Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 289 Who doesn't have a tool person anymore

Chapter 289 Who doesn't have a tool person anymore

To open a new pit to record the fragments of life in CR is actually Li Shuyao's idea before, but this idea has not been so mature all the time, she is thinking about what she wants to record.

Is it to record the pain of training, the sadness of failure, or the joy of victory?

Now she probably has an idea... She doesn't care about what she has, she can record whatever she wants to record, it's her own life anyway, so why think so much!
If you want to cook today, you can cook, and tomorrow you can dance if you want to dance. Why do you have to have a theme to record your life? You can record whatever you want.

Anyway, life is such a thing, you never know what will happen in the next second.

For example, Li Shuyao was just going to take a picture of these people dancing before, but she didn't expect to be dragged to dance together. Although it is such a simple dance as the money grabbing dance, it is still her first dance in the video!The last time I was with Nan Yiyi was actually more about martial arts...

It was done like this without any preparation before, and it is a little exciting to think about it.

After packing up her things and returning to the base excitedly, she saw several other people looking at her with strange eyes...

"Uh... I was shooting a video." Li Shuyao smacked her mouth: "If I say that I didn't actually want to dance, it was purely an accident, do you believe it or not?"

"I believe you are a ghost." Tantai Jingyi gave Li Shuyao a white look: "I'm afraid you have long wanted to dance with me, I see you eager to try every day."

"I think so too." Coffee Bean nodded approvingly.

"Hmm..." Xiao Ye, Xiao Hui and Totoro also nodded together.

"Oh, no, uh... Well, I'm going to record an award-winning video." Li Shuyao ran away in a hurry.

Uh, why does the word "one come, two go" suddenly feel so familiar, hiss...Did Lu Yao use this word all the time last night?

Fuck, it seems that I have to be stable in the future, and I can't go back and forth again!

This word is too dangerous!
Be firm!Be firm!

Before the training started, Li Shuyao changed her clothes first, then ran to the conference room, and then stood under the CR logo to start recording a video, that is, the acceptance speech of the top [-] up masters.

"Hi everyone, I am your assorted district up master, the nursery rhyme in the book, I am very surprised to be able to get this top [-] up masters, thank you very much for your kindness, but it is a pity that I can't come because I am in a competition Going to the awards ceremony."

"Being able to get everyone's love is the luckiest thing for me, or that sentence, I am very grateful to everyone for silently supporting me no matter what choice I make, and giving me the motivation to keep going."

"I will also use practical actions to tell everyone, believe me, it must be right."

"Although I am in the professional arena now, my videos will not stop, and my songs will not stop. In the future, I will continue to dedicate more good songs, more wonderful operations, and more delicious food for everyone. Food... of course, and maybe a few other things."

"The future has infinite possibilities, and I have many, many other ideas in my mind. Maybe I will extend my tentacles into more other fields, but it has not been confirmed yet, so I will not dig holes in advance here."

"Finally, thank you very much for your support, then, see you in the next video."

After the recording, Li Shuyao nodded in satisfaction, she probably didn't say anything out of the ordinary, tsk tsk, as expected, she is already a mature up master, and she can already complete such interview-like things very naturally.

And last night's side-talking, tsk tsk, I got what I wanted to know without any problems, I really am a genius!

After recording the two videos, Li Shuyao directly uploaded the two videos to the network disk and threw them to Lu Yao...

The recording is finished, but the next step is editing and some effects. She doesn't have time now, so she will leave it to the tool man!

Early in the morning... At noon, Lu Yao who just got up was sitting on the bed holding his mobile phone like an old man on the subway...

It’s not why this person recorded so many videos early in the morning, are you training camp?Are you playing professionally?Why do you feel like you are idle every day, I am going to rest today, why did you throw two videos at me?

Damn, why do I suddenly have the feeling of being called up to work by the boss during the holidays? I... my boss... uh, my boss never seems to care about me...

Lu Yao scratched his head. He was the only one in the company. The leaders basically never cared about their own team. In the past, their team was still the one with the lowest efficiency in the company.

But since Pangshang...uh, after signing Li Shuyao, his performance has skyrocketed, and Fang Xuening's performance has also improved.

Taking advantage of the convenience of being able to easily obtain the copyright of Li Shuyao's songs, the other members of his subordinates began to increase in popularity. It can be said that their team is now almost revolving around Li Shuyao.

Now many teams in the company are jealous of her. If it weren't for Lu Yao's tricks, maybe Li Shuyao would have been taken away by other teams.

After all, in her hands, Li Shuyao can be said to be free in all kinds of ways, doing whatever she wants, if this is in the hands of other teams, it is impossible for Li Shuyao to be so carefree now.

Look at how many commercials Li Shuyao has only accepted?How many times have you collaborated with others in music creation?And if you don't write songs at home well, why go out and play a job?
Wouldn't it be good to run more announcements, answer more commercials, and write more songs for others in this time?
"Oh...that's me. If you were someone else, would you be able to let you be so free?" Lu Yao slapped his mouth, feeling that he owed this guy in his previous life.

Then she turned her head and looked at Fang Xuening who was still soundly asleep...

Well, I owe these two goods!

Neither of these two is good!
The reason why I am so salty is that I was brought up by these people!
Hmph, but... my mother is off today, no one wants me to work overtime!You treat me like a tool person, as if I don't have a tool person!
These days, there are no two tool people.

"Hey, Yun Li, haha, I'm editing a video... That's just right, you go to the online disk to download one... Yes, it's Yaoyao's. I just took a quick look at it. It's very simple, not very It's complicated, yes, just edit it a little bit, yes, yes... come on, I'm optimistic about you~"

After finishing speaking, Lu Yao hung up the phone directly, threw the phone aside, and continued to lie down comfortably!

Even if Li Shuyao shoots any more videos for me, I will leave them to the tools!

Today I rest, no one wants me to move!

"Pa..." Fang Xuening turned around and kicked Lu Yao, and Lu Yao who was lying on the bed just now was kicked under the bed gorgeously.

Lu Yao: "..."

I said I can't live with this white hair!
This guy is not honest at all every day, so he can't stay there properly!
I don't know how Li Shuyao lived so peacefully with this white hair, did he fight at night while sleeping?

(End of this chapter)

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