Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 267 This World Really Has Geniuses

Chapter 267 This World Really Has Geniuses
"Huh..." Li Shuyao made another 360-degree turn in the air and landed smoothly. He was enthusiastically played by the audience on the spot, and all the judges gave him a perfect score of 99999!The difficulty factor is [-], breaking the world record!
"Wow, you are so powerful, can you tell us why you are so powerful." Tantai Jingyi rushed over, took a bottle of water as a microphone, and handed it to Li Shuyao.

"Hahaha, thank you for your encouragement and support, hahaha... low-key and low-key, in fact, I usually like this kind of exercise, right, this physical fitness has improved, and I can learn everything quickly, right, in fact, this It's nothing, haha."

Li Shuyao laughed while holding the plastic bottle:

"Well, I'm actually very excited to be able to win this championship today. After all, it's the first time I jumped on the bed. It's not right. It should be the second time. Haha, I fell on the bed the first time. A lot of people are laughing at me."

"But, I'm not discouraged, I thought about it, 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, don't bully the young and poor! Three years later, I will definitely return the Dragon King! God of war with crooked mouth...cough cough, this..."

"So, I stood up again, and I stood up again with everyone's hopes and expectations. I want to tell those who laugh at me, I! Li Shuyao! Standing here today is to tell everyone that I have lost, I have to take it back with my own hands!"

Li Shuyao waved her hand while talking, the scene was so excited, if it was accompanied by music or something, it would be a famous scene!

Look at the guys next to you, all of them jumped up excitedly after what Li Shuyao said!

Even the chow mein is getting excited...what the hell...

What are you doing here?

What about my speech?
Someone laughed at you when you fell down, so who is this insinuating!You still looked at me deliberately when you said that, didn't you!
What about a three-year agreement, what about Dragon King curling his lips, right?
You lay on the ground and didn't even arrive for three seconds. It's been three years?Why don't you say three lifetimes!
30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, Gan, it sounds like we bullied you, obviously you have been scaring us, okay!
This Li Shuyao is indeed too scary, how many surprises do they have to give them this day... Shocking, it has been scary since last night, and it is still scary until now.


Then Fried Rice saw Tantai Jingyi who was calm beside him.

Well, it seems that I'm used to this, and I don't look scared at all. So, I will become like this in the future? does it feel like I'm about to become like this now?

It seems that if something happens later, I can bear it... Uh, is this the legendary breakthrough of the bottom line?
Uh, no, no, it should be said that it just refreshed the three views!
But looking at the 6 team members who laughed and quarreled together after finishing speaking, Chao Nian felt that he had achieved his goal today, uh, it just felt a little redundant, it seemed that he could achieve it directly without using himself.

Forget it, it doesn't matter, let's just come out to play together, anyway, it seems that they have already regarded it as playing.

Well... I just came here to play.

"Let's go, let's dunk a blue, haha, I was thinking about dunking before, but I didn't play much last time."

It's almost time to play here, Tantai Jingyi waved her hand, and everyone followed her to dunk. She seems to have recovered her previous personality at this moment, looking like a big sister, leading everyone to play together.

"Haha, Jingyi, you definitely can't vote for me." Li Shuyao stepped on the trampoline and jumped out of the trampoline area.

"Come on, come on, I also practice every day, let's compare and see who is better." Tantai Jingyi laughed.

"I'll come too, I'll come too, haha, although I'm not as good as you guys, I'm definitely better than them." Coffee Bean said with a grin.

"Hey, I don't believe it, I used to play basketball a lot in school." Xiao Hui pinched his waist, thinking that he could do it too.

"Why don't I try it too." Xiao Ye pursed her lips and smiled.

Totoro didn't say anything, and walked over with the basketball.

There is not only one basket in this area, but seven or eight baskets lined up side by side, which are basically occupied by them all of a sudden. Seeing so many people coming here all of a sudden, some Players also came over with great interest.

Originally, this is the off-season on weekdays, and there are not too many people coming to play, so suddenly such a group of people came here, and they also set up cameras, which seemed to be shooting videos?

People who like to join in the fun followed suit.


"Huh? Is that a member of CR?"

"It seems so, they are all wearing CR's team uniform... I'll go, it's Uyo."

"Hey! Is this Yaoyao? Is this... the one who is flipping and dunking in the sky is Yaoyao?"

"No way... This is too fierce... This should be a member of the women's basketball team."

"Who is the rumor?"

"CR's team members, it was officially announced just now."

"Hey, I'm still the up master, that... let him do that, she and Xue'er sang it."

"Oh oh oh oh... I know, I know, it's the one who sings "I wish you a long time."


"I didn't expect that these young people are so versatile now, this... er... this... these two girls look very fierce, why don't the four boys next to them look like they are not very good at it?"

" seems to be the same, Yaoyao and Jingyi are so good, Yaoyao is stronger, Jingyi is a little bit worse, but her movements are also very chic, the four boys...well, they still need to work hard."


This trampoline slam dunk is more entertaining than the previous trampoline, and the movement is also very loud, so a few scattered people came to watch the excitement.

But well, everyone came to have fun, not to watch a show. After watching for a while, even asking about it, and taking a few photos, they all dispersed.

The rest of them still want to take a photo with Li Shuyao when she has had enough fun.

Li Shuyao's influence has gradually increased now. Under the subtle promotion of classmate Lu Yao, many people have heard her songs even if they don't know Li Shuyao.

Knowing that the person in front of him is the singer of the song he likes to listen to very much, even the trampoline coach walked over eagerly.

Miscalculation, if this person was the nursery rhyme in the book just now, he was ready to go up to take a group photo just now, but it's not too late, anyway, they are still planning to play here, there are plenty of opportunities!


When they came in, their mobile phones were all stored away. After all, it is not convenient to have mobile phones bouncing around here. Before the group photos were taken with CR’s camera, and then they can go to the CR base to pick them up.

At that time, people will make signed photos for them, both electronic and paper versions.

In any case, CR is absolutely sure about the fan economy.

Seeing the tired young man coming down to take photos with fans in turn, and seeing Li Shuyao still dunking dunks, Chow Noodle students couldn't help sighing: "There are really geniuses in this world..."

Tantai Jingyi, who was holding two bottles of sports drinks, walked over with a smile, handed a bottle of fried noodles and said with a smile: "Yaoyao has always been a genius."

(End of this chapter)

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