Chapter 171
"Scatter and escape!"

In a panic, the leader of the Oirat cavalry shouted.

The rest of the people just woke up like a dream, and a group of people fled in all directions like a school of startled fish.

The soldiers were chasing after the Oirat cavalry. Jia Jing saw a group of Oirat cavalry fleeing wildly around like a group of wild horses suddenly blown up. Immediately, his heart moved slightly, and an order had been sent through the system panel.

After receiving Jia Jing's order, the surrounding heavy-armored soldiers also dispersed in an instant. Groups of twos and threes each found their target and rushed up directly.


Amidst the rapid sound of horseshoes, the heavy armored cavalry in a state of continuous charge quickly caught up with the fleeing Oirat cavalry, and with a wave of their long knife, they instantly slapped their heads.

Jia Jing followed the crowd unhurriedly, holding a piece of longbow equipment exchanged from the system in his hand.

At this moment, with the blessing of system equipment, Jia Jing turned into a humanoid self-propelled gun, one after another sharp arrows disappeared on the longbow, starting with the fastest fleeing Oirat cavalry, and called them one by one.

The longbow stretches only four feet, but the pulling force has reached an astonishing six stones, while the longbows commonly used in the army have a six-chi stretching arm, and the pulling force is only about one stone.

The system longbow, which has no difference in appearance from ordinary longbows, has six times the pulling force of ordinary longbows, and its durability is long enough to make ordinary longbows despair.

It can only be said that the system equipment is strong!
However, such a strong bow can only be used as a weapon by a pervert like Jia Jing whose strength is twice as many as the average person. Even if it is used by those heavy armored cavalry, they are not enough.

With a six-stone long bow and a special arrow that weighs half a catty, within a radius of more than 600 meters, as long as Jia Jing is shot by an arrow, it is not much different from being shot by a sniper rifle.


With inhuman strength and physique as the support, and the Dragon Heart Armor constantly recovering his physical strength, Jia Jing just focused on aiming at the Oirat cavalry who escaped the fastest, and then drew the bow and released the arrow, then drew the bow and released the arrow. ...

After a while, all the two pots of arrows on the horse's back were shot empty by Jia Jing. Correspondingly, more than forty Oirat cavalrymen who escaped the fastest had already fallen off the horse, and all of their vests were covered by a sparrow. Long feathers and arrows pierced through.

Although both quiveres were empty, Jia Jing still didn't stop.

The arrows on the bright side were gone, and Jia Jing continued to use them from the mountain of arrows in the storage space without any delay.

The trembling sound of the bowstring rang together, and the sharp arrows turned into streams of light, with a shrill scream, and went straight to the back of the Oirat cavalry...


Because of Jia Jing's bow and arrow support, the battle was over after just a cup of tea.

Jia Jing looked at the more than 2000 soul points that had appeared on the system panel again, and nodded in satisfaction.

It has been more than half a year since the last time he spent all his soul points to upgrade his level. Now, on Jia Jing's system panel, in the column of soul points, he has accumulated a huge savings of more than 6.

"The golden belt of murder and fire, the ancients never deceived me! If you want to increase your soul points quickly, you have to fight on the battlefield!"

Jia Jing closed the system panel in satisfaction, and began to think about it in her heart, "Do I want to save up here for a while, and squat to guard an artifact or something?"

The strength of the Dragon Heart Armor made Jia Jing yearn for more artifacts and equipment.

Thinking about the huge piece of meteorite material in the storage space, this is obviously asking me to squat an artifact-level weapon!


Seeing that it was getting late, after simply cleaning the battlefield, Jia Jing took the spoils and led his troops straight to the coalition camp.

The small tribe that was rescued from the Oirats just watched the heavy cavalry roaring in and roaring away.

There was only a mess of corpses left on the spot...


Union camp.

When Jia Jing returned to the camp with the booty, he saw Mo Lun dismantling and tidying up his King Khan's golden tent.

Jia Jing couldn't help asking curiously: "Why did Khan tear down the golden tent?"

Seeing Jia Jing approaching, Mo Lun immediately smiled and said, "The general just came back, and I happen to have something to trouble the general!"

After all, he pulled Jia Jing aside and said: "Because of what the general said before, I have thought about it for a long time in the past month or so, and the more I think about it, the more I feel that the general's worries are not unreasonable. The leader of the company is really worrying!
Therefore, this time, I have to go back and look at the internal migration of the tribe! "

When Jia Jing heard this, she raised her eyebrows lightly, and she had already guessed in her heart what Mo Lun said to bother her.

Sure enough, Jia Jing heard Mo Lun continue: "When I go back this time, Xiao Wang only intends to bring some soldiers back. All the cavalry under my command will be commanded by my lieutenant Robert. Robert is still young. If there is any omission I hope the general can give me some pointers!"

As he spoke, he called a young general and said, "Robert, meet General Jia soon!"

The young general looked at Jia Jing, with a faint trace of excitement on his face. He cupped his fists at Jia Jing and said, "Robert has met the general! I would like to ask the general to take care of you in the future. I am very grateful!"

Jia Jing nodded, "Our two coalition forces, this is of course the right thing to do, General Robert, you don't have to be polite!"

He also praised Mo Lun: "It's really rare for Khan to serve the people wholeheartedly! Jia admires it!"

"Don't laugh at me, General!"

Hearing Jia Jing's praise, Mo Lun waved his hand and said with a wry smile: "Back then I was also a person with a higher heart than the sky, and I wanted to make a career to prove myself, but in the end? of.

Being able to become Meng Yuan's Khan now is all due to my bloodline.

Now at the end of the day, there is only this thing left for the country and the people, which is worth talking about!I am ashamed..."


Early the next morning.

As soon as the sky was slightly bright, Morun packed his things, led two teams of personal guards, plunged into the thick early morning fog, and went straight to his home base camp!
However, when Mo Lun left, another trouble arose.


Two flowers bloom, one branch each.

Not to mention that Jia Jing was in the Saibei grassland, covering the tribes in the western fringe of Tatar to migrate to the interior.

In this Rongguo Mansion, there is a special person.

On this day, Jia Baoyu's godmother, Ma Daopo, came to walk around the mansion. First, she went to Rongqing Hall, met Jia's mother Baoyu, and after taking the enshrined silver from this year's nunnery, she went to greet each room in the mansion. Went for a stroll.

After a stroll, he went to Jia Zheng's concubine's room, Aunt Zhao's.

Because the two were acquainted in the past, after Ma Daopo and Aunt Zhao met each other, Aunt Zhao hurriedly ordered the servant girl to pour tea for her, and Ma Daopo took advantage of the opportunity and sat down in the room.

At this time, Aunt Zhao was beating cloth shoes with paste, but she was thinking about making two pairs of new shoes for Jia Huan so that she could wear them in school.

Ma Daopo saw that there were a lot of cloth and satin piled up on the kang, so she smiled and said, "I'm short of two pairs of shoe uppers. My aunt and grandma can give me some pieces of silk and satin. I don't care what color they are, so I can go back and make them." Put on your shoes."

Aunt Zhao sighed, pointed to a pile of scattered fabrics on the kang, and said: "Look, is there anything decent there? If there are good things in this house, they can't reach me, right?! If you Don’t dislike it, just pick two yuan and go!”

"Hey, we are monks, as long as we can have a pair of shoes to wear, how can there be any dislike?"

Ma Daopo was still smiling, but she picked out two or three pieces of large silk and satin from the pile of fabrics deftly, and tucked them into her sleeves.

 Last night, the child had a fever, coughed and had nosebleeds, so he took him to the hospital.

  One chapter will be updated this morning, and the remaining two chapters will be placed at noon and afternoon.

  I'm so sorry!

(End of this chapter)

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