Chapter 531

There was a loud noise, and the hearts of the shocked beings contracted, and there was a burst of pain.

It was actually issued by an iron rod, and it was full of bumps and dents due to the impact, exuding an incomparably creepy aura.

The ancestor of the black clan, with long black hair and black blood dripping all over his body, held a huge mottled iron rod, releasing a terrifying power.

What kind of weapon is this?Any avenue close to the outside of the iron rod is broken layer by layer, just like its master ancestor, surpassing the level of "Tao".

It can crush the infinite universe just by being held in the hands of the ancestors.

Everyone looked at the iron rod in horror. There are still spots of Emperor's blood on it, which has not dried up.

It was left by the top-notch creatures who died at the hands of the black ancestor countless epochs ago, revealing the bleakness of one era after another.

What will happen in this life?Is it still destroyed?


From Chi Cang's feet, there was a terrible roar, and a simple and fierce Taoist platform slowly emerged.

Accompanied by the endless sea of ​​blood visions and thunder and lightning, a crimson guillotine condensed from taboo thunder appeared in Chi Cang's hands, surrounded by taboo lightning, and the power of divine punishment surged. It is the ultimate embodiment of the Heavenly Punishment Dao cultivated by Chi Cang.

"In my vision of the sea of ​​blood, there are countless immortal kings, many quasi-immortal emperors, and dead ends, but there is still something missing. After thinking about it, what is missing is the heads of your ancestors. Chi Cang said calmly, but his words were full of murderous intent.

He actually planned to kill the ancestor.

A few short words made everyone in the sky excited and almost roared.

That is an ancestor-level creature beyond the end of the road. Throughout the ages, who would dare to kill it?There is only the overbearing Thunder Emperor.

"Hehe, I hope your strength can match your words. After a long time, almost no one can hurt us. I hope you are one of them. Otherwise, it will be too boring and meaningless." The whole body is white The ancestor of the beast hair smiled lightly.

It has no weapons, but that doesn't mean it's not powerful.

This ancestor is famous in the world for his strong physique. Its whole body is a weapon. When it speaks, its white hair is shining, and it is extremely dazzling.

The ancestor of the red ethnic group also had no weapons. From the long red hair all over his body, endless blood flowed down like a waterfall. In an instant, all the worlds became blood red, and the sky and the earth were all red.

As a result, bloody visions appeared in countless large universes, as if they had predicted the scene of bleeding and drifting oars in advance.

"I haven't done anything for a long time. If the whole world is crawling at our feet without any resistance, it would be too boring." The ancestor of the red race said with a sigh.

As the first ancestors, they are Dao-level creatures, and the whole world is boundless. Only the Jue Ding Immortal Emperor can force them to take action, but most of the time they are instant kills, and they can't enjoy themselves at all.

Therefore, these ancestors hope that there will be variables, and they lie at the end of the plateau, sit and watch the world become stronger, and fight against the strange ethnic groups. Make a strong enough opponent, just like the leader of the pollen road.

Otherwise, they have the ability to make the world sink forever, and never give birth to the ultimate life.

This is true for all creatures, once they stand on the peak for too long, they will feel lonely and need some playthings to relieve them.

The Lei Di and Shi Hao in front of him are the "playthings" in the eyes of the ancestors, they are here to please them and make them feel that they are still alive.

"Let's fight, I have long wanted to measure how powerful the so-called ancestor is." Shi Hao's hair was dyed a bright golden color, his imperial power was boiling, and he held a barren sword, his heroic splendor.

"Fight! We will also kill the enemy!" Meng Tianzheng shouted, the gods and demons had already appeared on his body, half of which was as black as ink, full of murderous intent, and the other half shone with golden light, divine nature like the sea.

The other immortal emperors and Taoist ancestors all roared, wanting to fight bloody with the strange race.

Behind them is God, the homeland where they have lived for endless years, and there is no way to retreat. Even if they give up God, the heavens will not be spared and will be patronized by strange races. Therefore, only a deadly battle can survive.

As for the fact that Liu Shen, who is quite prestigious among the creatures at the end of the road, did not appear, no one in the world said anything.

Because everyone knows that Liu Shen is the wife of Lei Di. They have a daughter, a family, and one of them will go out to fight. It is enough. You must know that what Lei Di will face is the most terrifying ancestor in the world. , to God, Lei Di has done enough, no one will blame his wife and daughter for not fighting.

Moreover, it is also a good thing for an immortal emperor who has the world in his heart to keep the fire for God.

"Come on, who dares to fight with me?" Chi Cang held the Zhanxian Guillotine, stepped on the Zhanxiantai, and had a simple thunder pool on his head. He reached the strongest state in his life, and took the initiative to swing the knife, pointing at the three ancestors.

As soon as the words fell, the iron rod vibrated, and the blood of the Emperor of Heaven flowing in the potholes above glowed, resounding through the sad sound.

The black ancestor walked out slowly, carrying the iron rod weapon.

"Thunder Emperor, in charge of the Heaven's Punishment Avenue, can be called the nemesis of my weird race, I can't rest assured if I don't kill you." It shook its head and said.

"Then see if you have the ability."

Chi Cang made a move, the law trembled, and spread to the sky and the earth. He slowly slashed the knife, as if cutting off the eternal sky, even the long river of time was cut off, and it stagnated at this moment.

Afterwards, Meng Tianzheng and others, as well as all living beings in the sky, were surprised to find that the figures of the three ancestors became blurred, together with Chi Cang, as if they had gone to another world.

Everyone knew that Chi Cang didn't want the battle with the ancestor to affect everyone.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Hao's figure also became blurred, and everyone could see it, but they couldn't see clearly.

"You think too much. Except for the two of you, no one else is qualified for us to make a move. Even if you are defeated and die, we will ignore these ants. We will do our best." The white ancestor said, extremely He was as cold as he could be, high above himself, and didn't put other people in his eyes at all.

"If you want to kill us, I'm afraid it won't be that easy." Shi Hao held the Emperor Sword in his hand, and walked step by step. Every step, the great world will be born and destroyed.

"Let's see the real chapter under my hand." Chi Cang grabbed the celestial cutting knife and took a step forward, slashing towards the black ancestor who had previously challenged.

With a single slash, all the punishments of God in the whole world, past, present, and future, will come together and be concentrated in this single slash. This is Chi Cang's full-power slash, it is a taboo method, and in the realm of the Immortal Emperor, no one can stop it.

Endless lightning, like a tidal wave, surged up in huge waves, from ancient times, present world, and future, to the black ancestor.

The black ancestor holding a mottled iron rod was moved. This blow unexpectedly spread so far, involving before it set foot on the plateau and before it came into contact with the original material.

At that time, the world was clear, and there was no so-called strange substance at all. It was born in a group, rose step by step, and finally led the group into the plateau.

At this moment, the blazing way of heaven's punishment splits towards this incomparably ancient era, and affects it, which has not yet become its ancestor.


There was a crisp explosion sound, which came from a distant era, and immediately caused black blood to spurt from the black ancestor's body.

It was injured by this knife, and the past weak era was covered by infinite punishment from heaven, and it was wiped out in ashes.

A feeling of weakness that had never been felt before struck, which surprised the black ancestor.

That weak era, but its foundation, did not expect that it would be wiped out like this.

Even the power of the ancestors that it is proud of has been affected, becoming blurred and weak.

"I underestimated you, you are really a big variable, you must be killed." The black ancestor said indifferently, and his killing intent towards Chi Cang climbed to the extreme.

It is unimaginable that such damage can be caused to the ancestor-level creatures before they have achieved the Dao of Sacrifice.


The black ancestor picked up the iron rod, swung it vigorously, and pressed it towards Chi Cang.

Although its weak era has been destroyed and has been affected to a certain extent, the time node after becoming the ancestor is still unshakable by Chicang, and it still exists. Therefore, the ancestors have only been weakened a little, and have not shaken the fundamentals. The root is on the plateau, on the ashes of the primordial matter.

On the blazing hair, streaks of lightning condensed, and he shouted loudly, killing the slightly weakened ancestor with all his strength.


An earth-shattering loud noise, even the sky separated by Chi Cang felt it, the whole sky shook, and the void split open.

The first ancestor made a move, and he was able to challenge Lei Di, who was at the level of an extremely immortal emperor, with such terrifying power.

"Lord Lei Di has already fought against the ancestor, and we have to risk our lives to kill the enemy. We must kill more enemies, so that is enough." Some gods shouted, raising their weapons, sacrificing their lives.

"Kill, destroy these monsters and ghosts." A Taoist ancestor shouted, taking the lead and killing the strange quasi-immortal emperor.

Meng Tianzheng, Tongyou, Daoxuan, Luo Tianxian, Menghai, Guyi and other top-level creatures also met the top ten strange roads.

White, black, silver, gray, red, gold...

There are ten whole roads, each of which represents a different strange ethnic group and a different strange substance.

Of the ten creatures, although two came from the bench, ten vs. six is ​​almost two vs. one. The advantage is huge, and there is no reason for failure.

Therefore, they are full of confidence, looking down on the strong in the sky, ten figures step forward, like ten insurmountable high walls, blocking in front of them.

"Kill these dead rats and dead cats... Master and Senior Brother must have a more difficult battlefield. All we can do is suppress and kill our own opponents." Gu Yi whispered, his eyes were firm, and the Great Luo Emperor Sword buzzed in his hand Shocked, the Immortal Emperor's Light bloomed.

"Yes, kill through these strange roads, and then support fellow Taoists Lei Di and their battlefield." Tong You was a majestic physique, radiant with immeasurable light, and he was going to fight for his life as soon as he came up.

All the six great immortal emperors are like this.

The immortal emperors fought, and the Taoist ancestors were unambiguous, and they fought with their opponents one after another. Immortal kings, true immortals, and human beings each had their own battlefields. When the war broke out, countless casualties were lost in just a moment, like a ruthless meat grinder. machine.

This is the war between monks, the horror is boundless, and it will affect the ages.


In an incomparably far away, unknowable and unfathomable place, Liu Shen and Chi Xia stared at the direction of the heaven outside, with deep worry in their eyes.

"Mother, father said that he promised to come back, he is Lei Di, he never lied." Chi Xia said weakly.

At this moment, she is no longer the supremely talented and supremely talented person, but just a daughter who is looking forward to the safe return of her father who has been fighting abroad.

Liu Shen caressed her daughter's hair and nodded: "Yes, your father is the Thunder Emperor who is invincible in the past, present and future, and will not die."

Although she said that, the worry in her eyes was clearly visible.

Seeing this, Chi Xia asked Liu Shen about her past with Chi Cang.

"At that time, I was dedicated to the Tao, I didn't love the world of mortals, and I didn't eat the smoke and fire of the world. Your father said that he wanted to be a Taoist companion with me, just a companion on the Dao, so I agreed. Who knows..."


God, on the most terrifying battlefield, Blazing Cang and the Black Ancestor hit with all their strength and shook head-on.

The iron rod weapon erupted, blasting all visible ways. This is a weapon for priest-level creatures, so it naturally has the characteristics of its master.

However, Blazing Cang's Immortal Slashing Guillotine is not extraordinary, but the avenue of heaven's punishment that has existed since ancient times. Even if it is tangible, it is indestructible.

Therefore, the Guillotine Slashing Immortals did not shatter.

However, how terrible is the blow of a priest-level creature?
Even if the black ancestor is weakened by the blazing ancient, modern and future, it is still terrifying.

With just one blow, Chi Cang coughed up blood, the tiger's mouth burst open, and blood splattered everywhere.


He coughed up a mouthful of blood, a single drop could shatter the world.

"Hehe, the first ancestor is nothing more than that." Chi Cang said to himself with a light smile.

Although he is not as good as the head-on, the difference is not so huge. The sacrificial way that relies on the original material promotion has been weakened by his imperial law, so it is not so far away.

Dao of Sacrifice cannot become a great realm by itself, it just surpasses the Supreme Immortal Emperor.

"The younger generation is awesome, the younger generation with the surname Chi, among the opponents I have encountered in my long life, you are indeed the most powerful." The black ancestor said with a sigh.

I was just admiring it, but I didn't expect that this Thunder Emperor is so powerful that he can surpass the Immortal Emperor's Taoism to challenge it, but only suffers minor injuries, which is extremely rare in the endless era.

Suddenly, the light in Chi Cang's eyes brightened, and a knife from the past slashed towards the white and red roads that had never been touched.

This knife is directly aimed at the era when they have not yet become their ancestors.

The terrifying lightning of heaven's punishment spread to the ancient times, causing screams from countless time nodes.

The bodies of the white Lujin and the red Lujin shook for a while. Obviously, they were all weakened to varying degrees by being killed in the past.

"Zhi Cang, with some skills, things seem to be getting more interesting." Bai Lu made a sound.

"Where's the other person? Let's see how strong you are." The red ancestor's blood surged, turning into a big blood-red hand, stretching over hundreds of millions of worlds, and grabbing Shi Hao.

"You'll see it soon."

Shi Hao's hair was brilliant, and he swung the Desolate Sword, cutting out a beam of sword light, the strongest to the most holy, containing the changes of time and space, and the power of vast causality.

(End of this chapter)

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