The perfect ten evils rise again

Chapter 529 The Birth of the First Ancestor

Chapter 529 The Birth of the First Ancestor
When Shi Hao and Guyi arrived and saw Xiao Chixia, they were all shocked by this child's talent. She was born with mana like Wang Yang, both born with it, and inherited her father's and mother's astonishment. world blood.

No matter what kind of environment the child is in, he is bound to rise rapidly.

"This is our little junior sister?" Gu Yi widened his eyes and hugged Chi Xia.

Xiao Chixia is very intelligent, and she has been conceived in her mother's womb for thousands of years, which can be said to be against the sky.

Seeing Gu Yi approaching, he immediately called out to his brother in a childish voice.

Shi Hao also leaned over, looked at Xiao Chixia, fell in love with him, couldn't help stretching out his hand to tease the little junior sister.

"Brother! Hug!"

After Xiao Chixia saw Shi Hao, she stretched out her little hand to hug him. Shi Hao showed joy when he heard this, and quickly took it from Gu Yi's hand.

Gu Yi muttered dissatisfiedly, judging from Xiao Chixia's reaction, he was not as attractive as Shi Hao at all.

This made Gu Yi very depressed. It stands to reason that his face is not bad.

Shi Hao hugged Xiao Chixia, an emotion he had never felt before appeared in his heart, he had a younger brother, a cousin, and never had a younger sister.

Suddenly, he thought of the journey of his own blood dripping in the long river of time.

Every drop of blood has its own life, each is different, but at that time, these blood drops were blinded by the power of time and karma, and did not know that they were Shi Hao and Huang.

However, when all the blood drops returned, allowing Shi Hao to step into the realm of the Immortal Emperor, the memories of these blood drops also returned, turning into pictures, flowing in Shi Hao's heart.

Among them, there is an experience of residual blood that is most unforgettable.

In that life, he lived with a younger sister who wore shofar braids, but later, because of his special constitution, he was taken away and died on a fairy mountain called Kunlun. I don't know what happened to this younger sister.

"elder brother."

Seeing Shi Hao's eyes showing memories, Xiao Chixia froze there, immediately called out, stretched out her small white hand, and touched Shi Hao's face.

Shi Hao came back to his senses, with a smile on his face, playing with Xiao Chixia.

In the end, the law of the Immortal Emperor pervaded in his hands, condensed into a piece of ordinary jade pendant, and then he strung the jade pendant on a rope and hung it around Xiao Chixia's neck.

"This is a gift from my brother, as long as the strange ancestor doesn't make a move, it will be enough to keep you safe." Shi Hao murmured to himself, without clearly stating what was in this jade pendant.

Seeing this, Gu Yi condensed something with his imperial power, which was actually a jade hairpin.

"I don't know what to give as a gift, so I will give you a jade hairpin. When Xiao Chixia grows up, it will be useful." Gu Yi said.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen smiled and took the jade hairpin, which was Gu Yi's wish.

Afterwards, Meng Tianzheng, the Four Immortal Emperors, a group of Taoist ancestors, as well as Chi Cang and Shi Hao's relatives and friends all arrived.

Seeing the astonishingly gifted little Chixia, everyone fell in love with it. Given time, this child must rise to become a powerful person. If she can walk out of the path beyond her father and mother, it will be even more terrifying.

It should be known that her father is only one step away from the sacrificial path of detachment, surpassing the current Lei Di, that can only be the sacrificial path.

Shi Hao's heirs have arrived. They have sons and daughters, all of whom are extremely talented. In just a few million years, they have already approached the realm of quasi-immortal emperors.

Among them, Shi Fan is the most powerful, almost becoming a quasi-immortal emperor, just like his father, extremely brave.

Because of their blood relationship with Shi Hao, they are very close to Chi Cang and Liu Shen, so they came here directly without too many scruples.

Shi Fan and the others looked at their little aunt and were speechless for a while. They were all people who were about to become Taoist ancestors, and they had a little aunt who was just born.

Xiao Chixia was quite smart, and when she saw Shi Fan and the others, she called out childishly, "Eldest nephew, eldest niece."

Shi Fan and the others felt as if they were struck by lightning. However, their seniority was here, so they could only agree to speak out. Fortunately, they were all their own people here.

Meng Tianzheng smiled, got the title of Uncle Meng, and left an extremely precious gift for Chi Xia.

The four immortal emperors of the sky, as well as the ancestors of Taoism, stepped forward one after another, congratulated Chi Cang and Liu Shen, and each sent a generous gift.

Chi Cang and Shi Hao's old friends are also like this, and they surrounded Xiao Chixia, and they couldn't like this child very much.

Little Chixia was not afraid of crowds, so she started playing with these uncles, brothers and sisters, nephews and nieces.

"Chixia, what a good name, this child will become a formidable powerhouse in the future, supporting God and the heavens in the most difficult years." Luo Tianxian said in admiration.

The other three Celestial Emperors nodded.

It's hard to imagine how strong the offspring will be when the two immortal emperors in their prime combine, the Dao ancestor is inevitable, and Lu Jin is probably not a big problem, if Chixia can break through her own heaven-defying bloodline and step out Your own journey and achievements will be even more astonishing.

In the end, Chi Cang also announced one thing, that is, Chi Xia will not be sealed, and everything will go with the flow.

This means that everyone will see a rising emperor star in the near future.

In the following time, little Chixia grew up slowly under the care of her father, mother, and a group of relatives and friends. With the outbreak of her extraordinary talent, people saw the horror of the fairy emperor's heir.

She is simply the second Thunder Emperor, born to be close to Lei Ting, billions of heavenly punishments are lingering in her palm, plants and trees are all spirits, and she regards him as the master.

The Taoists of God will be ashamed of themselves when they see Chixia's talent.

However, the way of practice does not depend entirely on the power of the blood. Although the power of the blood will make the monk's starting point very high, but after reaching a certain level, the power of the blood will become a hindrance instead.

On this point, as his father, Chi Cang often educates, and his mother, Liu Shen, also often mentions it. Since she was a child, she has established the value of life for the little girl to break through the shackles of blood and be her own.

Fortunately, Chixia's talent is not only reflected in the power of blood, but also in talent. She came into contact with the deepest Dao at a very young age, showing a talent far beyond others.

After more than 20 years, Chixia grew up slowly. She was born beautiful, inherited the beauty of her mother and father, and ranked among the beauties in the sky.

The achievements on the road of practice also broke the records of God in all aspects and shocked the world.

Especially her identity and status, people have to sigh, Immortal Emperor's parents, Immortal Emperor's uncle, Immortal Emperor's elder brother...


Chi Xia grabbed Chi Cang's hand and shook it for a while, wanting Chi Cang to take her back to the sealed mother domain.

She is quite curious about the place where her parents and her brothers and uncles were born.

"That world has been sealed, and it will become the place where some peerless figures will rise in the future, so it shouldn't be disturbed." Chi Cang shook his head, unmoved.

He has already been immune to his daughter's acting like a baby.

Seeing that begging her father failed, Chixia ran to Liushen again and acted like a baby to her mother.

Liu Shen looked at her daughter dotingly, her eyes were full of maternal brilliance, but instead of agreeing to Chi Xia, she said aloud: "Your father is right, it is very important there, don't disturb it."


Chi Xia replied in disappointment.

"When the weird ethnic group is completely resolved, I will definitely take you back to have a look." Liu Shen said with a smile.

"I don't know how long it will take to solve the weird ethnic group. I heard from Brother Shi Hao that if you can't become a priest, you can't compete with the weird ancestors at all. Give me some more time, and I will definitely catch up and kill the enemy with you." Her eyes flowed. With brilliant brilliance, he is determined to fight side by side with his parents and other relatives.

Seeing that she had such ambitions, Chi Cang and Liu Shen looked at each other and nodded secretly.

"Father, can that extraterrestrial place really hide from the weird ancestor who is in the realm of offering sacrifices?" Chi Xia asked worriedly.

It's hard to imagine how strong these ancestors would be for the priest-level existence that even her father and Shi Hao's brother can't match.

If one is born out of this world and breaks through the heavens, even that otherworldly place will not be able to escape.

"I don't know, the land outside the world is just an experiment, and no one knows whether it is possible to hide the ancestor-level creatures of the sacrificial level." Chi Cang shook his head, and he was not sure.

After all, they have only heard about the priest-level creatures, and they can only know the power of this series from the mouth of the four immortal emperors of the sky, and they have never really seen it.

"Once those ghosts wake up, it will be a catastrophe." Liu Shen said with a sigh.

In the past 20 years, the three members of the family have never been separated, and have been together happily. This kind of life is exactly what Liushen expected, but because of the existence of the strange ethnic group, it cannot last for a long time. She really hopes that after the weirdness is resolved, the family A moment of tranquility.

However, the tree wants to be quiet but the wind keeps on.


At the end of the Sea of ​​Sacrifice, stands a supreme plateau. Here, mist is shrouded, lifeless, ominous, and the icy permafrost lay horizontally, dull and depressing.

This is the ancestral land mentioned by the strange ethnic group, the place where the ancestors slept.

It is too vast, vast and boundless, even if the world sinks, it will not be able to fill a corner of it, and even the Taoist ancestors will find it difficult to reach the end of the plateau.

On the edge of the plateau, you can occasionally see rotting creatures walking, and you can also see a small number of strange creatures walking out of the plateau, everything is silent.

In the depths of the plateau, there are the corpses of Taoist ancestors and Lujuan-level creatures, torn apart. Countless epochs have passed, and they are still bloody and never dried.

This is a land of despair, even the top-level creatures are bleeding here.

Since ancient times, the plateau has been so oppressive and dangerous. Countless flames of civilization have been extinguished. Even if the river flows through it for a long time, it will stop flowing.

On this day, in the depths of the Ertu Plateau, the terrifying ancient syllables were remembered, making all spirits tremble and die, as if the most terrifying things were born, and all things were born and died because of them.

There was an ominous ancestral land, where the frozen earth cracked open, and then one figure after another appeared, some were as dry as sticks, some were tall and majestic, some had long red hair, and some were covered in scars. black blood...

The rotten clothes, attached to their bodies, have gone through countless epochs, and they look extremely terrifying, like a group of ghosts who have been dormant for countless epochs were born.


The avenue collapsed, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and the entire plateau was roaring.

The three ancestors were born at the same time, and the unknown matter boiled up, and even the time and space were unstable.

The pupils of these three figures were either empty, gray, or dripping with blood.

Wherever their eyes go, everything withers and all worlds step into darkness.

At this moment, all the dark creatures on the plateau, as well as all the creatures in the dark universe in the Daqian universe, who had an affair with the unknown, sensed the birth of the first ancestor, and bowed in the direction of the plateau.

Even Dao Ancestor in the strange group touched his head to the ground and dared not get up.

The place where the ancestors slept was isolated from the world, separated from the outside of the plateau by a piece of ancient history, and it was impossible to reach it. For a long time, few creatures were able to enter.

Even the strange family's road is difficult to set foot on.

At this moment, the three great ancestors were born, and all the ten strange roads bent down to listen to the teachings and admonitions of the ancestors.

Usually, they can't talk to the ancestors, and they can only tell the big things after the ancestors wake up.

Even when the white Lujin and the red Lujin were exterminated last time, no ancestor came forward, only the initial material was given, and a new substitute Lujin was born for these two strange ethnic groups.

"The three ancestors woke up at the same time, could it be because of Lei Di and Huang's incident?" There was a strange whisper, guessing the reason for the ancestor's birth.

The three figures stood at the end of the plateau, as if they had stood there before the creation of the world, overlooking all living beings.

Their eyes penetrate the past, present and future, making the long river of time emerge and flow in front of them.

Over time, scenes emerged, including Chi Cang's seven people who jumped from their mother's domain to the sea of ​​blood, then found the Soul River, supported God, killed the white road and the red road, and so on.

In addition, the Three Immortal Emperors raided the ancient underworld, the burial pit of the Heavenly Emperor, and the floating soil of the four poles. Even if the strange Taoist ancestor fled to the edge of the plateau, he could not escape the death calamity and was strangled by Chicang.

All the major events that have happened in millions of years have been fully understood by the three ancestors.

They have seen Lei Di and Huang's astonishing performance, and they are only one step away from offering sacrifices. If these two creatures are given some more time, with their talents, they will definitely be able to make another breakthrough.

At that time, two extremely powerful priest-level creatures will appear, which will be a huge threat to the strange people on the plateau.

The three ancestors had a premonition in their hearts, so they were born together, and they wanted to kill the danger in advance in the cage.

"Lei Di, Huang, during the time we were sleeping, two amazing creatures were born, and I saw the figure of that woman."

The red-haired ancestor spoke, and his voice rumbled, shaking the entire plateau.

Even the red road of his ethnic group has been completely obliterated, and the plateau cannot be revived, which is undoubtedly amazing.

Beside him, the ancestor of the black race and the ancestor of the white race nodded slightly. Lei Di and Huang are indeed two big variables.

Two creatures, one is in charge of the way of heaven's punishment, extremely restrained against the strange clan, and possesses the terrifying Immortal Emperor Law, which ignores the power of time and karma, and the other is in charge of other transformations. There is no rival in the same level, and their strength makes them even more powerful. People startled.

Therefore, the three great ancestors were born, and it was necessary to eliminate the variables in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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