Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 1 Shake Me Up

Chapter 1 Shake Me Up

"La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la... disco!"

In the pink-based room, Li Shuyao held the microphone in front of her and sang the song that was finally printed in her mind. Although there was no audience, and the computer in front of her was in a black state, she was holding this pale pink microphone and kept singing. Shaking his head...

Although she can't remember the other lyrics, she can still remember the tune of "Platinum Disco".

Uh, everything else is in Japanese, and she doesn't know how to sing if you remember.

She was actually trying to wake up this "dream". Didn't the famous dream analysis master - "Inception" say that you can wake up when you receive strong stimulation in a dream.

She didn't have the guts to accept those stimuli like jumping off the building, tying herself up and falling into the water, that was too exciting...

Maybe it was because she didn't give so much stimulation, she didn't get what she wished. After shaking for a long time and opening her eyes, she still saw herself looming on the screen.

Well, it's pretty.

Smashing her mouth, she doesn't know how she feels now.

Saw it?At one point, something very important was lost after all.

Fear?There is also that, because there are two more important things...

Free... uh, free?It seems almost like a thief of freedom.

Excited?Pooh!How can you be excited!Can't get excited at all!
No, from a certain point of view, there is really nothing wrong with what I said. I am really excited, and I don't know where it is going...

"Huh..." Li Shuyao sighed softly: "Okay, this life, sometimes it's like this, for example, you were originally playing the alliance, but suddenly the power was cut off; for example, you were singing a song , as a result, it crossed all at once."

She was singing happily by herself in a KTV just now. Well, she sang this "Platinum Disco".

Although she doesn't understand Japanese, she can talk nonsense.

Isn't the chorus part still able to slip out?

The roar of disco and disco is quite interesting.

As for why I go to KTV to sing love songs that I don't know how to sing...

Isn't this lovelorn!
If it wasn't for the lovelorn, who would go to KTV to sing foreign songs by themselves?

She doesn't understand foreign languages.

Even the main subject English has almost been forgotten after graduation, not to mention Japanese which has never been studied at all.

Uh, I can understand a little bit of Japanese. As for the reason...

Mainly because she likes watching anime very much. Every January, April, July, and October, right? When the new show is released, she always chooses some anime she likes to watch.

Her favorite is daily manga, and her dream is to be a salted fish.

But now it seems that her dream has been half-successful.

The identity of the person she crossed over is incredible, this is the legendary rich second generation!

Both parents died, a car and a house...

Just a little sister.

Well, it doesn't count as being a sister herself.

"Alas... nine times out of ten, life is unsatisfactory, but now I don't know whether it is good or bad." Li Shuyao stood at the window and sighed at the vast stars outside the window: "This guy seems to be a UP master, the second generation of rich people Like to be the UP master?"

Then Li Shuyao took out his mobile phone and looked at the balance in the bank card.


It is true that she is richer than she was originally, but it seems that the rich are also very limited.

Li Shuyao frowned and thought about it carefully, her life experience seems to be a little strange.

First of all, this guy is a genius. He is 18 years old and just graduated from college this year. She used to skip grades like crazy and learn everything quickly. She has already felt this. After crossing over, she has a lot of knowledge in her mind. It feels very fulfilling.

Secondly, this guy just graduated from college and hasn't continued his studies. An accident happened at home. The property of her parents evaporated overnight, leaving her only the house and the savings of more than [-] in the card.

Although there are quite a few, but you can't rely on these for a lifetime.

So she uploaded some videos of playing the piano by herself, maybe to add a means of earning a living for herself, but in the first month or two, she only had less than 1 fans.

She was still recording a video when she first came here, but Li Shuyao immediately stopped and started singing and thinking about life.

Sighing lightly, Li Shuyao ran to the bathroom and patted her face with cold water...

Then I switched to lukewarm water decisively.

After wiping it a few times, Li Shuyao stared at herself in the mirror, except for a few strands of water-soaked hair on her forehead, which she brushed aside, her jet-black hair scattered around her.

A pair of big eyes seems to be hiding the autumn water.

The skin is like cream, and the figure is graceful.

If it was her previous life, she would spend her whole life pursuing such a woman, but unfortunately...

"Oh, why do you want to make labor and capital so beautiful, I'm going to fall in love with myself."

She was stunned for a while in front of the mirror.

I go, why am I looking in the mirror for so long.

You are wrong!

Shaking her hair, Li Shuyao ran back to the computer. Although she said that she already had a lot of information in her mind, she still decided to check online to find out what was the difference between this world and the world before her.

This kind of intuitive contrast is relatively strong. The UP master can continue to be the current one. After all, he is only playing the piano or something, and he has not shown his face yet, so he looks very mysterious. Certain audiences have an endless desire to explore.

Well, there are other styles you can develop yourself.

Either funny, or dedicated, or good game skills, or car skills... ahem.

In other words, her own game skills are very good. Before she came across, she was at the level of a canyon master in the League of Legends, so scolding people...

Ahem, this friendly exchange, I can chat several times in a friendly exchange!

Although she can't compare with professional players, she can only be regarded as a master goalkeeper, wandering back and forth between Zuanyi and the master, but now that she is a UP master, then this level is very good.

Coupled with her own appearance and talent, even if she can't become a top anchor, it's more than enough to be a medium anchor, at least she can support herself.

Then she still has so much knowledge in her mind. After getting through the difficulties, it is amazing to go to take the postgraduate entrance examination, right, she remembers that it was popular before that everyone came to the postgraduate entrance examination together.

She might actually be able to pass the exam, it's not the fool who put the book in a daze.

After that, with her intelligence, she became the legendary female doctor!

Then you don't have to worry about the future, all places are rushing for you.

After turning on the computer, she did not continue to record the video. She directly opened the web page. She still wants to see what is different about the network in this world.

There's no need to go anywhere else, she herself is the B station that signed the contract... oh, the powerful B station actually exists in this world!

Uncle is ecstatic!

I opened a few live broadcast rooms at random. The live broadcast of League of Legends is no different, the live broadcast of console and stand-alone games is no different, and the live broadcast of Xingxiu is no different...

Wait, I don't seem to have heard any of this Xingxiu's songs.

Although it's normal for people to play some other songs, it's a bit wrong for her to not hear any of them.

She is known as the existence of the Chinese Xiaoqu Library. The golden songs in her mind are piled up one after another. After reading so many, she should have heard it.

After casually opening some live broadcast rooms, Li Shuyao gradually discovered some problems. Although the BGM in these live broadcast rooms cannot be said to be ugly, she has never heard of them. If one or two is a matter of personal taste of the host, there are so many people. It's not quite the same, it seems that it's not quite right.

The music of this world seems to be different from that world?
 After two or three years, I finally returned to this theme. I don’t know what it will be like. I try to write it as much as possible. It will mainly focus on copying songs, and then the interaction of the UPs will be the main focus. In the middle, elements of e-sports and copying animation will be added. Ultimately The goal is to write a fine book, hahaha... It's impossible to think about...

(End of this chapter)

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