Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 204 I'm so busy

Chapter 204 I'm so busy
Li Shuyao thought for a while, it would be good to use that electronic music for charity, and then use blue and white porcelain as a song for New Year's greetings, but I have to make a video again...

Today I have to make a food video, and then I will broadcast it live.

Hi, being an up master is exhausting!

Li Shuyao originally wanted to invite classmate Lu Yao to stay for dinner at noon, but classmate Lu Yao seems to be quite busy, and the other anchors and up hosts in her hand also need her to be busy...

Fortunately, the people under her are basically not as capable as Li Shuyao, one or two are more Buddhist like Fang Xuening, and fortunately she also has a team, otherwise she would be exhausted.

Lu Yao doesn't care much about other song awards, but she still cares a little about the Golden Melody Awards and Golden Bell Awards. She even wants to fight for some foreign song awards. This is an important channel to increase popularity, and awards? , This extra thing is also a capital, and it will be easy to use when we go out to discuss cooperation in the future.

It doesn't even have to be an award, a nomination is fine.

This also requires a lot of operations in it.

If Li Shuyao can really be nominated by that time, it can be regarded as causing a little disturbance on the Internet. If Li Shuyao's e-sports results are also very good by then, it is okay to directly hype the two blossoms.

In addition to the song, Li Shuyao also talked to Lu Yao about the food video, which will be handed over to her team to edit...

It's not that Li Shuyao is lazy, but that if he joins a team in the future, he will still need someone to help with editing, or else he will have to stop editing.

How could such an evil thing like Duan Geng happen to Li Shuyao!Impossibly good!The broken watch is seems to be gone.

Forget it, just treat yourself as lazy!
Anyway, Lu Yao's team has a great editor. The previous videos were edited well. She also generously admitted that she has a team during the live broadcast, so there is no problem with using a team to edit.

After Lu Yao left, Li Shuyao continued to make her food videos. In fact, most of the time she made them normally, but she also added some slightly exaggerated actions.

For example, when pouring water, if you don’t pour it properly, you will directly do a sideways drop from the sky, and then there will be a slow motion when the time comes...

Li Shuyao's hand was very steady, only a little water dripped outside, she went back to look at the material in the camera and nodded in satisfaction, as expected, it was different when it was turned on and hung up, otherwise the pouring of water might have to be repeated several times all over.

Next, she focused on shooting a few points, such as the splash of seasoning into the water, such as chopping bones, such as the curling smoke...

There is also a plate arrangement related to the ingredients, not only the plate arrangement of the final product, but also the plate arrangement of seasonings during the period, so that every angle should be as harmonious and beautiful as possible.

For this reason, Li Shuyao specially asked Fang Xuening to be the technical director and cameraman...

Facts have proved that a certain Baimao's aesthetic vision is still very good. He has captured a lot of pictures of Li Shuyao cooking, and when the time comes, he can look very beautiful after post-processing.

Li Shuyao also added some small and playful pictures according to the script, such as holding the seasoning cabinet, such as arranging various seasonings in a row, such as lining up pieces of ribs into the pot, etc...

It's interesting to edit this later.

After the production was completed, the plates were neatly arranged, and Li Shuyao was sitting alone on the small table by the window, eating mutton and drinking mutton soup...

This mood came out all at once.

Then add the snow scene I took yesterday, and the picture of playing with Brother Gou in the backyard.

Such a complete video is almost formed.

The rest is the power of editing.

Although the final video is only 7 minutes long, it took Li Shuyao two days to shoot...

Uh, even though I sneaked a fish or something in the middle, it's been two days since the filming ended!
This is also due to the fact that Li Shuyao is relatively proficient in his hands, and he finished it with almost no flaws. Some gourmet up masters have to trial and error many times to make a dish.

So this kind of food video made at home is not that simple.

I almost packaged and sent the materials prepared in the past two days to Lu Yao... That is to say, it was a bit troublesome to send the materials. It's not too much trouble.

After everything was packaged and sent, Li Shuyao checked the time, and there were still two or three hours before the live broadcast, so she began to conceive the video of the song Blue and White Porcelain.

Since it is going to be sent to the New Year's Festival, it must be meticulously crafted, and even a little shocking. There is no problem with the Chinese style song fitting the Spring Festival, and the quality of this song is here...

That's right, Li Shuyao always felt that the original MV was a bit hip-stretching, it seemed like time travel, but it looked like hip-stretching... It didn't feel like it was suitable for this song.

The MV of this song with beautiful lyrics and composition is full of NTR, which makes me feel crazy, but Li Shuyao watched this MV many years later, maybe this style was very popular at that time.

Anyway, Li Shuyao is also puzzled, it seems that no matter what works in that era have to be touched by love, it seems that you can’t live without love, and as long as you touch love, you have to be desperate, entangled and heartbroken, it’s not that I love you, It's you who are sad...

Well, it's you, it's you, it's you!
There are naturally some love elements in this song, but the words are very subtle, and the "you" in the lyrics can also be understood as blue and white porcelain, not necessarily love.

This implicit way of expression is very Chinese, but the performance of the MV is... hard to describe.

Of course, this is just her personal opinion.

So she doesn't plan to reproduce that MV, and it doesn't conform to the trend of this era. She still plans to design a new MV by herself.

Li Shuyao touched her chin. Last time she retreated for 4 days, this time it might take longer.

Although there are also no lines, but this time she plans to draw a little plot into it.

Once this plot is added, the amount of painting will suddenly increase.

and so……

This time Li Shuyao was going to do it with Lu Yao and the others. It would be too scary to arrange all these original paintings, storyboards, special effects, and background music all by himself.

Although let’s just say, she can use the energy of the system to directly push her up, making her a small robot running at high speed...


She herself doesn't want to be a little robot, so she can take on the original painting and storyboarding, and leave the rest to Lu Yao and the others.

"Director Chou, I'm here to pluck your wool again, you have to stand up for me." Li Shuyao sighed: "Oh, I'm so tired, I have to take a good rest for two days after I finish this time. I'm going to play professional again in two days, oops, I'm so busy."

After sighing, Li Shuyao found out the song Blue and White Porcelain, then closed her eyes and listened to it a few more times. Pictures were gradually outlined in her mind.

It was a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters, a pair of reclusive craftsmen...

Exquisite blue and white porcelain is drawn in this mountain forest, which is a combination of art and nature, and it is out of the dust and into the world.

 For food videos, you can refer to the eclipse diary, an up that concentrates on making beautiful food works.

  (Thanks to Cai Ji for the reward, huh~)

(End of this chapter)

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