Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 280 Interview, Interview, Interview

Chapter 280 Interview, Interview, Interview
"Huh? Really interview me..." Li Shuyao was a little dazed when she saw the beautiful lady in cheongsam, Zhen Yu, coming over with a small notebook.

She had just come out of the bathroom...

The opponent in the last round really took good care of her. After the jungler came, the support came, and the support came to the mid lane, and even the mid lane and the jungler came together later, it was crazy!
She was so scared that she stepped off the stage and hurried to the bathroom.

If they hadn't played the mid lane so badly in order to catch her, she would have thought that the opponent had copied her main top lane tactic, but the opponent was a crocodile... Li Shuyao wouldn't have chosen this hero with obvious shortcomings if he was the main top laner.

It is indeed very strong in the early and mid-term, but in the later stage, whether it is a solo belt or a team, it is not enough.

Of course, if you are fat enough in the early stage, it is also possible, but if your crocodile is so fat in the early stage, you should not be able to hit the late stage.

So the opponent didn't adopt the tactic of raising the top laner, but came to help all the time because they chose the crocodile, and they were obviously too hasty, and they lost their minds to help the crocodile...

Li Shuyao always felt that the help from the other side was more or less a grievance from the previous game.

As for the interview, she was a little bit mentally prepared before, but when it was her turn, she was still somewhat nervous.

Although I usually face so many people during the live broadcast every day, I can't see it, because there are so many people in this stage.

"Go ahead, you've been waiting for an interview, haha." Jing Yi yelled at Li Shuyao, and she played very well in the second set. Although it was a bit of a pity that she didn't get the MVP, she won I am still very happy.

"Really, haha, what else is going on?" Zhen Yu laughed.

"Ahem, this, just kidding, kidding, isn't it to cheer up the momentum before the game." Li Shuyao quickly waved his hand.

The more famous she is, the more she needs to keep a low profile. Although she is still far behind those big anchors with tens of millions of fans, up and those stars with hundreds of millions of fans. what.

Gone with the wind starts bit by bit, and caution should be the norm!
It doesn't matter if you talk about some things in private, but you must not float in front of the public.

"Haha, I was afraid that she would be nervous, so I made her happy."

Tantai Jingyi hugged Li Shuyao and patted her on the shoulder lightly, bringing the topic to herself, so that the feeling of arrogance turned into a tease that the senior cared about the younger generation...

"Then you do the interview well, I'm going to prepare a small gift or something."

"These are some questions I'm going to ask later, please see if there's anything inappropriate." Zhen Yu smiled and showed Li Shuyao the questions he had prepared, and didn't care about the little interaction between Li Shuyao and Jing Yi .

Disclose the questions in advance, one is to see if the other party is unwilling to answer, and the other is to let the other party get familiar with it, so as not to get stuck on stage.

Li Shuyao glanced at it, and there was nothing tricky about it, it was just about some problems in the previous game, and some problems related to the identity of the up master, mainly to praise her.

"No problem." Li Shuyao nodded. It seems that e-sports is relatively friendly to the players. The host is actually not a professional reporter, so he won't ask those difficult questions.

And this Zhen Yu...

She also looks very kind, you see this big sister smiles so pretty, she must be a good person!
After receiving the notice from the director, the two of them walked towards the stage together. Zhen Yu said with a smile as he walked, "We can just chat like normal after a while, just be more natural, the audience is quite tolerant of us. , By the way, we can't scold people, haha..."

Along the way, Li Shuyao still had a good impression of Zhen Yu. She was probably afraid that Li Shuyao would be nervous, so she kept chatting with her to ease her emotions.

The effect was obvious, and Li Shuyao's little nervousness gradually disappeared, and when they walked down the stage, the two of them were already talking and laughing, very naturally.

After the two of them took the stage, the crowd quickly boiled over. Just like Li Shuyao won the MVP before, her fans were excitedly holding up her lights, banners, and even emoticons, shouting from the audience.

Li Shuyao smiled and waved her hands. It's really a good feeling to be face to face with fans.

"Welcome to the post-match interview. I'm the host Zhen Yu. We invited Yaoyao to accept the interview. Come to Yaoyao and say hello to everyone." Zhen Yu smiled.

"Hi everyone, I'm Shan Yao from CR." Li Shuyao said with a smile.

"Okay, today is Yaoyao's first time on the lpl stage, and she won the MVP for the first time, how does it feel?" Zhen Yu asked with a smile.

"It feels pretty good." Li Shuyao smiled and said, "I'm very happy to win."

"We saw in the first game that Xiao Ye mainly helped you to build an advantage. Did you have any communication?"

"At that time I yelled, I said Xiao Ye, if you don't come, I will die for you! Then he came." Li Shuyao laughed and said: "It's the first competition, it's a bit scary, and then Just call someone, I’m sure I’m not afraid of two hitting one, haha.”

"Haha, it turned out that Xiao Ye was called over by you. Then in the second round, I think you were targeted a bit miserably. Why didn't you call Xiao Ye to come over and help out?" Zhen Yu continued to ask.

"Ang, I think, maybe in the second set everyone wants to say welcome to lpl, right? Xiao Ye said that he always helped me in the set, but I even snatched away the MVP. In this set, he plans to Go help those who can't compete with him for the MVP, and then just keep going to help Jingyi." Li Shuyao slammed her mouth: "I feel like I'll starve him twice when I go back."

"Hahaha, so it's because of the MVP."

"That is, there is a tradition in our team that the MVP must be won by oneself." Li Shuyao pursed her lips and smiled, and suddenly had the illusion that she was not on stage for an interview, but to chat with the young lady... er, chat.

Well, I am also a young lady.

Hiss... suddenly he felt less serious.

"Hahaha, yes...the atmosphere in the team is very friendly." Zhen Yu laughed.

"Well, old harmony."

"Then the next question, we all know, Yaoyao, you switched from being an up master to playing professionally. Why did you think of playing professionally before? Will it be very stressful if you switch over?" Zhen Yu continued to ask.

"When I came here, I naturally felt that I wanted to do something. After all, I am still young, and I still have unlimited possibilities. I want to try many things. After living a life, right, I want to be in a different world. to break through the field.”

Li Shuyao smiled and said:

"As for the pressure, there must be some. After all, it is cross-border, but I am still very confident in my strength, and I am also very confident in my teammates. I think we should be able to win more victories together. So, I think when it comes up again and again, the pressure goes away."

"In addition, I am very grateful to the audience who have been with me all the time. I have seen your encouragement and support in the group again and again. I am really grateful to you. Thank you for always supporting me no matter what I am doing."

"thank you all."

 The second dream last night was very interesting. It should have two layers of dreams. The first layer was that I took a taxi out of the city to meet a friend, and then someone said that the city had to report during the epidemic, and I suddenly laughed Dao, tell that person that this is in a dream... But after waking up, it is still in a dream. It is in the dream that I developed the ability to meet in a dream, and two people can meet across the urban area in the dream...

(End of this chapter)

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