Chapter 178

But he said that Jia Baoyu's disturbance here has been turned upside down, and everyone has been alarmed.

It didn't take long.

Jia Zheng, Jia Zhen, Jia Rong, Mrs. Xing, You Shi, Aunt Zhao and others all came, and together with the maids and servants around them, the small courtyard was immediately crowded. ascended.


Seeing that everyone in the Jia family had been alarmed, and facing the menacing Jia Zheng, Mingyan and Moyu couldn't help feeling a little panicked, and unconsciously loosened their hands.

Once the two let go, Jia Baoyu seized the opportunity.

Seeing Jia Baoyu's sudden exertion, he broke away from his body.

Jia Baoyu, who has completely separated from Mingyan and Moyu, doesn't care what is in the house, but he just throws and smashes all the objects that he can pick up.

The next moment, Jia Baoyu found a pair of tongs to hold a charcoal fire from nowhere, and rushed towards the crowd with a vigorous dance.

When everyone saw it, they were taken aback.

Hurriedly dodging around, the yard was suddenly in chaos.

At this time, Zhou Rui's family had already brought several strong women with them, together with Mingyan Moyu and two young men, they all rushed forward, hugged Jia Baoyu, and then took the tongs from their hands, seven hands The eight-footed one was carried back into the room.

Behind the crowd, Aunt Zhao watched Baoyu being carried away from a distance, and the faint smile on her face was fleeting.


In Jia Baoyu's room, King Jia and his wife were weeping, and Jia Zheng beside him couldn't help feeling a little panicked.

Outside, everyone was chattering, some said they were possessed by evil spirits, some said they offended the gods...

What's more, he was about to recommend monks, priests, witches, gods, etc. to Jia Zheng, and the room was in a mess for a while, which made Jia Zheng even more flustered.

Fortunately, Jia Zhen, who was next to her, was quite calm. Seeing that Jia Zheng had lost her mind, she hurriedly ordered the servant to ask the doctor to come for treatment first, and then hurriedly dismissed all the people in the room, and then gradually calmed down. .


After a while, the boy came to report that the doctor had been invited.

When Jia Zheng heard this, he cheered up and asked someone to invite the doctor to Jia Baoyu's room to treat him carefully.

However, many doctors came in Jia Zheng's expectation, and left in a hurry in disappointment; after that, Jia's mother and Mrs. Wang even invited monks and Taoists over and over again, but there was no change at all.

This continued until the time when the lanterns came on, no matter whether it was Jia Mu and others praying in front of the Bodhisattva, or the diagnosis and treatment of various doctors, nothing worked at all, and Jia Baoyu's appearance did not improve at all.

At night, Jia Baoyu's condition became even more serious.

Not only was he lying there unconscious in a daze, but he was also hot as fire, lying on the bed talking nonsense, trying to kill this one, and hacking that one to death...

Jia Baoyu's nonsense made Jia Zheng angry, and he said angrily: "You scoundrel, you've been ignorant all day long, but now you have caused such a disaster somehow, and you've been tossing around. The house is not at peace, what else do you want to do?!"

Amidst Jia Zheng's scolding, how could Jia Baoyu still have the appearance of the least fear of holidays in the past?

Just stare at Jia Zheng with a pair of eyes, and occasionally smile in a weird way.

Seeing Jia Baoyu like this, no matter how angry Jia Zheng felt, he could only let out a long sigh, "That's all, I'll let you continue to take care of it, this may be the sin of the previous life!"

After finishing speaking, with a flick of his sleeve, Jia Zheng turned around and left.


Here in Jia's mansion, Jia Baoyu's incident of being plotted by villains will be ignored for the time being. Let's talk about the bitter cold place in Saibei first.

After another night of heavy snowfall, the temperature on the Saibei Prairie became colder and colder.

On this vast plain of pure white, there are two small, but long and winding black lines appearing between the pure white.

Looking closer, there are two cavalry teams slowly approaching on horseback.

Of these two teams, one team hangs the Da Zhou flag banner high above it, with a big "Jia" character floating in the air; Eagle banner.

These two are naturally Jia Jing and Robert!


The army is on its way.

Suddenly, with a thin gauze tied over his eyes, Robert stepped forward and reported to Jia Jing: "General, the territory of Harqin is ahead!"

"is it?"

Jia Jing was overjoyed when he heard this.

Marching in the snow for several days, even with Jia Jing's physique, his eyes felt a little dry from the sunlight reflected by the snow, not to mention those ordinary soldiers.

Therefore, in order to avoid snow blindness, Jia Jing ordered the soldiers and horses under his command to cover their eyes with thin cloth, as long as they could vaguely see the robes in front of them, so as not to delay the march.

At this time, hearing Robert say that the army is about to reach the destination, Jia Jing rode up to a small slope next to him, removed the cloth strips covering his eyes, and finally took out the binoculars, and looked forward condescendingly looked over,

In the binoculars, as expected, there is a group of yurts that can't be seen at a glance.

The Harqin Department has arrived!


The sun gradually went down, and the light between the sky and the earth gradually dimmed.

The sound of rumbling horseshoes suddenly sounded not far from the periphery of the Harqin Department.

With the sudden arrival of the coalition forces, it was a good thing to relocate to some small tribes outside the Harqin tribe, because many of them were saved by Jia Jing and others, so they would naturally not be afraid of Jia Jing and his party.

Some tribes even specially cooked hot soup to drive Jia Jing and his soldiers away from the cold.

Although for tens of thousands of troops, a little hot soup is just a drop in the bucket, but that kindness is enough to make everyone deeply happy.


Compared with the happiness of those small tribes in the periphery, the Harqin tribe is completely opposite.

At this time, the entire Karaqin tribe was in a panic. Khan Molun died under the arrow of the tribal guards, and everyone in the Karaqin tribe already knew about it.

However, although they knew that their own tribe was bound to be crusaded, everyone was still wondering whether the crusade army came too fast.
As for the third son of Bolai, who was the new leader not long ago, he saw the "Jia" flag fluttering in the wind and the golden flag with the eagle spreading its wings beside it. There is an incomparably deep hatred!

The leaders of several other major tribes around came to the Harqin tribe one after another.

This time, Jia Jing and the allied forces arrived so fast that they were really caught off guard!
Thirty thousand cavalry formed a neat square formation in the snow.

Then, a messenger rushed out from behind the phalanx and went straight to the golden tent in the middle of the Karaqin tribe.


(End of this chapter)

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