Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 177 It's Late, But Not Totally Late

Chapter 177 It's Late, But Not Totally Late

While Li Shuyao was gnashing her teeth to steal the opponent's front tooth tower, the other 9 people were pulling in the Dalong area, and her teammates frantically tapped the signal at the base, meaning to let Li Shuyao quickly tap the base, and they dragged here.

This is also a very normal tactic. In the game, it is often seen that the disadvantaged side or the side with a single lineup will choose this tactic.

But you said that in the ranking...

It's really rare to hit this level.

Isn't there such a fierce battle in the ranking that you explode and I surrender?When did I get so tangled up...

However, what the audience watched was really enjoyable. It felt like watching a game. The strength of both sides was actually about the same.

Well, except for the top laner who got blown up.

"This game is really exciting, it's a high-end game."

"I feel that if Yaoyao really wants to play games in the future, it will be enough for anyone who is outside the court to invite her to dinner. It will definitely be resolved quickly."

"Haha, no one can stop Yaoyao's yearning for eating."

"The mid laner on the opposite side of this set is DN's mid laner. The champion mid laner is very strong."

"There are several professional players in this set, so it's not a problem to regard it as a small training match."

"It feels more exciting than some small games. There are 2 professional players on Yaoyao's side, and there are 3 professional players on the opposite side."

"This game is really a game of quality, I'll just say that the live broadcast of Yaoyao looks good."

"Yaoyao must stick to this kind of quality bureau. It's not interesting to watch those anchors abuse food every day."


The audience had a great time watching it, but Li Shuyao felt a little helpless, what she wanted was not a wonderful game, what she wanted was a quick end and she was going to eat!

Gan, if I knew I would not manage time, there is still a problem with this management.

Li Shuyao looked at the time, it was already 5:6, forget it, let's call seriously, anyway, they said that it can be between 9:[-] and [-]:[-], so it should be fine for me to be a little eight minutes late!
Li Shuyao took a deep breath, one thing at a time, let's finish the game in front of him first.

The current situation is more favorable for them. All the outer towers of the opponent have been pulled out by themselves, the top road is also broken, and the high ground towers in the bottom road are also dropped. There is only one crystal left, and one of the front tooth towers is lost.

I still have the second tower on my side, and the scores of the two sides are similar.

Now everyone is tense. Although there will be resource competition, it is not so easy to kill.

Soon, the four people on my side gathered towards Dalong again, assisting the students to sneak in a little bit outside the high ground of the other side's lower road.

Li Shuyao understood, this is to make a fuss in the Dalong District, and then let herself go solo.

It's not to fight the big dragon, but to attract the opponent and steal it by yourself.

Although it is said that the top road is broken, the opponent is obviously better protected, the pawn line is brought out, and it is closer to the dragon, so the bottom road is the best place.

And the teleportation of the middle lane and AD on my side has also improved, so let's see the situation at that time.

Li Shuyao cleverly blocked his field of vision, drove the scanner and crawled forward in the opponent's wild area, getting closer to the high ground of the opponent's bot lane.

After the opponent started to fight the dragon, Li Shuyao directly and quickly cleared the pawn line. After clearing all the way, he ran to the bottom crystal and directly broke the bottom crystal.

The opponent discovered Li Shuyao's position, and instead directly accelerated the speed of fighting the dragon, even ignoring the interference from the side.

After Li Shuyao broke the crystal, he inserted a real eye around him, and the two in the middle and bottom lanes directly started teleporting, and in an instant, three people appeared in front of the opponent's front tooth tower.

But at this time, Dalong's health bottomed out, and their jungler flashed that he hadn't succeeded in robbing the dragon, and then began to flee wildly, interrupting the opponent's return to the city, and their support also began to flash to prevent the opponent from returning city.

When their jungler and support were all killed, Li Shuyao and the others tore down the last front tooth tower and began to attack the crystal, and the opponent also returned to the city with three people.

At this time, both sides are basically desperate. Li Shuyao has handed in all the skills, and the same is true for the middle lane and AD. The base exploded.

And she was the only one left on their side, both the mid laner and AD were killed, and she had only one-third of her health left, so she narrowly won the game.

"I'm going, this game is too tangled." Li Shuyao patted her heart: "My heart is about to jump out. It will be really uncomfortable if I lose."

"Okay, let's play it, let's play it, this round is exciting enough, I'll play it, I'll play it, they should be anxious for a while, my god, it's also their bad luck, why the last round Catch up with such a match."

Li Shuyao looked at the screen full of "666" and waved her hands. The game just now was indeed very exciting, no less than an ordinary game. The audience enjoyed watching it very much, and there were also many discussions about this game.

After turning off the live broadcast, Li Shuyao glanced at the time, it was already 5:40, she didn't expect that she would be late today.

She felt that she must be late for sure, and she had to dress up a little bit, because it was to respect the other party.

I touched up my makeup a little bit, and then found a set of white fleece long coat with a black thermal skirt inside, thermal pants and denim, and a pair of white Martin boots for shoes.

After thinking about it, I can't just bring nothing with me when we meet, since it's for dinner... Li Shuyao took two figures from this world's animation.

These were all bought by Li Shuyao in the past. Naturally, the good-looking girl paper figures should be kept for myself to play with slowly. I'm sure they all like the robot ones, so I took them out as a meeting gift.

Just thank them for letting me catch the heat.

Hmm, not bad.

After tidying up, it was already 6:10 when I walked out of the house, which is considered fast!
Li Shuyao quickly got in the car and set off. She estimated that it would be half past 6:[-] when she arrived at that place, and she would definitely not be the first to arrive by then.


It's all their fault, why are they so stubborn, wouldn't it be nice to surrender earlier!
Li Shuyao sighed while sitting in the car, and then she saw...

evening peak...

Although the place they went to was not in the city center and was not so congested, the power of the evening rush hour was that it could affect many places in the city.

So, Li Shuyao just watched the time go by bit by bit in a daze.

"Hey, this is really not my flag. Everything I encountered was force majeure, and there is nothing I can do about it..."

Li Shuyao was just thinking that she might be an hour late today, but the driver suddenly started to move. After walking a little, the steering wheel turned and went straight into a small road, and then started to drive all the way.

Then arrived at the battlefield within 5 minutes...

Li Shuyao continued to be dumbfounded.

When she arrived at the hotel, Li Shuyao checked her phone, it was exactly 6:40, although it was still late, it was not an hour late!
Well, for a beautiful woman, being 40 minutes late is nothing at all!
Cough cough, the gift happened to be an apology.

 Ahem, statement, the author himself is never late!

(End of this chapter)

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