Seven unrecognizable powerhouses stepped forward one after another, stepping onto this terrifying land that frightened the souls of countless lives.

Immediately, countless soul particles floated in, contaminated with strange substances, like wind and sand. If ordinary people touch it, indescribable changes will occur, and they will fall into the river of souls.

However, it is obviously impossible to corrupt the three Lujin and the four Taoist ancestors.

Chi Cang, Shi Hao, and Gu Yi, the three great immortal emperors walked in the front, just standing there, all dharma will not invade, eternal will not fall, and the place where they stand is a pure land.

And Liu Shen, Meng Tianzheng, the counterfeit medicine seller, and the Lord of the Heavenly Court are surrounded by the Emperor Zhunxian's light, shining for thousands of years, and will not be extinguished for ten thousand eons.

As they walked, the Soul River full of strange substances and corrupted soul light, as well as the yellow river bank, collapsed, disintegrated, and ceased to exist.

Countless strange creatures, lying on the bottom of the Soul River, turned into ashes before they could show their heads.

This ancient and terrifying river is experiencing unprecedented destruction. The seven supreme powerhouses have decided to uproot this place.

It haunts the soul and spreads weirdness. Even if it is not the ultimate source of weirdness, it is still a place like an outpost, and it can only be a scourge if it stays.


The water of the Soul River boiled, and huge waves surged up, sweeping towards Chi Cang and the others, mixed with all kinds of smelly and rotten fallen creatures, it was extremely terrifying.


The blazing soft words, the words of the Immortal Emperor, contain vast power and rules. In just a split second, the great waves of the Soul River were destroyed, and all the strange substances and creatures disappeared.

The thunder exploded, blasting open an ancient portal.


It seems to have opened up a bloody era, and it seems to have opened up a dense doom.

At this moment, ghosts were crying and gods were howling, and hundreds of millions of gods and demons opened their eyes and looked at Chi Cang and the others.

The world behind the door is dark and terrifying, with blood and corpses all over the ground, shrouded in thick fog, it is extremely strange.


The sound of the iron chain sliding was extremely ear-piercing, not one, but many, as if some creature was bound by the chain and imprisoned in the thick fog.

Chicang and the others saw that they were huge corpses one after another, covered with long black and red hairs, more fierce than ghosts, with pits and pus dripping from their faces, and countless evil insects crawling on them To and fro, disgusting.

I don't know what kind of mutation happened to these creatures. Tentacles, claws, etc. grew out of all parts of their bodies, and they also had several heads. Their eyes were blood red and cold.

No doubt they were kept as gatekeepers.

The Chicang Seven have deep eyes, and time has flowed by. They have seen the past of these huge creatures. They are all famous arrogances. , became like this.

Not only them, but also the countless fallen creatures lying under the river.

"It's really a dirty and treacherous place." Gu Yi sighed. When he saw the Soul River, he felt that the river was extremely ominous and gave people a very bad feeling. Unfortunately, he didn't Before there was time to explore, the Soul River disappeared without a trace.

"It's not time for the gate of rebirth to open, you trespassed in the Soul River, you're only dead, and the group will also be destroyed!" The monsters covered in corpse hair spoke, their eyes were extremely cold, and there was no trace of human form at all.


As soon as the words fell, these monsters were blown up and turned into powder.

In terms of strength, these gatekeepers are not too weak, they are at the level of quasi-immortal kings. Unfortunately, with a thought of the immortal emperor, all the heavens and myriad realms will collapse into dust, let alone a few quasi-immortal kings.

In terms of realm alone, quasi-immortal kings are not qualified to talk to quasi-immortal emperors and emperors. Therefore, they were directly wiped out without the power to resist.


The gatekeepers in the thick fog were wiped out, and countless strange gods and demons let out terrifying roars. In the darkness, there were endless rustling sounds, as if infinite creatures were rushing towards the shattered portal.

However, with just one look from Chi Cang, hundreds of millions of thunderbolts burst out, shattering all the weirdness, and the fog cleared instantly, and the endless creatures inside, no matter if they were true immortals, quasi-immortal kings, or immortal kings, all became immortals. dust.

And the eternal soul river that has flowed through the ages has also been evaporated dry, and even the river bed has been wiped out.

The seven continued to move forward. In front of them was an endless abyss and darkness, full of roars and wailing. Behind them was a pure land without any trace of weirdness. It was peaceful and silent.

They are too powerful, each of them is an amazing and eternally proud creature, together, no one can stop them.

The world behind the door is covered by thick fog, vast and boundless. There are countless buildings standing in the fog, majestic, tall, but dark and gloomy.

There is a tall spiritual mountain, and the black Buddha light shines everywhere, and there are murmurs of chanting, mixed with the howls of ghosts. Ghost monks with dark skin are sitting there, with long fangs growing from the corners of their mouths. Drooling.

There are huge stone pillars supporting a huge dark palace, and there are one fallen creature after another sitting cross-legged inside.

There is also a towering Tiangong, suspended in the sky, with rows of heavenly soldiers and generals, full of ominousness and curses.


This is a fallen world, whether it is Taoism, Buddha, or heaven, they all fell into the river of souls and became strange creatures.

The arrival of Chi Cang and others alarmed the strange existences in these buildings, and they raised their heads one after another, revealing cold eyes.

"Dare to break into the soul river and the evil soil, you are not small."

The fat-headed, big-eared, blue-faced and long-toothed Yin Monk opened his mouth, stretched out his big hands towards Chi Cang and the others, surrounded by jet-black real dragons, which should have been golden in color, but at this moment it was completely ominous.

I have to say, dare to take action against the three immortal emperors and four quasi-immortal emperors, this Yin monk is really brave. He has the cultivation base of an immortal king, which is comparable to a giant, and he is terrifying and boundless, which gives him confidence.

It's a pity that he miscalculated the opponent's strength. After all, he is just a giant. How could he see the Immortal Emperor Zhun and the Immortal Emperor clearly?

As soon as he made a move, Yin Monk himself collapsed one after another. He looked forward in horror, his face full of disbelief.

Also dying, there are also powerful existences in many temples.

Here, the Immortal King is not considered strong, there are too many, endless years pass by, the river of souls spreads across the heavens, flows through countless destroyed great realms, while devouring living souls, it also attracts the strong and falls into a strange , become a part of Soul River.

This vast expanse of evil soil behind the door is the place where those who fell into the river of souls live.

Relatively speaking, the number of immortal kings that appeared in the Great Reckoning of the Realm Sea was relatively small. Even if they were all gathered together, they could not compare with the strange immortal kings in this corner of the calamity.

However, no matter how many immortal kings there are, it is useless. The immortal emperor's eyes swept across, and all the strange kings were disillusioned, like a dream bubble.

Chi Cang and the others had nothing to say about these creatures who voluntarily took refuge in the Soul River. Just like Mieshi Old Man, Yudi, Hongdi, Cangdi and others, they were willing to degenerate and only died.

My heart is broken, so I can't help it.

"Heavenly Court, you are worthy too!" The Lord of Heavenly Court stared at the dark heavenly palace hanging high above the thick fog, and whispered in his mouth.

It used to be a sacred heaven, protecting the peace of the world, but now, it has actively thrown itself into the river of souls and become the creator of strangeness and killing.

There is far more than one such heavenly palace, which means that they come from different eras and different worlds, but their choices are the same, from light to darkness.

The Lord of the Heavenly Court, who also established the Heavenly Court to protect the heavens and worlds, naturally hated these fallen ones. His majestic and majestic body stood majestically in the void, and the quasi-immortal emperor's mind formed a storm to sweep away those dark heavenly palaces.




At this moment, Hunhe Ertu suffered a devastating blow, and a frightening number of strange fairy kings fell in pieces, as insignificant as dust.

In just an instant, the vast misty soil shrouded in thick fog was emptied, and everything ceased to exist.

Chi Cang and the others cleared away the obstructions and continued to move forward.

Soon, the vast land shrunk, and the whole world became low, transforming into a burrow.

A dark and eerie river flowed up from the burrow and flowed on the gloomy soil.

The seven people didn't care, and went straight to the cave.

On the sky, blood rains pouring down, black, red, gray, silver... It represents the unknown and is extremely corrosive. If the person who came over was the fairy king, and was drenched by these unknown blood, he would have to fall into a strange world. It's in the middle.

Chi Cang and the others, shrouded in endless brilliance, bathed in unknown blood, shuttled through the strange fog, and went retrograde along the Soul River to see what the real source of the Soul River is.

"Stop comers!"

In the crypt, on a majestic platform, sat an old man with shriveled skin and no hair, with his hands clasped together, and a string of rosary beads made of skulls hanging on his thumb.

This is a strong Buddhist, surrounded by the law of the quasi-immortal emperor. Obviously, he has stepped into the realm of the quasi-immortal emperor and is extremely powerful.

"This is the person in charge of Soul River? It's too weak." Gu Yi shook his head.

Hearing the words, the depraved quasi-immortal emperor from the Buddhist clan raised two lights in his eyes and looked at Gu Yi. For a moment, he was horrified, and saw that Gu Yi was unfathomable, beyond common sense, and comparable to the chief priest.

I thought that the visitor was only a supreme being like Immortal Emperor Zhun, that's why he appeared alone to investigate the origin of the trespasser. As a result, there was an existence of the level of the chief priest accompanying him, and there was more than one.

The Immortal Emperor's series hides his own cause and effect, like a fog, and the Immortal Emperor can't sense it at all. He didn't know that there was an Immortal Emperor among the enemies until he witnessed it with his own eyes.

When he and Chi Cang looked at each other, the eyes of the fallen quasi-immortal emperor of the Buddha clan went straight, and his whole body became illusory.

He was terrified, and looked at the distant ancient times. At each time point, there was an ancient monk howling under the thunder, and was smashed to ashes and wiped out.


With a scream, his body was nothingness, it ceased to exist, and it just disappeared like that.

Chi Cang killed his past, and died countless times when he was weak, without the foundation to stand on the long river of time, even if this person is a quasi-immortal emperor, he will be drowned by time and die invisible.


In the depths of the burrow, there was a roar of horror. For many years, no one dared to provoke the soul river, because this represents the source of the strange, the incarnation of the unknown, and the forbidden land feared by the heavens and all spirits. Suddenly, a creature came in, and killed a soul river master.


Chi Cang let out a cold snort, and the power of thunder surged, spreading from the past to the present and the future.

From the deepest part of the Soul River, there was a muffled groan immediately, and a supreme being exploded inexplicably, dying tragically on the spot.

The Corrupted Immortal Emperor next to him watched this scene in horror, not daring to say a word.

Because the one next to him was killed just because of the roar just now.

He could see clearly that his companion had been wiped out by a cold snort of all future possibilities.

Even the future is gone, so it is natural to die immediately.

What kind of terrifying method is this?Just a few more hums, and they're all going to die.

"What is the origin of these creatures? How can they be so terrifying? Quickly contact other places to support this place." A fallen quasi-immortal emperor spoke. He had eight poems, and his body was filled with unknown substances.

As soon as the words fell, another surviving fallen quasi-immortal emperor took out a weapon. It was a magic conch in thirteen colors. Snow white and pitch black coexisted, each accounting for half, and it was made of unknown materials. It was very cold.

He put the conch by his mouth and blew it without hesitation.


The deep conch sound, very penetrating, drifted to all realms, heard everywhere, he was summoning the strange creatures in the ancient underworld, the existence under the floating soil of the four poles, awakening the monsters under the burial pit of the emperor of heaven, summoning all The strong, support Soul River.

Because they couldn't stop the enemy, they killed two masters in just the blink of an eye, which is very terrifying. You must know that those who can sit on the position of masters of the Soul River are all supreme beings, almost immortal .

However, at this moment, they were wiped out in an instant, and they died without even a chance to regroup.

"Summoning reinforcements from another evil land? Interesting, just to catch them all at once." Shi Hao whispered.

The eyes of the others were also flickering, quietly waiting for Soul River Supreme to call for reinforcements.

With their current lineup, even if there are ten or a hundred soul rivers, they can push across.

The two Supremes who were killed just now were both shot by Chi Cang, and the others were not even warm.

Faluo's voice was terrifying, cleansing the past and present, and thirteen kinds of divine light bloomed, resounding through the sky, breaking the dead silence of the ancient underworld, disturbing the tranquility of the Emperor's burial pit, and raising dust among the four poles of floating earth.

"This era is the black era. It is not over yet, and it has been blocked. This is the second time that the magic conch has been blown in this era." The Supreme Being with eight heads said with a sigh.

Originally, this magic conch would only be blown when the era was born and died, but now, Soul River is about to sink, blowing the magic conch and calling for reinforcements is the only way out.

Chi Cang and the others stood there quietly, each of them was shrouded in a bright fairy light, which formed a sharp contrast with the dark and ominous Doom.

They are waiting, waiting for the so-called reinforcements to arrive, and then they will catch them all. Everyone is looking forward to it, it is best to bring some creatures of the Immortal Emperor level, otherwise, the weird side will only be crushed, which is boring.

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