Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 231 What a broken story you are

Chapter 231 What a broken story you are
"Make it up..."

Li Shuyao raised her head and continued:

"In the process of fighting against zombies, we gradually discovered other survivor teams, but pinch, some people hid in the ruins and waited for rescue, while some relied on their own weapons to set up their own organizations to bully other survivors Or even treat other survivors as slaves.”

"I couldn't bear this anymore, so I led my team to overthrow these survivor organizations that enslaved other people, and rescued a little girl! Since then, I have recognized this little girl as a goddaughter, and have been cultivating This little girl fights the enemy."

"As we continued to overthrow these survivor organizations, we discovered that the culprit of everything turned out to be the foreign group behind it, and behind this foreign group was the leader of a certain country!"

"So our team embarked on the road to crusade against this group and the leader of a certain country. Of course, we can still have some memories along the way, right, feeling that this civilization was destroyed or something."

"You can even sacrifice one or two teammates. There are two pairs in our team. Let the male compatriots who admire each other sacrifice to save each other. Tsk tsk, what a poignant love story."

"Then we can hold a party or something in some museums, basements, etc. After all, it's a combination of work and rest. In order to save the world, this lofty ideal, we also need to protect our mentality. We must keep ourselves Optimistic, don't I still have a daughter."

"During this period, we also met an organization that tried to use medicine to save the world. They were very friendly, but they found that my goddaughter and dog brother had antibodies, and they were going to sacrifice them to save the world! "

"What can I do? Even if I sacrifice the world, I still want to save my goddaughter and my cat! So, I killed all the people in this organization that wanted to save the world, and rescued my goddaughter and my cat."

"However, because the battle was so brutal, the rest of the team members were all dead. Only me, my goddaughter, Brother Gou, and the little black brother are left. Well, I can't die."

"Then pinch, we went through untold hardships and finally defeated that group, defeated that big BOSS, when I was celebrating with my goddaughter and dog brother, a transgender person suddenly jumped out, and then directly hit a golf club Beat me to death."

"It turns out that one of the members of the organization I killed that wanted to save the world was his father, and he came to seek revenge!"

"So in order to avenge me, the black brother was finally killed by the powerful transgender avenger, and now my daughter-in-law and dog brother became an avenger."

"Avengers VS Avengers, good guy, the focus of the world is there, but, they run too fast, my daughter can only chase all the way, I don't know how many survivors have been killed along the way Or, how many survivor organizations have been destroyed, but I am a daughter for one purpose, to avenge me!"

"My daughter-in-law is a genius after all. Although the transgender man is infinitely strong, his fists are as big as sandbags, and he can run horses on his shoulders, my thin little daughter-in-law still beats her."

"Finally on a beach, my goddaughter drove the transgender avenger to a dead end at the cost of sacrificing two fingers. In the end, my goddaughter sighed with emotion, and then graciously let him go. "

"Since then, Brother Gou and my daughter-in-law have lived a happy life..."

"Meow meow?" Brother Gou was dissatisfied. Why did I feel that I was playing soy sauce? Apart from stealing a serum, I had no sense of existence at all. Why did I end up living a happy life.

Also, how could I let someone beat Ma Ma to death with a golf club? Even if he was really killed, how could I let him go, I would definitely bite him.

Ma Ma, your story is too bad!
"Look at the eyes of Brother Gou." Lu Yao, who didn't know when he came out, slammed his mouth: "What kind of crap is your story, I won't talk about the messy people in your team in front, why did you end up talking about it?" Let that person go."

"You killed so many people along the way, and then let the enemy go when you finally got revenge? What kind of weird logic is this, you are too foolish."

"Also, you are not the protagonist, how can you beat the protagonist to death with a stick, you are too poisonous... Even if your plot needs to really kill the protagonist, at least give him a more heroic death Fa, you are too hasty to die."

"And why is it a golf club? What a weird way to die. Although it is outrageous for you to kill the organization that wants to save the world for personal reasons, but at least you can be regarded as the hero who overthrew the final boss. This is too speechless."

"I can not accept!"

Tantai Jingyi curled her lips: "Me too."

"Hey, you guys don't understand, this script can win big prizes if you get it in the U.S., just like that." Li Shuyao looked at them with a regretful expression: "This is art, you know."

"I don't care about others. If you dare to make such a video, I will spank your ass." Lu Yao stared: "You are not allowed to post such things secretly, I will review your video."

"All right, all right, I didn't say I was going to post it." Li Shuyao shrugged, she definitely wouldn't do such a fucking thing, this realm is too high, she can't afford it.

"It smells so good..." Fang Xuening rubbed her eyes and walked out of the tent: "What's in the pot, it looks pretty good."

"Pearl Jade White Jade Soup." Li Shuyao said casually.

"Oh hoo? Is this what the legendary emperor ate?" Fang Xuening wrapped her coat around her body, then widened her eyes, full of curiosity.

"Well, although it may not be exactly the same, the spirit should be similar."

Hearing what Li Shuyao said, everyone became a little interested...

Even Brother Gou was a little interested.

What does the emperor eat?That is to say, what I should eat, it should be like this.

Hmph, sure enough, Ma Ma's desire to usurp the throne is not dead, this pot of porridge should be me!Me!
Ma Ma once taught me that if you can't get something from the emperor, then destroy it!Many emperors in history did this, otherwise those precious treasures would not have been lost so much.

Obviously, I can't eat this pot by myself, and I, Ma Ma, can be considered too emperor, so I can share some with her, but nothing else!
After Ma Ma and I are full, I will overthrow all the emperor's food!I can't eat it and neither can you!
Then he was eager to try Brother Gou, and suddenly felt the sight of death from the other four people...

"It looks like this little guy wants to overthrow us." Tantai Jingyi rubbed her chin.

"So powerful? This kitty still has such thoughts?" Lu Yao said in surprise.

"It's not impossible, Yaoyao teaches it some weird things every day, maybe this guy really considers himself an emperor." Fang Xuening said with a smile.

"Come on, let's lock it in the small bag at the door so that it doesn't disturb us." Lu Yao said with a chuckle.

"I think it's fine, just put a small dried fish on it." Tantai Jingyi nodded.

"Haha, let's do it!"

Dog brother:"……"

You shouted so loudly there, you thought I couldn't understand you!
Even if it's small dried fish... small dried fish...

Wow!Small dried fish!
 Woohoo, where is my little dried fish~
(End of this chapter)

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