Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 277 This sword demon is a bit miserable

Chapter 277 This sword demon is a bit miserable

"No, in fact, we still don't know whether this position is for the top order."

Michen immediately overturned what he said before:

"Pantheon, Barrel, can all be used as top laners. Now the mid laner is definitely Victor, but as a support, these two heroes can also be played. These two heroes Coffee Bean have played, and both are still there. Had a good time.”

"Yes... and Yaoyao has never played before, and we don't know her hero pool very well, so the possibility of these two heroes swinging is still very high." Caramel also nodded: "Let's watch Yaoyao now. What is Utai's tactical position?"

"Oh, here TY chose Sword Demon and Demon Girl, Caramel, if Sword Demon is the top laner, if the opponent is a wine barrel, what do you think of this matchup?" Mi Chen laughed.

"The barrel is a little disadvantaged, but the barrel and this hero can fight anything, it is more oily, but I think if the rumor is more aggressive, you can choose Qinggangying, Kenan is not bad, Pan Sen go Jungle, wine barrel to support." Caramel said.

"Let's see... Oh, sure enough, Qing Gang Ying was locked in the end. In fact, I was really looking forward to Yaoyao's coming out of Sword Fairy. Isn't Sword Fairy the most convenient hero she used before?" Mi Chen laughed.

"Indeed, in this first game, let's see how Yaoyao's performance is." Caramel also said with a smile.

"Okay, the match between the two sides has officially started. Neither side has designed a first-level team, but they are honestly standing against each other." Mi Chen smiled.

"It seems that there shouldn't be too much friction in the early stage..." Caramel also nodded.

The two sides did indeed, as the two commentators said, there was not much friction in the early stage, and they basically developed peacefully. After all, it was the first game of the Spring Split, and it was even the first LPL game of Li Shuyao's life. At the beginning, everyone Still a little careful.

But until the 7th minute, TY couldn't help it:

"Hey, TY called the jungler and support to come and wander around. The target is Qinggang Ying who is on the road. Seeing that you Yaoyao played LPL for the first time, I plan to give you a big gift bag." Mi Chen smiled: "This If Bo Yaoyao doesn't realize it, it should be more catastrophic."

"Xiao Ye is still in the red zone, and there is still a little distance from the road, but if she leans here immediately, there is still a chance to rescue her." Caramel said.

"This Yaoyao is aware of it. Olaf and the Goddess of Dawn have hit a fruit, and Yaoyao retreated directly. It seems that this time it can't be played again." Mi Chen slammed his mouth: "Do both sides want to keep a steady pace?" Is it too late?"

"Here, Pan Sen was waiting in the grass above the red zone. Olaf and Shuguang walked past him. Seeing that the other side, Nosuke, had withdrawn, Pan he came...Pan Sen's first big move!"

Caramel saw that after Pan Sen let Olaf and Shuguang go, he took off with a big move to seal the sword demon's back, and Qing Gangying also kicked up directly at this time, and blocked the sword demon with a big move.

Immediately afterwards, Mi Chen also said:
"CR caught TY's short-lived flaw, and directly used a big move to keep the Sword Demon. In place, Qinggangying got a blood!"

"At the same time, we saw that the middle lane also completed a duel. Jingyi successfully beat the opponent to a residual blood. If this continues, Nosuke will not be able to pose a threat to the middle lane. Jingyi only needs to retreat to the tower and rely on Nosuke alone. Two people are not enough to kill Victor."

Caramel followed suit and said:

"Besides, CR's bottom lane directly suppressed Jhin when the opponent's support was not there. Jhin began to lean upwards, and CR's bottom lane began to eat tapas. He caught this little flaw of TY, and CR suddenly It opened things up."

Mi Chen nodded and said: "That's true, but TY's reaction is also very fast. Since I can't catch the middle lane, I won't catch it. The bottom lane Jhin came to put pressure on Jingyi, and then the two brothers Nosuke turned to fight the canyon pioneer."

Caramel said: "CR has gone through a wave of confrontation, and the personnel are relatively scattered. This pioneer should not be able to compete. Go home and sort out the wave... There will be no resources in the future, and it should be another period of development."

In the next two to three minutes, the two sides developed steadily again. However, there was some confrontation in the stability, but there was no burst of kills. However, from the three perspectives, CR formed a little suppression on TY.

"Xiaolong swiped again. I don't know if this wave of Xiaoye will fight for another wave. Hey, no, looking at the direction, do you want two, two, three, four to come again? This seems to be another wave of strong fight what."

Caramel looked at Pan Sen, who had already brushed Xiaolong, but ignored it, and turned his head to go on the road. Pan Sen was a little speechless, good guy, are you really not going to farm wild control resources, you just go on the road like this.

However, Li Shuyao's game is indeed very powerful, and she has already beaten more than 20 knives. Although she was helped a lot in the early stage, her strength is already quite good. Don't forget that this is her first top-level league game. The game has already reached this level at this time, what kind of energy will explode when you get familiar with this arena in the future?
"Here it comes, Qing Gangying directly kicked out the sword demon's flash, the sword demon had already abandoned the tower and was about to run away, but it seemed that CR didn't want to let him go at all, Pan Sen's ultimate move fell again, Immediately keeping the sword demon, Qinggangying also released a big move... Killed and was taken down by Qinggangying again!"

Michen said:

"At this moment, TY received Xiaolong's decision to switch to CR's bottom lane, but Totoro and Coffee Bean evacuated in time, and Jingyi also restrained the enchantress in the middle lane. "

Caramel followed up and said:

"The canyon vanguard should be placed in the bottom lane, but I don't know if I can harvest a blood tower... Oh, the female gun has used a big move to sweep the soldiers, so it should be over after hitting the head. This is still very profitable for CR, although losing Xiaolong was raised, but a fat Ueno was raised."

Mi Chen nodded: "The situation is still balanced now, but the successive waves of TY's offensive have been subtly resolved by CR, but CR's offensive TY has not been able to solve it. If this happens, TY's rhythm will be broken."

"Yeah, this sword demon... is too miserable, Qing Gangying has already taken out the mythical outfit, and now he has a net loss in his hand." Caramel smacked his lips: "The gap is too big. "

"Yeah, the gap in the top lane has been widened, and this sword demon may not be very effective." Mi Chen also sighed: "Yao Yao played very well in the first game, and directly formed a strong counterpoint suppression. .”

Then there was another period of operation, TY failed to take down the blood tower, CR directly changed lanes, and Li Shuyao ran to the bottom lane. At this time, the Sword Demon could no longer match up with her, and Li Shuyao successfully dismantled it. A blood tower, don't want the fat ones.

"Hahaha, brothers, let's wait for a group in the middle lane. I'll put pressure on the bottom lane first, and then go directly through their red zone." Li Shuyao went home to replenish her equipment, and then returned to the bottom lane.

She already has one and a half pieces, plus a pair of iron shoes, which can be said to be able to fight and resist. The opponent's sword demon myth costume has just come out, and the shoes are still straw sandals.

She has the confidence to call you seven in and seven out directly!

(End of this chapter)

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