Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 124 Never come to the piano room again

Chapter 124 Never come to the piano room again

In addition to a black piano, there are guitars, basses, violins, erhu, matouqin and other musical instruments in the piano room. Some of them are often played, such as pianos and guitars, and some are collected by Li Shuyao’s father. , Some musical instruments still have a small bookmark under them, which says the origin of the musical instrument.

Either I bought it at a certain exhibition, or I exchanged it with a friend, or I went to a certain place to travel and buy it. It’s quite interesting to take a closer look.

Naturally, Brother Gou is not allowed to enter this place. Li Shuyao strongly suspects that this guy has ADHD, fearing that it will damage the piano or something, so cats and Brother Dog are not allowed to enter this place!

Well, it’s okay if someone looks at it. Brother Gou has been pulling the door open these two days, and Li Shuyao is going to take it in to have a look. After all, it’s better to leave it alone. If you look around and know what’s there, you won’t go in again. , if you don't let it in, you might slip in by yourself one day.

Cats are too curious!
Li Shuyao had been grabbing Brother Gou and talking about it before going to bed for the past two nights, but she forgot about it when she got up, well, Fang Xuening heard it all by the side, and decided to complete this task for Li Shuyao.

You go to eat!
Fat wash you!
Damn guy, eating so much every day is not fat at all, it should be said that he is fat where he should be fat, and thin where he should be thin. His body is so perfect that he is in a mess, he is so pissed off!
Li Shuyao watched with a smile on Fang Xuening angrily brought Brother Gou into the piano room, then ran to get a plate of barbecue and also ran in.

She didn't plan to go in, and usually she wouldn't eat in the piano room, at most she would drink some coffee and eat some pastries or something.

Well, she plans to listen to music, it's good to listen to music while eating...

Just serve the food and drink.

Li Shuyao was standing at the door with a plate, while Fang Xuening was wandering around the piano room with Brother Gou in his arms. Fang Xuening hugged Brother Gou's four little paws. Brother Gou struggled a few times, but Didn't struggle out...

So Brother Gou could only sit in Fang Xuening's arms and look curiously at this room that he had never entered before.

"This is a pipa, don't touch it randomly, if it breaks, I'll spank your little ass too..."

"This is Huqin..."

"This is a guitar."


Fang Xuening seems to have gotten used to Li Shuyao's way of educating Brother Gou, telling him about these musical instruments one by one, telling him that they cannot be moved.

Well, it doesn't matter if people can understand it or not, anyway, she has seen Li Shuyao like this before, and she understands it before, so there is no reason why she can't understand it this time.

Fang Xuening looked down at the kitten, staring at Qin with its big eyes and nodding in satisfaction, apparently understanding.

Sure enough, it is indeed Li Shuyao's cat, who can understand everything. It's a pity that being a cat has delayed her from going to school!
Brother Gou is a little flustered now, he doesn’t dare to stretch out his little paws, listen to what this white hair said, if you touch it, you will be spanked, no matter which one you touch, you will be spanked...

Oh my god, no wonder Mama won't let me in, I'll be spanked if I touch anything here, my god, why do you have to touch your hands, everyone is so harmonious.

Forget it, I will try my best not to come in this house in the future, although it looks like everything inside is pretty, but it feels so dangerous, and I will spank my ass every now and then.

Why spanking, why is this torture second only to bathing repeatedly brought up here!
It's terrible meow, this place is hell!
The kitten's big eyes are full of frightened expressions, and it doesn't doubt what Fang Xuening said. Although these two-legged beasts "torture" it with tortures such as bathing and spanking, until now they have not Lie to it, take a bath when it says to take a bath, and spank when it says to spank.

So the kitty was still a little scared.

When I'm outside, I don't spank everything.

Fortunately, it is not a bath, the bath is too scary!

After Fang Xuening held the kitten around for a while, she put the kitten on the black piano, while she sat on the chair.

"Don't move around, if you fall into the piano, you Mama will take you to take a bath."

Come on, come on, sure enough, I said that spanking is all there, it is impossible not to take a bath without the "torture"!Sure enough, Ma Ma still loves me, and she will suffer the top two "tortures" casually here. Sure enough, there are many crises in this room!
Mama didn't let me in to protect me!

From now on, this is my brother's forbidden place!
If I come in again, I will be a dog!
Brother Gou stretched his legs, wanting to go out, and then remembered what Fang Xuening said before, if he jumped down and broke something, or if he didn't jump right away and jumped into the piano, wouldn't he be beaten Ass house shower double torture blow?
Hiss, this is too scary.

Brother Gou looked up at Ma Ma who was eating at the door...

Woooooo, Mama knows how to eat now, but doesn't even care about her cute kitten!

Or even Ma Ma dare not come in!
Very likely!
You see, Ma Ma is eating, and she may fall out while eating. I often fall out while eating, and if someone sees her, she will be spanked.

It's dangerous out there, let alone in this scary place!
Sure enough, Ma Ma was very afraid of this place.

What a horrible house, I will never go in here again!Even if someone hugs me in, I won't come in!
After Fang Xuening finished speaking, she nodded Gou Ge's little head, and then sat on the piano chair under Gou Ge's terrified eyes...

Brother Gou is a little at a loss, what else to do?
I've seen it all, let's go!I'm going back to sleep in my den!Sleeping for a while and going out to surf at night, there are kittens waiting for me outside...

There are puppies, rabbits, turtles...

I still have so many good friends waiting for me, how can I fall down so easily here!


The little cat had just plucked up the courage to step forward with its front paws, when Fang Xuening suddenly started playing, which startled the little cat, the protruding paws were suddenly drawn back, and she kept turning her head to see where the sound came from ?

Why is the bottom of the ass still shaking.

Fang Xuening plucked the keys with ease, and a piece of pure music that sounded a little exciting came out from the piano.

Li Shuyao leaned against the door and gnawed on the chicken legs while listening to this, feeling very comfortable. Of course, she hadn't heard this song before, but it didn't sound difficult, and she should be able to understand it after reading the score.

After reading the original Li Shuyao's memory, she naturally learned the staff.

It's simple, but it sounds good too.

Well, do you want to release a pure music?

About tomorrow, help Fang Xuening get the Chinese version of Let Him Out.

Well, maybe I have to run with her for a few days...

It would probably take days for her to make music.

Li Shuyao smiled and looked at the little cat fidgeting on the piano, hehe, Fang Xuening's trick is really good, I'm afraid Brother Gou won't want to come to this room in the future.

The little cat is really scary, hehe.

 Reach 5000 favorites, then sing a song for everyone.

  Two tigers love to dance, hey~

  The little rabbit obediently pulls out the radish, hey~

  How about it, is the BGM already sounding in your mind, lol~
(End of this chapter)

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