Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 118 Have a meal?

Chapter 118 Have a meal?
Brother Gou realized it when he was thrown into Li Shuyao's bed by Tantai Jingyi. Sure enough, the cat's life is all routine. He noticed Tantai Jingyi who was walking over quietly.

It's all the dried fish that is too fragrant to attract me!
Next time, next time I will never eat the dried fish left on the side of the road!
learn from mistakes!
I am invincible if I don’t eat small dried fish on the roadside!
Brother Gou ate up all the dried fish in his mouth, and even licked off the scum. Anyway, I ate your dried fish, and I made money!snort!

Reminiscing about the smell of dried fish, Brother Gou quietly rested beside Li Shuyao.

After crawling for a while, Brother Gou thought for a while, then slapped and jumped between Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening, stretched out his little claws and pushed Fang Xuening, and then stretched out his little feet and kicked vigorously.

Seeing Fang Xuening being kicked aside, Brother Gou nodded in satisfaction, and then lay down in Li Shuyao's arms.

Although Ma Ma has a bad temper, eccentric personality, and likes to take a bath at every turn, but Ma Ma is still very warm!

Brother Gou squinted his eyes and stepped on it twice before he was picked up by Li Shuyao in his sleep and thrown aside.

"Meow..." Brother Gou rubbed his head on the ground, then gritted his teeth, jumped onto the bed again, and lay comfortably in Li Shuyao's arms.

Don't step on it, don't step on it, it doesn't matter!
Hmm, put it lightly on should be fine.

When Tantai Jingyi passed by again, she saw Li Shuyao hugging the cat, the cat stepping on Li Shuyao, Fang Xuening...well, Fang Xuening was hugging the quilt.

Tantai Jingyi snickered, then turned around and closed the door gently.


Li Shuyao slept very contentedly this time, and didn't wake up until noon the next day. The main reason was that she had exhausted too much physical strength before, and it was purely supported by the physical strength in the system.

So she was really tired after she came back, and she took a long rest this time.

The main reason is that the guy is too lively in the water, and being entangled with her for such a long time is too tiring. If there is no system to help transfer physical strength, it may be the two big brothers who jumped into the water together to save them.

Li Shuyao sat up in a daze, but there were no other creatures around, and Fang Xuening got up earlier than her today!
Hey, when did I acquiesce that Fang Xuening lived in this house.


Well, Brother Gou doesn't seem to be there either.

One or two of these guys wake up and run away, irresponsible!
Scratching her head, Li Shuyao sorted out yesterday's events, and sure enough, she still had deficiencies, such as her lack of physical strength, which led to her lack of endurance.

It won't last!

This is not good, you can't rely on the system to deliver energy all the time, what if you run out one day and don't have time to replenish the energy of the system.

So, I still have to find a gene with good physical strength to copy it.

Well, be sure to make a lasting one!
Get up and wash up, and then follow Fang Xuening's example and use some skin care products... Although it seems to be useless, there is a system that does not need maintenance at all for her figure and skin.

But it's fragrant when it's used up!

Li Shuyao patted her cheek lightly in front of the mirror, and Li Shuyao nodded in satisfaction. Sure enough, she is the most beautiful one!
Picked up the phone and looked at it.

Hey, there are another bunch of little red dots, I have to click them off quickly!

"Liyuan Bacteria..." Li Shuyao blinked. He just came out of the shower and applied skin care products but didn't see it. Everyone else sent some messages, but he made a voice call to himself.

Generally speaking, if you make a voice call, it should be a very important thing.

Do you want to return one?

Li Shuyao looked at the mirror in a daze for a moment, this force source bacteria was also added before, and she will add an up host from time to time during this period of time, anyway, she doesn't chat much, she just uses it as a way of contact.

After all, among her many videos, apart from music videos, the number of linked videos has the highest click rate, so she doesn't mind linking up with these ups more, which will also increase her popularity.

Liyuan Bacteria has never said a word since adding itself, well, at the beginning, I introduced myself, and then... never sent a single emoticon!
Li Shuyao slammed her mouth, okay, it should be for the cooperation of filming the video, otherwise why have they never chatted before, and suddenly they called!
Li Shuyao thought about it for a while. Liyuan Bacteria is a very magical up. Although it will be quiet for a while every year, it will give you a whole big job every year. It is considered a very good group of ups in station B.

He is featured in many excellent self-made and even officially produced variety shows on Station B.

Well, this person can rub!

After Li Shuyao strengthened her belief, she called him back directly.

Not long after the phone rang, it was picked up...

"Hey! It's Liyuan Bacteria!" Li Shuyao shouted happily.

The opposite party didn't reply right away, and heard some bang bang bang bangs, and then the voice of Liyuan Bacteria: "Hi, Yaoyao, hello."


"Um... are you at home?" Liyuan Bacteria asked a little nervously.

"Yes, that's right." Li Shuyao nodded.

"That... that, can we... go to... your house..." After Li Yuanjun stammered, Li Shuyao heard two people laughing on the opposite side.

"Ah, but it's okay. Wait a minute. I'm not alone in my family. Let me ask Xue'er and Jingyi." Li Shuyao ran out with her mobile phone in her hand, and then shouted to the two houses opposite:
"Jingyi, Xueer, Liyuan Bacteria is coming to our house, what do you think?"

"Whatever." Tantai Jingyi called out.

"You can do whatever you want." Fang Xuening also shouted.

"Oh, okay, I see."

Li Shuyao ran back with her mobile phone in her hand:
"They agreed, what are you going to do at our house? Live broadcast together? Or something like a collaboration?"

Then the other side didn't reply immediately, and after a while, the voice of Liyuan Bacteria rang again:
"Well, can you cook?"

"Of course, my craft is good." Li Shuyao nodded.

"It's like this. We're going to do a Cengfan challenge. Yes, it just happened to be the first one that randomly picked you up, and then you just picked it up, went very smoothly...yes, what a coincidence."

Li Shuyao blinked. It seemed that the first time she saw the other party call her was 10 minutes ago. Could it be that the other party didn't call anyone else for 10 minutes and just waited for me?

Wow, what happened to being a little moved all of a sudden.

"Ha, it's so good." Li Shuyao laughed and said, "Then I have to treat you to a big meal. What are your taboos? You can eat everything from seafood."

"This... ah... ah... it's's okay, it's okay." Liyuan Bacteria nodded quickly: "Well, there is another person, that is Brother Yu, yes, he is right next to me, we two together go."

Then Li Shuyao heard another person's voice.

Well, it's the one who laughed along with me just now!
"Uh, that, hello Yaoyao, I'm Brother Yu." Brother Yu smiled a little reservedly.

"Hello, hello, haha, come on, come on, I'll send you the address."

"Okay, we'll be there right away!"

(End of this chapter)

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