Chapter 149

Everyone seems to be relatively free today, or in other words, they originally planned to spend a few days to talk about this matter, but in the end, it seems that the problem of cooperation will be resolved in a while.

They are very curious now, whether Li Shuyao can make this song today.

It is almost impossible for this kind of large-scale production to complete a song in one day. A song needs to be constantly crafted and refined, and it needs the joint efforts of many people to complete it.

In other words, maybe this time is only enough to record a demo, maybe even the demos are not enough.

In fact, they wanted Li Shuyao to provide a demo first, and then consider whether to cooperate after review. Speaking of it, they planned to finish the track within a week, and then rush to produce it in a week.

Then you should be able to barely catch up.

But they really didn't expect to be able to figure it out in a day.

It made them a bit inexplicable when they first signed the contract...or unreal.

From the beginning to now, everyone still feels unreal, even though the song is about to be completed, it is still the same, the whole thing seems to be living in a dream.

Everyone is very curious about the quality of this one-day crash song.

The recording over there is in full swing, and there are whispers here. After all, they can't hear the sound in the recording studio. There is a special person in charge wearing monitor headphones to record.

They could see through the soundproof glass the two people singing inside.

"From the beginning to the end, Teacher Li Shuyao is very serious."

"Yeah, I wouldn't believe it if it didn't happen right in front of my eyes."

"To be honest, if she said from the beginning that I would definitely not cooperate with her if she came up with a piece of music one day, it would be bragging, but's a bit...what a miracle."

"Teacher Li Shuyao has a really strong aura when she works. She doesn't look like an 18-year-old at all, but she is a little straightforward at ordinary times. It's really a lovely personality."

"Speaking of it, it seems that Teacher Li Shuyao has released the entire music production process when he released the video before."

"Isn't that edited?"

"Who knows, maybe it's really just cutting off the rest time in the middle."

"The completion of this song so far has been very high. Although it is quick, it feels like a finished product that has been polished for a long time."

"Perhaps this is genius..."

"If this momentum is maintained, the future is limitless."

"Even if there are no new works in the future, the current works are good enough."

"Future star."


Lu Yao listened to the whispered discussions of the people next to her, and the corners of her mouth curled up slightly. She was actually shocked by Li Shuyao's ability to record songs, because Li Shuyao recorded very fast when recording Let him go, if it wasn't for Fang Xue If you prefer to repeat it several times, it may be completed in less than an hour.

Maybe Li Shuyao looks a little casual and lazy at ordinary times, but as long as she starts to work, she is like a robot, able to complete all the work very efficiently.

Lu Yao was slightly taken aback when he thought of this.

Isn't such a high efficiency a kind of laziness...

Go home and rest after work, don't bother me with the rest, just pay the money!

Is this guy with this idea...

Lu Yao curled his lips, it's entirely possible, this product definitely didn't want to wait for such a long time, that's why he was in such a hurry to make everything today...

That's right!
Lu Yao smacked his lips listening to the voices of the discussion next to him. You may not know that the genius, teacher, and future star in your mouth must be thinking about going home early and washing the fragrance with white hair in his arms, rather than working hard!
Okay, I can't explain this matter clearly. As the saying goes, a gentleman doesn't care about his career. Some people think about white hair in their hearts, but they are actually working.

Then you can't say that people are not professional!
Soon, there was a lot of discussion here, and it had been sung several times over there. Lu Yao had already seen the teacher in charge of recording raise his thumbs up several times towards the recording studio.

That's what he thought it was okay to mean.


Neither of them seemed to have thought of it. After recording once, they discussed it and then recorded again.

One is to find the best sound state. Although I did a little vocal practice before entering, the state is actually different every time.

The other is to find the best emotional state. The accompaniment and lyrics are one aspect, but the most important thing is actually what the singer conveys. After all, most listeners will not deduct the lyrics word by word, and the singer sings it out. Whatever, everyone will listen to it.

Finally, there are actually some free-flowing parts.

In fact, every singer has a little bit of self-expression when singing, some of them are very blunt, making everyone feel like they are showing off their skills, but in more cases, the self-expression of an excellent singer will produce an emotional explosion. The point is that the audience will be infected when they hear this part, and they can't help but explode with this emotion.

This is actually because different versions will bring different feelings to everyone, because the performance of the singers is different.

This is also the charm of singing.

Lu Yao, who was watching the monitoring teacher, couldn't help but pursed his lips and smiled.

Fu Jinqing is a person who strives for excellence, and Li Shuyao is a genius. If these two collide together, I am afraid that the requirements for the final song will not be very low.

The final situation was similar. Although both of them mastered the song at an extremely fast speed, it took nearly three hours to record and change repeatedly.

The teachers listening over there were helpless.

Every time he thinks it's okay and can pass, people still think it's not good, and then start recording again.

After the recording, Li Shuyao and Fu Jinqing personally performed the final sound modification and polishing.

Almost another hour or so.

Of course, this speed is already very fast, mainly because Li Shuyao's hand speed is too fast...

And these people here have also been consumed with this, and no one left. The representative of the TV series producer greeted the director, and they really waited until the end.

When the final version of the song was played, the audience burst into applause.

Lu Yao could tell that these people were really excited...

In fact, she was a little excited herself.

Really let Li Shuyao make it.

Although there are many people helping her, everyone can see that Li Shuyao is basically the leader, and it is possible to make it so quickly because Li Shuyao has a very complete conception of the whole song.

In other words, Li Shuyao seems to know exactly how to make it, there is no need to study, deliberate or anything, just follow her.

This kind of production method is not unprecedented, at least it is unheard of. From the band to the recording group and even to Fu Jinqing, Li Shuyao drove them away almost from the beginning to the end. Except for Fu Jinqing, the others hardly had time to make any comments.

From writing the song in the morning to the final production, it took less than eight hours.

"I am very grateful to Teacher Li Shuyao and Teacher Fu Jinqing for their hard work in the production. It really surprised us. The time is not too early. It happens that the two teachers have been busy for a day, so we just had a simple meal before. In this way, our crew will make Dong, treat everyone to a treat." The person in charge of the production party laughed after the song ended.

"..." Li Shuyao opened her mouth, she wanted to go out for dinner...

But I still want to go home and take a bath...

The meal is also pretty good.

Oh, it's so confusing.

Forget it, go with the flow!
 Thanks to Ranger Hanmeng, TK Mengling for the reward~
(End of this chapter)

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