Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 174 Good Night

Chapter 174 Good Night
After sending away the big star boy, Li Shuyao was about to start the broadcast. After turning off the live broadcast, Li Shuyao pulled Fang Xuening and asked, "You seem to have a good relationship with him."

"It's okay, I have known many up masters over the years, and we have worked together before." Fang Xuening said with a chuckle.

"Tsk tsk, the show will start right away in a second, hum, you little showman." Li Shuyao said while walking with her hands behind her back.

"Talk about me, you acted, don't think I don't know, you can jump farther!" Fang Xuening stared, she thought that Li Shuyao might be a little burdened and couldn't jump far, but seeing her movements and She knew it just by the expression, this guy was definitely a hit!

As a person who gets along with Li Shuyao day and night, now that this guy is pouting, she knows what she is going to put!

So Fang Xuening quickly realized that this guy looked regretful because he jumped too far!
"Hey, I'm not afraid to scare them. After all, there are so many people in the live broadcast room. What if I jump too far and they think I'm a superman? I'm not a superman. I'm just an ordinary person. Tong's treasure...cough cough, this girl is the master."

"Tsk tsk, treasure girl?" Fang Xuening smacked her mouth.
"Ahem, this is what you said, I didn't say it." Li Shuyao pursed her lips. It seems that I can't hide my identity as a treasure girl. Is it so easy to be discovered!


The two came back one by one, Brother Gou was still sleeping quietly on his stomach in the cat nest, and Tantai Jingyi was also playing games quietly in the room.

What a wonderful time.

We are all sleepy!

Li Shuyao yawned, then went to wash up a bit, then turned and walked towards her big bed...

Then I saw a certain white hair leaning against the head of the bed, watching the video with his mobile phone and having fun.


What is going on with this inexplicable sense of déjà vu!

Why is she sitting there looking at her phone like that...

Forget it, it doesn't matter.

Li Shuyao lay down naturally and put the phone aside: "It's time to sleep, don't always play with your phone, it's not good for your eyes to play with your phone at night."

"Know it……"

Then continue to look at the phone for silly fun.

Li Shuyao was speechless, forget it, she reads hers, I sleep with mine.

"Little demon, little demon."

"here I am."

"Turn off the bedroom light."


"Turn off the right bedside lamp."


The lights in the bedroom were turned off, only the bedside light on Fang Xuening's side was still on, and it should not be too dark to watch the phone at night, it would be bad for the eyes, so leave a light on her side.

"Good night, I'm going to sleep."

As soon as she turned around, Li Shuyao fell asleep...

Fang Xuening looked at Li Shuyao speechlessly, why did you fall asleep so directly, your sleep quality is too good, my God, how many people would envy your sleep quality.

Should I say that people who practice martial arts sleep too well, or that you, a heartless person, have a high quality of sleep.

Fang Xuening shook her head lightly. She couldn't do this and fell asleep as soon as she turned her head. She looked at her comments on station B and sighed softly.

No matter how cheerful a person is, seeing certain comments can be a bit sad.

Although she has been prepared in her heart for a long time, she still feels very uncomfortable when she sees it. Although she usually acts a little heartless, she occasionally feels a little sad.

Even if the people who knew about these comments didn’t finish watching the video, some just read the cover or title, and some didn’t even read the cover or title, they just heard some news and came to make irresponsible remarks.

But being unhappy is not being happy. Even if she can adjust herself later, even she knows that there are more people praising her, but she is not happy when she sees this moment.

But turning his head to look at Li Shuyao, Fang Xuening slightly pursed his lips and smiled.

Sure enough, whenever Yaoyao is around, she will be happy, I don’t know why, it seems that Yaoyao will be less hurt by those comments, although occasionally she will be seen cursing and deleting comments, pulling black people, but It seemed to be unaffected at all.

I don't know what secret she has, it seems that she has some sense of superiority beyond the world, so she doesn't care what those people say at all.

Many times, Fang Xuening felt that she was like the "father" in her song, overlooking those who unleashed ill will on her, and she was already in that innocent country.

Fang Xuening put down her phone, gently raised her hand to turn off the bedside lamp, and then slowly slid into the bed, gently sticking to Li Shuyao's back, leaning her ear against her back.

No matter how noisy it is outside, no matter how impetuous people are on the Internet, no matter whether the first thing you do when you meet is not to greet but to argue...

This is always the most peaceful place.

"Good night……"

Fang Xuening said something in a low voice, and fell asleep little by little.

In her sleep, Fang Xuening seemed to feel that someone beside her turned over and hugged her in her arms. Two soft and heavy things fell on her face, making her breathless Not so smooth.

Well, but after shaking my head, it went smoothly.

In the hazy dream, there seemed to be a lot of noise outside, but a warm breath surrounded her, so she wasn't afraid at all.

It seems that with this warm breath, I can handle everything.

Well, I feel a little sore in my body, and my mind is a little heavy, the inexplicable noises are getting farther and farther away, there is a coolness on my forehead, and the light gradually shines into my eyes.

"You're awake." Li Shuyao smiled and sat beside her: "I don't know how to keep warm when I go out, how about you, you have caught a cold."

Last night, when I was doing the standing long jump outside, I felt that this guy was a little sluggish, and I could fall straight down after jumping.

But fortunately, the doctor came to see it. It was just a common cold. He prescribed some medicine and drank more hot water to sweat.

It is true that drinking more hot water can cure diseases.

Doctors are resident in the community, and they specialize in preliminary treatment and diagnosis for some residents who don't want to go to the hospital. If they can't be treated, they are recommended to be transferred to a large hospital.

Well, it is said that she is particularly good at some diseases related to pregnancy.

Of course, such a cold is still very simple, the aunt looks kind and friendly, and the nurse who followed is also lively and cheerful.

It is estimated that the two little nurses were talking a little loudly before, and they were reprimanded a little by the aunt.

"I have a cold?" Fang Xuening blinked her eyes, feeling that her body didn't hurt so much anymore, and there was still a delicate ice pack on her head.

The palms and soles of the feet feel a little cool, probably because of rubbing alcohol.

"That's right, look, it's already afternoon, you've slept all morning, get up and drink some porridge, take some medicine before going to bed." Li Shuyao was holding a bowl of porridge, while Tantai Jingyi was holding the medicine... …

"Huh..." After simply eating and taking the medicine, Fang Xuening breathed a long sigh of relief, then lay quietly on the bed, not thinking about other things, anyway, there was nothing to worry about matter.

No need to go to work, no need to ask for leave...

Oh, I still have to ask for a leave of absence, just leave it to Sister Lu, she will take care of it.

Soon, Fang Xuening gradually fell asleep again.

This time there was no noise, only the warmth surrounding me...

 No need to go to work, no need to ask for leave, what a wonderful life, woo woo woo... It's a pity that I don't...

  (Thanks to the male nurse who endorsed for the reward, ok~)

(End of this chapter)

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