Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 208 I Paid Too Much To Change Home

Chapter 208 I Paid Too Much To Change Home
"It's actually launched so early." After the live broadcast, Li Shuyao also made dinner, and then the three of them sat down to eat together... So Li Shuyao saw the TV series that had already been launched.

"I heard that it seems that they are trying to get ahead of another TV series. Those people are crazy, rushing to catch up with the schedule." Fang Xuening said with a shrug.

"The one who sang together last time?" Tantai Jingyi also asked.

"Well... yes." Li Shuyao nodded. In fact, this TV series didn't have so much publicity in the early stage to grab the schedule. It just compiled a few trending searches and then promoted it on other platforms.

There's no way, the TV series that stole their original theme song will also be launched. They had already given up, but Li Shuyao is so good, they are ready to do a big job.

So during Li Shuyao's free and easy days, the crew worked overtime day and night, completed all revisions and procedures as quickly as possible, and then promoted while running, and finally went online before others!

This is almost in line with the time they agreed with the major platforms before, otherwise, their online time may be delayed for a while.

They are of the same type as another TV series, and even the themes are similar. They are all set in the Northern Song Dynasty. At this time, whoever comes out first may leave a fresh feeling for everyone, and whoever comes out later will make everyone feel You are imitating...

Even if the time gap between the front and the back is not big, some people still think that you are imitating... as if the production does not need time at all.

"Look, there are many people who come here for your song." Fang Xuening looked at the barrage and laughed.

"Yaoyao is also a well-known musician now, haha." Tantai Jingyi also came over and said while gnawing on the lamb chops...

Well, to make that video before, I bought a little more lamb chops. In the past two days, everyone eats meat every other day, and the aroma of lamb is all over their bodies...

It's not so mutton, the mutton tastes very good, the smell of mutton is very light, and the smell of meat is very strong, otherwise it would be too greasy to eat mutton besides breakfast.

"They advertised it on the Internet before..." Li Shuyao scratched her head, "And it seems that Sister Lu also told me when it went online today, and my Weibo account also reposted it."

"Then do you want to post your B station?" Fang Xuening asked.

"Well... the MV should be uploaded tomorrow, and it was also produced there. Fu Jinqing and I didn't show up, it's completely from a TV series." Li Shuyao also watched the MV. Understand it as a simple TV promotion song.

But well...

When people give money, she will send it out, and she sings it anyway.

"It seems that you are going to use your influence at station B." Tantai Jingyi said with a smile: "Your previous songs have the highest video views."

"Yeah...Compared with this, the other views are terrible." Li Shuyao pouted. The highest view volume of music videos is close to 200 million, but the highest view volume of other food videos is 90. More than [-], and the e-sports category has the highest playback volume of more than [-].

After all, most of her e-sports fans are from the live broadcast side, and there are fewer fans from the video side.

After the successful case of Wanxing before, basically everyone who seeks Li Shuyao to advertise for a single now wants a single...but some of them can't afford that much money...

There are too many scammers on the Internet now!There is even a song that wants to prostitute her for nothing!It's crazy!
"Then you've been updating quite frequently recently." Fang Xuening covered her mouth with a smile and said, "There's another linkage, another advertisement, and another VLOG, one after another without stopping."

"Oh, yes, I'm exhausted." Li Shuyao smacked her mouth.

"Come on, you're the only one who is still tired." Fang Xuening rolled her eyes.

"Hmph, let's see how I will treat you later." Li Shuyao also stared.

"Come on, come on... a little bit."

"Okay you, don't come in when I take a shower later!"

"I'll come, I'll come, heh heh."

"..." Tantai Jingyi was speechless, why did these two become like this now!Well, it seems that I still have to throw Brother Gou in at night!

"Meow?" Brother Gou, who was playing with the little squirrel in the yard, suddenly felt a chill all over his body, as if he was being stared at by something. After careful analysis, it should be the two-legged beast with short hair. To be watched!
Anyway, the most dangerous thing in this family is the two-legged beast with short hair!
What she did so-called is simply outrageous!
No, she is definitely going to tempt me with dried fish again, I have to advance... Uh, if there is dried fish, it seems that you can't be tempted.

Cough cough, forget it, we are all a family anyway, that short-haired two-legged beast must need me, so as a member of this family, I should do my part.

Well, it's not for some small fish, but for this family!
Brother Gou stood on the top of the tree and looked at the two little squirrels beside him with kind faces. Although the two big squirrels in the tree hole were already screaming, the two little squirrels were not afraid at all.

What are you afraid of, the boss of our family!

Can you still eat us?
Brother Gou nodded in satisfaction. Sure enough, the boy he chose was smart. If it wasn't for these two boys, he wouldn't bring those two idiots with him!

Brother Gou looked up at the three people in the room who were eating and watching the video, and yawned slightly.

For this family, for this world, my dog ​​brother has paid too much wow!

I don't know how long it took, the cold wind blew outside the house, and the little squirrel shivered a little from the cold. Brother Gou opened his arms and hugged the two little squirrels in his arms, facing the wind, the whiskers on his face were constantly swinging...

I will eventually rule the world!
"Dog brother!"

Suddenly, Brother Gou's little ears twitched, as if he heard someone calling him in the room.

"Meow..." Brother Gou agreed, and then sent the two little squirrels back to the anxious father and mother squirrels, and sent some nuts and food into the small tree hole, and then Turned around and jumped off the tree.


Brother Gou fell into a small snowdrift all of a sudden, and then ran in two or three steps. After running to the door, he shook the snow vigorously on his body, and then rubbed his little feet on the mat.

After raising his feet and stretching his head to make sure there was nothing dirty, Brother Gou nodded in satisfaction, and quickly ran in through the back door.

"Meow!" Who called me!
He raised his head while shouting, and Brother Gou saw the smiling Tantai Jingyi...

I knew it would be no good to call me so late!I am so familiar with this laugh!
Brother Gou was speechless, Ma Ma and the white hair were gone, and all the dishes on the table were cleared away, only this short-haired aunt was left... Sure enough, I saw the small dried fish in her hand!
Hmph, it's been so many times, and I don't want to change new tricks. My dog ​​brother is a cat who will fall one or two... three, four, five, six or seven times in one thing!

"There are not many tricks, as long as it works." Tantai Jingyi squatted down with a smile and nodded Brother Gou's little head: "We play a series, which is just three or four lineups."

"Meow meow?" Brother Gou was confused.

"Look at you, you went out to play in the snow, let's go, go take a bath with you Mama and Auntie Baimao." Tantai Jingyi grabbed Brother Gou with the small fish in her hand, and then quickly ran up to the second floor, and threw Brother Gou into the bathroom of two people...

Well, Tantai Jingyi's Tai Chi practice is not for nothing!

 It's the end of the year, I will write a small summary later~
(End of this chapter)

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