Chapter 294
Gansu General Military Mansion.

Jia Jing looked at the mottled courtyard wall in front of her, and the half-new gatehouse that was out of place next to it.

On the newly painted vermilion gate, several door studs were still incomplete.

It's outrageous!

Jia Jing could tell that the General Military Mansion had undergone some renovations recently, but even so, it still looked a little dilapidated, which made Jia Jing feel a little unbelievable.

This is how it looks after the repairs. How dilapidated was it before?

"This is Gansu General Military Mansion?"

"Master Hou, this is Gansu General Military Mansion!!"

Laifu answered in the affirmative.

After watching for a while, Jia Jing couldn't help laughing.

"No wonder Qiu Shi'an wanted to remind me specially. I didn't expect that although the former Wang Zongbing had a lot of money, he made the Zongbing mansion run down like this. Is this because he is afraid that others will know that he is rich??"

At this point, Jia Jing couldn't help but choked up speechless.

Lai Fu was also full of emotion, and said: "He is really a talent!"

"Forget it," Jia Jing waved his hands with a bit of a headache, and said, "It's getting late, let's not go inside this General Military Mansion today, let's go back to our own house first."



After walking a few more streets, a large house appeared in front of Jia Jing and his party.

on the door.

On the plaque of the new work, the four characters "Great General's Mansion" are shining brightly in the afterglow of the setting sun.

At this time, in the General's Mansion, many servants were cleaning up everywhere.

Back and forth, all busy.

When he saw Jia Jing returning home, he kept bowing and saluting again.

Jia Jing nodded without mentioning it.

Come to the backyard.

Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai are turning around a group of maids and wives, everyone is coming and going, and they are putting away the objects and utensils brought from Shenjing, and everything is neat and tidy.

Jia Jing hurriedly pulled Daiyu Baochai over.

His face was full of concern, and he said: "You guys have been sitting in the carriage for so long, and the boats and cars are exhausting, and now you have finally reached the boundary, why don't you hurry up and take a rest?"

"What's this about?"

Lin Daiyu smiled and said: "You also said that we all came here in a carriage. The wind didn't hit our heads and the rain didn't hit our faces. Except for a little bump, there was nothing wrong with it. Now the activities are just right!"

"Yes," Xue Baochai also responded with a smile, "This is our home, and we must tidy it up."

After speaking, the two women began to discuss how to arrange things again.

From time to time, I have to come over and ask Jia Jing a few words.

Seeing that the two of them were serious, Jia Jing had no choice but to say, "Since you are so interested, then go ahead, just do what you like, I can do it!"

After a while.

Lin Daiyu came to look for Jia Jing.

Asked: "Brother Jing, the environment here is dry and there are few water sources. Even the water in our house is quite tight. Do you think we should dig a few wells in the backyard?"

"If you need it, you can do it. What is there to hesitate about?"

Jia Jing was a little puzzled at first.

But then I thought of Jia's mother's rejection of installing a heating stove in the house when she was in Shenjing.

Say what is bad for Feng Shui.

Jia Jing understood immediately.

Therefore, Jia Jing comforted Lin Daiyu with a smile, and said: "You don't have to worry about these things. I'm not as superstitious as the old lady when it comes to Feng Shui. Besides, digging wells is out of daily needs, so it's not in the way!"

"Then I'll send someone to look for the well-driller tomorrow!" Lin Daiyu laughed.

"Where is the use of going out to find the craftsman who digs the well? When we came, we brought it with us!"

Jia Jing stopped Lin Daiyu and said: "To take up the post this time, I have recruited many craftsmen from the emperor, and among them there are naturally some who are good at finding water and digging wells.

But today's time is tight, and I have already placed them and the cavalry in the camp first, so it's not good to call them here now.

In the morning tomorrow, I'll ask them to bring their stuff and take a good look at our house, find a few water veins in the courtyard, and dig a few wells! "

Hearing this, Lin Daiyu nodded and smiled, "Since that's the case, then I'll leave this matter to you..."

Jia Jing nodded in response.


The next morning.

Not long after the sky brightened, the red glow of the eastern sky had completely dissipated.

On the field of the military camp in Ganzhou.

Suddenly, there was a burst of rapid and powerful drumming, which echoed over the huge military camp like thunder.

"Tom tom tom! tom tom tom!"

The sound of the drum was low, but rapid and powerful. It shocked all the soldiers who were still sleeping, and they were all startled.

Especially the veterans of Gansu Town in the barracks, who hadn't heard the drums called for promotion for many years, and some of them almost forgot what the drums meant.

But after reacting, everyone's expression changed involuntarily, and they grabbed their clothes and rushed out.

The three-way military drum rang, and the school grounds were silent.

Jia Jing sat on the high platform in front of the school field in armor.

Standing on the side were the same Laifu Shuanzhu, Tan Shiyong and other three generals in fish scale armor.

Under the high stage.

But a little more than half a quarter of an hour.

The two cavalry sub-battalions brought by Jia Jing from Shenjing have all five thousand cavalry.

In the huge and empty square, [-] cavalrymen stood with their horses on their backs. The horses and men were all silent, and there was a sense of chill in the field.

Look at the cavalry again.

There are also many Gansu veterans who heard the drums and came to assemble, but no matter whether it is standing posture or discipline, although they have tried their best, they are still a little loose.

The belts of their respective clothes also looked crooked.

But for them, Jia Jing nodded approvingly.

"It's the soldiers of the Nine Sides. Although they are still unqualified, but after several years of idleness, they can still perform like today, which is already commendable!"

The military discipline officer who signaled to take down the soldiers who gathered below within the specified time.

Later, soldiers in the barracks continued to come over one after another.


After half an hour.

Seeing that no one came, Jia Jing said lightly: "Don't wait, let's do this now!"

After all, get up and go forward.

Looking at the many soldiers below, Jia Jing's voice spread throughout the audience.

"There has been no war in Gansu for a long time. Maybe many of you have the idea of ​​mixing food and pay in the army. But from today on, I will advise you to give up this idea!
Since today is the first day of surprise appointment, those who are late will not be held accountable, but those who are absent without reason will have to bear the consequences! "

Jia Jing's voice didn't fluctuate at all, which made the Gansu soldiers below feel a little uneasy.

Then, Jia Jing pointed to a stack of rosters and ordered: "Military Disciplinary Officer, each battalion is assigned!"

"Follow the order!"

Dozens of military discipline officers quickly collected the roster, and then went to their respective camps.

Then, the voices of the roll call sounded on the school grounds.


More than an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

The military disciplinary officers came to reply, "I would like to report to the general, this time, apart from asking for leave with empty names, a total of 140 people from all battalions have not arrived!"

"Bring them all to this general!"


Dozens of soldiers went quickly along with a group of military discipline officers...

(End of this chapter)

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