Chapter 10 Jia Jing returns to Beijing after a farewell for three years
(The protagonist’s name was wrong before, thank you Master Sekong, Wushuang Daojun and other readers for reminding me, the protagonist’s name was changed from Jia Xian to Jia Jing.)
In the twelfth lunar month of winter, the north wind howls.

Shenjing City.

At the city gate, the people who came in and out were wrapped tightly, whether they were single gowns or cotton-padded clothes. The large and small patches on them showed that the owner's family was poor.Occasionally, there are servants from a few big families, all of them are wearing nice thick cotton clothes.

And in the sheltered place at the base of the city wall, scattered idlers basking in the sun.

Life is not easy. In this era where ordinary people still eat twice a day, when you have to be idle, move as little as you can, so that you will be hungry more slowly.

It's just that after noon, the sun shifted slightly, and the biting chill in winter came up again.The idlers leaning against the base of the city wall to bask in the sun hurriedly packed up and went home.

"It's getting colder and colder this day. When will it be? Sooner or later, it's unbearable to shrink back and forth."

"Why not? When it's cold this day, there's not even much work on the pier, so I just rely on the basics at home to make ends meet."


Amidst the chatter of idlers, the sound of horseshoes came from a distance.

"Da da!"

"Da da da……"

On the official road paved with blue-gray stones, there is the crisp sound of horseshoes from far to near.

Several soldiers guarding the gate looked for their reputation, and saw a group of well-equipped heavy cavalry approaching suddenly. Although the number was not large, they roared like a cold torrent of steel.

Although he hadn't reached his own house, the overwhelming momentum had already overwhelmed the civilian soldiers under the city wall, feeling as if they couldn't breathe.

The cavalry approached the city gate, and with a slight signal from a general in the center of the team, the speed of the cavalry suddenly decreased, and they stopped just in front of the city gate.

More than a dozen cavalrymen were neatly organized like one man and one horse. They stopped suddenly, neatly and well-trained to a terrifying degree.

Just as the soldiers guarding the gate were shoving each other, who should go forward to check the other party's road lead badge, another rider arrived from behind.

The armor and weapons of this rider are the same as those of the dozen or so cavalry in front, except that the horse under him is a head shorter than the former's, and the horse is not covered with a layer of armor, and it is not like the former's horse. It's so easy when wearing armor and carrying people.

The cavalryman rushed to the front, took out a bronze waist card from his pocket, threw it to the gatekeeper, and said: "We are the Jia family of the Rongguo Mansion, and we are returning to Beijing by order, hurry up and register!"

After a while, after receiving the waist card presented back, the party rode into the city.


In Shenjing City.

On the official road, Jia Jing drove slowly to avoid shocking and hurting the surrounding people.

And when Jia Jing was looking at the people around him, the people around him naturally stared at Jia Jing curiously. Such an elite heavy cavalry had never been seen even in Shenjing, the capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty. passed.

The city of Shenjing in the afternoon was naturally extremely lively. There were people coming and going on the street, small businesses and hawkers hawking along the street, and from time to time you could see a few luxuriously dressed people passing by.

Bustling with people, rubbing shoulders back and forth, it really deserves to be the imperial capital of the Great Zhou Empire.

"Shuan Zhu, we haven't seen such a lively scene for a long time!"

On horseback, Jia Jing's words were full of emotion. Before leaving Beijing, as a concubine who was not valued, even the servants in Jia's mansion didn't necessarily pay much attention to him. It is conceivable that life is going well.

Coupled with the fact that Jia Jing took all the monthly profits and money to buy living things to accumulate soul points, Jia Jing, who had two empty bags, even occasionally offered to welcome the Spring Festival, so there were fewer times when he went out of the house. is different.

"Third Master, it's exactly three years and six months!" Shuan Zhu next to him replied.

Shuan Zhu, the knight who hurried over from behind at the gate of the city just now, was one of the only two servants that Jia Jing brought to Liaodong from Jia's mansion. Jia Jing stayed behind and was responsible for driving the convoy slowly, while Jia Jing himself went to Beijing to return the soldier seal letter to the Ministry of War, so as to avoid difficulties after the Ministry of War went down to the government.

"Following me on so many battlefields, you two are lucky to be able to come back with a full body in the end." As if remembering something, Jia Jing had a smile on his face.

Shuan Zhu scratched the back of his head, but there was a sound of gold and iron, and then he remembered that he was wearing Jia Jingshang's full-body heavy armor.

Putting down his hands, Shuan Zhu looked at Jia Jing, and replied seriously: "It's all thanks to your cultivation and love, Third Master, that Lai Fu and I can come back alive."

Hearing this, Jia Jing stared at Shuan Zhu very curiously for a while, feeling at a loss for this simple-faced man.

"Shuan Zhu, have you been possessed by Laifu today? How come you have become glib."

"Master, Laifu and I both think so. Since you bought the two of us from human traffickers back then, the lives of our brothers belong to you, Master." Shuan Zhu's expression was extremely serious.

"It's just a pity that I have been on the battlefield with the third master these past few years, but my two brothers have not been of much use. We still have to rely on the third master to save us..."

Jia Jing smiled, "You've become sensational with me, all right, hurry up!"


After passing Xichengfang, continue to enjoy tea time, walk up Ningrong Street to the end, and you will see two huge stone lions sitting north facing south, facing the long street in front of the gate, followed by three gates with animal heads. On a plaque, there are five big characters written "Forgive the Rongguo Mansion".

At this moment, there are eight or nine gorgeously dressed servants sitting in front of Rongguo Mansion.

Suddenly, I saw a rider, covered in fish scales and heavy armor, with a tall horse under his crotch, coming straight to Rongguo Mansion with a "da da".

"This is the Rongguo Mansion, why did you come..." a doorman shouted.

Before he finished speaking, the doorman saw the visitor take off his helmet, revealing a familiar honest face.

Shuan Zhu, one of the two servants next to Jia Jing, naturally knows this guy, but what I didn't expect was that the guy who I didn't even look at back then, just because he was with a good master, now he is also confused. The people look like dogs.

Although Menzi was quite jealous in his heart, he didn't show it at all on his face, and he still happily led Shuanzhu to report inside.

At this time, in Rongguo Mansion, only Jia She was at home, listening to my concubine singing in the study for fun.However, Jia Zheng went to the Ministry of Industry early in the morning to do some work, but he hadn't left the office yet.Jia Lian also went out a few days ago and hasn't returned yet. I don't know where he went to hang out.

Here Jia She was listening to the ditty, when suddenly there was a slight noise coming from outside the door, and then a servant waiting at the door came in, smiling all over his face, "Master, happy event, great happy event!"

Startled for a moment, as if remembering something, Jia She got up and said, "But brother Jing is back?"

As early as a few days ago, Jia Amnesty had received news from Jia Zheng about the imperial court's award to Jia Jing. At that time, Jia Zheng's words were not lacking in envy.

Thinking of him, Jia Zheng, he loved reading since he was a child. He claimed that his words and deeds were all based on saints, and he was upright and upright. Why did he have to be rewarded by the Supreme Emperor to become an official?He has been working hard for many years, and so far he has only just been promoted to Yuanwailang in the Ministry of Industry.

Although it is already ranked in the fifth rank, it is not bad, but it also depends on who it is compared with.

My nephew, as soon as he came back from Liaodong, took the position of a doctor in the Ministry of Industry, which was one level higher than himself. In the future, he would be an official in the same ministry, but he was not as high as his nephew, which really made Jia Zheng feel Some headaches and face pain...


PS: The new book is begging for collection and recommendation ticket! !

(End of this chapter)

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