Chapter 31 Liu Liu ends and Jia Jing steals the city (recommended ticket for collection)
In the past few days, under Jia Jing's instruction, the cavalry of Zhenwei Battalion only let two school lieutenants lead the cavalry to drive forward in turn, and practice fatigue tactics.

After a few days like this, the vigilance of Liu Liu and his party was greatly reduced, and in the end even the spies were no longer sent out.

This also led to Liu Liu, who was completely unprepared, feeling his brain explode when a bunch of Zhou cavalry appeared in front of him again.

All the Zhou cavalry were dispatched!Attacking back and forth, this time Da Zhou is coming for real!

Captain Hu looked at Liu Liu and his party who were being driven all the way ahead, and immediately ordered the cavalry to charge.

At the front of the cavalry team, there were fifty well-armored heavy cavalry. According to Jia Jing's order when he came, Captain Hu used fifty bodyguard cavalry as the vanguard of the team. Opened the formation of anti-thief cavalry.

For a moment, the sound of the blade piercing the flesh and the sound of the flesh colliding and impacting filled the barren plain.

Fighting with the system soldiers, Colonel Hu realized the power of these fifty heavy cavalry, which was far beyond Captain Hu's cognition.

Generally speaking, the real charging distance of cavalry on horseback is only tens of hundreds of meters, and each charge has to be slowed down before the next charge can be continued, lest the horses cannot bear it.

But the horses under the fifty heavy cavalry were like monsters, able to charge continuously.The strength and endurance of the knights is also surprisingly good, coupled with the thick scales, these heavy cavalry are simply not of the same level as ordinary cavalry.

Facing a group of rebel cavalry, these heavy armored cavalry carried out a massacre that broke the enemy's heart. One by one, the rebels fell under the cold light of the sword, and the gushing springs of blood rose up in the cold wind. Steam rising.

charge!charge!Charge again!
Under the continuous charge, five or six hundred anti-thief cavalry fell on the cold frozen soil one by one like a rice field passed by a harvester.

Facing this group of rebels, Xiaowei Hu and Li Xiaowei ordered the first cavalry to follow behind the heavy armored cavalry, while the other three cavalry were cruising around to deal with the fleeing rebels.

Jia Jing gave the two of them an order, but they couldn't let a traitor go.

The massacre lasted for about a stick of incense, and when the many cavalry reined in their horses, there was no longer a single rebel standing still in the field.

After simply cleaning the battlefield, a group of cavalry adjusted their direction and headed straight for Ningjin County.


In the morning of the next day, Jia Jing led the crowd to a small hill south of Ande City, and used binoculars to observe the defense situation of Ande City from a distance.

On the tall city, there are mottled blue marks left by the years and damage from past battles. Right above the gate, the three gilt characters of Ande City reflect the light of the sun, shining brightly.

The city wall built of stones is as high as three feet and seven feet, and more than three feet thick. The black muzzles of the five red cannons on it are facing the direction of the city gate.

Under the city wall is a very wide moat.

For the Zhenwei Battalion with only 6000 troops and only cavalry and infantry, Yang Hu, the rebel who occupied Ande City, was like a hedgehog with spikes all over his body, and he had no way to attack.

"This Yang Hu is a bit tricky!"

Jia Jing looked at Ande City ahead, concentrating on the countermeasures.

Next to him, Shuan Zhu looked at Ande City, which was crowded with soldiers, and was also thinking about the strategy of attacking the enemy, but only for a moment, Jiao Shuan Zhu's originally not very bright mind became even more dizzy.

"Master, if Yang Hu can be like Liu Liu, after breaking through the city, he just ran away after looting!" Looking at the city in front of him, Shuan Zhu's tone was full of complaints.

Hearing this, Jia Jing smiled and said, "You can't expect all the positive sides to be towards you. The scale of Damingfu City is huge, and the length of the outer city wall alone is more than 20 miles. Liu Liu and the others are nothing more than mere More than 4000 people are not satisfied standing on the outer city wall, not to mention guarding against many powerful families in the city, how can they defend the city? It is not as cost-effective as looting."

Afterwards, Jia Jing pointed to Ande City in front of him again, and said: "Compared with Daming Fucheng, Andefu City is much smaller in scale, with only one outer wall, and the length is only a little over nine miles. There are nearly [-] troops, plus the whole city has been sorted out once added. With no worries inside, if you defend the city again, you can't go down without several times the number of troops. Naturally, Ande City can be defended .”

Shuan Zhu was even more confused after saying these words, "Forget it, don't think about it, I'll just do things according to the third master's order!"

"This Yang Hu is a calculating person, but I don't know why he would do such a mindless thing as rebellion!"

Jia Jing finally gave Yang Hu a comment.

"The general already has a plan to defeat the enemy?" Captain Hu stepped forward and asked.

"As the old saying goes, the law of using troops is to encircle them if they are ten, to attack them if they are five, to divide them if they are twice as many, to fight them if they are few, to escape them if they are few, and to avoid them if they are few. Now the number of rebels is more than our army. Several times, and defending the city, if a hard attack fails, it will naturally be a surprise victory!"

After all, without waiting for Lieutenant Hu to continue to ask questions, Jia Jing gave an order: "Laifu, first send a messenger to report to Shenjing, and say that the rebel Yang Hu has about [-] soldiers under his command, and now he is occupying the city of Ande. Zhenwei camp reached Ande last night."

As for the surprising method of victory that Xiaowei Hu and others were curious about, Jia Jing just told them one word:


Later, another soldier under his command came to report, and Jia Jing sent out to gather the rout cavalry from Guoyong and Ganyong's second battalion, but only a few routs were brought back.

The two battalions of Guoyong and Ganyong have more than 1 people in total, and now they have gathered back only more than [-] people.Even so, Jia Jing was extremely satisfied in her heart. She was successfully attacked by the rebels, experienced a rout, and was able to gather back [-] people, which was already extremely impressive.

After two or three days of hard work, Jia Jing, who was ready, set up the camp with his troops and went straight to Ande.

Xiaowei Hu and the others finally got the surprise winning method that Jia Jing kept secret all along, "Use the other's way, and give it back to him!"

Regardless of whether it was Liu Liu or Yang Hu, they used tactics to earn money to open the gates of the city, and the people and horses drove directly into the city. Now Jia Jing is using the same strategy.

Liu Liu, Yang Hu and the others were able to succeed because the long-standing soldiers were too loose and afraid of fighting; while Jia Jing wanted to succeed because he relied on the power of the system to summon soldiers.

The system soldiers summoned by Jia Jing can directly consume the materials in the storage space and throw them within the range of Jia Jing's sight.But if, like on the battlefield, the corpses of external enemies are used as flesh and blood materials, then the system soldiers can only transform and land where the flesh and blood materials are.

After waiting for two or three days, the purpose is to let the hidden lines in the city find out which gates are not blocked by the rebels, and they can seize the gates and enter the city. When the city sends an accurate secret report, it is naturally time to attack the city.

It was night, after the third watch, all the soldiers under the command of the rebel Yang Hu fell asleep, and even the patrolling soldiers on the top of the city were a little slack.

At this moment, Jia Jing's thoughts moved, and following the prompts of "-100, -100..." on the system panel, there were more than [-] figures in succession under Jia Jing's call. Appeared in the city gate.

Accompanied by these figures, the word "blood loss" flashed in Jia Jing's heart.

Then, there was a sound of shouting and killing in the city gate hole, and at the same time, the gate of Ande City was also opened from the inside with a "squeak" sound!

Everything happened in just over ten breaths, and it wasn't until this moment that the guards at the top of the city reacted.

But it's too late!

(Thanks to Fenqin Zhuhe for the reward, thank you for the affirmation!)

PS: The new book is begging for collection and recommendation ticket! !

It is recommended on the Internet. It is very important to collect and follow up. If you have a book list, please help me to push it, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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