Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 306 I'm Making Porcelain Bottles in the Mountains

Chapter 306 I'm Making Porcelain Bottles in the Mountains

The beginning of the song is a landscape painting, with mountain ranges, lush forests, gurgling water, and cheerful birds. What is shown in the picture is a hut embedded in the mountains.

The hut is surrounded by neat crop fields, and the planted crops seem to have just emerged from the soil, but the people in the yard are not farming, but sitting in front of a pile of soil and drawing seriously.

He is designing his own blue and white porcelain, and he will not start with the finished product until he is absolutely sure.

That's right, he is still a not-so-skilled craftsman. Looking at the neatly placed adobes around him, he still has a long way to go in art.

As the music continues to advance, he burns the works he wants again and again, and draws patterns on the bottles again and again, but fails again and again.

He didn't smash the failed products violently, but stored them in a room.

Countless of these failures are recorded in this small room.

The craftsman looked at the porcelain vases and stared at the last empty shelf, then turned around and started a new production.

This time, he has confidence!

Starting from kneading the clay, after going through a series of processes such as making blanks, printing blanks, sharpening blanks, glazing, flower blanks, and outlining, he put the three carefully crafted vases into the furnace...

During this process, the sky changed from bright to dark, and then from dark to bright again. He was still busy there, digging a bowl of water in the tank when he was thirsty, and taking out a piece of pancake from the dustpan when he was hungry, Then lean back on the chair and sleep for a while.

As the song began to develop towards the later stage, the sky gradually began to turn blue, as if waiting for something, and under the blue sky, was the one who was obsessed with making blue and white porcelain.

Finally, the temperature of the furnace gradually cooled down. After a long wait, I opened the furnace and saw a pile of fragments and a blue and white porcelain vase that had finally been successfully fired.

As if a pattern was picked from the sky and printed on the pure white jade, this porcelain bottle with a slender body and a wide body is like a proud swan, showing its charm to the world.

At this time, a thin layer of clouds drifted over from a distance, and light rain began to fall in the sky, as if to celebrate the birth of this perfect work.

The craftsman laughed loudly, carried the porcelain bottle into the room, carefully wiped off the rainwater on the porcelain bottle, and then placed it on the last shelf.

When the camera slides over the failed products, all the audience are a little shocked. From the very strange shape at the beginning, it is already a work of art in the end, and the first one is not even called porcelain. The guy gradually took shape later.

Along the way, this room carries a craftsman's persistent pursuit of finished products, and also carries this thing called growth.

In the end, the picture was fixed on the most perfect blue-and-white porcelain, and the craftsman was standing next to the blue-and-white porcelain, smiling happily...

"Well, that's almost the whole content of this MV. It's actually very simple. It's a process of making blue and white porcelain by a craftsman hiding in the mountains. There are growth, persistence, failure and success. I think for a MV Enough is enough."

After watching this MV, Li Shuyao smiled and said to the audience in the live broadcast room:

"What I want to express in the MV is clear at a glance. I also want to let everyone understand how difficult it is to create a piece of exquisite blue and white porcelain."

"In fact, what I showed in the MV is already very simple. It is definitely not so easy to grow from a blank sheet of paper to a qualified craftsman, let alone a master."

"But I believe that as long as you stick to what you're doing, stick to your dreams, there will always be something to gain."

"As the saying goes, if you never forget, there will be echoes."

"Of course, what I'm talking about are all serious things. You don't have to keep thinking about those illegal things."

After such a long period of tempering, Li Shuyao has almost started to be a little nervous... Anyway, you have to say everything now, you can’t hide half of it, maybe you don’t even think you’ve hidden half of it, but someone is over-interpreting it.

Anyway, there are all kinds of forests when the bird is big, if the desire to survive is not strong, people will always lead the rhythm.

So much so that Li Shuyao instinctively emphasized things like this for a while.

But this kind of half-joking tone is also quite interesting, at least the bullet screen is full of hahaha, and there is something like I am not in harmony with Du Duu.

"This song is more about asking everyone to pay attention to the excellent traditional culture. Our country has a long history. Naturally, there are some things that are not suitable for the current values, but there are also many essences that have been handed down."

"For example, exquisite poetry, such as those cultural heritages, and to be more specific, such as the Hanfu that more and more people are beginning to recognize, such as these exquisite porcelains, even the chopsticks in our hands, and the words we usually write."

"And my values, our moral system, our spirituality."

"Those are things we're proud of."

"And the reason we are still us is because we have inherited these things. When we forget these things one day, maybe we will not be us."

"Of course, this song does not have such a great effect, nor can it let everyone understand traditional culture, but I hope this song can become an introduction, or a seed."

Li Shuyao pinched her fingers with a smile and said:
"A seed that can plant the spirit of our traditional culture in the hearts of many, many people. Maybe you don't know what the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches are, maybe you don't know what the Five Elements and Eight Diagrams are, you don't know what the Hongshan Culture is, and you don't know what the Liangzhu Culture is. , but when you were chatting, someone suddenly said, "Oh, I know that blue and white porcelain, I think it's good."

"It would be even better if you can understand our porcelain culture after listening to this song. After all, our country and even its English name is porcelain. We once sold porcelain and silk all over the world,"

"Our culture has also influenced the whole world. Now many foreign cultural traditions have our shadow."

Li Shuyao looked at the topic of traditional culture discussed in the barrage and nodded with some relief. She was also very satisfied with Lu Yao's choice of this song for the Spring Festival.

It is really good to choose this song on this special festival. The rare leisure can make many people choose to listen to a song seriously and explore some stories behind the song.

Since everyone said that the taste of the new year is not enough, then I will release a new song in the new year, so that everyone can feel the atmosphere of the traditional festival.

Speaking of it, it really takes courage to release a new song on this day. Although it is said to be released on the New Year's Day, it is competing with the Spring Festival Gala for traffic...

Fortunately, Li Shuyao saw a message that Lu Yao sent herself.

Well, this song was once again taken by the official media boss, and he planned to hype up the hot spots of traditional culture when the new song was released.

The official media has always liked this kind of positive hype. As long as it is an excellent traditional culture, it will basically not step on the thunder.

Li Shuyao slammed her mouth, okay, this guy Lu Yao is really capable of tossing around, this New Year's Eve will never forget to "hook up" with the official media for a while, it's okay.

 I'm about to start adjusting my schedule...

(End of this chapter)

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