Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 220 What is your wish

Chapter 220 What is your wish

While eating breakfast, Lu Yao looked at Fang Xuening who seemed to have a happy face, and was stunned for a moment: "What did you do to her? Why does she look happy?"

Didn't this guy get dragged out to exercise? Logically speaking, he should look like he's going to die. Why does he look a little...

You are wrong!

Are you awakening to something you shouldn't be?

"What's the matter, you drank porridge like this after exercising the day before yesterday." Li Shuyao was speechless, Sister Lu, your thinking is too simple!
Hey, why do I also think of these?
Uh, this is being led astray by Lu Yao!Absolutely!
"Really?" Lu Yao blinked, and then imagined what he looked like the day before yesterday. It seems... and it is indeed the case. After a circle of freezing outside, it is indeed very happy to come back and drink a bowl of hot porridge .

Sure enough, only after entering hell can one feel heaven!

"However, this guy's toughness is quite good, and it seems that he can keep up with our training in the future." Tantai Jingyi looked at Fang Xuening, who was drinking porridge while sucking Lulu, and nodded in satisfaction.

Fang Xuening suddenly paused while drinking porridge, and looked at Tantai Jingyi in disbelief, where did you make this wrong judgment that I am very resilient?

I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense!
I'm just a salted fish, I'm just a waste, let me sleep!
o (╥﹏╥) o
After a pleasant breakfast, everyone was busy with their own affairs and went out, Lu Yao was going to go to work, Tantai Jingyi continued to think about her tactics, Li Shuyao continued to make her own MV, Fang Xuening...

Well, Fang Xuening went back to sleep!
After breakfast, it was around 7 o'clock. She was insane. Before she came to Li Shuyao's house, Fang Xuening would not be awake at this time!
Alas, Xiao Yaoyao and Xiao Jingjing don't know how to love others, they have paid too much for this family.

So Fang Xuening hugged Brother Gou and fell asleep, and the two white-haired adults who thought they had given too much to this family began to sleep in broad daylight again.

After dinner in the afternoon, Li Shuyao started drawing again. After all, the MVs of the remaining two or three songs are also for next year, so she is not in such a hurry, so she draws slowly and easily, preparing for a Improve the quality of your video little by little.

While drawing and drawing, suddenly my cell phone rang...

Li Shuyao took out her phone and looked...

Big tomato!
Hey, why is this brother at station B thinking of calling himself? No, it’s that random challenge again. It seems that random challenges have become a bit of a trend in station B during this period, and the audience is already a little fatigued .

The videos at station B naturally change with the tastes of the audience. Except for some innovations, most of the ups are actually based on maintaining their own style and gaining popularity.

You have to have your own video style, but you also need to catch the popularity.

When the heat is over, they will naturally be abandoned by everyone.

Li Shuyao reckoned that Big Tomato's search for him should not be the same random challenge as before, because a head-up like him should not turn back without innovation at all. Create a new life on the basis of this.

These head-ups often have a whimsical idea to lead the times, whether it is a random challenge, or who is next, or the previously popular Don’t Do Challenge series and so on.


There must be a new life.

A little thought went through Li Shuyao's mind quickly, and then the voice was connected.

"Hello, Yaoyao, good afternoon." Big Tomato's voice came from the phone.

"Hello, it can't be the ultimate version of the Cengfan Challenge, hahaha." Li Shuyao laughed haha. Before that, they were familiar with each other at the side story of the Cengfan Challenge, which was the thank you banquet prepared by Li Yuanjun. of.

"Hi Yaoyao, I'm Mou Huan." Mou Huan next to Big Tomato also spoke.

"Hey, you're here too." Li Shuyao laughed and said, "You don't mean to invite me to dinner."

"Ahem, it's not impossible." A certain Huan smiled and said, " it convenient for you now?"

"It's convenient, I have nothing to do now..." Li Shuyao said.

"Then... then can we ask you a question." Big Tomato said.

"Ah... yes, let's ask."

Li Shuyao nodded, and just as she finished speaking, she heard two strange voices on the opposite side: "What is your dream?"

"Ah? Hahahahaha... My dream, haha... My dream is world peace."

Big Tomato: "..."

A certain fantasy: "..."

Why don't you say break out of the earth?

"I'm going to become a superhero to save the world right now," Big Tomato said.

"I'm going to cultivate immortality right away..." Mou Huan also laughed.

"Haha... yes, yes, let's go."

"Ahem, um... do you have any wishes?" Old Tomato said.

"Uh, my wish, I want to win a world championship." Li Shuyao said.

"The world champion of League of Legends?" Big Tomato asked.

"Yes, yes, yes." Li Shuyao nodded. Anyway, the deadline for the transfer period is coming soon. When the deadline is reached, it will be time for an official announcement. By then, Li Shuyao will almost go to training camp.

Even if this video is produced, she probably took a long time, and the official announcement may have been completed by then, so it doesn't matter.

"Is there anything else? It's those things you dare not think about." Mou Huan said.

"I don't dare to think about it... I want to become a martial arts master. Haha, I'm practicing martial arts every day. I want to be a generation of heroines." Li Shuyao laughed haha: "Maybe I will make a song in the future." In the MV, she appeared as a heroine."

"Haha, is there anything else?"

"Ang... Does time travel count? Haha, I want to be the protagonist in a novel." Li Shuyao laughed.

"Yes, yes, is there any more? No matter how lofty the ideal is, no matter how unrealistic, in those nights when there is no one, what you think, what you dream about." Big Tomato asked with a smile .

"I... After the world is peaceful, it's time to enjoy the shade under the grass. I hope that people in the world will not be troubled by hunger. I hope that everyone can have enough food. I hope that everyone can live a good life."

Li Shuyao felt a little emotional, this was the old man's wish, this wish touched countless people, and naturally moved her too, if she still had some big dreams, she also wanted to see that people all over the world could have enough to eat.

No matter whether everyone fights for each other after eating, or strives to develop, after all, only when we are full can we have human dignity.

"Yes, a very great ideal." Mou Huan nodded: "OK, the mission must be achieved."

"Okay, hang up Yaoyao, we will contact you later."

"Okay, okay." Li Shuyao also nodded with a smile, and hung up the phone.

To be honest, she was still a little confused until now, when she called suddenly, she said she had a dream, and after asking a lot of questions, she hung up the phone.

Li Shuyao didn't care, she was probably filming some kind of video, anyway, she would know when the time came, and if she was needed, she would look for her later.

Everyone uses each other's materials and will also tell each other.


Still hurry up and draw!
 What's the matter with being chased and killed in my dreams for the past two days... I was also chased and killed last night. It seems to be in another world. It looks like a world built by humans underground after the destruction of the above-ground world, and then I walked through it invisibly Dodge the chase in the wall...

  No, I'm going to fight back tonight!

(End of this chapter)

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