Chapter 406 Liaodong
Banners are half-rolled, the setting sun wins blood.

On the dilapidated city after the war, there are still embers of gunpowder smoke, dried red and black blood, messy arrows and knives, and even broken limbs and arms are very common.

But at this time, the logistics soldiers coming and going, except for carrying away the seriously injured soldiers, did not have the time to clean the city wall at all.

the other side.

The newly recruited city guard soldiers took the weapons left by their predecessors and climbed up the dilapidated city wall that had already been soaked in blood and turned dark brown.

Among them, most of them are only twelve or thirteen-year-old children.

Because the Jurchens attacked the city for several days in a row, the Zhenbei Army stationed in the city had already undergone a major exchange of blood. Most of the tens of thousands of Zhenbei Army in the Great Zhou had disappeared now.


General military mansion.

Zhong Kui, the general sent by the imperial court to conquer captives, sat at the head of the lobby with a blank face.

Not a word.

As for the Liaodong Commander-in-Chief on the left, at this moment, like the other generals present, his face is full of sadness.

There was silence in the entire lobby.

at this time.

A shrill and hoarse shout from outside broke the frozen silence.


"Shenyang Zhongwei Urgent Report!"

Liaodong General Soldier stood up abruptly, "Quickly invite the messenger in!"

As soon as the words fell, two soldiers at the door came in with a blood-stained messenger.

Before seeing the messenger's urgent report, the hearts of everyone in the lobby "clicked". The messenger is already in such a mess, how can there be any good news?

A bad premonition suddenly came to my heart.

Seeing that the great general Zhong Kui was sitting there refusing to move, the Liaodong General had no choice but to step forward and ask the messenger, "How is the Shenyang Zhongwei... how is the situation?"

The messenger struggled, and took out a small bamboo tube that was stained red with blood, "General, Shenyang Zhongwei was suddenly besieged by the Jurchens at nightfall yesterday. Lu commanded the messenger to risk his life to break out of the encirclement for help..."

As he spoke, he tried his best to present the bamboo tube in his hand.

All the generals were shocked, "While besieging us, this Nurhachi actually sent troops to surprise Shenyang Zhongwei?!"

"Then why is it so difficult to defend the city today?"


Hearing the generals' discussions in their ears.

The commander-in-chief of Liaodong looked extremely ugly.

But before the Liaodong General Soldier opened the bamboo tube, another urgent cry came from outside.

"Report, the Shenyang Zhongwei Army has an urgent report!"

"Shenyang Zhongwei Urgent Report!!"

This time.

All the generals in the lobby changed their colors.

Even Zhong Kui on the side suddenly opened his eyes.

With such frequent urgent reports, how can everyone not know what they mean?

After the messenger outside was helped in, when he saw the generals, he half-kneeled and shouted:
"Generals, the military situation is urgent. The Shenyang Zhongwei was besieged by the Jurchens at nightfall yesterday. Last night at midnight, the enemy attacked the city. The defenders of the third battalion struggled to resist and were finally defeated.

The city was destroyed at the end of Yin and the beginning of Mao today, and the entire army of [-] soldiers was wiped out... You generals must avenge my brothers in Shenyang Zhongwei! ! "

The messenger from earlier, "..."

This has just arrived at the place where they asked for help, and Shenyang Zhongwei has already been captured by the enemy?
Is this asking for loneliness? !


The Liaodong General Soldier couldn't help but exclaimed, "Shenyang Zhongwei and Dingliao Youwei are the most powerful horns of our Liaodong Capital Division, and they couldn't resist even one night?"

"General, this is not the most important thing!"

Xue Zixing on the big chair next to him said in a deep voice.

Several days of battles made this rather handsome soldier haggard a lot.

Looking around at the crowd, Xue Zixing suddenly felt a bit of a toothache when he saw that they were all at a loss when they were tired.

On the other hand, Zhong Kui, the general who conquered captives, couldn't help frowning.

It seems to have thought of something.

So ever.

Xue Zixing had no choice but to explain slowly: "If you say that Nurhachi has been besieging our Liaodong capital for several days, he will take the lead and lead the army to attack the city every day, and even the hundreds of trapped camps are fighting on the battlefield every day... ..."

To become a general, there are fools among the people present.

Because they had been guarding the city for several days, everyone's reactions were much slower, but after Xue Zixing's reminder, everyone immediately guessed the general idea.

But the more this happened, the more everyone felt a little unbelievable.

"General Xue means that during the days when the enemy army attacked the city, Nurhachi sent people to beat down the Shenyang Zhongwei next to him while attacking our Liaodong capital?"

One of the generals swallowed.

Xue Zixing's brows were still furrowed, "General, when I was waiting to defend the city, I could see very clearly that the hundreds of trapped camps were on our battlefield..."

A silence.

"However, Shenyang Zhongwei, as one of the two major horns of the Liaodong capital, can be said to have many soldiers and generals, and there is a battalion of elite soldiers newly dispatched to assist in the defense. How come they were attacked so quickly? "

The generals still couldn't believe it at this time.

At this time.

Zhong Kui, who was sitting at the head of the hall, suddenly said, "This shows that the number of people under Nurhachi's command is not just the 100 people in our eyes!"

Xue Zixing nodded in agreement.

"Only by dispatching the trapped camp as a striker, can the Shenyang Zhongwei be captured so quickly!"

All of a sudden, the generals were in an uproar.

Xue Zixing said to the crowd: "Now is not the time for everyone to be suspicious. A few days ago, there were only a hundred trapped camps, and it was already so difficult for us to defend. Once those trapped camps that attacked Shenyang Zhongwei return..."

Before the words were finished, everyone already understood Jia Jing's meaning.

Immediately there was a tremor in my heart.

A few days ago, there were only a hundred people from the trapped camp attacking the city, and it was almost impossible to defend it, but now it is necessary to add another group of trapped camps to come over, and if the city is still defending, everyone simply surrenders!

The Liaodong General Soldier looked miserable.

Hastily asked Zhong Kui: "General, you have been ordered to suppress the captives, and all the military towns along the way are under your control, and only your own soldiers under your command can resist the trapped camp. What do you think should be done about this matter?" ?”

"Yes, whether to defend or retreat, please give everyone a charter!"

"Please, General, teach me to wait..."

In the general's mansion, all the generals looked at Zhong Kui, who was at the top.

Little did he know that Zhong Kui at this time was also a little numb. When he came to his family, he did bring most of the ghost soldiers under Yan Luo's command, but in terms of number, there were only six to seventy people.

And the trapped camp was under the command of the white tiger at the beginning, and it was also a well-known Taoist soldier among many saints.

You know, the White Tiger is one of the top three existences among many sacred beings.

So ever.

There was silence in the lobby of Zhong Kui General Military Mansion...

(End of this chapter)

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