Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 157 Eating hot pot and watching the game

Chapter 157 Eating hot pot and watching the game
Although Brother Gou has never understood why these three people can take out small dried fish at will, but Brother Gou doesn’t think so much about eating. Anyway, these three guys have plenty of supplies in their hands, so they can finish eating !
Then it was picked up by Tantai Jingyi, and they went downstairs together...

Well, there are still many things downstairs that have not been brought up.

Li Shuyao looked at the table in front of her. Looking left and right, she always felt that it was a bit small. Then she ran to the attic. She remembered that there were a few small tables in the attic. It should be a good choice to put them together .

"That's right, she ran to that attic, which is the small attic where we were tricked." Fang Xuening interacted with the barrage with a smile while arranging the things that Tantai Jingyi and Brother Gou dragged up.

"Tsk tsk, you still say that Yaoyao is a female ghost, but I also watched that video, and her expression at that time was really scary..." Fang Xuening glanced at the attic while talking...

"Huh..." Fortunately, he didn't come down.

"This table is a bit small. It is usually used to store books, or tablets, or game consoles. It may not be big enough for pots."

Fang Xuening held her mobile phone and showed everyone the surrounding environment:

"How about it? I usually like to sit here and read a book at noon, and when I'm sleepy, I can lean on this lazy sofa and sleep for a while... The sun is so good here, it's warm on my body."

"Look, there aren't any trees outside this window. The building acts as sunlight, so the light here is pretty good."

It was still mid-afternoon, and there was still plenty of sunlight here, but the curtains had to be drawn when the projection was going on.

"Little Xuexue, come and help!"

As soon as Fang Xuening put her phone on the shelf and sorted out the food, she heard Li Shuyao calling her, so she ran over quickly.

"Come on, you come up and pass the table down, and I'll continue on the stairs." Li Shuyao walked down, pointing to the three small tables that she had dragged to the stairs and said.

"Okay." Fang Xuening agreed, and after Li Shuyao came down, she ran up and said while moving the table, "This table looks the same as that one."

"Yes, I should have bought a set of four, each one is a small table, and when put together, it becomes a big table." Li Shuyao stood on the stairs and took over the table that Fang Xuening brought over.

This table is not light, otherwise Li Shuyao wouldn't have let Fang Xuening help, but she didn't dare to let Fang Xuening be on it, she was afraid that the thing wouldn't be able to hold it and would just drop it...

"Yo Ho Ho... It's a good thing I didn't let you down, otherwise you wouldn't be able to catch it." Li Shuyao ran down the ladder holding the table, then put the table aside, and continued to pick up the others.

"Hmm... this is big enough." Tantai Jingyi, who brought up another wave of food, looked at the three small tables under the attic and shouted: "Also, why did you order so much meat again. "

"Auyou, isn't it rare to have a hot pot? If they play fast, we can also watch a movie." Li Shuyao said with a smile: "Anyway, you played a few games in the morning, and it's okay if you don't play at night."

Well, Tantai Jingyi was always in line for her live broadcast in the morning... The main reason was that there were too few people in the high-score segment in the morning.

And after a period of practice, although Tantai Jingyi doesn't feel the improvement of her personal strength, her state has stabilized a bit, and her winning rate has also increased slightly recently.

So she is now also a high-scoring king.

There are more people in the e-sports circle staring at her than Li Shuyao, but now the World Championship is the most popular. After all, she has not broken through to the top ten position, so she has not been reported by the general manager, at most it is OB Occasionally, I will watch her in the live broadcast room, but because she is now ahead of schedule, OB sometimes can't catch her...

"Okay." Tantai Jingyi put the things down, picked up Brother Gou, turned and ran downstairs.

Brother Gou is speechless, you just take things when you take them, why are you always dragging me...

Forget it, just help, since you three twolegged beasts are very busy, I will help out as much as I can.

Just dry it for the little fish!

Li Shuyao moved the three small tables back and forth twice, and Fang Xuening was beside her as a cheerleader...

Fang Xuening also sighed, as expected of someone who started to practice martial arts, this strength is just extraordinary.

The four tables are put together tightly, and there are still snaps on them, which looks like a table.

Li Shuyao nodded in satisfaction, so he didn't have to worry about kicking a table and causing the pot on it to fall.

"Little demon, little demon." Li Shuyao called out.

"here I am."

"Draw curtain number 5."


"Turn on Projector 2 and connect to my phone."



After a few operations, the screen on Li Shuyao's mobile phone appeared on the wall directly opposite them. Li Shuyao opened the official live broadcast room. Naturally, the competition had not started at this time, but some prediction activities had also begun.

With the voices of these people playing in the background, Li Shuyao set up the pot and put all the ingredients on it.

When they are almost ready, look at the time, it is almost five o'clock, and it is not long before the start of the game. The game starts at six o'clock. At this time, several familiar commentators have come up with various data for analysis Winning ratio of both sides.

"Come here, it's time for dinner, haha, this is my sauce, try it, it's absolutely top-notch!" Li Shuyao came up with a large bowl of hot pot sauce mainly made of sesame paste, Fang Xue Ning and Tantai Jingyi had already sat down, and Brother Gou sat beside him with his own small rice bowl in his mouth.

Brother Gou never misses the opportunity to eat and save cat food.

"So much sauce..." Fang Xuening opened her mouth, "You want to drink."

"Hey, I eat hot pot sauce, and I just want to cover those ingredients with sauce to make it delicious." Li Shuyao walked over with a smile, and then put the sauce on the window sill, this thing is not on the table It’s not good if it’s spilled, it’s still relatively stable on the window sill.

"Come, come, let's eat, don't worry, let's eat slowly... This time I specially prepared a lot of meat, tofu, vegetables, mushrooms, and various small balls, Hehe, let me tell you, that Sixi meatball is the best." Li Shuyao glanced at the bottom of the pot, the inside was divided into two sides, but they were all glowing red.

One side is paprika red and the other side is tomato red.

Although student Li Shuyao strongly demanded that all chili pot bottoms be filled, she was strongly opposed by student Fang Xuening!
Well, Fang Xuening is afraid that she will live in the bathroom tonight after eating...

Since Fang Xuening really doesn't like spicy food, Li Shuyao bought two tomato pot bottoms, turning the all-spicy hot pot into a mandarin duck pot.

At this time, Fang Xuening also started the broadcast, but Tantai Jingyi started the broadcast...

Well, the three of them are doing a live broadcast relay here.

The viewers were also tired, running from Li Shuyao's live broadcast room to Fang Xuening's live broadcast room and then to Tantai Jingyi's live broadcast room, but it's understandable after thinking about it.

Li Shuyao wanted to finish the live broadcast and eat hot pot quickly. Fang Xuening followed along to complete the task of live broadcast.

However, Tantai Jingyi can't steal the broadcast, so in fact, it's still a live broadcast to eat hot pot, but you can hear the sound of some games, and Tantai Jingyi will also have some comments.

"Oh ho ho ho, this mutton is delicious, so spicy, so spicy." Li Shuyao couldn't wait to boil a piece of mutton, and started to eat it, the opening ceremony was about to begin.

 I don’t know if you have used Sixi meatballs before. They are not the loose ones, but the firmer ones sold outside. The shabu-shabu is really delicious, haha.

(End of this chapter)

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