Chapter 59

(Sorry, the highest officer in the guard should be the commander, not the commander in chief. The previous text has been changed!)

The breath of blood and fire permeated the entire Dongsheng City.

Taking advantage of the rare moment of the enemy's cessation, many defenders of Dongsheng City hurriedly recovered their almost overdrawn physical strength.

The sky has always been gloomy, and sporadic light rain has fallen from time to time since the early morning.

In the late autumn weather, this light rain poured down, which wetted the armor of the body, and also chilled the boiling blood and surging heart.

At this moment, the entire Dongshengwei was shrouded in a gloomy cloud.

Commanding the envoy's mansion, the four remaining generals of Dongshengwei sat in the hall.

A school lieutenant with a beard on his face said: "General, without reinforcements, our remaining 4000 soldiers may not be able to survive tomorrow! The next Tatar attack, our Dongsheng City will be ready at any time." It might break!"

"The Tatar army is more than ten times as large as ours. We have been able to defend these five days. It is already the whole city's concerted efforts and extraordinary performance." Speaking of this, Huo Cunyi's deputy general asked a little hesitantly: "General, Shall we retreat first?"

As soon as the words came out, the whole room was silent.

The three generals involuntarily focused their attention on Huo Cunyi, the leader above.

"You fart!" Huo Cunyi stared, "Retreat? Where are you going? We are a guard here, but there are still those injured brothers and our family and friends in the city? Let's retreat, should we send them away? For those Tartars?!"

When the deputy general heard the words, he hurriedly lowered his head, not daring to speak any more.

"General, mobilize the whole city, let's fight to the death!" The last young general in his early twenties got up and said, "Now is the last moment, we must make it clear to the brothers! Let's all be a ghost together!"

"Fight to the death!"

In the hall, a firm and decisive voice sounded.


"Brothers of Dongshengwei!"

On the high platform, Huo Cunyi looked resolute, but there was an unconcealable sadness in his eyes.

"This is the end of the matter, so I won't hide it from everyone. The messenger we went to ask for help from Datong Mansion came back yesterday. It's just that the commander-in-chief and prefect of Datong Mansion are all greedy for life and afraid of death, and refuse to send reinforcements!"

"That is to say, we have no reinforcements!"

As soon as Huo Cunyi's words fell, many soldiers' faces were covered with a color called despair.

a long time……


There was that young soldier who couldn't help crying.

They are children who have just been sensible for a few years, and many of them have never even been out of Dong Shengwei.

They haven't seen the prosperity of this world yet, and they are already facing the cold death...

How can you not cry?

Gradually, the surrounding soldiers were also infected, and the boundless despair was like a raging flood, which instantly collapsed the embankment in their hearts!
Rows of tears fell, leaving hopeless gullies on the dusty face.

Light rain fell from the sky again, and the biting chill that followed was like the sadness left by the sky...

On the high platform, Huo Cunyi also wiped the crystals from the corners of his eyes, and shouted:
"Brothers, I also had the idea of ​​taking everyone to retreat! But, we can't retreat!"

Huo Cunyi's voice was a little choked up: "We can withdraw, but our injured brothers cannot, and neither can the family members in our city!"

Pointing to those soldiers who were injured and unable to move, and pointing to the many dilapidated houses behind him, Huo Cunyi shouted:
"Can we throw Brother Paoze under the knife of those barbarians? Can we leave our wives and children to the scourge of those barbarians?"

Huo Cunyi shouted: "You guys answer me!!!"

The cold blood gradually became hot, and the deepest despair gave birth to the thickest emotion!
"Can't! Can't! Can't!!!"

Shouts like mountains and seas pierced the sky, and beneath those desperate faces was the blood that was burning again!

Because what stood behind them were the robes they couldn't let go, the wives, children, and children they couldn't abandon!

"Brothers, let us fight to the death for what we want to protect! Bi Luo Huang Quan, I will accompany you all!"

Huo Cunyi tried his best and roared, "Fight to the death!"

"Fight to the death!"

"Fight to the death!"

"Fight to the death!"

The light rain in the sky was still pattering down, but the biting coolness aroused the flames in everyone's hearts even more!
Derived from despair, there is even more decisive killing intent!
Kill the enemy!Fight to the death!

That's all!


"Tom... tom... tom..."

On the gate tower, the rapid drumbeat sounded again, indicating that the Tatars had started a new wave of offensive.

Huo Cunyi boarded the tower, and in the light rain, everything in the distance was blurred in the mist.

One could only hear the neighing of war horses in the distance, and the uniform chant when pushing equipment such as crash carts, rolling carts, and watchtowers.

On the top of the city, the atmosphere was extremely oppressive.

But it is not the suppression of fear, but the suppression of trying to contain the bloody murderous intent in his heart.

Huo Cunyi stood with his sword in his hand, watching the Tatar army gradually rushing forward, his calm face seemed like a bottomless well.

"Cannon, let it go!"

With an order, a red barbarian cannon that was as tall as ten feet long suddenly became powerful, and the shells weighing ten or twenty catties roared towards the Tatar army formation with the deafening sound of the cannon.


The shells made of pig iron landed one after another, and then rushed forward with unstoppable inertia, everything encountered along the way was bombarded to pieces.

Every time a shell falls, it will create a small bloody vacuum in the black siege army.

This is a real wound if you rub it, and you will die if you touch it. The place where the shell hits is rotten and devoid of physiology.

In contrast, the Tatar artillery was naturally not to be outdone. The shells, with the heat of the gunpowder burning, passed through the void and fell with a whistling sound.

Small pits appeared one after another on the stone wall, and the jumping shells and splashing gravel caused waves of blood mist to rise from time to time on the wall.

When the Tatar army charged closer again, the siege crossbows, bows and arrows, and catapults from both sides also shot one after another, taking away one life after another.

The crashing cars were hitting the blocked city gates, and the Tatar troops who were hiding in them came to the bottom of the city with one after another, and a ladder was built on the city wall...

The densely packed Tatars, like a group of ants rushing towards the dessert, are rushing forward!

On the top of the city, stones and logs fell one after another, and burning firewood and hot golden juice also came oncoming...

The hoarse cry of killing, accompanied by the roar of artillery and the clanging of swords when they intersected, resounded through the sky!

Under those crazy faces, there is the intertwining of blood and fire, the rotation of life and death!
This battle, from the very beginning, has reached its peak...

It's just that compared with the Tatars who are nearly ten times the number, the less than [-] defenders on Dongsheng City are really not enough.

Seeing that the Tatar army rotated wave after wave, the defenders at the top of the city could only grit their teeth and persevere all the way!
The sky in the west has dimmed, and the night is slowly falling. The defenders of Dongsheng City are also gradually approaching their limit...

Huo Cunyi's long sword had already been blunted, and what he was holding in his hand now was a long knife he picked up at random. He was cutting off the Tatars who rushed up one after another from the ladder, and the blood was already splashed all over his body. .

As time passed, the defenders of Dongsheng City were gradually exhausted. More and more Tatar soldiers climbed onto the city wall, but the number of Tatar troops under the city remained unchanged...

Looking back at the already dilapidated Dongsheng City, this city of guards for which he gave his life, is now full of gunpowder!

Dongsheng City can no longer hold it!

"I... hate it!"

Looking at the several hideous faces surrounding him, Huo Cunyi heaved a long sigh, raised the long knife in his hand, and put it on his shoulder.

At this moment, Huo Cunyi only has the will to die in his heart!

I would rather die than be captured!

A close call!

The deep and powerful horn, with the power to shake the heartstrings, overwhelmed the sound of shouting and killing all over the sky!

In the distance, gold and iron horses are coming!

PS: In the past two days, the newly added collections have been directly cut in half, which is quite uncomfortable.

I still routinely ask for your help, I need to collect it, thank you Qingfeng!

(End of this chapter)

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