-haired man with the foil in his hand continued to thrust his own stabs without returning.

His sword had already been clamped, but the reason why he used a foil sword was because the sword was extremely fragile at certain times, and there was almost no sound of metal breaking, and the blade had already been clamped by Guan Luoyang's fingers. part, divided into two parts.

The second half continued to stab Guan Luoyang's ribs, and would penetrate his chest and internal organs from here.

Guan Luoyang tilted his head back to the right and looked at the curly-haired man. His mouth was grinning open and his teeth were tightly shut.

There was a small mass of deformed metal, still carrying high heat from friction, which was firmly resisted by his teeth.

In the next moment, Guan Luoyang spit out that small group of severely deformed metal, and hit the foil man's skull, knocking him upside down from the right side to the side of the bridge.

Guan Luoyang looked to the other side of the bridge, raised the half-broken sword in his hand, and threw it hard.

The one-eyed sniper turned sideways and narrowly avoided the half-cut sword, but his partner was not so lucky.

The expensive sniper rifle seemed to have suffered repeated explosions, from the barrel to the butt, it was torn apart and tattered.

The curly-haired man was not dead yet. He landed on the side of the bridge, and when he was about to struggle to get up, a figure jumped up into the air from a yacht under the bridge, jumped 30 meters in a straight line, and jumped onto the bridge.

The man broke the curly-haired man's wrist with one kick, then knelt down, pressed his knee against the curly-haired man's neck, and looked up at Guan Luoyang with burning eyes.

"Is this the gentleman who just destroyed a clone base on the west coast of Goldfinch Island?"

The hulking man with short blond hair and a scar on his face said loudly, "My name is Faqi. After hearing about your deeds, I came here to invite you."

(End of this chapter)

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