Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 292 7 consecutive victories

Chapter 292 Seven consecutive victories

CR, which won another victory, can be said to have a great momentum. If TY was only the bottom team in the league before, then this team that just won the world runner-up last year is definitely the top team in the league. Thinking that CR can still win against SU surprised many people...

For example, there is no commentary task today, and then I have been commenting on the game in my live broadcast room.

"CR played really well today... This Yaoyao actually won two MVPs, probably the one with the most MVPs in CR so far."

Ge Li smashed his mouth and said:

"This is also reasonable. Didn't I just say it before? CR's other points are very stable. The main thing is to see if the effect can be achieved in the top lane. If it can be achieved, the top four in the playoffs are all You can look forward to it, if you can’t play, it’s just at the level of just entering the playoffs.”

"Don't underestimate the gap of one point. If CR's top laner is pierced, basically no strong team can win. How strong is the top laner of lpl now."

"Now Yaoyao can be regarded as proving herself. Not only is she not a weak point in the team, but she is also the one who can stand up and carry the game. Now the strength of the team has been raised."

"But now is the beginning of the season, so don't jump to conclusions so early, just wait and watch a few more games. If Yaoyao can continue to be so stable, CR will be there this season."

"And as far as I know, Yaoyao uses the most heroes Jian Ji and Lucian in the rankings. Let's go on the road. We haven't seen these two heroes until now."

"Today I did a job for everyone and played a top order... This shows that Yaoyao is very confident in her own strength, and the fried noodle coach also trusts her very much."

"Judging from the tactical play of these two games, I feel that CR is not playing around Jingyi at present, but a bit like playing around Yaoyao."

"I think this is a very bold attempt. People play around star players. They play around a star... Hahaha, just kidding, but it's not wrong to say that Yaoyao is a star, right? Her song was used in the promotional video for the opening of the Spring Split."

Ge Li smiled and interacted with the barrage:
"Look, CR's current momentum is quite good. Let's see what the games were like a few years ago. You should be able to see this season clearly... huh? Are the rumors too big? Let me see what……"

Ge Li skillfully opened station B, then switched to the page of nursery rhymes in the book, and then saw the outrageous photo of P's thief on her page.

In the photo, Li Shuyao is playing the piano with his left hand and a rice shovel in his right, with the image of Sword Fairy behind him.

"Good guy, really, haha, this is the first top [-] in our e-sports circle...Is it right? I don't know, but it must be the first top [-] to play professionally. It should be nothing. question."

Ge Li smacked his mouth:

"Sometimes it's a genius. You really can't tell. She's just turned 18. It's really hard to imagine what she will be like in the future."

"Hey, Yaoyao has released a new video. Let's take a look at it. After watching it, we will download it... This video will not be delayed in the game of Yaoyao, haha."

"It's a joint submission with CR again...Dancing with everyone... Haha, this profession of Yaoyao is really interesting. Those who don't know think they eat, drink and have fun every day, right? I don't know what she is. Not trying to confuse us, lol."

Ge Li naturally knew what it was like for professional players to train. To put it bluntly, more than 90.00% of the audience here couldn't stand it.

"This video is quite interesting, haha, this should be the employees in the CR club, it's quite distinctive to dance together every morning."

After watching the 6-minute video in one go, Ge Li smiled and said:
"Actually, I really admire Yaoyao. An up owner in the music area with nearly 500 million fans can voluntarily give up her comfort zone, come out to play professionally, and seek new breakthroughs. She can obviously just sing, but in I jumped out of the rising period of my career to play professionally.”

"It's really rare for a girl to directly join CR under such great pressure and become the starting top laner."

"Oh, don't you always think so... Right, people just say it."

"To be honest, in fact, not everyone has this kind of courage, and it's not just courage, they are really capable. If you look at these few games, they played really well."

"Although she hasn't been able to fully demonstrate her oppressive power in the rankings, this is a top-level professional arena after all, and she has just come up. I believe that she should be able to play better and better."

"Okay, okay, let's stop here today, slip away."


Li Shuyao's outstanding performance has made her crazy fans in the e-sports circle. After two games, a large number of CR fans have been attracted by her.

The number of her fans is also on the rise...

Well, the number of Weibo fans.

Because the number of fans of a certain official account at station B is not as high as that of Li Shuyao.

However, many people still play on both sides, so posting a video after the victory highlights the rubbing against each other... The number of CR official fans on station B is also rising.

And the speed of this fan increase suddenly increased under the addition of two things.

The first one was the Top [-] awards ceremony. Although Li Shuyao couldn't make it to the scene, she also posted a video. In the video, she was wearing a CR team uniform with a big CR logo on the back. The publicity effect was outstanding!
Almost all the users watching the top [-] awards are the users of station B. If all the fans of these [-] ups are gathered together, it is basically the same as the usual active users of station B.

So many people suddenly found out... Hey, it seems that I haven't followed CR's official account yet, so CR immediately gained a wave of fans.

As for the second thing, it's even easier...

In these 7 games before CR, except for the first two games, the other 5 games also won all the games. CR has achieved a staggering seven consecutive victories, directly for those who are going to read CR jokes Senseless.

And Li Shuyao also crazily harvested 10 MVPs in these 4 small games. During this time, she has gradually let go, and her top lane style has changed from the previous steady to extremely fierce.

This is actually a double-edged sword. Li Shuyao's deaths have increased, but solo kills have also increased. The top laners who were beaten up by Li Shuyao in these few games are a little suspicious of life...

The most important thing is that she is not the only one on the road.

Regardless of the jungler coming, the mid laner support will come in turn, anyway, you will never stop until you are knocked out on the road.

Moreover, after the support left, Totoro became obscene, and basically abandoned the tower when the person came, which was called decisive...

But, he is very good at stealing development. Once it is delayed to the later stage, he can show you why the fist has been weakening AD... The remaining few MVPs are basically divided between him and Xiaoye.

So everyone was surprised to find that although Jingyi and Coffee Dou are old players in the team, in the first few games, the three newly joined players can be said to have stole the limelight and directly brought CR to the first place in the regular season. s position.

CR has not been to this position for a long, long time.

 The dream last night was probably a dream of going back to high school. The teacher was lecturing on it. I was going to find a notebook to record it. After searching for a long time, either the notebook was full, or the notebook could not be used at all. I am in a hurry...

(End of this chapter)

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