Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 229 Looking up at the Starry Sky

Chapter 229 Looking up at the Starry Sky
Li Shuyao naturally also saw the cat's face on the gauze net, but she is still not going to let the dog in. This guy ran so far today, and he brought back one. The ghost knows what kind of bacteria is on his body, maybe Just rubbing against some small bugs or something.

This time when she goes back, she plans to take Brother Gou to the pet hospital to take a good bath before taking him back.

Brother Gou himself has resistance to various diseases. Li Shuyao has seen this through the system, but resistance can't resist dirty things!

It was okay in the community before, but I don't know what I will encounter in the wild.

Especially when it took that wild kitten.

Look at that little kitten, that dirty's become a small coal ball.

Otherwise, when Li Shuyao and the others saw the red kitten, they would go up and study it.

Well, that is to say, these few of them have no scientific research spirit at all, otherwise, even if this little cat is covered in mud, they will go up and study it.

Maybe I will take it back for research!

But their attention is naturally more on Brother Gou.

So, Brother Gou still has to stay at the takeaway, and no one can hold him even before he is cleaned!
Not only is it dirty, but it's running around!
Let alone at home, how dangerous it is to run around outside!Give it a long memory this time, this little cat is like a bear child, remembers to eat but not to beat, it will definitely not remember if it is beaten, throw it outside, let it watch eagerly, it should be able to remember Living.

It was very windy in the suburbs at night, Li Shuyao and the others pitched their tents next to the car to block part of the wind, but they could still hear a little noise from outside from time to time.

At this time, Li Shuyao felt that the money was well worth the money. The effect of the tent's wind resistance and heat preservation was still very good, and it didn't feel cold inside the tent, and it was quite comfortable to cover it with quilts.

After playing game consoles for a while, and watching the videos of Station B together for a while, everyone also felt a little tired, so they turned off the energy-saving lamps above their heads, and all four of them lay down without putting down the soft partition. Lie directly side by side.

The cushions under it were very thick, and the original design of the tent was very thick, so the few people didn't feel like they were lying on the concrete floor with some potholes.

Quiet without realizing it...

"Huh... I can't sleep anymore." After a while, Fang Xuening smacked her mouth and said in a low voice, "You are all asleep."

"No." Li Shuyao also whispered.

"It's the first time for me to sleep in this wild place. I don't know if I will get cold in my body when I wake up tomorrow morning." Lu Yao sighed softly.

"Student Jingyi, what about you?" Fang Xuening called out in a low voice, but after waiting for a while, there was no response, so the three of them logically thought that she had fallen asleep.

"Shh, let's keep our voice down, she is asleep." Fang Xuening said softly again.

"Go to sleep, it's getting late." Li Shuyao said.

"I can't sleep. It's the first time I've slept in this kind of place. Do you think some savages will suddenly come out of the mountains and knock on the door?" Fang Xuening said.

"Don't worry, no, we won't be able to knock on our door." Lu Yao said.

"Then...will that rush in and take me into the mountains..." Fang Xuening smiled while talking.

"No, why are you laughing?" Li Shuyao was speechless, it seems that you really want to be caught in the mountains.

"I think, the three of us are all awake, and Jingyi falls asleep alone. When the savage comes and takes her away, the three of us can run away... Oops..." Fang Xuening also said Before finishing speaking, a pillow was thrown over from Tantai Jingyi.

"Haha, I know you're not asleep." Fang Xuening laughed softly, "I knew you were eavesdropping, hmph."

Lu Yao: "..." Who are these people.

"By the way, I suddenly remembered that this tent has another function." Li Shuyao said suddenly.

"What function?" Lu Yao turned to look at Li Shuyao.

"Stargazing, haha." Li Shuyao chuckled lightly, then sat up, turned on the flashlight of her mobile phone, and tugged at a thread on the side of the tent.

As she pulled the line, the roof of the tent was pulled away, but the energy-saving lamps were well designed, and they were not on this piece of fabric that could be pulled apart.

The expected cold wind did not appear, because there was a plastic roof on it, but the sky outside could be seen through the transparent plastic roof.

"This plastic roof can still be opened." Li Shuyao smiled, and then pulled a string next to it, and the plastic roof was rolled up.

The cold wind blows in at night, and the charming starlight also shines in.

The open skylight is a rectangle with a length of 30 cm and a width of 20 cm. It is not big, but you can also see this small square of sky while lying in the tent.

Li Shuyao quickly got under the blanket, and the cold wind from outside kept blowing in, refreshing the air inside the tent.

"If you say this person has a thick skin." Lu Yao sighed.

"How to say?" Li Shuyao froze for a moment.

"Look, we don't dare to show it in other places, we are all huddled under the quilt, it will feel cold when we come out, but our face doesn't feel cold." Lu Yao said.

"Wow, sister Lu, what you said makes sense." Fang Xuening squinted her eyes and lay under the quilt, looking at the sky full of stars with a little fascination: "This sky is so beautiful."

"There is a cold wind blowing on your face, and you are covered with a quilt. This feeling is quite strange." Tantai Jingyi finally spoke, and she squinted her eyes slightly, looking at the small sky.

She enjoys the feeling that her best friend is by her side and the most beautiful scenery is in front of her eyes.

Li Shuyao took a deep breath and sang softly: "The brightest star in the night sky, can you hear clearly, the person looking up, the loneliness and sigh in my heart... the brightest star in the night sky..."

Li Shuyao sang softly, while the others listened quietly.

Listening, Lu Yao also hummed softly. Although she didn't remember the lyrics, she could still remember the words "the brightest star in the night sky".

Li Shuyao had composed this song before, and Lu Yao had also heard it.

"It's a very nice song. Is this the song you guys are going to release?" After quietly listening to Li Shuyao's humming, Fang Xuening turned over with great interest, and then suddenly felt a small gust of cold wind blowing over.

"Hiss..." Fang Xuening quickly shrank back, she was still quite warm under the blanket.

Although she said that the bed was a little cold, but Fang Xuening didn't intend to close the skylight, it felt really good to lie down and watch the starry sky.

"I'm going to release it in a while, it should be next year." Lu Yao said with a smile: "Student Xiao Yaoyao has worked hard making the MV these two days."

"That's right, I'm exhausted." Li Shuyao puffed up: "It's very comfortable to come out to relax once in a while."

"You little girls are really crazy. You are not afraid of any danger if you run into the wilderness." Lu Yao took a deep breath, and he was indeed quite relaxed.

"It's's broad daylight, what's going on in the sky, besides, there's Yaoyao who has something to do, she's a martial arts master, she's amazing now..." Fang Xuening turned her head with a smile: "I'll go, Fall asleep now?"

"Asleep?" Lu Yao looked around and said speechlessly, "Then I'll close the skylight, so I don't catch a cold."

(End of this chapter)

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