Infinite Brilliant Scroll

Chapter 88 The Origin of Sword and Fist

Chapter 88 The Origin of Sword and Fist
The sound of continuous explosions stirred up bursts of black smoke.

The Ghost Cry team members wearing masks and helmets rushed into the Tao Zhu Building with their respective equipment on their backs.

On the top floors of the building, although Guan Luoyang was alone, he was able to use the most violent offensive to crush these celebrities and villains, coming and going like the wind, invincible. Naturally, these Ghost Cry players did not have that kind of force.

But they have the cooperation between groups, and when they launch raids, they are more careful and planned.

Some broke in directly from the bottom of the building, responsible for blasting and feigning attacks, and some used climbing devices such as flying claws to reach a certain height, then broke the glass, and rushed to the corridor to search for ambushes.

Fleeing down from the upper floors in a hurry, the magnificently dressed beasts died in groups under their guns and bombs. Things went so smoothly, even they themselves felt a little unbelievable.

"Amitabha, Goddess of Mercy, bless you, it's so easy to get it this time."

The facial features were completely hidden under the helmet and mask, only the burly figure and hoarse voice showed that the speaker should be a middle-aged man.

He led two assistants to shoot at the stairway, causing most of the fugitives who were caught off guard to be killed or injured.

At the corner of the stairs, when the reformed warriors realized that they were about to counterattack, the three of them tacitly threw out a power bomb that exploded at the touch of a button, and quickly rushed to the side.

Boom! !
The flames of the explosion and the flashing electric arc moved in this section of the corridor at the same time, like the stench of burnt plastic and copper wires, spraying out along with the black smoke.

"I will offer more incense candles to Bodhisattvas when I go back!"

The man with a smoky voice hammered the floor and got up, his voice was so excited that he couldn't restrain himself.

In the past half a year, they have been running around and assassinating, each time they were just pretending to be local speeding gangs, and they were characterized as common gang fights. Kong Qingyun used his relationship in the Ministry of Security to help cover up and confuse the public.

Even the official name of "Ghost Crying Team" is only known to them.

Acting so cautiously, in the final analysis, is because their strength is still weak. Once it is revealed that they are not members of gangs, but righteous men who want to avenge these evil parties, soon, more gangs will pay attention to them, and the Ghost Crying Team will fall into a trap. A dangerous situation besieged on all sides.

Therefore, in their original plan, they never thought of attacking Taozhu Mansion head-on, but they wanted to wait until the banquet was over and everyone went home lazily, to ambush a few of the targets.

It was a surprise to be able to achieve such a result tonight, and all the backbones of the team felt that this opportunity was once in a lifetime, and they must not waste any cents, and they must strive for the greatest victory.

The man with a smoky voice quickly joined his companions and approached a business area in front right.

The [-]th floor below Taozhu Building is a variety of shopping malls and restaurants available for rent.

The floor they are on now seems to mainly sell clothes, purses, and cosmetics.

The display cabinets in the front area had been shattered by bomb fragments, and various cosmetics and perfumes were scattered among the broken glass and burning clothes.

Some of the companions had already fought with others here, and they were in a stalemate. With the reinforcements brought by the smoking man and the others, the situation was immediately restored.

Among the security personnel on the opposite side, there was a nimble figure sneaking to the side.

Lang Feiyan moved like a nimble black cat, landing silently, ready to go around an arc between the racks and containers, to surprise the smoking man and the others.

However, on the side of the Ghost Crying Team, someone had been watching her closely from the very beginning.

despair! !

The premonition of danger made Lang Feiyan's brisk steps reverse, her waist bent like a bow, and she fell backwards.

Gunshots sounded, and cluster bullets ejected from the chamber, forming a cone-shaped scattering attack, tearing apart the expensive fur, and hitting sparks on the opposite metal shelf, leaving many holes.

The shelf on the side was hit by Lang Feiyan's kick, and it flew up, carrying a dozen pieces of clothing and crashing into the gunman.

The gunman was wearing a sweater and a white helmet, with the windshield lowered in front of him. He was short and thin, and turned the gun in time.

However, an arm suddenly lifted up from under the hanger.

The well-proportioned bionic arms, the black gauze-like sleeves, the delicate skin, and even Danko painted on the nails, must belong to a beauty.

However, the upward thrust of the five slender fingers crushed the middle structure of the gun, causing the handle of the gun to fly away.

Lang Feiyan's arm cut through the shelves from bottom to top, and at the same time as more than a dozen pieces of clothes were scattered and flying, the other hand was whipped out by a spirit snake.

The edge of the five fingers cut off more than half of the windshield on the gunman's helmet.

The fighting technique called Bancasila is popular in the allied countries of East Kaliman, and it aims to imitate many wild animals in nature. The most common ones are the imitation of monkeys, white eagles, tigers, and pythons and venomous snakes.

When Lang Feiyan swung her arms, it was like a poisonous snake soaring, and when the steps of her feet changed, it was like a tiger's pounce, slap, and tail sweep.

The gunman also has mechanical arms, but he can't keep up with the opponent's fighting skills. He dodges the heavy step that can crush the steel plate, but he doesn't escape the shovel attack with his feet raised low.

He could only back out in a posture that was almost rolling.

The comrades in the distance raised their guns to support, Lang Feiyan dodged the series of shots while his figure was swaying, bent down as if touching the ground, swept out with one long leg, and kicked the gunman's face.

The hems of many clothes were shaking, and the rags and feathers caused by the shooting were floating everywhere.

The gunman who fell on the ground folded his arms to block the kick, slid a certain distance, and suddenly knocked his clenched fists on the ground.

Tiny cracks were knocked out on the smooth tiles, and Lang Feiyan clearly heard the sound of the spring contact switch of the storage bomb being touched.

Using two bombs at this distance is basically suicide.

Lang Feiyan's pupils shrank slightly, and with a flick of her waist, she hurriedly got up and shot backwards.

The bomb was thrown by the opponent, and before it could catch up with Lang Feiyan, it exploded in mid-air, sending out fragments and electric arcs.

The thin gunman rolled out, his helmet fell off, revealing a ponytail tied up with a rubber band, blood from his mouth stained the mask.

Lang Feiyan fell to the ground and staggered two steps. The bionic skin of the two long legs was damaged and scorched, and the metal skeleton was even exposed at the knees.

This kind of injury is actually not serious, but after the high-voltage arc of the storage bomb affected the True Spirit Machine, it gave her a severe headache.

At this moment, someone cut her from behind.

It took less than half a second for a forty-centimeter-long short knife to be unsheathed and put into its sheath.

Lang Feiyan turned around stiffly, the long and narrow wound on her back burst open, spurting out blood.

The true spirit electrical energy transmitted along the spinal nerves lost control of her lower limbs after her lumbar spine was cut obliquely.

Lang Feiyan fell to the ground, and the group of people she brought had also been wiped out.

The man in the mask with broken hair using a short knife ran to help the wounded man with the ponytail, his voice was very young: "How are you?"


The ponytail girl tore off her mask, spat out a mouthful of blood, and stared at Lang Feiyan, "Vice Captain, is she dead?"

"One more breath."

The deputy captain helped her over, pulled out a triangular army thorn from her calf and handed it to her.

The ponytail girl was holding the military thorn with both hands, and fell on Lang Feiyan, the military thorn pressed into her chest.

Lang Feiyan, who was already bleeding profusely, didn't react violently to the stab, but just twitched.She looked up and saw the hatred on the ponytail girl's face, and smiled inexplicably.

"why are you laughing?"

The ponytail girl stirred the army stab, "Do you still remember Li Zhang from Zhenyuan Newspaper, who was arrested by someone you sent because he exposed the inside story of your hospital, and was killed by a are still laughing!"

"I don't remember, but there will be many people like you who have a bad life because of me, but I have a wonderful life. Cough, then I am very happy."

Lang Feiyan's smile became convulsive, ugly, and icy-cold amidst the frenzied ups and downs of the army thorns.

The deputy captain pressed the ponytail girl's shoulder: "Okay, killing this kind of scum is the best ending. It's not worth it for you to continue to suffer for her words."

"I've already given you half a minute. The other teams have already advanced to the upper floor. There is no more time to waste. Ninth Brother, your hand is also injured. Take Xiao Li away first, and the others continue to move."

Everyone around responded, and left the sales area, and were about to rush to the nearest stairs.

Suddenly, the few people at the front flew upside down without warning, hitting the ceiling and their companions behind.

At the stairway, Liu Jingtang held a black pager in his hand and looked down with an inexplicable expression.

He kept listening to the other end of the pager, Fan Buchou's movement, heard the Fan family father and son rushing to the rooftop, and heard Fan Minzhi's yelling.

Then came the whistling gale and the sound of collisions, and Fan Buchou's boxing skills climbed to the peak with the sound of the siren.

Just now, when he stepped into this floor, with a loud noise, the pager on the other side was shattered, and all the voices stopped abruptly.

At that moment, he casually knocked away a few Guiku players.

In the process of going upstairs, it is not the first time that Liu Jingtang has encountered these gun battle scenes, but before he focused on catching up to the rooftop, he did not care about these scenes, and others could not see his whereabouts at all .

But now... Fan Buchou... probably died, right?

Liu Jingtang seemed to be caught in his own thoughts, a little distracted.

The Ghost Cry team members who had injured their companions had already raised their guns together.

The sound of the gunshots was like raindrops, and the bullets were like thousands of chaotic flashes, scarring that area into a thousand holes.

Liu Jingtang only moved sideways one step, and moved out of the entire area, avoiding the rain of bullets in advance.

At a banquet like today, he was still wearing the same windbreaker. In the gust of wind, he turned easily like a stream around a rock, and he had cut into the group of Ghost Crying players from another angle.

Another team member collapsed and flew out.

The deputy captain pressed his knees down and leaned his upper body forward. The moment his companion's figure collapsed and flew away, he pressed the red button on the scabbard at his waist with his left thumb.

The scabbard, like a silver-white short stick, has a multi-layered geometric pattern on the surface, which is obviously made of different parts, and there are many electronic components hidden inside.

Current connection, electromagnetic induction, acceleration, and the magnetized metal blade ejected out of the sheath.

The timing of the force exerted by the hand holding the knife is seamless, the ejection force from the scabbard and the force of the mechanical arm are connected with each other, changing the trajectory of the direct shot of the knife and accelerating the knife again.

A new chapter in the Shinto Wunian style, the [-]-inch Electromagnetic Knife Pulling Technique!
The knife light that was about to disappear without a trace flashed and stopped.

Only then did the sound of the blade being unsheathed spread, and a thin puff of white smoke rose from the mouth of the scabbard.

An unbelievable look appeared on the vice-captain's face.

His sword was learned from a boastful Japanese ancient swordsmanship teacher at the Singapore-Magang Children's Palace. In fact, it was a unique skill that the teacher himself did not practice.

When I came to him, since I practiced it, it can be said to be invincible. I even cut a missile so that it didn't have time to explode.

But today, the knife was pinched by the man in front of him with three fingers.

It is the thumb, index finger, and middle finger of Liu Jingtang's right hand.

Although the bionic skin on the fingers couldn't bear the sudden pressure at that time, many cracks burst open, but the man in the windbreaker who took the knife still looked absent-minded, holding the pager with his left hand.

Ding! !

The blade snapped, and the broken blade pierced through the deputy captain's left shoulder. The impact on the blade caused his whole body to lean back.

The broken knife head flew nearly a hundred meters and penetrated the glass curtain wall.

The trace left on the tempered glass is only a small defect where the tip of the knife penetrates, but no cracks spread to the surroundings.

The Guiku team members around them unanimously pulled off the power bombs on their belts, wanting to die with the person in front of them.

Fortunately, before their bomb had time to trigger, the ceiling trembled.

A silver light penetrated the ceiling and drew a circle. The thick concrete and the thick steel bars inside were cut and broken, and a large hole with a diameter of nearly half a meter was opened in the ceiling.

Kong Qingyun stepped on this piece of concrete and it fell down. In his hand was a three-foot thin sword that was only as thick as a thumb.

"You go downstairs first."

The intentionally changed rough voice, with a sense of familiarity that convinced all the team members, immediately pulled away the wounded.

Kong Qingyun stared at Liu Jingtang without daring to blink.

Under the dull appearance of the man in the windbreaker, there was a dangerous aura that was about to be destroyed.

It was because Kong Qingyun felt the aura that made him feel like a light on his back upstairs that he did not hesitate to choose the way to get through the floor and rushed down.

Before this group of team members had all withdrawn, when the group had just walked more than ten meters away, Liu Jingtang's eyeballs moved, and Kong Qingyun shot first.

With a flick of the light of the rapier, it suddenly danced into nearly a hundred light shadows from Kong Qingyun's hand, like silver lights jumping up and down, shooting towards Liu Jingtang.

The sword in his hand is a by-product of the true spirit mechanical technology.

For a long time, high-end research laboratories in various countries have been studying how to make the power of the true spirit to be transmitted outside the human body. An academic salon in Northern Europe has discussed a synthetic material called "Zhu Steel".

Although this kind of material cannot meet the requirement of "allowing the continuous transmission of true spirit electric energy outside the body", it has extremely specific properties. Under the stimulation of true spirit electric energy, it can change from soft as spider silk to firm as diamond transition between states.

Since Kong Qingyun obtained this material, he has painstakingly researched and used it.

The transition between extreme softness and extreme firmness makes his swordplay strange and unpredictable. Wherever the power of the true spirit goes, cutting ordinary firearms and bulletproof cars is as easy as cutting tofu.

Liu Jingtang's expression became a little more serious, and he stretched out his hands together, allowing the pager in his left hand to be cut into four parts vertically and horizontally under the sweep of the sword light.

The movement of his arms and ten fingers is as nimble as brushing off the dew on the rose petals in the night. His arms dance with afterimages, and his fingers always bounce off the flickering rapier every now and then.

Not to mention the sword, it seems that even the invisible wind, when it flows to Liu Jingtang, will be stopped by the operation of his hands.

So much so that a fuzzy circular wall of air appeared in front of him, and the edge seemed to be floating and expanding.

All things take advantage of the situation to seal off the stream!
Kong Qingyun's sword light could only splash small circles on it, but he seemed to have been waiting for a long time, and when this circular air wall appeared, he turned around suddenly.

The rapier in his hand reached its strongest state during this rotation.

The scene where he turns around and shakes his wrist is like an antelope looking back, a heavenly horse raising its hooves, and the swordsmanship is bursting out in the most vigorous state.

The blade of the sword was almost too fast to be seen, only the light from the tip of the sword, like raindrops made of diamond, hit the wall of air densely.

All things take advantage of the situation to destroy mountains, streams and rain!
This style of swordsmanship, and Liu Jingtang's boxing technique, actually have a meaning of mutual generation and mutual restraint.

Liu Jingtang's expression changed suddenly, the air wall in front of him shattered in an uproar, and the sword light like diamond raindrops shot straight at his face.

The chill had penetrated to the point between the eyebrows.

Bang! ! ! !

Kong Qingyun flew out, and the remaining rows of shelves were knocked down by him like dominoes, and the sound of hitting and falling extended to the distance.

He turned over, sat halfway on the shelf, propped his sword on the ground, coughed violently twice, raised his head, and murmured incomprehensibly: "What is that?"

In his field of vision, Liu Jingtang's body was covered with subtle electric light, flickering, and a colorless ghost-like arrogance writhed around him.

"The second situation is nothing more than nothing to make a fuss about."

Liu Jingtang opened and closed his eyelids, and actually answered his words.

That's right, no one has ever said that there can only be one kind of momentum for all things to borrow momentum.

However, it has only been more than 40 years since the appearance of true spirit mechanical technology. Among the 60 billion people in the world, not many people can touch the existence of "shi", and even fewer can understand "shi".

So much so that Kong Qingyun never thought about how to seek the second potential, how to obtain it?
But, in front of Liu Jingtang like this, what was there to make his face change with that sword strike just now?

Not power, but origin.

"Although there are a lot of miscellaneous things in the sword technique, the root is still the Dai's Xingyi Boxing Gym, the original horse-shaped sword technique created by the old gym owner Dai Tianliu."

Liu Jingtang's voice was low, and he approached slowly, every step he stepped on, the tiles were cracked silently.

"Which Junior Brother are you?"

"Senior brother?"

Kong Qingyun laughed mockingly, "You traitor who violated the old owner's last wish, are you worthy of calling me that?"

The end of Liu Jingtang's eyes twitched, and Hui Ran was angry: "Don't you want to say it? It's okay, it will be very clear when I take off your mask."

Kong Qingyun laughed twice, his mocking intent remained unchanged.

Just as Liu Jingtang was about to make a move, outside the glass curtain wall, there was a majestic shadow falling straight down.

Guan Luoyang stepped on a missile catapult and fell here from a height of 300 meters. With a leap, he smashed through the glass curtain wall and broke into the shopping mall.

The large pieces of glass three to four meters high all shattered and moved with the strong wind.

Guan Luoyang crossed the distance of nearly [-] meters in two steps, and knocked Liu Jingtang away with one palm.

"Hahahaha, I was so upset that I couldn't start the fight last time. I was worried about where to find you, so I felt your aura."

Guan Luoyang stood in front of Kong Qingyun and waved.

"Come, come, kill you, today's situation will be considered stable."

The two tracks of rubber friction on the tiles, emitting green smoke, extended for more than ten meters, from Guan Luoyang's one step in front, to the sole of Liu Jingtang's shoes.

"It's you. Since you came down, it seems that the Fan family father and son are really dead."

Liu Jingtang's voice continued.

Guan Luoyang had already made his move.

(End of this chapter)

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