Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 206 What We Pursue Is Happiness

Chapter 206 What We Pursue Is Happiness
Seeing Li Shuyao explaining why she was late, Meng Sijing burst out laughing, and it turned out that Yaoyao seriously pretended to be stupid for a while, so cute, haha, I really want to rub her face... Cough cough, this is not good, this is not good it is good!
Meng Sijing pursed her lips. She didn't know why, but when watching Li Shuyao, she always unconsciously put herself into the role of a big sister... Obviously she had just graduated.

Perhaps, this is Li Shuyao's charm, which makes people feel a little close to her unconsciously, just like looking at their own children.

Well, why children...

Maybe, Li Shuyao looks more innocent?
This is a feeling. Although I don't know if it is a character set specially created by her, I always feel that she is very real during the live broadcast, and she does not deliberately pretend to be anything.

Even many times she appeared on camera without makeup at all, and most of the time it was only light makeup, and her heavy makeup was hardly visible.

It is also because of this that many water friends call her a female ghost...not only because she frightened Li Yuanjun and Brother Yu by pretending to be a female ghost in the Cengfan challenge last time, but also because her hair was disheveled without makeup, and her complexion was slightly different than after makeup. Pale, like a female ghost.

But it's just an illusion, in fact, his complexion is very good.

And even without makeup, people's appearance is still very high. Although it is not as good as the state of makeup, it still looks very comfortable.

"Haha, it appeared again, with a rumored innocence, just like my sister."

"It's about the same as my little girl."

"Although I'm not married yet, I somehow feel like raising a daughter in the clouds."

"Look, look, she skillfully opened Station B, haha, I knew she was going to change the subject."


A few people in the group were chatting excitedly while watching the live broadcast. Anyway, the rhythm of the live broadcast was not fast, and most of the time they were doing other things while watching the live broadcast, so it was easy to watch the live broadcast and chat at the same time.

Meng Sijing also watched both sides together. She used to use the old mobile phone to play the live broadcast, but now she is using the mobile phone to interact with everyone in the group.

There is nothing utilitarian in this kind of interaction, nor is it secretly planning something, it is simply that they all like the same thing and share happiness with each other.

Maybe it seems meaningless and a waste of time to some people, but for Meng Sijing and the others, every time Li Shuyao broadcasts live, everyone gathers to discuss it is something worth looking forward to.

It is a joy to have like-minded friends to share and discuss their own ideas.

Is happiness enough?

Yes, being happy is enough.

They are in a peaceful country, so they don't need to suffer; they don't hold high positions, so they don't need to bear anything; they don't have any lofty ideals, so they don't need to plan anything...

All they have to do is to make their lives happier, and happiness is an important part of happiness.

After communicating with these colleagues for a long time, Meng Sijing also gradually discovered that everyone does not have any lofty ideals, as long as they can make money to support their families.

In fact, for many people, those lofty ideals are very illusory, and for them, happiness is enough.

I am also grateful that this era can make many people happy.

Meng Sijing is actually grateful for this era. Although she is very tired and complains about things online like many people, she has read books and knows what people were like in history and certain countries in the world today. what does it look like.

So living in this country, she is very satisfied, and complains about everything she wants, but she hopes to live a better life.

Everyone wants to have a better life, right?

Watching Li Shuyao in the live broadcast pause the video from time to time and then pursed her lips to talk about what happened at that time, Meng Sijing unconsciously laughed along with her.

Everyone still likes this kind of link where the parties decipher together. This is similar to a different kind of side story. After all, the length of the video is limited, and there are still many things that cannot be edited.

"Let me tell you, it was really embarrassing at the time. I didn't know what was going on, but I was the first to go. I thought, so everyone can't just sit around and play with Monopoly."

"Hey, don't worry about why there is a monopoly in my bag. That's the point. It's not good at all! The point is obviously that no one comes."

"Ahem, what are you thinking, how can I disclose what's in my bag!"

"What is a female ghost's bag? It has everything in it... My bag is so big, how could it have everything... Oh no, why am I a female ghost again!"


Meng Sijing was lying on the bed, covering her mouth and looking at Li Shuyao's pouting but helpless look with a smile on her face. Now the female ghost seems to have become Li Shuyao's most famous nickname, and fans' IDs have also been changed to various What a ghost.

For example, "cute ghost", "jumping ghost", "big sword ghost", "cold moon ghost" and so on. Anyway, there are all kinds of ghosts, and a lot of ghosts that I have never heard of before have appeared.

Every time Li Shuyao made rounds, her audience was called "Hundred Ghosts at Night", and countless "ghosts" flooded into her live broadcast room.

Naturally, Meng Sijing also changed her ID. In fact, she didn't think about changing it at first, but other colleagues in the group changed it, so she changed it along with her.

Her ID is "Xiao Meng Gui", which sounds a bit like a fierce ghost.

There is a colleague named "Damn Real Estate". Although everyone seems to be a little tired of this industry, they still unconsciously reveal things related to this industry in other places.

Some things are hard to dissipate once they are branded.

Meng Sijing watched videos with Li Shuyao, watched them play board games together, watched Nan Yiyi's bewildered expression when she came, and was suddenly surprised when Big Tomato came, watching...watching...

Watching Li Shuyao put her head down, she began to eat.

"Hahaha, Yaoyao still loves to eat so much."

"That's right, we'll call for dinner below when we go to the game. She's definitely in her best form."

"Hahaha, that's a good idea. If I catch up with the break, I can watch her match up and down, haha."

"The fan base over there is already prepared, and it will definitely come out alive by then."



Meng Sijing looked at the group here, and then looked at the large group of fans over there. Many people were discussing, taking screenshots, and someone was posting the GIF of Li Shuyao pretending to be a ghost.

I have to say that it looks more like a ghost after being cut into a moving picture.

Afterwards, I continued to watch the video, and when I saw Li Shuyao start explaining the rock-paper-scissors competition, everyone was really in Bengbu, and the fan group began to swipe the screen crazily:
"Ma Dan, I laughed so hard, Yaoyao really didn't talk when eating before, and her crazy character was fully exposed after eating."

"Fortunately she figured it out, haha, rock-paper-scissors is going to be a BO3, right?"

"They wanted BO5 before, but fortunately they were stopped. It's too shameful, haha."

"However, I somehow want to see what a BO5 is."

"Hahaha, it's so pitiful, there isn't even a single advertisement, and the sponsor's father doesn't have the ability to discover our family rumors."

"The way everyone complains about rumors together is so interesting, haha."

"But they listened carefully to Yaoyao's command, haha."

"In the future, Yaoyao can explain it, haha."


 I dreamed last night... Well, the person I haven't contacted for a long time is forgetting me, I feel so sad, but the past should pass.

(End of this chapter)

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