Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 26 We are willing to be the stars that protect you

Chapter 26 We are willing to be the stars that protect you

The melody became intense again after a short period of calm, and the scene finally turned to the front. The girl shouted with her eyes closed, and the surrounding black clouds seemed to be torn apart by her little by little.

"I hate flashy words. I'm always looking forward to it but can't find any clues. So there are stars guarding me, but there is only the night, right?"

"Unknowingly looking for your tenderness, but don't touch the soft place in my heart!"

The cry of the chorus again added a touch of despair. The girl who pushed away the black clouds in the picture did not see the stars guarding her, but still saw darkness.

"Don't worry about it, just leave me, this road has been soiled, and it can't be changed."

The girl dragged an umbrella and walked slowly in the darkness, her back was full of exhaustion and despair.

"I became weak after being exhausted, and it was useless to try to escape, so I plugged my ears in my heart, and finally cried miserably."

"What is life? It's just living in ignorance. Is it enough to think that this is happiness? I can't figure it out anymore."


She knelt powerlessly in this dark world, hugged her head and curled up, gradually blending into this endless darkness.

In the end, Li Shuyao sang the whole song with shouts, it seemed that every line was on the verge of breaking, and she felt a little hoarse.

Below the song are subtitles in both Chinese and Japanese. Although many people don't understand Japanese, they can already feel what she wants to express from this picture.

Moreover, there is a strong tone in this sadness, and a singing voice with a cry in pain. This style is completely different from the previous one, and it directly hits the hearts of all those who are listening to this song.

Nan Yiyi watched this video three times in a row, the first time was to listen to the song, the second time was to bring in the meaning of the lyrics, the third time was to open the barrage, and then slide down to watch Check out the comments below.

Many of the bullet screens were translated along with the songs, and some were crying along with them. Whenever Li Shuyao sang lyrics like "don't" and "stupid", a vertical row of the same words would appear in the middle of the bullet screen.

The comments below are largely one-sided:

"Damn it, who bullied our little fairy!"

"She's just an 18-year-old girl, how could you have the heart to treat her like this!"


"Ahhh, so desperate."

"The voice line of Yu Jie is completely different. She almost broke her voice when she shouted a few times. It hurts so much."

"Those who bully Yaoyao, you have no heart!"

"It hurts so much, it's like holding her in my arms."

"I heard from Tranquility Xue that in order to create this song, the nursery rhymes in the book did not sleep for two consecutive days. This song was finally recorded when she did not sleep for two days. This kind of despair, she was close to breaking the sound a few times because she couldn't control her breath due to lack of sleep, but the effect was even better."

"Xue'er said that she recorded the whole process of making Yaoyao. I really want to see how Yaoyao was made. My heart aches."

"Every picture is painted by Yaoyao herself, and the songs are also composed by herself. It can be seen how desperate she was at that time. After all, she is just a girl who has just turned 18. How can she resist so many people? Abuse, stop cyber violence."


The public opinion was reversed almost in an instant, and all the previous rhythms disappeared at once. Li Shuyao directly put herself on a desperate and weak role, which aroused the sympathy of almost half of the users of station B. This song It was crazily recommended and forwarded, and the playback volume also increased all the way.

"Huh..." Nan Yiyi also sighed slightly after watching the video and comments: "Actually, I didn't want to say anything at first, but after watching these, I also want to say, stop cyber violence."

"The nursery rhyme in the book is just a newcomer up host. She is very talented and beautiful. She has risen rapidly in the past month. Although she has more than 40 fans now, she is still just a newcomer who has just grown up. , really can’t withstand the attacks of so many people.”

"So, everyone should be kind, I hope everyone in my studio can be a kind person..."

That night, Nan Yiyi was not the only anchor watching this video. At the beginning, everyone wanted to catch the heat. After all, this matter has been very popular these days, but after listening to it, it turned out to be another boutique level of music.

After knowing the background of the story, they instantly became fans of Li Shuyao.

The number of Li Shuyao's fans also skyrocketed after this song.

One song is accidental, and the two capitals in a row are high-quality goods, which is strength. Leaving aside the story behind it, Li Shuyao has shown super musical strength in these two songs alone.

And at this moment...

The protagonist in the story, classmate Li Shuyao... is sleeping.

Others may be the atmosphere she created, but she really didn't sleep for two days.

I thought it would be easy to make a video, but it was really troublesome when I got started!With her current hand speed, it took two days and two nights to complete the production.

After uploading the video, she went straight to sleep and didn't care about other things at all.

Fang Xuening ran to her room excitedly when she saw everyone supporting her, and then saw Li Shuyao who was sleeping on her back...

Fang Xuening twitched the corners of her mouth, then ran back to her live broadcast room, and said to the audience in the live broadcast room: "She is too tired and is sleeping, please don't disturb her."

So, that night, Li Shuyao's private messages were very few, and her fan group was quiet all night, and even those who spoke sporadically were quickly silenced by the management.

Everyone tacitly gave Li Shuyao a quiet environment to rest.


The next morning at around eight o'clock, Li Shuyao woke up from her sleep... At this time, she was still a little confused. She woke up not because she was full of sleep, but because...

She wants to go to the bathroom.

Lying back on the bed, she was a little strange... What is it strange?

Li Shuyao sat on the bed and thought for a while...

It turned out that a certain white hair was not on the bed today!
No wonder she felt a little empty.

"Yeah, you're awake."

The door opened quietly, Baimao missed a moment, and then shrank back.

"What... what's going on." Li Shuyao tilted her head, always feeling that Fang Xuening is a little abnormal today, is there some tricky video?
Li Shuyao raised her eyebrows and suddenly became vigilant.

At this moment, her mobile phone rang suddenly.

She picked up her phone and took a look, suddenly there were countless @her people in her fan group.

"@书里的幻诗, I am willing to be the star that protects you."

"@书里的幻诗, I am willing to be the star that protects you."

"@书里的幻诗, I am willing to be the star that protects you."


The two fan groups swiped their screens in tacit agreement, and everyone kept repeating this sentence.

In the song, you sang that there is no star to protect you, only the night, but now, we are willing to be the star that protects you.

Li Shuyao blinked, and suddenly felt that her eyelids were moist, even though she copied the song, even though she didn't feel so wronged.

But at this moment, she was really touched...


Well, except for a certain white hair who was moved.

 Today is a day on duty~
  (Thanks to Qing Bin for the reward~ Meme~)

(End of this chapter)

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