Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 213 Lu Yao's Eyes...

Chapter 213 Lu Yao's Eyes...

"Yaoyao really amazed me today, how about it, does it feel like walking into a poem or painting after changing into a Hanfu?"

As soon as Li Shuyao sat down, a female reporter sitting across from her smiled and said, she didn't ask questions directly at first, but seemed to be chatting homely, coupled with her mature and stable temperament, it seemed very interesting comfortable.

The feeling of being like a refreshing breeze made most of the tension of the interviewees disappear at once.

"It's not bad. I've never tried this kind of clothing before. I feel... I can try more in the future." Li Shuyao also nodded with a smile, looking serious.

Lu Yao nodded in satisfaction, it seems that this guy can still distinguish the occasion, knowing that he should be more serious at this time, she decided, if this guy doesn't do a good interview, she will...she will...she Go to their house tonight!
"Let's just chat briefly. It doesn't matter if we make a mistake. We will edit it later, so we can say whatever we think." The reporter said with a professional smile all the time.

Lu Yao: "..." Don't say that, she will take it seriously and say everything, what if you have to edit everything in the end!
Lu Yao obviously saw that Li Shuyao's eyes lit up, and then he leaned directly on the back of the sofa, looking relieved.

Lu Yao: "..." Why are you really relaxed? They are just being polite, mainly because they are afraid that some people will be too nervous when they are interviewed for the first time.

After all, some people have never received formal interviews at the beginning. Faced with so many professional equipment, and so many directors, operators, reporters, etc., they will definitely be nervous.

The other party also considered that Li Shuyao was participating in an interview for the first time, so he tried to speak in a more relaxed tone.

But the other party definitely didn't expect that although this guy said it was her first time to participate in an interview, she definitely wasn't nervous!Just look at the videos she co-contributed before. If this guy is still nervous, there are probably not many people who are not nervous.

"I'm relieved now, ahem, I promise to cooperate with you." Li Shuyao said with a chuckle.

"Haha... Yaoyao is really humorous." The female reporter smiled and nodded: "Then shall we begin?"

"come on."

"Then let's talk about the creation of this song first. Do you know that this song can be said to be repeated many times by my singles in the past few days. This time we can be said to be an exchange with ancient poets. Then What do you think of this exchange?" asked the female reporter.

"I hold my mobile phone...cough cough, I always liked that poem, and I also like the culture of poetry. I think this is a kind of cultural inheritance and dialogue."

Just as Li Shuyao was about to make a joke, she suddenly left Lu Yao aside and showed a look in her eyes that wanted to eat people... So she immediately became serious for a second:

"Look, Chu Ci, Han Fu, Tang Poetry, Song Ci, Yuan Qu, Ming and Qing novels, these are some of the most famous things in each era. Of course, some novels, prose, songs, and modern poems are still active today. This kind of thing, but the mainstream is actually fiction.”

"Then when modern songs collide with ancient poems, there will be some strange chemical reactions, because in fact these things were sung in ancient times, so when we sing these poems with modern tunes, actually It’s a cultural heritage.”

"Well..." The reporter nodded approvingly: "Yes, there is also the previous song "I hope people will last forever". After listening to these two songs, I found that I have a new understanding of the original poems. When we When I revisited these poems many years later, I found that many things that I didn’t understand before were understood.”

"That's true..." Li Shuyao waved his hand, and then noticed Lu Yao staring at her expressionlessly: "Well, it's true. When I was young, I might just memorize it by rote. Some things, but it is still difficult for us to understand, but when we grow up, enter the society, and experience the ways of the world, we will have a new feeling for these poems.”

"Because these poems were originally written when the poet's emotions were turbulent. In fact, when we were still in school, it was difficult for us to empathize with the poet. We still learned how to choose words and make sentences. When you really experienced After some things, you will understand what is written in the poem."

"Isn't there a saying that you don't know the meaning of the song when you first meet, and you are already in the song when you meet again."

"What a goodbye is already in the song." The reporter nodded and smiled. Of course, she was just smiling at the moment, and her mind was...

Anyone who sees an 18-year-old girl here talking about "goodbye is already a part of the song" feels inexplicably disobedient, okay?
Lu Yao was also speechless for a while, where did you copy all this

However, thinking of Li Shuyao's experience, Lu Yao also sighed softly, well, after going through that kind of accident, it is normal to have some emotions, that is already a heavy blow in life... can be adjusted , and becoming so cheerful is already beyond human reach.

"I heard that the song was completed very quickly at that time, and there was a legend that it was completed in one day. What was the situation at that time?" The reporter continued to ask.

"At that time, they were really anxious... just... ahem, considering the situation at that time, the time was actually a bit tight, and then I thought, if I can finish this song as soon as possible."

Li Shuyao was a little helpless, everyone said that she could relax and talk casually, but every time she wanted to relax and talk casually, she could keenly feel Lu Yao's eyes...

Sure enough, sometimes it's not good to be too sensitive, and you can always see people's eyes!
"Then it took you a day to compose the song?" the reporter asked a little surprised.

"That's true!" Li Shuyao stopped looking at Lu Yao, this guy must be staring at her!
"Actually, I'm not alone. I can't create a song in one day by myself. It was produced by everyone. The music team of the crew is very good, so I created a song. It seems a bit unbelievable." Li Shuyao smiled and said, "Thank you very much for making it together."

"Well, we have seen many netizens calling for you to make more songs that sing ancient poems, such as "Teacher's Biao" and "A Fang Gong Fu". Have you thought about creating more songs like this in the future?" Ji Ji asked with a smile.

"Well... Maybe I will continue to create, mainly depends on the inspiration." Li Shuyao nodded, mainly to see if she wants to do it or not. There was a program called "Classic Chanting" that she liked to watch before. All kinds of ancient poems are sung.

At that time, you can also learn from it.

There are also many good songs in it.

"This is also a kind of cultural inheritance, so that everyone can pay more attention to our excellent traditional culture. I think this is something we literary and art workers should do."

Li Shuyao glanced at Lu Yao while talking, and was quietly relieved to see this guy's satisfied eyes, Ma Dan, Lu Yao put more pressure on this interview than the reporter!

(End of this chapter)

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