Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 172 Standing Long Jump Competition?

Chapter 172 Standing Long Jump Competition?

Li Shuyao dried her hair, changed into a fresh set of clothes, relaxed, and was ready to start the live broadcast in good spirits.

It's not good to take a shower before the live broadcast, and you have to dress neatly. You can't just put on a pajamas and go to bed, but since a certain white hair has challenged her, then she can't be cowardly!
So in fact, she didn't want to go, it was all instigated by that white hair!
After the live broadcast started, the audience suddenly felt that Li Shuyao seemed to look better today... Where does it look good? Maybe it's... more sensual?
Why the hell did that word come to mind.

Today's live broadcast is still the normal League of Legends plus watching videos, which is already a mode of her usual live broadcast. Anyway, she is also watching the videos of station B, which can be regarded as a small promotion.

Now every day in Li Shuyao's private messages, there are many people hoping that she can watch his video during the live broadcast.

Li Shuyao usually watches it privately first, and if it is really a good quality video, she will help promote it, which can be regarded as enriching her own live broadcast.

Otherwise, it would be embarrassing to sit there and wait in line.

And through this method, she really got to know a lot of ups. After all, she likes to leave messages, so she added a lot of ups on WeChat because she kept those who came and went.

Station B's social flower belongs to yes.

In the middle of the live broadcast today, an up that I added before suddenly called her on WeChat...

"Hey, big star boy sent me a voice message." Li Shuyao was watching the video, then paused the video, and picked up the phone.

"Hey~boy~" Li Shuyao said with a smile.

"Cough cough cough... Well, Yaoyao, do you have time now?" Big Xingxing boy asked.

"Ang, I'm live broadcasting." Li Shuyao blinked her eyes, why is this inexplicably familiar feeling, do calls between up and down now start with this sentence?
"Ang, that's how it is. I'm doing a random challenge. My big star boy is officially launching a standing long jump challenge to you! Do you accept it or not!" said the big star boy with a suppressed smile.

"Challenge me?" Li Shuyao opened his mouth, and I'm sorry to say that even if you are close to 1.9 meters tall, you may not be able to jump over me.

"That's right, I'll go to your house in a while, and soon, I'll just record a standing long jump outside. How about it, do you want to record it?"

"Alright, then I can broadcast live. What time will you arrive?" Li Shuyao looked at the time, and it was already past eight o'clock in the evening. These guys are really dedicated.

"I'll be there in about 10 minutes." Big Star Boy said.

"That's fine, come on, I'll open an outdoor place when the time comes, haha, Xiao Xuexue and Jingyi are also here, oh, Jingyi is going to broadcast live, then let me and Xiaoxuexue, let her go together." Li Shuyao hehe laughed.

"All right, all right."

After discussing it, the two hung up the phone.

Li Shuyao looked at the phone and shook her head speechlessly, alright, these people can make a fuss, the up masters are really linking up with each other crazily during this period of time.

"Brothers, I'm going to change my clothes... Bah, what are you thinking, I'll change the clothes I went out, and the big star boy will come to compete in the standing long jump later, brothers, should I let him... Haha. "

Li Shuyao turned off the camera directly, and then took out her usual exercise clothes, and put on warmer clothes inside, it felt natural to move around, and she felt very elegant when she put on the exercise clothes.

"Xiaoxuexue!" After changing, Li Shuyao opened the door and called out to Fang Xuening. This guy is not going to broadcast live today, so he went back to lie down after taking a shower.

"What are you doing?" Fang Xuening's voice came from her room: "Have you finished the live broadcast?"

"The big star boy will come to do a random challenge in a while. The standing long jump competition will be held. I've signed you up. Change your clothes quickly and go out with me later." Li Shuyao shouted.

"Huh? How long has it been since I haven't put on any makeup?" Fang Xuening jumped up from the bed in a jerk, she never lagged behind in the heat!
"20 minutes, hurry up, simple." Li Shuyao yelled, then walked back and turned on the camera: "How about it, this is the clothes I wear every morning, haha."

In less than 20 minutes, the big star boy arrived outside Li Shuyao's house.

Seeing Li Shuyao running out wearing a practice suit, Big Star Boy was taken aback for a moment: "I'm going, are you so professional? Oh my god, I feel like today's video is over here."

"Haha, yes." Li Shuyao laughed haha, then looked at Fang Xuening who was holding a mobile phone next to her with a "smiling" face: "Why don't you compare with her first."

"Okay, let me talk about it first. For my random challenge, I will first draw an up master, and then go to his house to compete with him in the standing long jump. If I win, then I will challenge the next one until I lose. That's the end of this episode." Big Star Boy said.

"Ah, so that's the case. It seems that you can get off work." Li Shuyao nodded.

"Haha, yeah, haha ​​that's great, um, so, generally speaking, girls may suffer a little bit, so, add 50 centimeters to your score, and then compare it with mine." The big star boy said.

Before, he also found a female up owner in the food area to compare. Well, he got it randomly. At that time, he added 60 centimeters to the other party and he was not far away from him. However, there should be something about Li Shuyao's appearance, so he changed it to 50 centimeters. centimeters.

"Oh...Okay, okay." Li Shuyao ran to Fang Xuening's side, and then took over the live broadcast mobile phone: "Go, go, you come first."

"Okay, then I'll come first." Fang Xuening pouted, she is indeed not very good at sports, if Li Shuyao is allowed to come first, she will have nothing to do...

However, she was a little puzzled, why Li Shuyao's age didn't matter at all!
This unscientific!

Well, no matter what Coe says, that's the truth anyway...

Fang Xuening also had a friendly interaction with the big star boy's camera, and then the big star boy started waving his hands in front of the drawn line.

"I'll jump first, and then you jump." Big Xingxing boy jumped out suddenly while waving his hands, and then Fang Xuening and Li Shuyao took a measuring tape behind them.

"2 meters." Fang Xuening looked at the number on the tape measure and smacked her mouth. My good guy, did you jump this far?

His achievements are definitely incomparable to those who practice sports, but in many UP main fields where there is almost no exercise, it can also be said to be one of the best.

Although it is true that a lot of time was wasted on the road today, it has already swept away several up masters.

"I'll do it, I'll do it." Fang Xuening smiled and walked to the line where the big star boy was standing for the long jump, and then began to swing his arms flickeringly...

Well, she saw that everyone else was waving their arms like this.


Fang Xuening jumped vigorously, and fell to the ground with a bang...

"Ahem, don't cover your face and squat on the ground, you should get up." Li Shuyao hurried over to hold Fang Xuening.


Society is dead!
"Not so bad, haha, it's not considered social death, at most it's social shock, haha." Li Shuyao smiled and pulled Fang Xuening up, and then patted the dust on Fang Xuening's body.

It still looks delicious.

 Remember history, don't forget national humiliation!
(End of this chapter)

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