Ming Zuo

Chapter 1282 More than ten thousand pigs

Chapter 1282 More than [-] pigs

The 13 Ming army, if the organization is not chaotic and according to the established plan, no one can give the correct answer whether they can successfully break through.

After all, it didn't happen in real reality.

Perhaps it is possible to break through successfully, and Daming retains a trace of vitality;
It is also possible that none of them can escape, and the entire army is truly wiped out, causing Daming to be unable to defend even Shanhaiguan.

After all, judging from the battle before the Ming army broke through, the difference in combat effectiveness between the two sides was too great.

Even when all the soldiers and horses of the Ming army were mobilized, they were completely defeated and faced with a decisive battle. They were still beaten and suffered heavy losses.

From this perspective, how could the Ming army complete the breakthrough step by step?

If it is the latter result, then history is likely to cause a chain reaction.

Once Shanhaiguan is lost, there is no barrier for the capital.Perhaps the emperor and ministers of the Ming Dynasty would choose to move their capital to Jiangnan under the pressure of reality.

Of course, this kind of result is definitely not what Xia Guo wants to see.

What Xia Guo hopes most is that Daming will always stay in the capital and die in the capital.

As for Jiangnan, it is better to preserve it and wait for Xia Guo to properly accept it.

As long as Jiangnan does not experience too many wars and its vitality is preserved, it can help the whole world to come out of the trauma of war faster.

All of the above are assumptions, not reality.

The reality is that the Ming army has completely dispersed.

After Wang Pu and Wu Sangui fled first, the other generals couldn't care less and looked for their own way out.

After them, Ma Ke, Tang Tong, Bai Guangen, and Li Fuming followed closely behind.

Facing the Ming army that was completely herding sheep, the Qing army had no good way in the dark night.We can only stick to our positions and kill the Ming army who rushed to the front.

As for the Ming army running around in the wilderness, the Qing army did not dare to chase them at will.

If the situation of our side is also messed up, we may suffer heavy losses.

Although the encirclement circle of the Qing army had been established long ago, it has to be said that the generals of the Ming army obviously had hidden magical powers.

Wang Pu, who was the first to escape, did not know where he got the information. Anyway, he rushed all the way and jumped out of the encirclement of the Qing army.

Wu Sangui was also cunning enough, so he followed him secretly.

He planned to use Wang Pu as the pioneer and substitute for the dead. After Wang Pu attracted enough Qing troops, he would look for a chance to break through.

But what surprised him was that Wang Pu ran out.

Since Wang Pu's route could break through, Wu Sangui was not polite and ran out from the same place.

Seeing the Qing army disappear in front of their eyes, the world was widened and the breathing was smooth. Wang Pu and Wu Sangui ignored each other's accusations and fled sullenly.

The two fled all the way into Xingshan City, and only then settled down a bit.

Looking back and counting, the loss of soldiers and horses was more than half.

Today's Ming army is almost all spontaneously recruited and formed by generals from all walks of life. No matter how many casualties are, it is the loss of the generals themselves.

This made Wang Pu and Wu Sangui want to cry without tears.

Fortunately, the two of them escaped and were able to save their lives, and then they became happy again.

Under the chaos, the worst victims were Hong Chengchou, Qiu Minyang, Zhang Ruoqi and other Chinese military personnel.

The Chinese army is the most important in the operation of the army, and it must be well protected.But it is also because of this that the Chinese military has always moved the slowest.

When Hong Chengchou and others learned that the other generals had already run away, they hurriedly prepared and set off.

But it was too late.

Two hours passed, and the Qing army had already reacted.

Huang Taiji especially issued a strict order that Hong Chengchou must be caught.

The Qing army put its greatest strength on the Ming army's central army, and Hong Chengchou ran into the strongest fighting force of the Qing army head-on.

As soon as his former army took part in the battle, it was rushed back like a tide.

Among the chaotic army, Hong Chengchou couldn't even stand steadily, and was almost pushed and fell down.

Seeing that there was no way out, the soldiers hurriedly escorted him all the way back.

The camp in the wild was no longer enough to defend, so Hong Chengchou had to retreat and entered Songshan City.

Not long after he entered the city, Qiu Minyang, Wang Tingchen, Cao Bianjiao, Zu Dale and others were also driven back.

The crowd sat in a group, panicked and restless.

Hearing the shouts of killing outside the city, most of them were the wails of the Ming army before they died, they couldn't help feeling desperate.

The battle at night was completely out of order, and it was also the only chance for the Ming army to break through.

At dawn, the Ming army that hadn't run out of the encirclement completely ushered in the doomsday.

Ma Ke, Tang Tong, Bai Guangen, and Li Fuming originally fled to Xingshan City.But they were not familiar with the road, so they ran to the seaside.

When it was dawn, they found that they were at the seaside. The four of them panicked and hurried south along the coast.

But at this time, the Qing army had already surrounded them, attacking the Ming army fiercely from all directions.

At this time, the Ming army had already become frightened, and had no courage to fight at all.Seeing the Qing army rushing, he turned his head and ran away.

Tens of thousands of Ming troops were like headless chickens. Wherever the Qing army caught up, they ran in the opposite direction.When the Qing army on the other side came up, they hurried back.

Running around, the encirclement is getting smaller and smaller.Tens of thousands of people crowded together, as if pushed by some terrible force.

Seeing the sea getting closer and closer, the people in the front could only howl desperately, begging the people behind not to retreat any more.

But everyone has lost their minds and can't see the situation ahead.If he didn't want to die in the hands of the Qing army, he had to retreat desperately.

In front of the sea, a terrible human tragedy was staged.

Tens of thousands of people were squeezed into the sea step by step. At first they could struggle a few times, and then they were washed away by the waves without a trace.

In the sea water, all kinds of clothes, flags, and weapons can be seen rising and falling.

So many Ming soldiers would rather go to the sea, be drowned, be massacred, and dare not turn back and fight the Qing army.

How stupid is the behavior of human beings when they are in despair.

"Hehe, my son, from your point of view, what is the power of our soldiers and horses in the Qing Dynasty?"

On the high hill in the distance, seeing the Qing army's victory, Huang Taiji was very proud.A blush appeared on his slightly sick face, and he hoped to be recognized by others.

Beside him, the two young men were terrified, their throats kept surging, they stared blankly at the massacre ahead, feeling even more powerless and desolate.

They had no choice but to speak flattering words against their will.

"Your Majesty is majestic in heaven, and everyone in the upper kingdom strives to be the first. This is truly the capital of the master and the prestige of the emperor, and the servants of the lower kingdom are sincerely convinced."

Prince Zhaoxian and Lord Fenglin prostrated themselves in front of Huang Taiji, becoming more obedient than before.

Behind them, the North Korean musketeers who were mixed with the Qing army also all fought bravely to be the first, attacking the desperate Ming army.

At the beginning of the Songjin War, these North Korean soldiers and horses were all sneaking around, unwilling to attack the Ming army.

But at this point in the battle, everyone could see that the Ming army was over, and even the North Koreans were completely disappointed.

(End of this chapter)

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