The Red Chamber: The Rise of the Shuzi

Chapter 115 Attacking the Camp and Breaking the Siege

Chapter 115 Raiding the Camp and Breaking Out the Siege

At the beginning of Yinshi, the Tatar camp.

Amid the sound of Jia Jing's firecrackers last night, the Tatar army could hardly fall asleep until the end of midnight.

Now is the time when everyone sleeps most soundly.

Suddenly, a muffled thunder-like sound spread to the Tatar camp in the distance.

In a daze, most Tatars still subconsciously thought that it was the sound of firecrackers; there were also a small number of people, although they heard the sound was different, but their brains were down at this time, and they didn't react for a while. .

But immediately, the sound of the shells falling to the ground and the continuous howls suddenly sounded in the Tatar camp!
Someone has fully woken up!
Where is the sound of firecrackers?

This is so clearly the roar of cannons!
a time.

The shouts of "enemy attack" outside, the rapid sound of gongs, and the low sound of horns resounded in the Tatar camp.

Many Tatar soldiers quickly ran out of the camp.

Sure enough, I heard the muffled thunder-like gunfire from afar.

And with the continuous sound of cannonballs, hot shells broke through layers of air barriers from a distance, and flew towards them whistling, drawing scorching arcs in midair, with unstoppable power, It fell heavily into the Tatar camp.

If it fell on the fence and refused to ride the horse, there would be more fragments on the ground in an instant; if it fell on the flesh and blood, it would be a bloody mess in an instant...

The solid cast iron shells are like a punishment from the heavens, and everything they touch is destroyed!
And until this time, among those Tatar cavalry who fell asleep with their ears plugged, many of them hadn't even been woken up...

As for those who were woken up in the camp, some of them almost exploded with anger.

To save people like Mo Lun Bolai and others, they originally thought that they would lead an army to raid Jia Jing's Taining Guard after dawn, but who would have expected that in the end, Jia Jing would surprise attack on their own house first.

This great Zhou soldier really doesn't talk about martial ethics!


On the hillside, fifty Hongyi cannons rang continuously for a long time.

The cannon, which had become hot, did not stop until the dozen or so carts of shells carried behind were exhausted.

At this time, the Tatar camp was already in disrepair.

Under the cover of the sound of rumbling guns, the six cavalry phalanxes were not far from the Tatar camp.

Ever since, before the Tatars who were bombarded by the cannon could react, there was another thunderous sound of horseshoes outside the camp.

The tremors from the ground under their feet caused the Tatars to panic again.


Amidst the sound of rumbling horseshoes, countless cavalry rushed in from the gate of the camp and the shattered fence.

The long saber turned into a silvery white sword in the twilight of the morning, bringing countless bloody flowers.

The loud shouts of killing were mixed with the sound of ping-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong.

First, they were suddenly bombarded, and then a large group of cavalry rushed into the camp. The successive surprise attacks made the Tatars panic in an instant.

When Jia Jing, who was behind, led the infantry to arrive, the scene became even more chaotic.

Even though there are four or five times more Tatars than Jia Jing's soldiers in terms of numbers, they can't form effective resistance at this time. How can they be the opponent of the Zhou army?

At the beginning, there were Tatar generals who shouted loudly, trying to rectify the soldiers and counterattack, but with the loud shouts, they also exposed themselves to the eyes of the soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

This is simply telling people blatantly, I am a Tatar general, and I have made great achievements in killing, come quickly!

Therefore, whenever a Tatar general summoned the Tatar soldiers loudly, he would be hacked to death by the Dazhou soldiers who swarmed up the next moment.

After coming down a few times, these Tatar generals have also learned how to behave. After all, the soldiers belong to the tribal leaders, but their lives are their own!

Just mess around, saving your own life is the most important thing!

In the chaotic army, Jia Jing also swung the fine steel saber with all his strength.

Jia Jing even jumped off the horse because he felt that killing the enemy on the horse would be in the way and affect the efficiency.

Then, under Jia Jing's powerful force, the seven-foot sword turned into a bright blade.

In an instant, around Jia Jing's body, where the long sword touched, countless Tatar soldiers were killed or injured.

Like a tiger breaking into a flock of sheep, Jia Jing slaughtered the Tatar soldiers recklessly, and countless Tatar soldiers died under the sword!



Another loud horn sounded outside the Tatar camp.

But it was the [-] remnant generals of the requisition army in the Sacha River Acropolis who killed them from the Acropolis!
The ratio of the two sides quickly increased to close to two to one.

First, they were defeated because the dragons had no leader, and then they were besieged by the Tatars in the acropolis for nearly a month. The hearts of this group of soldiers and generals had already been suppressed.
In general, although the soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty are still at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, under the sneak attack of mental arithmetic and unintentional, such a small difference in numbers can no longer determine the outcome of this battle!


In the chaos, two teams escaped from the camp in a panic.

One group is led by Bolai and Molun, and the other group is naturally Maolihai.

Outside the camp, the two teams looked at each other, and immediately led the surviving generals they followed to head in opposite directions.

But soon, the two fleeing troops were discovered.

"The Tatar Khan has escaped!"

"The Tatar Khan has escaped!"

The successive shouts caught Jia Jing's attention. Tatar Khan is about to run away?How can this work!

Immediately, Jia Jing didn't care about continuing to collect soul points. After finding her own horse, she immediately got on the horse, ordered two thousand-man cavalry, and went straight to the direction where Mo Lun and the others escaped!


The sun is gradually rising in the sky.

While fleeing in a panic, Bo Lai turned his head to look at the Zhou soldiers who were chasing after him.

Under the glowing red sun, the well-armoured cavalrymen of the Zhou Dynasty reflected bright red rays of light, showing great arrogance and arrogance!
In a trance, it was like a heavenly soldier descending to earth.

Look at your own soldiers, crooked armor helmets, and frightened faces...

First it was [-], now it is [-], all of them were defeated, so how many people should be there next?

But no matter how many soldiers there are, how sure are they that they can defeat that young general?

Do you really want to continue fighting against Da Zhou?

Bo Lai couldn't help feeling boundless bewilderment in his heart.

But before Bolai could think it over clearly, the speed of the pursuers in the rear suddenly increased, especially the dozens of heavy armored cavalry in the lead, so that Bolai's eyeballs almost popped out.

Long live!
When can heavy armored cavalry chase down the enemy like this?
Don't they have to stop for a while after running?
You're not a human anymore, are you?
Faced with such a situation, at this moment, the only thought in the mind of the Tatar grand master was to escape, to escape desperately!

In the splash of blood, Dou Da's head soared into the sky.

The sound of rumbling horseshoes completely covered up Bo Lai's thoughts...

  Thank you for sure, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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