Chapter 29 The Great Army's Counter-insurgency Midnight Shelling (Please collect recommended tickets)
In Shandong, Ande Mansion.

Not far from the Majia River, a large camp was set up here, and in the middle of the camp, a huge Ji character flag was flying.

This is Ji Weichao who came from Shenjing and his second battalion of Guoyong and Ganyong.

The rapid march along the way made the two battalions led by Ji Weichao exhausted, so they found a sheltered flat ground more than 60 miles away from Andefu City and set up a large camp.The physical strength of the soldiers and horses has reached their limit, and if they don't rest, they probably will collapse before fighting the rebels.

"General, isn't the location where we camp is too close to Ande City?" The lieutenant next to Ji Weichao looked at the big camp that was already lighting a fire and cooking, feeling a little uneasy.

Ji Weichao waved his hand, "It's okay, I have led the army for some years, so I know it well. This place is more than 60 miles away from Ande City, and it is an ordinary army marching in a hurry, and the speed in a day is only at that! In the 60-odd miles, even if the rebels really come, they will be exhausted before our eyes, and we will just go all out and defeat the rebels directly!"

"What's more, the army is tired at this time, how to change the camp? Who has the strength to continue moving forward?" Ji Weichao patted the lieutenant general on the shoulder, "The general understands your worries, but you can also see the situation of our army right now. Here, everyone must rest."

The lieutenant general looked at the exhausted camp, so he had no choice but to suppress the unreasonable anxiety in his heart, and turned around to arrange a night patrol team. Since camping here was a foregone conclusion, he had to be more careful in patrolling.

After a simple meal, the soldiers got into their tents one after another, but in just a few words, they had already met Zhou Gong.The exhaustion of the past few days made the Zhou army camp quickly fall into silence, only the burning braziers lit up the camp and burst out bursts of sparks.

The night was getting darker, and after midnight, the entire Zhou army camp became more and more quiet.

Outside the camp, a group of rebels in strong and sharp clothes had already quietly approached, and the soldiers on duty who were placed at the gate of the camp were still dozing off, and their necks had already been wiped.

Until a few night watchmen smelled the smell of blood and sensed that something was wrong, they immediately rang the wake-up gong in their hands.


The rapid sound of the gong broke the silence in the camp, and also made the rebels completely frustrated their plan to attack the camp while the soldiers of Da Zhou were asleep.

Seeing that his whereabouts had been revealed, the leader of the anti-thieves let out a loud roar, knocked over many braziers, ignited dozens of tents, and left quickly with his subordinates.

But until this time, most of the soldiers of the Great Zhou Dynasty were still not fully awake because they were too tired. Even the very few who woke up were not the anti-thief opponents with a large number of people.

Right now, it was pitch black outside the camp, and they couldn't even pursue them, so they had no choice but to watch the rebels rush into the camp and retreat.

Ji Weichao woke up from his sleep the moment the gong sounded.

Ji Weichao, who has been in command of the army abroad for many years and has long been accustomed to sleeping in armor, immediately took his own sword and wanted to go out of the camp to face the enemy.

The surrounding soldiers all have the same habits as Ji Weichao, and they have already surrounded Ji Weichao at this time, protecting Ji Weichao in the middle.

"Where's the enemy?"

Hearing the shouts of killing that suddenly stopped, Ji Weichao rushed to the front of the camp, only to find that the enemy had gone far away, and the corpses all over the ground were all telling his unwillingness.

"damn it!"

Ji Weichao clenched his fists, his heart was full of anger.

But before Ji Weichao could say anything more, there was a loud "boom boom boom" in the distance.

Ji Weichao, who has been leading troops for several years, is very familiar with these voices. This is the most powerful weapon, the Hongyi cannon, that the Great Zhou court equipped the walls of all the prefectures.

This group of rebels actually dragged the cannons defending the city of Ande City over!
In the past when he was suppressing bandits, Ji Weichao more than once unloaded two Hongyi cannons on the wall of the city guarded by his family, and dragged them to suppress bandits.

Ji Weichao has also been proud of it more than once, claiming that under his tactics of suppressing bandits, sometimes he can directly kill all the bandits that need to be eliminated without even spending a single soldier.

Within the range of the cannon, is the truth!
This sentence is not just talk.

But at this moment, when he was facing the bombardment of cannons, Ji Weichao would rather that there had never been such a thing as cannons in this world.




Cannonballs made of pig iron landed one after another, and then rushed forward with unparalleled inertia, unstoppably blasting everything they encountered along the way to pieces.The real thing is that you will be injured if you rub it, and you will die if you touch it. The place where the shell hits is rotten and lifeless.

The sound of "rumbling" artillery in the distance continued, and the artillery shells spanned a distance of two or three miles and landed on the camp of the Great Zhou Army one after another, blasting the originally neat camp into a mess in just over ten breaths. , Countless soldiers were killed instantly and under shells...

Seeing the continuous roar of artillery fire in the distance, Ji Weichao gasped.Could it be that this group of rebels took down more than 20 cannons in Ande City?

Otherwise, how could the artillery attacks become continuous?The number of cannons is reduced, but this trick cannot be used.

"All dodge!"

The hoarse roar of the lieutenant beside him awakened Ji Weichao, and then he saw that the camp had turned into a group of tents like giant torches. Ji Weichao didn't know why those rebels insisted on lighting more than ten tents before leaving. This is obvious. It is giving the cannon in the distance a shining coordinate!

"Extinguish the open fire in the camp! Everyone, disperse and break through!"

Ji Weichao roared loudly, and his soldiers stepped forward one after another, facing the falling shells, they hurriedly pushed down more than a dozen burning tents and buried them.

Without the light of the flames, the camp was pitch black at this time, and the cannons in the distance did not have the flames as coordinates, so they could no longer aim, and naturally the landing point could not be determined.It can only be based on the previously targeted position, continuously firing shells one after another, and relying on luck or something.

"Stop the bombardment!"

A burly man in neat armor stretched out his hand to signal, and immediately someone trotted forward, conveying the man's words to the ears of the gunners.

This burly man was Yang Hu, the leader of the rebels who broke through the Ande Mansion City a few days ago.

"Come on, push these cannons back first, and the cavalry prepare for battle!

Now that group of Zhou soldiers have been bombarded by our artillery for a long time, they must have suffered heavy casualties. When the sky brightened, the cavalry rushed forward with me and wiped out the enemy in one fell swoop! "

The surrounding anti-thief soldiers heard the words and responded with a bang.

At present, the rebels rest and eat separately, and only wait for dawn to have a life-and-death battle with the soldiers of the Great Zhou!
PS: The new book is begging for collection and recommendation ticket! !

It is recommended on the Internet. It is very important to collect and follow up. If you have a book list, please help me to push it, thank you!

 The handicapped author can't keep up with the code words, and his head hurts...

(End of this chapter)

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