Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 282 Anyway, it's... quite abrupt

Chapter 282 Anyway, it's... quite abrupt

"Congratulations, you've won your first victory, and you're finally proud, haha, this has changed many people's attitudes." Fang Xuening smiled and talked to Li Shuyao while stroking Brother Gou's little head. Said.

"It's okay, but it's just a one-off show. I think there will still be hard-talking. It's not so easy to get everyone's approval." Li Shuyao was also lying on Tantai Jingyi's beanbag sofa, while embracing Jingyi He said to Fang Xuening with a smile.

"Yaoyao played these two well, there should be many people talking to her." Tantai Jingyi said with a smile: "Hmph, come and grab the MVP from me."

"Hahaha, although I'm talking nonsense about the other things in the interview, I'm serious about one thing." Li Shuyao laughed.

"What?" Lu Yao raised his eyebrows. She also watched the previous interview. Overall, it was very good, with all kinds of positive energy, right, the atmosphere on the Internet has changed a lot.

Who doesn't like such a girl who is beautiful, powerful, humble and positive.

"MVP has to be won by yourself, haha..."

"Then let's compete next time to see who can win the MVP." Tantai Jingyi glared.

"Haha, okay, my goal is the MVP of the regular season, haha."

"By the way, Yaoyao, you have also been selected as one of the top [-] this time. I sent a photo of you to the past. Will you be able to receive the award at the time?" Lu Yao asked.

"It's really rated." Li Shuyao was somewhat pleasantly surprised.

"Sure, how influential you were in the second half of last year." Fang Xuening rolled her eyes: "You have so many collaboration videos and so many new songs, and now you are the most popular in the music section."

"Haha, Uncle is interesting enough. I signed a contract with him for nothing." Li Shuyao laughed and said, "I probably won't be able to go now, the spring competition has started, I can't throw away this place to receive the award, so I will record a video Bar."

"Well, that's fine." Lu Yao nodded.

There are always some faceless ups who will record a video or something. For example, an up master who is addicted to changing various hamster avatars. He is also a very high-quality up. However, he does not show his face. !
Li Shuyao would show her face, because she had thought about becoming a professional before, so she didn't hide it. Anyway, she has graduated, and if she is still in school, she still chooses not to show her face.

"Hey, there is another match the day after tomorrow, against last year's runner-up." Li Shuyao smacked her mouth.

"That's right, they overturned today's only S+ in the first match. How about it? This proves that I am strong enough." Fang Xuening said with a smile.

"Hey, you watched it too." Tantai Jingyi asked in surprise.

"of course……"

"Meow!" You've all been talking for so long, it's my turn!
Brother Gou saw a few people start chattering again, and had no tendency to stop at all, so he quickly stepped in, stood directly in front of the camera, and took a picture of his big face on the phone.

Li Shuyao: "..." Your whole face is turned up, what can I look at?
"Brother Gou, step back." Fang Xuening pulled Brother Gou back, and then faced the camera: "Hey, what do you want to tell your mother."

"Meow, meow, meow, meow..." After seeing Li Shuyao, Brother Gou began to yell non-stop, just like an abandoned kitten seeing its owner who abandoned it. How tragic.

Li Shuyao: "..."

"As for what, every time you make a video, you come over and yell, as if I abandoned you." Li Shuyao was speechless. It can't be said that it is a daily video these days, and it is also often with Fang Xuening. Let's chat by web-cam.

And every time Brother Gou would come over and bark so miserably...

"Meow meow meow!" Brother Gou waved his paw, pointed at the camera and pointed at himself.

"What do you want to express?" Li Shuyao scratched her head. It's a bit troublesome if she can't speak. How about changing the gene so that it can speak?

Uh, no, no, that's too shocking, what if it is captured and sliced ​​for research.

"It should mean... You choose to go out to play, or choose it." Tantai Jingyi said calmly.

"Meow!" Brother Gou nodded in affirmation.

Lu Yao: "..."

Fang Xuening: "..."

Li Shuyao: "..."

How do you know what it means?And why did you nod your head so calmly? When did you two have such a tacit understanding?
"Why are you all looking at me like this? It's normal. After spending a long time with Brother Gou, you'll understand. It's very simple." Tantai Jingyi shrugged.

Fang Xuening: "..."

You look like I'm stupid, you know, you're not at home, that guy Lu Yao also goes to work during the day, and I'm at home with Brother Gou every day now, it's been a month, and I still don't understand what this guy is talking about.

No, it's normal not to understand. Well, I still don't quite understand why you can speak across languages.

"Meow Mimi!" Brother Gou pushed Fang Xuening's face aside.

"Oh, Brother Gou said don't interrupt me, who should I choose!" Tantai Jingyi took the position of translator on her own initiative.

"I choose obtuse angles."

Dog brother:"???"

What are you talking about? You never taught me this. What is an obtuse angle?You don't even teach me!

"Okay, okay, you just stay at home, I'll be back in two days." Li Shuyao thought about it, and she can go back during the Chinese New Year in February, and the game will be off then.

But before that, there are still a few tough battles to be fought, so even though there will be a rest day before that, she doesn't plan to go back.

Anyway, during this period of time, there will be one video update per week, one for music, one for food, and two for games, just right!
The music is done in advance, the food is filmed in the base and submitted jointly with CR, the game video is edited and the content of the live broadcast... perfect!
So Li Shuyao really couldn't go back for a while.

"Practice well. I think the atmosphere on the Internet has changed today. After we have given some guidance, we can gradually reverse it. In addition, the New Year's Day Festival is almost the same. You said in an interview after the game. Come out, station B is quite happy." Lu Yao said with a smile.

Li Shuyao said it here, and by the way, he also promoted the New Year's greetings at Station B. Although the size of Station B is very large, and it has gradually explored the field of e-sports in the past few years, it is naturally better to have one more publicity .

Not to mention anything else, in fact, Li Shuyao gave a wave of publicity to station B after going to play professionally. If she has achieved higher achievements, station B will definitely promote her crazily...

Maybe I want her to play professionally in the team under Station B.

"Cough cough... Isn't this a kick by the way?" Li Shuyao slammed her mouth, she signed a contract with Station B anyway, so it's okay to mention it...

"Wait, are you talking about you?" Li Shuyao raised her eyebrows: "You and Station B?"

"No, Zhen Hong and I live on the live platform." Lu Yao shrugged.

"Huh?" Li Shuyao blinked: "Why, isn't their platform hacking me all the time?"

"Oh...their platform suddenly changed its nature a while ago, and it started to raise the banner of justice in the live broadcast circle..." Lu Yao shrugged: "I don't know what happened to their boss, was quite sudden ..."

 Last night I went to the bar (Qing Bar) for the first time in my life and tried it out. I drank three cocktails, Martini, Xinghai, and Whiskey Sour. It's sour and bitter, the martini is against the sky, a smell of pine leaves...

  However, probably because of going to work tomorrow, I have been the only customer since I arrived, and it feels like I have reserved the place, chatting with the bartender for two hours.

  It may also be because I came early, I went home at 9:[-]...

(End of this chapter)

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