Chapter 359 Concubine
The shadows of the trees are clear, and the moonlight is cold and white.

In the cold winter night, a group of figures wrapped in broken bandages, with the sound of breaking wind, hurried on their way.

Every time the thick and powerful lower limbs exert strength, these gray-black ghost soldiers can jump several feet.

Like big grasshoppers one by one, jumping forward.

Partial and extremely fast!

Under the illumination of the moonlight, the ghost soldiers galloped towards the north.

Under the already torn bandages, the deep and dark veins looked even more sinister.


Yan Luo was dressed in a black dragon robe and a flat sky crown, and looked at the dozens of ghost soldiers in front of him with gloomy eyes.

"These ghost soldiers are finally about to be completely refined. When I get the sacred source of the wolf, I can add four more generals under my command. Now I only have four judges around me. They are outnumbered by the old hag Jing Huan." Get down!"

Sitting on the dragon chariot carried by more than a dozen people, Yan Luo couldn't help but think of those beautiful figures with their own merits in the illusory realm under the seat of the Jinghuan Fairy during the battles in the past.

Thinking of the graceful and beautiful figure in every movement, Rao Yan Luo's heart was completely cold and dead.

It also involuntarily gave birth to a trace of fire...

Yan Luo was immersed in his memories, and let a crowd of ghost soldiers go straight to the north.

In the cold wind, only a faint voice fell,

"Golden book and jade book? 36 love ghosts? They will all belong to my ghost emperor Yama!!"


The eastern sky gradually brightened.

This is a sign that the sun will rise in the morning.

As dawn approached, the state of many ghost soldiers was not as fast and sensitive as they were under the moonlight at night, and they all seemed a little sluggish.


Yan Luo thought, "The left and right are not far from Shenjing, so why not come here first tonight."

After all, his own ghost soldiers have not yet been fully refined.

The flames of the sun during the day still had a considerable impact on them.

If they had been exposed to the sun for a longer period of time, the time when this group of ghost soldiers were finally refined might have to be pushed back by a month or so.

In order to rush to Shenjing City one day earlier, thereby delaying the training time of ghost soldiers by a month, Yan Luo is not stupid, so he is unwilling to do such a loss-making business.


The ghost soldier team suddenly changed direction when they passed a low mountain, and instead plunged into this low barren mountain.

Finally found a wide and dark cave.

Yan Luo took a group of ghost soldiers under his command to rest here temporarily.


Not to mention that the ghost emperor Yan Luo from the south came straight to the capital with his ghost soldiers.

Let’s just say that the city of Shenjing,

Ning Rong Street.

Waking up early in the morning, Jia Jing took people out, first to deal with various properties previously purchased in Beijing.

But with Jia Jing, he was named King of Yunnan.

Jia Jing felt that as long as Emperor Hongde didn't make any troubles, the family would naturally not be idle and find work for herself.

The so-called landscape of Yunnan is the best in the world.

Wouldn't it be nice to have that free time, take your own wife and dolls, and go on a day trip to the mountains and rivers?

It's useless to worry about those hearts!

Where is the deal?

As Jia Jing made up his mind, there was no need to keep many unnecessary industrial houses in Beijing, so as not to mention the expenses at that time, he would have to send someone to take care of them and all kinds of troubles.

It's not as convenient as dealing with it directly now.

Besides, Jia Jing has to go to Xue's house.

After returning from the palace yesterday, after chatting with Xue Pan for a while, Xue Pan expressed that he wanted to move his family's property to Yunnan.

One must know that [-]% to [-]% of the profits of the chamber of commerce under Xue Pan's name now depend on Jia Jing's seasoning business.

The distance between Yunnan and Shenjing is no less than ten thousand miles.

Now that Jia Jing's family is going to move to Yunnan, the spices and seasoning plants at the Green Willow Villa will naturally be moved to Yunnan for replanting.

Xue Pan's Chamber of Commerce will naturally be greatly affected by the ultra-long-distance transportation.

It might as well move to Yunnan with Jia Jing!

Xue Pan summed up,
Yunnan is Jia Jing's turf, and when he goes there, he will definitely be more free than he is in Beijing now.

Xue Pan's little calculations never avoided Jia Jing.

Jia Jing was also happy to bring Xue Pan's chamber of commerce to Yunnan.

You must know that there have always been many cottages in Yunnan, and the cities are far from comparable to the big cities in the past, let alone the prosperity.

Being able to pull Xue Pan, a huge chamber of commerce that spans the Great Zhou and many small countries with his own support, will naturally be of great benefit to the prosperity and development of Yunnan.

As for protecting Xue Pan or something.

Didn't Jia Jing protect Xue Pan all the time in Beijing?What does it have to do with the region?
Not long after dawn, Jia Jing went out.

It wasn't until the sky completely darkened and all kinds of lamps and candles in the Yunnan Palace were lit that Jia Jing hurried back with Laifu.

Well, purely busy.

It's not that Jia Jing can't bear face and wants to avoid this day of taking concubines.

Last night, Lin Daiyu forced herself to be in charge of the family and decided to give Jia Jing another concubine, which still surprised Jia Jing.

First Baochai, and now Baoqin...

The co-authors are full of familiar ones!

On the contrary, Lin Daiyu, the hostess of the palace, changed her past soft and weak image today, and arranged the staff vigorously and vigorously. After sending someone to Aunt Xue, she learned that Xue Baoqin agreed to enter the Yunnan Palace as a concubine.

It's just that after half a day's work, the sedan chair carrying the newcomer has already landed in the backyard of the Yunnan Prince's Mansion.


When Jia Jing brought Laifu back to the mansion, she was really surprised when she saw the backyard suddenly decorated with lights and festoons.

I was amazed by Lin Daiyu's efficiency!
The couple's courtyard is located at the rear left of Lin Daiyu's main courtyard, and is symmetrical with Xue Baochai's courtyard on the east side.

After Jia Jing changed into her wedding clothes, she was led to Xue Baoqin's room by the maids.

In the candlelight, Jia Jing fetched the gold scale.

Pick off the hijab of the newcomer.

Seeing the beautiful Xue Baoqin sitting on the wedding bed, Jia Jing couldn't help feeling a little dazed even though Jia Jing had extraordinary concentration.

The so-called:

The red clothes are tender and soft, and the pear dimples are tender and fragrant.

Half happy and half angry, unable to exhale, as if infatuated and intoxicated, it is difficult to embrace.


But in front of the beauty, the little entanglement in Jia Jing's heart has long since melted into this flowery smile.

Looking at Xue Baoqin, Jia Jing couldn't help feeling a little lost.

Since then,

This stunningly beautiful woman belongs to herself.

Thinking of this, Jia Jing couldn't help sighing, this damn feudal world...


It smells so good! ! !

Blowing out lamps and waxing, undressing...

Amidst Jia Jing's emotion and Xue Baoqin's shyness, a rhythmic rhythm sounded in the new house.

The tune is cadenced.

The maids who were guarding the door were blushing!

outside the window,

Only a piece of silvery moonlight shines through...

The sixteenth moon is extraordinarily round and extraordinarily bright!

The bridegroom holding the candle was overjoyed, and the mandarin ducks ended up concentric.

He wanted to talk to his younger sister, but his accent was blocked by embarrassment.

The blushing expression is lifelike, and the bridal chamber is full of wit and fun.

It can be called fine folk paper, both ancient and modern in form and spirit.


(End of this chapter)

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