Chapter 54
When King Yue saw these people, his face was a little puzzled at first, and then suddenly said: "Oh, he is the secret spy leader of the Jurchens. When we were in Jiangnan two years ago, we almost met him."

The old eunuch Chen said with a smirk: "Hehe, we have fought so many times, we have seen many portraits, and we have sketched each other's images in our hearts, but this is the first time we actually met. You brought people here on the trip to the south of the Yangtze River." Surrounding us, chasing our family like a bereaved dog, fleeing in panic, now the situation is reversed, but I don't know how His Royal Highness Yue feels?"

"How does this prince feel in his heart..."

King Yue chuckled, and said to Guan Luoyang's back, "What do you think, this strong man?"

Guan Luoyang said calmly: "I just feel a little sorry."

The old eunuch Chen completely focused his attention on him, and said: "Are you sorry for that Diwei army? It is really a gold-raised army. If that team really sneaks into Chengyin without anyone noticing, we It is a pity that the pawn of the gods did not die of human beings, but died of wild poison, which should indeed be a pity."

"My regret is that the one standing in front of me is only a eunuch, not an emperor."

Guan Luoyang pulled out the knife with its sheath on the back of his waist, and stabbed the scabbard on the ground. With the knife in the sheath, he flexed and stretched his fingers, lowered his eyes, as if looking at his nails, and said casually, "In that case, I will You can kill an emperor."

Old eunuch Chen shuddered: "Presumptuous!!!"

It was the old eunuch who shouted angrily, but it was the five figures behind him who raised their hands.

The one who moved the fastest was actually the one who looked the shortest and the fattest, originally standing on the far left.

"Presumptuous!" As soon as the second syllable of the word was uttered, the short and fat figure had already jumped in front of Guan Luoyang.

The height of the top of his head was only up to Guan Luoyang's collarbone, and he pushed flat with both hands, as if two cannonballs exploded in a short distance, hitting Guan Luoyang's waist on both sides.

Guan Luoyang moved in response, and made a move in the posture of an arhat sitting on a tiger, bumping his waist and hips backwards, arching his body, his kidneys were suddenly pulled away from the opponent's palm by more than two feet, his left foot hit the ground backwards, and his long arms beat , and smashed towards the top of the chunky figure's head.

There was a humming sound in the air, with a hint of sharp rupture in the sound.

The sound of Guan Luoyang's arm being smashed was like a heavy and sharp long-handled battle ax swung down. The blue bird's vitality gathered along with the strength of the body, and naturally rushed to the left arm, and the dense bronze pattern instantly emerge.

He seems to be careless, relaxed and calm, but when he makes a move, he already has [-]% strength. The transition between stillness and movement, softness and rigidity is seamless.

Goosebumps instantly appeared on the back of the short and fat man, his neck retracted, his arms crossed, and they crossed towards Guan Luoyang's forearms and elbows.

When he was parrying, he still had a little intention of changing his back move. As long as he caught this strike, he would take advantage of the momentum to pull the opponent's wrist, breaking the connection between the forearm and the elbow.

But the moment the two sides actually met, the short and fat man's brain buzzed, he forgot all the changes in the back move, blood rushed to the top of his head, and he exhaled loudly, bursting out with all his strength to resist the blow.

Bang! ! ! !

The short and fat man's body became shorter and bulged horizontally, and his crotch was completely sunk in dead leaves and mud. His jacket burst open, revealing an extremely bright scarlet toad tattoo on his back.

The tattoo occupies his entire back, and it is outlined with thick and bright red marks. It is not realistic at all, but it has that kind of charm, which makes people wonder if such a big toad really existed.

When he was smashed into the ground, the whole toad seemed to have a bulging belly with four legs lowered as his back bent.


The real voice came to everyone's ears.

Guan Luoyang's inevitable blow, which was supposed to smash the opponent's head, was blocked because of the swelling of his upper body.

Arhat boxing emphasizes a continuous movement from top to bottom, hands and feet are like a wooden dummy made of copper and iron, and they are completely connected.

A blow to the arm was blocked, Guan Luoyang set his right foot on the ground, and kicked his left foot out. The dead leaves and soil on the ground were left with a dent by this kick, and the toe hit the short and fat man's heart.

The short and fat man was beaten until blood oozes from his ears, his hands were paralyzed, he maintained a hesitant movement, unable to resist at all, and he caught a glimpse of the black shadow sweeping towards his chest in his eyes.

At the critical moment of life and death, a long leg kicked from the side.

The person who made the kick was still behind the short and fat man, but the kick he turned around and kicked seemed to have eyes behind him, which was extremely accurate.

The heel of the shoe hit the side of Guan Luoyang's left leg, like the tail of a poisonous scorpion.

The two legs separated at the touch of a touch. Guan Luoyang's left leg landed on the ground, his waist bent to the left, and his upper and lower fists were like bull horns.

Of the two people on the left, one has a flexible hand and swings his arms like a python. He just waits for a chance to entangle and lock Guan Luoyang's arm.

The other person relied on the speed of his fist, and at the same time as one punch met Shangguan Luoyang's fist, the other punch was ready to strike Guan Luoyang's face.

However, Guan Luoyang's move of the arhat hitting the door and the horn of the black bull was not the reckless rush that exhausted all his strength and left no room for it as it seemed on the outside.

Instead, the spirit penetrates the sky, the pores are completely closed, and the whole body seems to be so flexible that it has broken away from the constraints of life, and it does not touch the slightest dust, and it is clean and neat.

He retracted his fist force as soon as he sent out, and at the same time as he broke the two people apart, he had already retreated back to his original position, avoiding all the opponents behind him.

Because the changing moves collided too quickly, the person with legs like poisonous scorpions and the two people on the left almost staggered back together.

At this time, the attack of the fifth person arrived.

This person didn't take the usual way. He first ran towards a tree, stepped on the trunk perpendicular to the ground with both feet, and walked up seven or eight steps as if walking on flat ground. Fly down from a height.

He was also the only one among the five who had time to draw out his weapon. There were two semi-circular shields on both arms. When the arms were closed, the shields would close into a bulging circle.

Such a pounce, integrating gravity, the elasticity of the tree trunk, and its own strength, shoveled out the sharp edge of the shield, absolutely no flesh and blood could stop it.

The Maitreya Buddha statues made of copper and iron in the White Lotus Sect in the north have all had their heads chopped off by this trick.

The timing of his move was really good. The moment Guan Luoyang repelled the other three and returned to their original positions, the sharp edge of the shield fit within a foot of Guan Luoyang.

The king of Yue shouted in alarm, and the old eunuch Chen smiled, all happened at the same time.

But their movement had been dismissed by Guan Luoyang. His eyes turned to the front right, and his attention was raised to the highest level in an instant. The surrounding scenery seemed to be slowed down by his senses.

But his own movements also slowed down accordingly, and he only had time to make a movement of leaning back and blocking with both hands, ten fingers condensed with bronze luster, firmly pinching the edge of the round shield.

Bang! ! !
The two figures flew out together.

The shield bearer shoveled Guan Luoyang, crushed the dead leaves, and slid more than ten meters above the ground.

Old eunuch Chen laughed loudly: "The five poisonous guards have killed one person together, and they have never missed it!"

There is a folk saying of five poisons, and the names of these five people are spirit snakes, scorpions, toads, geckos, and centipedes.

It is also the nickname they obtained after they practiced each of the five branches of the Five Poison Fist to a great success.

There are endless pictographic boxing techniques in the world. Southern Shaolin is famous for its snakes, cranes, tigers, leopards, and dragons.

It's just that when the Jurchens entered the pass, they invaded the north and swept across the south of the Yangtze River. They once promised to reward them with official titles to attract folk masters of boxing and magic.

After all, those who learn martial arts and magic are ordinary people, and not all of them understand the righteousness of the family and the country, and forget to die. The most powerful Jurchens.

Among the Wudang sect, there were also a few people who were eager for power and greedy for power. They deliberately accepted the invitation of the Jurchens and defected, bringing some of the essence of martial arts, including the Five Poison Boxing Manual, into the Jurchen court.

These five poisonous guards, even the old eunuch Chen himself, are descendants of Wudang traitors back then. They took medicine and practiced boxing. There are masters who are deeply impressed.

When the old eunuch Chen laughed, the gecko, who was actually holding the shield and shoveling, reacted, and a strange feeling suddenly surged in his heart.

Something is wrong!
too light!
Although the shovel hit the opponent just now, it didn't feel like knocking a person into the air, but more like bumping into a light and agile little beast.

Of course, if it's just light weight, it's impossible to avoid this lore move.

The swiftness and fierceness of this flying leap is indescribable, the sharp edge of the shield can not only shatter iron and metal, but also cut the catkins floating in the air in half.

But if there is something in the world that is as light as catkins, can float in the air without exerting any effort, but is stronger than gold and iron, his shoveling may not be effective.

The force of the ten fingers pinching the edge of the shield, the restraining force emitted by it, is far more than the strength of gold and iron?

The gecko didn't realize this until after they had slid for more than ten meters, when their momentum was about to run out.

He immediately saw the fingers resting on the edge of his shield, pinching and pulling, crushing the iron shield, which had failed in impact force, like some kind of crispy biscuit.

The hands pierced through the gap in the iron shield, and they slapped upwards, and the fragments in their hands pierced through the gecko's ears.

Guan Luoyang, who was crushed under him, straightened up like a carp, holding the gecko's head with both hands, and threw him out.

This turnaround happened so quickly, before the spirit snake, centipede and scorpion could see clearly, they saw that figure falling on toad.

The nostrils of the toad were bleeding, and when the gecko fell to the ground, it was already bleeding from seven holes, and it died without a sound.

The old eunuch Chen's laughter stuck in his throat. Looking at the scene in front of him, he forgot to breathe for a moment, and his expression was very funny.

How could it be possible, the great boxer who had achieved two achievements in physical martial arts, the five poisonous guards had killed more than once.

As long as the opponent has no helpers by his side and is alone, he will not be able to withstand the combined attack method hidden in the Five Poison Fist Manual.

If it is by magic, it is impossible.

The totem spell on the gecko needs to be blessed every three months. Each time, five big shamans and eight young priests are required to perform medicinal baths, chant spells, and dances around him. The effect of the blessing is only one. .

It is to make the enemy's magic power slow down a beat when the gecko gets close, so that it is too late to be transported out of the body.

The essence of all magic power in this world is borrowing power. Even the magic power that exists in the body for a long time must be transported out of the body and interact with nature before it can exert greater power.

It is too late to transport the mana out of the body, and it is absolutely impossible to block the condescending, seven or eight thousand catty shovel.

Not to mention old eunuch Chen, even King Yue was stunned.

Guan Luoyang didn't care how complicated their thoughts were, his eyes seemed to be shining brightly. The more dangerous the battle, the more excited he would be and the happier he would fight. .

With a flash of light from the knife, the emerald-green patterned long knife was out of its sheath, cutting a full arc, killing the dizzy toad as well.

Half of his body was above the ground, and blood spurted up along with his head.

The moment the knife light passed by, it was so close that there was no blood on it, Guan Luoyang's footwork whirled, and he slashed towards the spirit snake.

Spirit Snake folded his hands together, and pulled out a stretched silver-white soft whip from his sleeves. He stepped backwards and frantically resisted the blade.

He had just blocked the light of the left and right slashing swords, when Guan Luoyang retracted the blade unexpectedly, and the moment his left sleeve was brushed open, the long saber violently raised and slashed from the shadow of the sleeve.

This knife, even though it was still touched by the long silver whip, was unstoppable. The tip of the knife made a longitudinal incision in the snake's abdomen.

The scorpion and the centipede hurried over to kill them.

The centipede punched quickly, with a hidden sword mechanism in the sleeve, from time to time, a dagger stabbed out from the back of the fist, unexpectedly.

Scorpion's legs are the best weapons. His pair of shoes are made of leather with steel inside. The heels were originally equipped with spikes and the toe of the shoes were equipped with poisonous blades.

But when the spike on the right heel hit Guan Luoyang's leg just now, it didn't have time to pierce the opponent's skin, but was bent instead.

The old eunuch Chen came to his senses, and caught sight of the figure of the Ming soldiers coming in the forest.

Before the old eunuch weighed his interests, the king of Yue had already taken the initiative to fight out. The figure holding the sword flew across the poisonous fire on the ground. The tip of the sword shook like a cold star, and fell towards the old eunuch Chen's face.

"You are killing yourself!"

Old eunuch Chen flipped his sleeves, clamping the blade of the sword with both hands.

If the king of Yue was in his prime, the outcome would not be easy to say, but he was injured and fled all the way, so tired that he dared to take the initiative to attack. Old eunuch Chen thought to himself that he would be able to kill him within ten moves.

King Yue's expression was cold, his face was so cold that he was a completely different person from the princely demeanor who laughed and talked freely before.

The so-called son of a thousand gold can't sit still, the more he has, the more he cherishes himself.

And he is a majestic prince, persecuted to such an extent by monsters, his body has been washed away, and instead reveals the appearance of a young Taoist who forbeared in the mountains when the late emperor was in power, with murderous aura like broken jade.

Jiuying is still holding the knife, her eyes seem to be in harmony, as if she can recall the past from this narrow field of vision, the more she looks back, the more she settles down, the middle part of the handle of the knife with her left hand does not move, and the fingers of her right hand close to the blade are slightly touched one by one. bouncing.

King Yue took the initiative to break off the tip of the sword a few inches, and the broken sword swiped towards the belly of the old eunuch Chen. The two figures ran like tigers and foxes, fighting fiercely.

Some of the remaining poisonous fire swordsmen tried their best to play the iron pipes, and some had already met the Ming soldiers, letting poisonous fires burn on the dead leaves in the forest.

Guan Luoyang was besieged by three people. When the fight was in full swing, his swiftly advancing posture changed. He suddenly stepped on the five points of the plum blossom and exerted force in all directions. The light of the knife was scattered in three directions like snow.

The plum-blossom step in southern boxing has the same origin as Luohan boxing and crane boxing. When starting out, wooden stakes are used, and they are not nailed into the ground. The stake does not fall, and the body does not fall.

After practicing the uneven pile skills, in this kind of terrain with dead leaves and wet mud, you can also step down with your feet freely and force through your body, and you can have a wide enough gap between each step. Knife room.

Cheng Zhou's ancient knife cut through clothes, swept through flesh and blood, and when he swung the knife, it began to make a sharp howling that was different from the usual wind noise.

Guan Luoyang walked around in a circle, without looking at it, he broke out from the encirclement of the three people.

The three people's clothes were torn, and their thighs, neck, heart and other arteries were sprayed out with blood mist, and they fell down.

The old eunuch Chen had already slashed the broken sword in King Yue's hand with his palm, and when he saw Guan Luoyang rushing, he still raced against the clock to hit King Yue's throat with a phoenix fist with protruding second knuckles of his middle finger.

King Yue reluctantly evaded, his fist flew out from his collarbone, and when the bone broke, a gleam flashed in his eyes.

Guan Luoyang and the king of Yue passed by each other, and swiped at the old eunuch Chen.

The old eunuch Chen pinched the blade of his knife with his iron fingers.

The two looked at each other, their expressions suddenly changed, and they changed their moves at the same time, hitting upwards with one knife and one palm.

A giant python with scales like steel came entangled and shuttled from among the tree crowns. The snake's body was still in the tree crowns, and the snake's head had already hung from the tall tree, biting at everyone.

In the whole forest, a strong cold wind swept across, smelling fishy and falling leaves all over the sky.

Jiuying's posture of leaning on the knife with both hands changed, wrapping her hands around the tail of the knife, dragging the knife and striding forward.

The figure in the Taoist robe walked away, and there was a long and slender knife mark on the ground that cut through the circle of the spell, straight and brave.

(End of this chapter)

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