Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 296 Brother Gou Will Bathe Other Kittens Too

Chapter 296 Brother Gou Will Bathe Other Kittens Too

Although Li Shuyao was very curious about what Brother Gou saw, she still didn't stop her hand, bursts of seductive... Uh, the cat-attracting scent gradually wafted out, and at this time she also heard that there seemed to be two people outside. the sound of a cat.

The other cat's voice was a bit low, and if Li Shuyao hadn't turned it on, she wouldn't be able to hear it clearly in the room, but she was a little curious about what kind of cat was outside.

Generally speaking, Brother Gou will beat up those wild cats who meet for the first time. After all, it is impossible for you to reason with wild creatures. In the minds of wild creatures, there are only conquering and being conquered... Eat and be eaten...

As for a certain degree of symbiosis, each takes what he needs.

That is the principle of nature, not the principle of animals.

It is human beings who create new principles outside of the natural world.

Therefore, the one who can reason with the little cat should be an acquaintance of Brother Gou... If he is familiar with the cat, then there is no problem. Since he is a friend of his little cat, he should invite him in to eat something.

As for why there is surprise in the meowing sound, it may be that Brother Gou felt a little surprised that this guy ran to her house to lie on the window at night. Anyway, Brother Gou, this little girl has always been full of emotions, and she will add drama to herself from time to time.

However, my side is already so fragrant, it stands to reason that the two kittens should come in and wait for food, Brother Gou is not the kind of kitten who can resist the temptation of food.

Of course, it’s okay later, anyway, cats can’t eat very hot food, and it’s more in line with the cat’s taste to eat after cooling down, and it’s not good yet.

Li Shuyao lamented while making cat food, Brother Gou has really grown up, he knows that the meal is not ready, so he came in in a hurry, unlike before, every time he was cooking, he walked around in circles.


She heard the faucet in the front yard seem to be turned on.


That thing is for watering the green plants in the front yard. Although the front yard is not big, there are also some flowers and plants. Usually, the faucet in the front yard is used to water things.

But well.

After pouring frozen water before, it has not been watered for a long time. Anyway, it will rain from time to time, and there will be snowflakes, but generally speaking, there is no shortage of water.

The faucets are basically spare, and the water is rarely turned on.

Brother Gou, what are you doing by turning on the faucet?
Li Shuyao's head was full of question marks. Except for drinking water, Brother Gou usually stays far away from the water. Taking a bath is like killing him. Why did you take the initiative to turn on the faucet in the front yard today?
Li Shuyao didn't care, she usually wouldn't stop when she was cooking, it would easily interrupt the rhythm, and if the rhythm was interrupted, the food would not be able to achieve the best texture and taste.

Yaoyao is a person who pursues perfection... Well, at least in cooking, she will not let her food have any flaws, this is disrespect for food!

As a food up owner, no matter who you want to cook for, you must respect the ingredients in your hands. It is these things that allow us to live!So those who don't respect food, those who waste food should starve them for a few days!

She always felt that those kind of people would be full if they were full, and they would be fine if they starved for a few days.

Thinking about it this way, Li Shuyao suddenly felt that she had become taller.

Until the delicious cat food was made, Li Shuyao didn't care what happened there, anyway, he could hear Brother Gou's voice all the time, and it seemed that Brother Gou was educating the other party all the time.

So it seems...

Maybe Brother Gou thinks that familiar cat is too dirty, so he is bathing that familiar cat?
Tsk tsk, brother Gou has also started to love cleanliness. Sure enough, my hard work has not been in vain!

Li Shuyao happily took out the prepared cat food and put it aside to dry. Anyway, she made a lot this time, enough for two kittens to eat for a day or two.

Anyway, this stuff won't go bad in a day or two. Kittens like to eat cooler food. From the taste to the nutrition, it definitely beats those so-called high-end cat food.

Well, maybe premium cat food tastes the same when it's first made.

But how can the taste made by the machine be compared to a person like her, hum.

After making the cat food, Li Shuyao walked out the door curiously. It has been flushing for so long, why hasn't it finished?

She doesn't worry about wasting anything. The water used for watering flowers is originally a circulating water pipe, which is different from normal drinking water and tap water.

Uh... her house has two pipes for drinking water and other water.

So in fact, there are at least three pipelines under her house.

In addition, the water also flows into the green belt, so it doesn't matter, just treat it as watering the flowers.


It's the beginning of February now, and the pipes are filled with cold water. She heard the kitten's voice getting weaker and weaker. Brother Gou really wants to freeze the kitten to death?
Hiss, this is not acceptable.

Although Li Shuyao has no objection to Brother Gou going out to fight, it doesn't mean that he can let him abuse other small animals.

She has studied kittens and knows that kittens always like to play with their prey when food is plentiful. Well, for example, a certain Jerry who can never die... Although it is natural, but as a kind kitten, A literate kitten should never play with other animals.

If you want to play, there are still many toys at home.

Of course, the most important thing is that Li Shuyao thinks that Brother Gou won't like to eat raw meat outside, so it's not for hunting, it's purely for entertainment.

Hunting is okay, pastime... Well, there are toys at home!

Li Shuyao feels that she has a sense of justice in the past two days, maybe because she has been a physical education teacher for a month, and she always wants to educate others...

Hiss, this is not good.

In the future, except Brother Gou, I will not educate anyone!

Well, at most Fang Xuening...uh, and Jingyi...well, at most, I can also bring Sister Lu, um, and the four guys in the team!

All my friends!
Then Li Shuyao opened the door and saw Brother Gou holding a small tree stick, pressing the head of a kitten from a distance, and then flushing water vigorously under the faucet, the kitten trembled a little from being washed, but Lying on the lawn, he didn't dare to move.

It seems that Brother Gou still looks disgusted.

Li Shuyao could see a lot of black ash floating on the water pushed far away by the flowing water, but because it was very late, she couldn't see clearly what was there.

It's not a clean thing after all.

It can make a child like Brother Gou who doesn't like bathing feel dirty, how dirty is this little cat.

Li Shuyao smacked her mouth.

But even if it is very dirty, it can't be washed like this. It's a cold day, and it's good for others to wash it out. A small wind blows at night will be terrible.

And it's almost flushed, and it doesn't look so dirty.

Li Shuyao stepped forward to turn off the faucet, and then ran away while the kitten flicked its fur!
Then Brother Gou was thrown into the water...

"Meow!" Brother Gou was very angry, and the consequences would be serious!

When Li Shuyao turned around and went back to look for a bath towel, Brother Gou took a small wooden stick and slapped the ground next to the kitten!
Well, it's purely that Brother Gou is soft-hearted and doesn't want to be whipped with a stick, it's not that Brother Gou can't hold the stick at all!

It's over, I'm going to take a bath again tonight.

woo woo woo...

 Before I know it, it's Valentine's Day again...

  Well, it has nothing to do with me anyway...

(End of this chapter)

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