Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 103 Shooting Completed

Chapter 103 Shooting Completed
Teacher Han Liang came from a family of martial arts. Apart from going to school, he basically practiced martial arts since he was a child. He also participated in various martial arts competitions everywhere. Currently, his main occupation is a physical education teacher in a certain university. He mainly teaches martial arts. Station B uploads some martial arts videos to promote excellent traditional culture.

Being immersed in martial arts since she was a child, she not only has excellent and solid martial arts skills, but also has a high vision, mainly because she has seen a lot, whether it is participating in countless competitions, or going to meet those so-called hermits with her family tall man.

In fact, it is not as mysterious as it is written in the novel, those masters can be knocked down with a single shot...

The sword flower that Li Shuyao just danced seems to be very simple, but it also shows that she is at least very familiar with swordsmanship, and what surprised her was actually Li Shuyao's speed.

If it is said that swordsmanship can be flamboyant, this speed is a real thing, this speed... seems to be faster than her.

So not only Nan Yiyi, but actually everyone present is a little speechless. Whenever you think you know about Li Shuyao, she suddenly gives you something new. What else is she hiding?
I heard on the Internet that Li Shuyao turned out to be a top student!
Hiss, is this the legendary child of destiny, the darling of heaven?
Nan Yiyi was very happy to learn that Li Shuyao had martial arts skills, which meant that the upper limit of their video could be higher.

Although the temporary change is a bit hasty, but...

If it doesn't work, just rent it for another day!

So Nan Yiyi excitedly started to re-arrange the dance, this time the three of them got together to choreograph, this re-arrangement Nan Yiyi suddenly discovered that Li Shuyao also had some dancing skills.

Then Nan Yiyi was confused, it seems that she knows everything, it seems that she is stronger than herself, she is not so proficient in martial arts dance.

I rearranged it in the morning, had a quick lunch and rested for a while, and then started rehearsing in the afternoon, polishing and revising while rehearsing.

In the afternoon, a director and a filming team also came, also invited by Nan Yiyi. The director gave the three of them a lot of advice and help, including some camera sense, some rhythm, and things like storyboarding.

This has improved their efficiency a lot, or they are still professionals.

It's just that there are many more shots than Li Shuyao imagined before, and some shots need to be shot several times, and then the shooting results from different angles are taken.

In the end, much more was cut than used...

In the evening, the sky gradually darkened, and the three of them had been rehearsing for a day, and they had walked down 3 times, the last time they walked down with makeup on, and there were a few small problems after changing clothes , are also directly modified.

I have to say, compared with the videos shot by the up masters themselves with mobile phones or cameras, this time it is really a "big production". Make a dance video.

After the pre-shooting, there is still post-production and special effects, so the time is very tight.

In fact, Nan Yiyi originally planned to shoot other songs, and didn't plan to be so complicated, but this song came out too well, it's a pity if it can be used.

Didn't you see that there are official media to use it?

So grab this opportunity even if you are a little busy!What a rare opportunity!
In the past two days, there were many people who wanted to find Li Shuyao, but she chose Nan Yiyi after some consideration.

One is that Nan Yiyi is indeed one of the best big ups in the dance area. This is nothing to deny. If many people want to cooperate with her, she must find a strong one to cooperate with.

The other one is that she has a sweet face, a cheerful personality and a little cuteness and simplicity, um, it's her dish!

The most important thing is to look pleasing to the eye.

Li Shuyao was also very satisfied after coming to the shoot. People attach great importance to this time, and she is also very confident in the effect of the shoot.

"Get ready, let's go on 1.2.3." The director yelled into the walkie-talkie, Li Shuyao jumped lightly, and a force came from the wire on her body, which directly brought her up.

The master who manipulated the wire was quite unexpected. Li Shuyao was like an old actor who had filmed many times.

In this way, they are quite relieved, and they don't need to adjust it over and over again.

Li Shuyao jumped lightly from the outside of the courtyard, tapped lightly on the fence, and landed in the courtyard gracefully. She flicked her robe lightly, stroked the long sword at her waist, and smiled slightly at the camera.

One word, handsome!

"Cut! OK, pass! Next one." The director nodded in satisfaction. The movements of this nursery rhyme are too standard. It looks like those martial arts instructors are doing it. There is no need for a substitute. It would be nice if everyone could be so relieved.

He looked at Li Shuyao, then at Nan Yiyi who had changed into a red dress...

Although Nan Yiyi is also very good, but the movements she made are not as perfect as Li Shuyao's. Originally, the director didn't strive for perfection. After thinking about it, it's just a video anyway, so there's no need to be so picky.

But, seeing that Li Shuyao's performance is so perfect every time, he really can't help it.

It is obvious that it can be improved to a higher level, why should it be almost enough?
When the director saw Li Shuyao's chic sword dance, he asked himself, obviously there are such excellent actors, shouldn't I produce better works?

The answer is definitely yes.


They filmed all the way until 1 o'clock in the morning...

Because the time background of the overall video is at night, it is best to shoot at night. Although it is also possible during the day, the lens can be processed, but the processed ones are not as good as the real ones, and you will have to re-familiarize them tomorrow. Also need to add money.

So several people worked together to strike while the iron was hot, and kept shooting until they were completely satisfied.

It doesn't matter to the director and cameramen, they often shoot late, and they have long been used to it.

Because it was too late, Nan Yiyi thoughtfully sent Li Shuyao all the way home before leaving.

It was almost 2 o'clock in the morning when Li Shuyao arrived home, and a certain kitten had already returned to her nest and was lying on her stomach. It seemed that someone had come back, and the kitten stood up from the nest vigilantly, with a pair of cat eyes Gleaming green in the dark...

Then, the little cat saw Li Shuyao wearing a white robe and carrying a bag in his hand.

Well, that's right, she came back wearing this outfit. Although this outfit was rented, Li Shuyao liked it very much, so she bought it on the spot.

Today she had a good hero addiction. Although she was just shooting videos, she pretended to be a man!Haha, and I still wear Hanfu, a particularly elegant one, flying around with a wire hanging on it. Although it is not so comfortable, it is very cool!
Uh... hiss... um...

Li Shuyao frowned, why did he use the word "pretend".

"Meow!" A certain kitten interrupted Li Shuyao's thinking, and then circled her twice.

"Ah Choo." The little cat sneezed, and then walked away in disgust. The smell of perfume on this guy really choked the cat!
 I made up the identity background about up.

(End of this chapter)

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